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Jun 30th, 2016
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  1. $ sudo xfsrestore -b 4096 -v5 -i -f /dev/nst0 .
  2. xfsrestore: RLIMIT_AS org cur 0xffffffffffffffff max 0xffffffffffffffff
  3. xfsrestore: RLIMIT_STACK org cur 0x800000 max 0xffffffffffffffff
  4. xfsrestore: raising stack size soft limit from 0x800000 to 0x2000000
  5. xfsrestore: RLIMIT_STACK new cur 0x2000000 max 0xffffffffffffffff
  6. xfsrestore: RLIMIT_DATA org cur 0xffffffffffffffff max 0xffffffffffffffff
  7. xfsrestore: RLIMIT_FSIZE org cur 0xffffffffffffffff max 0xffffffffffffffff
  8. xfsrestore: RLIMIT_FSIZE now cur 0xffffffffffffffff max 0xffffffffffffffff
  9. xfsrestore: RLIMIT_CPU cur 0xffffffffffffffff max 0xffffffffffffffff
  10. xfsrestore: RLIMIT_CPU now cur 0xffffffffffffffff max 0xffffffffffffffff
  11. xfsrestore: INTGENMAX == 2147483647 (0x7fffffff)
  12. xfsrestore: UINTGENMAX == 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
  13. xfsrestore: OFF64MAX == 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff)
  14. xfsrestore: OFFMAX == -1 (0x7fffffff)
  15. xfsrestore: SIZEMAX == 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
  16. xfsrestore: INOMAX == 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
  17. xfsrestore: TIMEMAX == 2147483647 (0x7fffffff)
  18. xfsrestore: SIZE64MAX == 18446744073709551615 (0xffffffffffffffff)
  19. xfsrestore: INO64MAX == 18446744073709551615 (0xffffffffffffffff)
  20. xfsrestore: UINT64MAX == 18446744073709551615 (0xffffffffffffffff)
  21. xfsrestore: INT64MAX == 9223372036854775807 (0x7fffffffffffffff)
  22. xfsrestore: UINT32MAX == 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
  23. xfsrestore: INT32MAX == 2147483647 (0x7fffffff)
  24. xfsrestore: INT16MAX == 32767 (0x7fff)
  25. xfsrestore: UINT16MAX == 65535 (0xffff)
  26. xfsrestore: getpagesize( ) returns 4096
  27. xfsrestore: parent tid is 3076028224
  28. xfsrestore: using scsi tape (drive_scsitape) strategy
  29. xfsrestore: tty fd: 0; terminal interrupt character:  (03)
  30. xfsrestore: version 3.1.1 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
  31. xfsrestore: sizeof( pers_desc_t ) == 328, pgsz == 4096, perssz == 20480
  32. xfsrestore: restore destination path converted from . to /home/isp300admin/Desktop/try2
  34. ::::::::::: persistent inventory media file tree at initialization :::::::::::
  36. session inventory unknown
  38. ...................... end persistent inventory display ......................
  40. xfsrestore: drive op: init
  41. xfsrestore: drive op: sync
  42. xfsrestore: child thread created for stream 0: tid 3071818560
  43. xfsrestore: thread 3071818560 created for stream 0
  44. xfsrestore: Media_create
  45. xfsrestore: checking and validating command line dump id/label
  46. xfsrestore: searching media for dump
  47. xfsrestore: Media_mfile_next: purp==0 pos==0
  48. xfsrestore: drive op: begin read
  49. xfsrestore: preparing drive
  50. xfsrestore: tape op: opening drive
  51. xfsrestore: tape op: get status
  52. xfsrestore: tape status = bot wprot onl
  53. xfsrestore: tape op: get block size info
  54. xfsrestore: max=1048576 cur=0
  55. xfsrestore: variable block size tape drive at /dev/nst0
  56. xfsrestore: tape op: get block size info
  57. xfsrestore: max=1048576 cur=0
  58. xfsrestore: recommended tape media file size set to 0x7fffffffffffffff bytes
  59. xfsrestore: recommended tape media mark separation set to 0x1000000 bytes
  60. xfsrestore: determining tape record size: trying 4096 (0x1000) bytes
  61. xfsrestore: tape op: get status
  62. xfsrestore: tape status = bot wprot onl
  63. xfsrestore: tape positioned at BOT: doing redundant rewind
  64. xfsrestore: tape op: rewind 0
  65. xfsrestore: tape op: get status
  66. xfsrestore: tape status = bot wprot onl
  67. xfsrestore: tape op: reading 4096 bytes
  68. xfsrestore: tape op read of 4096 bytes successful
  69. xfsrestore: tape op: get status
  70. xfsrestore: tape status = wprot onl
  71. xfsrestore: nread > 0 and not EOD, not EOT, and not at a file mark on variable blocksize drive indicates correct blocksize found
  72. xfsrestore: validating media file header
  73. xfsrestore: validate_media_file_hdr
  74. gh_magic xFSdump0
  75. gh_version 33554432
  76. gh_checksum 673290343
  77. gh_timestamp 3284113477
  78. gh_ipaddr 7206507896333402112
  79. gh_hostname duvall
  80. gh_dumplabel Full backup
  81. xfsrestore: xlate_global_hdr: pre-xlate
  82. gh_magic xFSdump0
  83. gh_version 33554432
  84. gh_checksum 673290343
  85. gh_timestamp 3284113477
  86. gh_ipaddr 7206507896333402112
  87. gh_hostname duvall
  88. gh_dumplabel Full backup
  89. xfsrestore: xlate_global_hdr: post-xlate
  90. gh_magic xFSdump0
  91. gh_version 2
  92. gh_checksum 1738023208
  93. gh_timestamp 1167638467
  94. gh_ipaddr 3232236132
  95. gh_hostname duvall
  96. gh_dumplabel Full backup
  97. xfsrestore: xlate_drive_hdr: pre-xlate
  98. dh_drivecnt 16777216
  99. dh_driveix 0
  100. dh_strategyid 0
  101. dh_pad1
  102. dh_specific W��F�
  103. dh_upper 20070101
  104. xfsrestore: xlate_drive_hdr: post-xlate
  105. dh_drivecnt 1
  106. dh_driveix 0
  107. dh_strategyid 0
  108. dh_pad1
  109. dh_specific W��F�
  110. dh_upper 20070101
  111. xfsrestore: xlate_media_hdr
  112. xfsrestore: xlate_content_hdr
  113. xfsrestore: xlate_content_inode_hdr
  114. xfsrestore: xlate_startpt
  115. xfsrestore: xlate_startpt
  116. xfsrestore: xlate_rec_hdr
  117. xfsrestore: xlate_rec_hdr: pre-xlate
  118. magic 14882784896754603795
  119. version 16777216
  120. blksize 0
  121. recsize 12583680
  122. capability 2010185728
  123. file_offset 0
  124. first_mark_offset 0
  125. rec_used 0
  126. checksum 0
  127. ischecksum 0
  128. xfsrestore: xlate_rec_hdr: post-xlate
  129. magic 1393753991812647630
  130. version 1
  131. blksize 0
  132. recsize 245760
  133. capability 53623
  134. file_offset 0
  135. first_mark_offset 0
  136. rec_used 0
  137. checksum 0
  138. ischecksum 0
  139. xfsrestore: media file header valid: media file ix 0
  140. xfsrestore: tape record size set to header's record size = 245760
  141. xfsrestore: read first record of first media file encountered on media: recsz == 245760
  142. xfsrestore: examining media file 0
  143. xfsrestore: file 0 in object 0 of stream 0
  144. xfsrestore: file 0 in stream, file 0 of dump 0 on object
  145. xfsrestore: dump found: checking
  147. =========================== dump selection dialog ============================
  149. the following dump has been found on drive 0
  151. hostname: duvall
  152. mount point: /
  153. volume: /dev/rroot
  154. session time: Mon Jan 1 00:01:07 2007
  155. level: 0
  156. session label: "Full backup"
  157. media label: "20070101"
  158. file system id: b9bd128a-ffbb-1026-86ef-08006911d7aa
  159. session id: 52ba7c3f-25de-102b-84e3-08006911d7aa
  160. media id: 52ba7c40-25de-102b-84e3-08006911d7aa
  162. interactively restore from this dump?
  163. 1: skip
  164. 2: interactively restore
  165. (default)
  166. -> ^Ckeyboard interrupt
  167. xfsrestore: dlog.c: 491: mlog_exit_hint called: hint: KEYBOARD_INTERRUPT (keyboard interrupt)
  168. keyboard interrupt
  170. --------------------------------- end dialog ---------------------------------
  172. xfsrestore: retrying dump selection dialog
  174. =========================== dump selection dialog ============================
  176. the following dump has been found on drive 0
  178. hostname: duvall
  179. mount point: /
  180. volume: /dev/rroot
  181. session time: Mon Jan 1 00:01:07 2007
  182. level: 0
  183. session label: "Full backup"
  184. media label: "20070101"
  185. file system id: b9bd128a-ffbb-1026-86ef-08006911d7aa
  186. session id: 52ba7c3f-25de-102b-84e3-08006911d7aa
  187. media id: 52ba7c40-25de-102b-84e3-08006911d7aa
  189. interactively restore from this dump?
  190. 1: skip
  191. 2: interactively restore
  192. (default)
  193. ->2
  194. ++++================++++
  195. missing some stuff------
  196. media file 2 (2):
  197. used for directory restoral
  198. first extent contained: ino 13222186 off 33554432
  199. next extent to restore: ino 13222186 off 33554432
  200. rollback mark 0
  202. media file 3 (3):
  203. used for directory restoral
  204. first extent contained: ino 21090479 off 0
  205. next extent to restore: ino 21090479 off 0
  206. rollback mark 0
  208. media file 4 (4):
  209. used for directory restoral
  210. first extent contained: ino 25699165 off 33554432
  211. next extent to restore: ino 25699165 off 33554432
  212. rollback mark 0
  214. media file 5 (5):
  215. used for directory restoral
  216. first extent contained: ino 29506354 off 0
  217. next extent to restore: ino 29506354 off 0
  218. rollback mark 0
  220. media file 6 (6):
  221. used for directory restoral
  222. first extent contained: ino 37950716 off 33554432
  223. next extent to restore: ino 37950716 off 33554432
  224. rollback mark 0
  226. media file 7 (7):
  227. used for directory restoral
  228. first extent contained: ino 46329957 off 0
  229. next extent to restore: ino 46329957 off 0
  230. rollback mark 0
  232. media file 8 (8):
  233. used for directory restoral
  234. first extent contained: ino 54527254 off 0
  235. next extent to restore: ino 54527254 off 0
  236. rollback mark 0
  237. now reading
  239. media file 9 (9):
  240. first extent contained: ino 54626765 off 0
  241. next extent to restore: ino 54626765 off 0
  242. rollback mark 0
  244. may be additional unidentified media files
  246. may be additional unidentified media objects
  249. ...................... end persistent inventory display ......................
  251. xfsrestore: reading directories
  252. xfsrestore: reading the ino map
  253. xfsrestore: drive op: read: wanted 32768 (0x8000)
  254. xfsrestore: tape op: reading 245760 bytes
  255. xfsrestore: tape op read of 245760 bytes short: nread == 4096
  256. xfsrestore: tape op: get status
  257. xfsrestore: tape status = wprot onl
  258. xfsrestore: short read record 1 (nread == 4096)
  259. xfsrestore: drive op read returning error rval=1
  260. xfsrestore: pre - xlate_hnk
  261. xfsrestore: post - xlate_hnk
  262. xfsrestore: pre - xlate_hnk
  263. xfsrestore: post - xlate_hnk
  264. xfsrestore: inomap_restore_pers: pre-munmap
  265. xfsrestore: inomap_restore_pers: post-munmap
  266. xfsrestore: number of mmap calls for windows = 1
  267. xfsrestore: Media_indir
  268. xfsrestore: Media_mfile_next: purp==1 pos==2
  269. xfsrestore: dump session label: "Full backup"
  270. xfsrestore: dump session id: 52ba7c3f-25de-102b-84e3-08006911d7aa
  271. xfsrestore: stream 0, object 0, file 9
  273. :::::::::: persistent inventory media file tree after pi_insertfile ::::::::::
  275. session inventory display
  277. media stream 0:
  279. media object 0:
  281. label: "20070101"
  282. id: 52ba7c40-25de-102b-84e3-08006911d7aa
  283. index within object of first media file: 0
  284. index within stream of first media file: 0
  285. now in drive
  287. media file 0 (0):
  288. used for directory restoral
  289. first extent contained: ino 131 off 0
  290. next extent to restore: ino 131 off 0
  291. rollback mark 0
  293. media file 1 (1):
  294. used for directory restoral
  295. first extent contained: ino 4519878 off 0
  296. next extent to restore: ino 4519878 off 0
  297. rollback mark 0
  299. media file 2 (2):
  300. used for directory restoral
  301. first extent contained: ino 13222186 off 33554432
  302. next extent to restore: ino 13222186 off 33554432
  303. rollback mark 0
  305. media file 3 (3):
  306. used for directory restoral
  307. first extent contained: ino 21090479 off 0
  308. next extent to restore: ino 21090479 off 0
  309. rollback mark 0
  311. media file 4 (4):
  312. used for directory restoral
  313. first extent contained: ino 25699165 off 33554432
  314. next extent to restore: ino 25699165 off 33554432
  315. rollback mark 0
  317. media file 5 (5):
  318. used for directory restoral
  319. first extent contained: ino 29506354 off 0
  320. next extent to restore: ino 29506354 off 0
  321. rollback mark 0
  323. media file 6 (6):
  324. used for directory restoral
  325. first extent contained: ino 37950716 off 33554432
  326. next extent to restore: ino 37950716 off 33554432
  327. rollback mark 0
  329. media file 7 (7):
  330. used for directory restoral
  331. first extent contained: ino 46329957 off 0
  332. next extent to restore: ino 46329957 off 0
  333. rollback mark 0
  335. media file 8 (8):
  336. used for directory restoral
  337. first extent contained: ino 54527254 off 0
  338. next extent to restore: ino 54527254 off 0
  339. rollback mark 0
  341. media file 9 (9):
  342. used for directory restoral
  343. first extent contained: ino 54626765 off 0
  344. next extent to restore: ino 54626765 off 0
  345. rollback mark 0
  346. now reading
  348. may be additional unidentified media files
  350. may be additional unidentified media objects
  353. ...................... end persistent inventory display ......................
  355. xfsrestore: drive op: end read
  356. xfsrestore: drive op: begin read
  357. xfsrestore: tape op: get status
  358. xfsrestore: tape status = wprot onl
  359. xfsrestore: tape op: forward space file 1
  360. xfsrestore: tape op: get status
  361. xfsrestore: tape status = fmk wprot onl
  362. xfsrestore: tape op: reading 245760 bytes
  363. xfsrestore: tape op read of 245760 bytes short: nread == 4096
  364. xfsrestore: tape op: get status
  365. xfsrestore: tape status = wprot onl
  366. xfsrestore: validating media file header
  367. xfsrestore: validate_media_file_hdr
  368. gh_magic xFSdump0
  369. gh_version 33554432
  370. gh_checksum 1773556324
  371. gh_timestamp 3284113477
  372. gh_ipaddr 7206507896333402112
  373. gh_hostname duvall
  374. gh_dumplabel Full backup
  375. xfsrestore: xlate_global_hdr: pre-xlate
  376. gh_magic xFSdump0
  377. gh_version 33554432
  378. gh_checksum 1773556324
  379. gh_timestamp 3284113477
  380. gh_ipaddr 7206507896333402112
  381. gh_hostname duvall
  382. gh_dumplabel Full backup
  383. xfsrestore: xlate_global_hdr: post-xlate
  384. gh_magic xFSdump0
  385. gh_version 2
  386. gh_checksum 1683142249
  387. gh_timestamp 1167638467
  388. gh_ipaddr 3232236132
  389. gh_hostname duvall
  390. gh_dumplabel Full backup
  391. xfsrestore: xlate_drive_hdr: pre-xlate
  392. dh_drivecnt 16777216
  393. dh_driveix 0
  394. dh_strategyid 0
  395. dh_pad1
  396. dh_specific W��F�
  397. dh_upper 20070101
  398. xfsrestore: xlate_drive_hdr: post-xlate
  399. dh_drivecnt 1
  400. dh_driveix 0
  401. dh_strategyid 0
  402. dh_pad1
  403. dh_specific W��F�
  404. dh_upper 20070101
  405. xfsrestore: xlate_media_hdr
  406. xfsrestore: xlate_content_hdr
  407. xfsrestore: xlate_content_inode_hdr
  408. xfsrestore: xlate_startpt
  409. xfsrestore: xlate_startpt
  410. xfsrestore: xlate_rec_hdr
  411. xfsrestore: xlate_rec_hdr: pre-xlate
  412. magic 14882784896754603795
  413. version 16777216
  414. blksize 0
  415. recsize 12583680
  416. capability 2010185728
  417. file_offset 0
  418. first_mark_offset 0
  419. rec_used 0
  420. checksum 0
  421. ischecksum 0
  422. xfsrestore: xlate_rec_hdr: post-xlate
  423. magic 1393753991812647630
  424. version 1
  425. blksize 0
  426. recsize 245760
  427. capability 53623
  428. file_offset 0
  429. first_mark_offset 0
  430. rec_used 0
  431. checksum 0
  432. ischecksum 0
  433. xfsrestore: media file header valid: media file ix 10
  434. xfsrestore: examining media file 10
  435. xfsrestore: file 10 in object 0 of stream 0
  436. xfsrestore: file 10 in stream, file 10 of dump 0 on object
  438. :::::::::: persistent inventory media file tree after pi_insertfile ::::::::::
  440. session inventory display
  442. media stream 0:
  444. media object 0:
  446. label: "20070101"
  447. id: 52ba7c40-25de-102b-84e3-08006911d7aa
  448. index within object of first media file: 0
  449. index within stream of first media file: 0
  450. now in drive
  452. media file 0 (0):
  453. used for directory restoral
  454. first extent contained: ino 131 off 0
  455. next extent to restore: ino 131 off 0
  456. rollback mark 0
  458. media file 1 (1):
  459. used for directory restoral
  460. first extent contained: ino 4519878 off 0
  461. next extent to restore: ino 4519878 off 0
  462. rollback mark 0
  464. media file 2 (2):
  465. used for directory restoral
  466. first extent contained: ino 13222186 off 33554432
  467. next extent to restore: ino 13222186 off 33554432
  468. rollback mark 0
  470. media file 3 (3):
  471. used for directory restoral
  472. first extent contained: ino 21090479 off 0
  473. next extent to restore: ino 21090479 off 0
  474. rollback mark 0
  476. media file 4 (4):
  477. used for directory restoral
  478. first extent contained: ino 25699165 off 33554432
  479. next extent to restore: ino 25699165 off 33554432
  480. rollback mark 0
  482. media file 5 (5):
  483. used for directory restoral
  484. first extent contained: ino 29506354 off 0
  485. next extent to restore: ino 29506354 off 0
  486. rollback mark 0
  488. media file 6 (6):
  489. used for directory restoral
  490. first extent contained: ino 37950716 off 33554432
  491. next extent to restore: ino 37950716 off 33554432
  492. rollback mark 0
  494. media file 7 (7):
  495. used for directory restoral
  496. first extent contained: ino 46329957 off 0
  497. next extent to restore: ino 46329957 off 0
  498. rollback mark 0
  500. media file 8 (8):
  501. used for directory restoral
  502. first extent contained: ino 54527254 off 0
  503. next extent to restore: ino 54527254 off 0
  504. rollback mark 0
  506. media file 9 (9):
  507. used for directory restoral
  508. first extent contained: ino 54626765 off 0
  509. next extent to restore: ino 54626765 off 0
  510. rollback mark 0
  511. now reading
  513. media file 10 (10):
  514. contains session inventory
  516. may be additional unidentified media files
  518. may be additional unidentified media objects
  521. ...................... end persistent inventory display ......................
  524. :::::::::: persistent inventory media file tree after pi_seestrmend ::::::::::
  526. session inventory display
  528. media stream 0:
  530. media object 0:
  532. label: "20070101"
  533. id: 52ba7c40-25de-102b-84e3-08006911d7aa
  534. index within object of first media file: 0
  535. index within stream of first media file: 0
  536. now in drive
  538. media file 0 (0):
  539. used for directory restoral
  540. first extent contained: ino 131 off 0
  541. next extent to restore: ino 131 off 0
  542. rollback mark 0
  544. media file 1 (1):
  545. used for directory restoral
  546. first extent contained: ino 4519878 off 0
  547. next extent to restore: ino 4519878 off 0
  548. rollback mark 0
  550. media file 2 (2):
  551. used for directory restoral
  552. first extent contained: ino 13222186 off 33554432
  553. next extent to restore: ino 13222186 off 33554432
  554. rollback mark 0
  556. media file 3 (3):
  557. used for directory restoral
  558. first extent contained: ino 21090479 off 0
  559. next extent to restore: ino 21090479 off 0
  560. rollback mark 0
  562. media file 4 (4):
  563. used for directory restoral
  564. first extent contained: ino 25699165 off 33554432
  565. next extent to restore: ino 25699165 off 33554432
  566. rollback mark 0
  568. media file 5 (5):
  569. used for directory restoral
  570. first extent contained: ino 29506354 off 0
  571. next extent to restore: ino 29506354 off 0
  572. rollback mark 0
  574. media file 6 (6):
  575. used for directory restoral
  576. first extent contained: ino 37950716 off 33554432
  577. next extent to restore: ino 37950716 off 33554432
  578. rollback mark 0
  580. media file 7 (7):
  581. used for directory restoral
  582. first extent contained: ino 46329957 off 0
  583. next extent to restore: ino 46329957 off 0
  584. rollback mark 0
  586. media file 8 (8):
  587. used for directory restoral
  588. first extent contained: ino 54527254 off 0
  589. next extent to restore: ino 54527254 off 0
  590. rollback mark 0
  592. media file 9 (9):
  593. used for directory restoral
  594. first extent contained: ino 54626765 off 0
  595. next extent to restore: ino 54626765 off 0
  596. rollback mark 0
  597. now reading
  599. media file 10 (10):
  600. contains session inventory
  602. may be additional unidentified media files
  604. ...................... end persistent inventory display ......................
  607. :::::::: persistent inventory media file tree after pi_seeobjstrmend :::::::::
  609. session inventory display
  611. media stream 0:
  613. media object 0:
  615. label: "20070101"
  616. id: 52ba7c40-25de-102b-84e3-08006911d7aa
  617. index within object of first media file: 0
  618. index within stream of first media file: 0
  619. now in drive
  621. media file 0 (0):
  622. used for directory restoral
  623. first extent contained: ino 131 off 0
  624. next extent to restore: ino 131 off 0
  625. rollback mark 0
  627. media file 1 (1):
  628. used for directory restoral
  629. first extent contained: ino 4519878 off 0
  630. next extent to restore: ino 4519878 off 0
  631. rollback mark 0
  633. media file 2 (2):
  634. used for directory restoral
  635. first extent contained: ino 13222186 off 33554432
  636. next extent to restore: ino 13222186 off 33554432
  637. rollback mark 0
  639. media file 3 (3):
  640. used for directory restoral
  641. first extent contained: ino 21090479 off 0
  642. next extent to restore: ino 21090479 off 0
  643. rollback mark 0
  645. media file 4 (4):
  646. used for directory restoral
  647. first extent contained: ino 25699165 off 33554432
  648. next extent to restore: ino 25699165 off 33554432
  649. rollback mark 0
  651. media file 5 (5):
  652. used for directory restoral
  653. first extent contained: ino 29506354 off 0
  654. next extent to restore: ino 29506354 off 0
  655. rollback mark 0
  657. media file 6 (6):
  658. used for directory restoral
  659. first extent contained: ino 37950716 off 33554432
  660. next extent to restore: ino 37950716 off 33554432
  661. rollback mark 0
  663. media file 7 (7):
  664. used for directory restoral
  665. first extent contained: ino 46329957 off 0
  666. next extent to restore: ino 46329957 off 0
  667. rollback mark 0
  669. media file 8 (8):
  670. used for directory restoral
  671. first extent contained: ino 54527254 off 0
  672. next extent to restore: ino 54527254 off 0
  673. rollback mark 0
  675. media file 9 (9):
  676. used for directory restoral
  677. first extent contained: ino 54626765 off 0
  678. next extent to restore: ino 54626765 off 0
  679. rollback mark 0
  680. now reading
  682. media file 10 (10):
  683. contains session inventory
  685. ...................... end persistent inventory display ......................
  687. xfsrestore: drive op: read: wanted 131072 (0x20000)
  688. xfsrestore: tape op: reading 245760 bytes
  689. xfsrestore: tape op read of 245760 bytes short: nread == 4096
  690. xfsrestore: tape op: get status
  691. xfsrestore: tape status = wprot onl
  692. xfsrestore: short read record 1 (nread == 4096)
  693. xfsrestore: drive op read returning error rval=1
  694. xfsrestore: drive op: end read
  695. xfsrestore: drive op: get device class
  696. xfsrestore: drive op: eject media
  697. xfsrestore: tape op: closing drive
  699. ============================ change media dialog =============================
  701. please change media in drive
  702. 1: media change declined (timeout in 3600 sec)
  703. 2: display media inventory status
  704. 3: list needed media objects
  705. 4: media changed (default)
  706. ->
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