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Review - Cardium

a guest
Dec 8th, 2016
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  1. Gave your replay a quick watch. Made a couple notes on a round by round basis.
  3. PLEASE NOTE: This is a _very_ critical review. You made some nice shots, and generally used your nades well, and pushed with the team nicely (esp. on T side), so there were plenty of positives here. But this review is about points to improve on, so I'm only mentioning what I perceive as mistakes. Please don't take offense to this, because it's only written with the intention of helping you. Aight with that said:
  6. General Notes:
  7. - Your biggest, most consistent error lies in the way you check spots, and your crosshair placement. Your game knowledge seems decent, you have a good idea of the spots you need to check BUT you move too quickly and don't position yourself correctly so you lose 1v1's you shouldn't. ALWAYS position your crosshair such that if they poked you RIGHT THEN, you'd be able to just click and kill them. If they poke out and you're not looking at them, you've not positioned your crosshair correctly.
  9. - I'm not sure what was going on over voice, but the text chat was a shitshow. Your friend Ferdinand seems a little toxic. Just mute the team if there's a problem, because there's nothing to be gained by some of the shit he was saying. The team went on a slump early-mid CT and I believe it's as a direct result of it.
  11. - Sometimes you just gotta cut your losseson an unwinnable round. I counted 3 times you dropped a full kit when you had no hope of winning the round. Just pull back and save in these scenarios.
  14. Round by Round Notes:
  16. 4// Sloppy crosshair placement, you were looking at the box when he poked. Good use of nades, but you sorta just spammed everything at once and didn't use it to help push. Could've used molly/flash better to neutralise ramp CT.
  18. 5// Again, molly could've been better used. =The spot you mollied is easily checkable/tradable. Your death was preventible here. You leapt down so fast without checking, ended up leaping into him. Your crosshair was off as a result.
  20. 6// Misplay. I know you were trying to trade, but the outcome here was obvious. The CT was obviously gonna call 'they're pushing mid', and the B players were obviously gonna rotate/watch mid. You ran with your back to them for a dangerous kill attempt.
  22. 8// Not a very good place to hold with an AWP, and choosing to pull out pistol and hold a 90' angle is even worse. Better play would've been to hold at a corner with awp watching B-Tunnel Stairs.
  24. 10// Unwinnable round. After the bomb was dropped in their territory, the only imperative is to save your weapons. You ended up lurking in tunnels and being shot in the back.
  26. 11// Bad spotchecking here, especially because it's the 2nd time you've died here, and you know they've put a player on right-side door at least 3 times.
  28. 12// Bad crosshair placement meant you had no chance here.
  30. 13// Not a great lurk. You got a couple of kills out of it because the round was already won, but your team pushed A hard and you were waaaaay off at B so if they ran into trouble you wouldn't have been able to support. A better play would have been to watch mid cross aggressively and catch them rotating.
  32. 15// Bad crosshair placement and angle here so you lost another 1v1.
  34. 16// From the looks, you couldn't decide if you were pushing or staying back (saving on pistol? lol) - Communicate with your teammate here. He ended up making a great play and because you weren't with him you ended up baiting him, resulting in a heartbreaking round loss.
  36. 17// Bad crosshair placement
  38. 20// This is always a difficult play, but it's one of the scenarios where you'd be correct to push through smoke. You could see (on radar) that teammate is coming through mid door, so you should've pushed through as he did, but the T was able to pick you off one at a time and make this round unwinnable
  40. 21// Unwinnable, should have saved
  42. 23// Difficult angle to hold from, another 90'. Very difficult when they swing around the corner to get the kill. Watching slightly more forward angle and utilising flashes more aggressively would've been better.
  44. 24// Unwinnable, should have saved
  46. 26// Bad crosshair placement
  48. 30// hardest possible retake position. Either don't back from site and take it more aggressive, or fully back and retake from short/long
  52. Let me know what you think, if any of these notes are too vague or need elaboration or you disagree let me know. I scrawled some notes as I watched so I might have fucked something up. But hopefully it's of some service. happy to give you more a sense of what I mean over comms if that would help. Or play a game together if I jump on an alt. But I'm on a shit internet + laptop atm so I won't exactly be great myself.
  54. Peace
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