
Plane Story (by Freelance)

Dec 28th, 2014
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  1. >"In ancient times, hundreds of years before the dawn of history."
  2. >"Lived a strange race of ponies, called the plane ponies."
  3. >"No one knows who they were, or...what they were doing..."
  4. >"But their legacy remains, here, in small town called Brigand's Landing"
  5. >"Brigand's Landing! Were the plane ponies dwell! Where banshees are not demons but they are annoying! Brigand's Landing! Where a plane pony is a plane pony and the children dance, to the roars of fans"
  6. >"Harriet you are so fucking wasted. Get down from the table." Riff said, spilling his drink a little.
  7. >"So that is our history Anon! Didja liiiikkee it?" Harriet slurred at you.
  8. "For some reason, and anyone correct me if I am wrong, but that really, really doesn't seem like the history of plane ponies." You say jovially.
  9. >"Nah don't listen to a think she says. There is a saying here. Don't trust anything that flies straight but takes off vertically" Riff said laughing.
  10. >"Ahh buzz off flyboy. Look Anon," Harriet said smiling," Who you ganna trust? Beautiful me or the guy who can't even fix his hydraulic fluid lines!"
  11. >At that moment, Harriet pointed over to an astonished Riff. On Riff's left wing, on his inner flap, a red effluvial fluid dripped slowly onto the floor.
  12. >"Not again... This never happens in flight."
  14. >Riff looked sad as he scanned his surroundings. His cheeks started to become rosy as the embarrassment took hold. Just like that, he leap forth towards the door of the dimly lit bar.
  15. >Harriet, on the other hand, could not stop laughing. Her chair creaked as it tottered from side to side. The force of gravity was too great, however, and she plummeted to the ground, holding her stomach from laughter.
  16. "Harriet! Should we go help him? A hydro leak is nothing to laugh at!" You say.
  17. >"Oh come on Anon!" Harriet said as she arose from the ground," I thought you were good with planes. That joker spilled his drink on himself. His RED drink! Bahahahah! That is what he gets!"
  18. >You take survey of the bar to only see the gazes of the patrons on you and Harriet.
  19. "Well that seems like this is a good place to call it a night."
  20. >"Haha yeah yeah okay there chief. We got flights tomorrow and this high octane stuff is just going right through me."
  21. "If only you were as fast as your wit." You say jokingly.
  22. >"" Anger fumed in Harriet's eyes.
  23. >Though Harriet and you were pretty top buds from the first time you came to Brigand's Landing, she always was sensitive about her air speed. And, of course, you forgot about this almost daily resulting in some serious brusing.
  24. "I said...seeyoutomorrowitsbeenfunbye!"
  26. >You throw some bits on the table and book it out of the bar. In the background you can still hear Harriet yelling your name.
  27. >It took only a couple minutes to reach your house which stuck out in the town's skyline like a sore thumb. All the other houses were large, hanger like buildings to accommodate the plane ponies, but yours was simple, spartan even. But it didn't matter who small it was, you lived for the runway and the hanger. Your house was just a place to sleep, your home was out there.
  28. >Settling into bed, but not before hearing Harriet do a flyby to try and annoy you, you thought about this weird town you lived in.
  29. >It was about a year ago when you first arrived in Equestria. Strangely enough, the news that a new creature arrived in Equestria really didn't shock anyone for the oddities, especially in the Everfree Forest, were so common. What did shock you was when you met with their Princess. Celestia, she called herself, was probably the nicest perso-err-pony you met. After hearing your story, she tried to get you to adjust to Equestria the best she could.
  30. >She first sent you to a small, podunk town called Ponyville. However, with your colorful language and brash nature, it did not work out well. It only took a week before ponies were giving you the cold shoulder. After that failed attempt, Princess Celestia asked what you did back on your planet, of which she realized that is what she should have done in the first place. Her eyes widened and a smile swept across her face when you said two words.
  31. Aircraft Maintenance.
  33. -------------------------------------------------
  35. 'Almost closing time. Finally.'
  36. >You thought to yourself. It had been a long day. Jade Streak, an F-4 phantom pony, needed an engine change which took a couple hours. Would have been faster if she spent more time quiet than trying tell you how much better than the other jets she was. She meant well, but her ego was the size of an aircraft carrier.
  37. >"A-Anon?" A squeak voice called from the front of the spacious hanger.
  38. >You look towards the voice to see Loop d Loop, or Loops for short. She was slowly making her way across the hanger to you. She was not the fastest plane, but she made up for that with agility. See, Loops was a Cessna Stunt plane. She seemingly could break the laws of gravity as easy as breaking curfew from overprotective parents.
  39. "Loops! Gets you butt over here!" You say with joy.
  40. >As soon as she was close enough, she made a little leap into your open arms squeezing you tight. She snuggled her head into your neck making sure to not hit you with her small propeller.
  41. "And how is my girl doing today?"
  42. >"Y-your...girl?" She said with glee. Blood rushing to her cheeks.
  43. >You pull her away a little from your body so that your face met with hers. She was still blushing so hard it almost was as if the red evening sky was reflecting of her shiny cheeks.
  44. "Damn skippy!" You tossed her in the air quickly. Like a cat she comically fluttered her hooves about until you caught her again.
  46. >Her eyes locked with yours, and with the quickness of an F-22, she gave you a quick peck on your nose.
  47. >You smiled at her. She was really something else. She didn't have the ego of the jets, but didn't have self confidence issues the other prop planes had. She was just Loops and you wouldn't have it any other way. You started to let her down.
  48. >"Wait! Anon...Can...can you do that thing?"
  49. "Right now? Aren't you tired from the day?"
  50. >"Well yeah, duh. But it's sooo much fun."
  51. "Okay okay. Get ready."
  52. >You tensed your body, shuffled your feet to get the best grip.
  53. "!" You said, each word louder than the next.
  54. >In that moment, you threw Loops as hard as you could towards the ceiling of the hanger.
  55. >At the apex of the throw, you could hear her little prop spin wildly and see her eyes narrow. Like a butterfly, she gracefully soared through the air, doing flips and aileron rolls. Before landing, she went inverted and blew a raspberry at you.
  56. >"Haha! That was awesome Anon! You are the greatest."
  57. "Aww shucks, Loops. You're making this old mechanic feel like a kid again."
  58. >"That's the point, silly!" She chuckled out loud, prodding your knee with her hoof.
  59. >She was smaller than the other plane ponies, but that was understandable. You joked with her that she was snack sized, but her being smaller made it much better for the both of you.
  60. "You know it is almost closing time. Did you need anything before I closed up shop? Oil? Hydraulic fluid?"
  61. >"You know I am a simple girl. I just need two things."
  62. "Oh? And what is that?"
  63. >"Well I need a wax."
  64. "I'd say so."
  66. >"Shush you. And second..."
  67. "Out with it."
  68. >She started to walk around you, circling you like an Indian circles a caravan for the taking. Her eyes became those of seduction.
  69. "And I need you."
  70. >Almost as quick as her, you pick Loops up and bring her in for a kiss. She squeaked with glee at your actions. However, you were a bit too hasty and you, once again, forgot about her propeller. Your face, eagerly wanting her lips, smacked into her prop.
  71. "I always forget about that."
  72. >"You would think you would have known by now. What is that, the second time this week? Here, let me help you." In between fits of laughter.
  73. >Her hoof moves to her face, and moves her prop slightly to the left. With all obstructions gone, you finally plant that kiss. To Loops chagrin, it was only a quick kiss.
  74. >"That's all I get?" She said faux pouting.
  75. "Well that...and this!"
  76. >Once again, but this time with no warning, you toss Loops up in the air causing her to spin and rotate to the ground.
  77. >"No fair!" She said snickering.
  78. "Let me close down shop. I'll meet you at home for your wax and, what was the second thing you wanted?" You said with a grin.
  79. >"You're terrible. I'll see you back home. Don't keep me waiting." Her voice almost had a musical tone to it.
  80. >She turned around and started out, but not before you gave her flank a nice smack. She did not say anything, but instead just turned her head to you and gave you a wink, but not with her eyes.
  81. >You left the shop quickly after her. Cleaning up was tomorrow you's problem. You had more important things to do. You had to tame the skies at home.
  83. Source:
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