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a guest
Sep 28th, 2013
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  1. /*
  2. Theme Name: InStyle
  3. Theme URI:
  4. Version: 3.2
  5. Description: 2 Column theme from Elegant Themes
  6. Author: Elegant Themes
  7. Author URI:
  8. */
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  13. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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  36. /* remember to highlight inserts somehow! */
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  44. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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  46. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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  89. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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  91. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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  192. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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  198. /*-------------------[COMMENTS]-------------------*/
  199. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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  258. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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  266. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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  272. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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  288. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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  303. /*------------------------------------------------*/
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