
Steadman #2

Oct 30th, 2015
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  1. Fuck off. Salty D is full of /pol/ fags.
  3. I joined a few weeks ago and I almost immediately regretted it. Chat was full of unironic racism, people talking about how much they hate niggers, fags, jews, etc. Aspergerlord started some meme chant and kept going RACE while everyone else went WAR because it was some kind of guild inside joke or something. Well, I didn't catch on quickly enough and because I didn't join their little chant, they assumed I was, and I quote, a "nigger cuck."
  5. Several members literally followed me into Tanaris and found me at the pirate cove and started spamming /say with racist shit. I just didn't reply and pretended they weren't there.
  7. Then came the church shooting and people were LITERALLY celebrating it. Like I don't mean in an ironic fashion, they were saying how "the Roof" was a hero and Aspergerlord mentioned that he's planning a similar massacre at a local Popeyes.
  9. I think the last straw for me was the whole gay marriage thing. I almost considered not logging in because I figured chat would be a hellhole, but I decided against it at the last moment. Big mistake. People were going CRAZY in guild chat, one guy said he bought several guns and plans on going on a shooting spree in San Fran. Another one, I think it was Garthax, said that he's a chemist and wants to bomb a pride parade. Like they weren't even memeing, they were 100% genuine.
  11. I haven't logged on since. They seriously ended my interest in this community. I'm only posting here because I have an Alliance alt with about 150g and the first post ending in 0 gets it if they include their ign.
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