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a guest
Dec 17th, 2010
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Bash 4.53 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #!/bin/bash
  3. clear
  4. echo
  5. echo "---->> Enumeration and Scanning <<----"
  6. echo
  7. echo "Roberto Soares (espreto)"
  8. echo "MATRIUX V0.2 - 14/12/2010"
  9. echo "Suggestions?"
  10. echo "Edited on 16/12/2010 by Prajwal (L30)"
  11. echo
  12. mkdir /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/
  13. echo "Generating Directory /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/ "
  14. echo "Usage: and/or"
  15. echo "Enter with the domain:"
  16. echo
  17. read dominio
  18. echo
  19. echo [+] "Perform Whois scan? y/n "; read whx
  20. if [ $whx = "y" ]
  21. then
  22. echo "####################################################"
  23. echo
  24. echo [+] "whois" $dominio
  25. echo
  26. whois $dominio >> /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/whois.txt
  27. cat /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/whois.txt
  28. echo
  29. echo "whois completed on domain $dominio"
  30. fi
  31. echo
  32. echo [+] "Perform dig? y/n" ; read digx
  33. if [ $digx = "y" ]
  34. then
  35. echo "####################################################"
  36. echo
  37. echo [+] "dig" $dominio "any"
  38. echo
  39. echo
  40. dig $dominio any >> /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/dig.txt
  41. cat /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/dig.txt
  42. echo
  43. echo "dig completed on $dominio"
  44. fi
  45. echo
  46. echo [+] "Perform TCPTraceroute? y/n" ; read tcpx
  47. if [ $tcpx = "y" ]
  48. then
  49. echo "####################################################"
  50. echo
  51. echo [+] "tcptraceroute -i eth0" $dominio
  52. echo
  53. echo
  54. tcptraceroute -i eth0 $dominio >> /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/tcptrac.txt
  55. cat /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/tcptrac.txt
  56. echo
  57. echo "TCP traceroute completed on $dominio"
  58. fi
  59. echo
  60. echo "#####################################################"
  61. echo
  62. echo "Scan with DNS tracer? y/n" ; read dnstx
  63. if [ $dnstx = "y" ]
  64. then
  65. echo
  66. echo [+] "dnstracer" $dominio
  67. echo
  68. echo
  69. dnstracer $dominio >> /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/dnstrac.txt
  70. cat /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/dnstrac.txt
  71. echo
  72. echo "DNSTRACE on $dominio completed"
  73. fi
  74. echo
  75. echo "#######################################################"
  76. echo
  77. echo "Scan with DMitry? y/n" ; read dmitx
  78. if [ $dmitx = "y" ]
  79. then
  80. echo
  81. echo [+] "dmitry -s -e" $dominio
  82. echo
  83. echo
  84. sudo dmitry -s -e $dominio >> /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/dmit.txt
  85. cat /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/dmit.txt
  86. echo
  87. echo "Dmitry scan on $dominio completed"
  88. fi
  89. echo
  90. echo "######################################################"
  91. echo
  92. echo "Perform DNSenum scan? y/n" ; read dnsenx
  93. if [ $dnsenx = "y" ]
  94. then
  95. echo
  96. echo [+] "perl --enum" $dominio
  97. echo
  98. cd /pentest/enumeration/dnsenum/
  99. sudo perl --enum $dominio >> /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/dnsenm.txt
  100. cat /home/tiger/Desktop/Matriuxenum/dnsenm.txt
  101. echo
  102. echo "DNSenum completed on $dominio"
  103. fi
  104. echo
  105. echo
  106. echo "#####################################################"
  107. echo
  108. echo [+] "nmap -v --source-port 53 -sS --send-ip -n -PN -p- -f -sV --version-all -O --script=discovery -oX target_scan" $dominio
  109. echo
  110. cd /home/tiger/Desktop/
  111. nmap -v --source-port 53 -sS --send-ip -n -PN -p- -f -sV --version-all -O --script=discovery -oX target_scan $dominio
  112. echo
  113. echo "#####################################################"
  114. echo
  115. echo "Scan with Nikto? y/n" ; read nikx
  116. if [ $nikx = "y" ]
  117. then
  118. echo
  119. echo [+] "nikto -update"
  120. echo [+] "nikto -host" $dominio
  121. echo
  122. echo
  123. nikto -update
  124. nikto -host $dominio
  125. echo
  126. echo "Nikto completed on $dominio"
  127. fi
  128. echo
  129. echo "######################################################"
  130. echo
  131. echo [+] "./skipfish -o /home/tiger/Desktop/output_file -W dictionaries/complete.wl http://www."$dominio
  132. echo
  133. echo
  134. cd /pentest/scanners/skipfish/
  135. sudo xterm -fg green2 -bg black -e "sudo ./skipfish -o /home/tiger/Desktop/output_file -W dictionaries/complete.wl http://www.$dominio"
  136. echo
  137. echo -n '[+] Want to see the log generated by skipfish now? y/n ' ; read resposta
  138. if [ $resposta == "y" ] ; then
  139.     firefox /home/tiger/Desktop/output_file/index.html
  141. echo
  142. echo -n '[+] Want to import the output of nmap with the db_autopwn metasploit? y/n ' ; read resposta_msf
  143.      if [ $resposta_msf == "y" ] ; then
  144.         echo "db_driver sqlite3" >> /home/tiger/Desktop/autopwn_msf
  145.         echo "db_connect ./home/tiger/Desktop/owned.db" >> /home/tiger/Desktop/autopwn_msf
  146.         echo "db_import_nmap_xml /home/tiger/Desktop/target_scan.xml" >> /home/tiger/Desktop/autopwn_msf
  147.         echo "db_hosts" >> /home/tiger/Desktop/autopwn_msf
  148.         echo "db_services" >> /home/tiger/Desktop/autopwn_msf
  149.         echo "db_autopwn -p -t -e " >> /home/tiger/Desktop/autopwn_msf
  150.         msfconsole -r /home/tiger/Desktop/autopwn_msf
  151.          fi
  152. fi
  153. echo
  154. echo "######################################################"
  155. echo
  156. echo "..: Enumeration and Scanning Complete! :.."
  157. echo
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