
Unnamed One-shot FR

Feb 6th, 2013
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  1. >Day I-can't-be-arsed-to-come-up-with-a-title in equestrian.
  2. >It's been a trying day.
  3. >So you're doing what any decent man would do.
  4. >You're at the local bar, getting a bit tipsy, in the company of friends.
  5. >Namely, Twilight, Apple Jack, and Pinkie.
  6. >Twi is trying to turn on the charm, and it's got you laughing.
  7. >Pinkie is being all philosophical and shit, and keeps you thinking.
  8. >Apple Jack is just being a sexy lady. Like always.
  9. >You decide, now is the perfect time to confide in them about your ordeal.
  10. >Perhaps they'll feel sorry for you and pay off your tab for you.
  11. "So guys, I'mma tell y'all about my problems alright?"
  12. >Twi stops giggling, Pinkie stops pontificating, and AJ rests her head upon her hooves, turning it to the side slightly, indicating to you that you are free to talk.
  13. "So, y'all know how i just suddenly was here one day right?
  14. 1/?
  16. >PP:"Yeah"
  17. Shush, was a rhetorical question. Anyways, so i just suddenly appear here, for no reason, in the middle of some dank, scary forest, with demon cats and scary plants and stuff. And being only normal, i sorta freak a bit.".
  18. >Twi begins chuckling, and tries to hide the fact. It only makes it sound like she's constipated, and makes her laugh even harder.
  19. "Alright, i was crying jeez, but anyways, I was weeping, and feeling sorry for myself, when all of a sudden, out pops Fluttershy. In all her weird glory. She looks really nice, especially when you're scared, so immediately, i grab onto her, and begin asking her to save me, and help me get out of the scary forest. She thankfully obliges, but after we get back to the village, Sh doesn't try and get me to meet the rest of you, she takes me home, and begins trying to woo me!
  20. >Pinkie raises an eyebrow at this.
  21. Seriously. So i'm juts here all like, What the fuck man? Is she trying to get it on with me? I mean yeah she's cute, but i aint no horse-fucker. I'm out dis bitch. So i take off, and then i bump into you guys. And thank goodness i did. i probably would have just ended up heading right back into that forest and died if not for y'all."
  22. >AJ: "So what then sugarcube, i'm still not quite seein' tha difficulty in being Anon."
  23. I'm getting to it darlin'. Gimme a sec, gotta top off yeah?
  24. >You take a mighty swill of the hearty ale. Not the prissy cider Twi and Pink are enjoying. AJ knows her shit, cuz she's drinking the same.
  25. 2/3
  27. "Right, where was i?"
  28. >TS: giggling "You were getting to the good part silly!"
  29. "Yeah, ok, so the good or actually bad part is that now every damn day this little whorse comes to my shack, and sits there until i open the door and allow her to sexually harass me in some way. She thinks she that if she can guess my fetish, i'll love her and give her foals."
  30. >AJ: "What is your fetish?"
  31. Oh no, you aint getting' that from me sweetness, for all i know y'all are working with her. You never believe me when i try to get help, so why should i trust you?
  32. >The drunk ponies dismiss your suspicions in unison with waves of the hoof.
  33. Yeah Yeah, so there you go, my ordeal.
  34. >AJ: "Let's go home Anon, you're drunk."
  35. >And the two of you went home. You told her your fetish was blonde hair and southern accents.
  36. [spoiler] >And then you had awesome sex. [/spoiler]
  37. 3/3
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