
Letters to Nowhere - WIP (possible continutity)

Sep 13th, 2013
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  1. Dear Mom, Dad, & Brother
  3. I hope everything is well in your part of the universe, to open up. I am perfectly well, in good spirits, good health, and in good company. I don’t know how exactly to word this or explain, so I’ll try and be eloquent and coherent in the shortest amount of text possible for you all. This time has been difficult for you all I know, it pains me every morning to wake up without my blood born family and contemplate what you all have gone through. But it hurts me personally to know that I have let all this time pass without giving any notice, letters, a call, or any form or correspondence as to what or had happened. When I first came here we were given some kit, sort of like a starter pack I paid no attention to it but recently I found that it came with a notepad and guilt as well as memories have if you would. Push me to ‘inform’ you all of what my new existence is if you would. I hope that you can understand what I am going to try and explain to you, it is no fallacies or bullshit. This is serious, and real, so bear with me as I try to talk about my new life.
  5. Mom I am alive, in good health, spirits and company, let me reiterate that.
  7. So how to begin, it’s been about five, six weeks since this entire journey has started. To clarify anything you all might be thinking or speculating, no I didn’t run away, or get kidnapped, brutally murdered, ran off with someone, or simply left. This was never my intention or goal, this shit actually happened out of nowhere, and this isn’t a ploy or anything. Now before you go jumping to conclusions or rationalizations of me being insane hear my side out first. This entire thing has been nothing less than a literal life changing experience, a new grant or lease on life, a second or third dimensions, whatever but this has been nothing less than life changing. An understatement to what is the truth what I will explain may sound crazy but just bear with me.
  9. The night I disappeared was like any other night, staying up late. Playing video games, smoking weed, doing work last minute, when I eventually turned into bed those dreams. Well fuck that night I had dreams like I’ve never had before, everything was drastically different. Everything. When I eventually drifted off into sleep it was a very anxious and troubled one, I recall before going to sleep plenty of tossing and turning. Anyways, onto the most intense of dreams I have ever experienced. It conflicts me still, but I can’t call it anything less than beautiful, compelling, lucid, astounding, almost every adjective you could think of would describe what happened. Two figures stood before me but out of sight, they both were silhouettes in the darkness. One a dark shade of purple or something like that, with glimmering sparkles, sparks what have you. The opposing one, a saintly white color with a multi colored something emanating off of it. Aura, but the contrast, the opposing ends if would, it made sense how things got weird fast, before I could even question if in hallucinating or not, it started.
  11. I could feel something just rip into my back, the pain, it was like nothing else I have experienced let alone imagine. Bone against bone, cracking, crushing noises, holy fuck im breaking a sweat just thinking about it right now. Sand paper times a thousand, I digress the cracking, crushing noises, my bones literally reshaping in my own body. The two figures just seemed to watch me wither in pain and contort in agony with glee and almost like a child like fascination while I watched horrified helpless to my own body’s reactions. Eventually I gave up resisting and tried to tolerate the pain, couldn’t do anything, move or even keep myself up right. When I eventually went down to the ground I felt my bodies structure slowly reform or re-set. The feeling of bones pulling apart, moving and resetting lasted for what seemed like an eternity, those two figures at this point are hovering over me watching. Then everything started to go dim, cold, and numb before passing out I remember hearing something about everything being “fine” and “anew” along with some other bullshit I couldn’t make our or even quantate.
  13. When I awoke, I didn't know what to make of the That’s the other thing, I remember the dream flawlessly. It felt like a giant hangover at first and I shrugged it off, you know how I’m not a morning person and I just thought it would work thru in a few minutes.
  14. Those aches, pains, the complete lack of coordination was just what I perceived to be a general grogginess if you would. Once I was coherent enough to perceive, the shocking truth presented itself before me. I was a fucking pony, a marshmallow, colored, fucking. Pony. I know this sounds, insane but bear with me that show My Little Pony, you maybe saw once on the TV. Or if I shit with my computer you could have saw a thread or some porn of it. Shit bear with me guys still, keep with me. You’ll just have to trust me on this. We started in Canterlot being from another world/dimension i don’t even know how to alliterate this to you. But communicating with those guards and other people, ponies it interesting to say the very least.
  16. Ill go into that another time, the sentient thing, were people obviously. But these coherent animals, people like ponies. Its mind boggling, no drug anything could even prepare you from the kind of bullshit we face here. Does a tree feel, it sounds crazy, but now nothing less than a possibility.
  18. But back to those guards, after nearly hours of clever sounding out, charades, acting, fucking pictures in sand, and everything far and in-between we managed, well figured enough of what he was trying to say. He lead me and a few others, I cant recall you know guys know how I keep to myself. But the sheer shock would be enough to call why everyone was sort of, shock and awe like. After some time we all had worked out some paper work, basic sort of tests I don’t even know, a census someone said something that sounded along the lines of that. After those formalities, paper work, and stuff just like back home were were kicked loose and floated around the town for a hour or so longer. Eventually I got rounded up by a guard or so, honest to god I tried to lurk around a lot longer, blending in as good as I can you guys know me. Got picked out in like 20 seconds flat honestly, yelled at me I just shot a look at him thinking I could play it off. Got the ass end of a spear in no time flat, but good man overall. He has a stern and fair look about him but I digress.
  20. We all got herded onto a train, I cant emphasize how lovely, Victorian like, perfect, the moldings, metal work, windows, hell even the seats were flawlessly perfect.
  22. I've met some genuine good people,
  24. Bob passed it was tragic but just like back home, shit happens, for a reason, no one lives forever. He was a better man than everyone here, a true saint he is gone. It pains me to know this is the truth but it is people such as this that help us hold onto our bastion of humanity.
  26. Still to write more…
  28. Train shenanigans
  29. Bob
  30. Penny
  31. Summary of town’s mates
  32. Position/who I am now, future plans
  33. Subtle ending paying homage to the last instances with the family.
  34. Dark undertones alluding to things
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