

Feb 13th, 2014
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  1. 7:23 PM - DarkDXZ: You're running down the hallways of the Royal Kremzon Palace - Henri Chameleon IV, the ruler
  2. of the Aiguillon and Alex, his personal guardian. Enzo Fromage and his angry Kremzon crowd have broken through
  3. into the complex and are now chasing you down. Away from the main crowd runs Leonardo, the professional turtle
  4. assassin, hired by Enzo to assassinate Henri IV.
  5. 7:23 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Perrrfect~
  6. 7:23 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Oh Henri~
  7. 7:23 PM - DarkDXZ: With most of the palace occupied, Henri IV and Alex run down into the damp dungeons
  8. beneath the complex, stopping by the wine cellar.
  9. 7:23 PM - Agent Hamster: wait who's who
  10. 7:24 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: I'm not sure you've noticed this, but we aren't happy.
  11. 7:24 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *motions his arms out, to demonstrate his angry mob*
  12. 7:25 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (feel the anger~)
  13. 7:25 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (btw, talk in brackets when Out of Character)
  14. 7:25 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri IV: Plebians! You cannot simply kill me, Henri Chameleon the Fourth, the king of
  15. Kremzons!
  16. 7:25 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: You've left your people behind far too long, my dear kingy.
  17. 7:25 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: and It's made us all, well, very unhappy.
  18. 7:26 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (use french terma like "le" si "ze"
  19. 7:26 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Sorry.
  20. 7:26 PM - Deadly Lampshade: (sorry.)
  21. 7:26 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (np)
  22. 7:26 PM - Deadly Lampshade: *imagine all that dialog but with a thick french accent and a confident loud voice)
  23. 7:26 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (oki doki)
  24. 7:27 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: Huh. I would nevere leave my people like zis. Zis is lies!
  25. 7:27 PM - DarkDXZ: *draws a blade from beneath his fancy cape*
  26. 7:27 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: Can you believe zis, I think zis crowd sez it all really.
  27. 7:28 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: *sneacks around in the shadows*
  28. 7:28 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *pulls out his sword*
  29. 7:28 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: *readies lance*
  30. 7:28 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: Imbeciles. Not only do you kill all my guardz, but you alzo interrupt the celebration of my daughter's birthday.
  31. 7:28 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (then goes to smell his sword~)
  32. 7:29 PM - DarkDXZ: (z > s)
  33. 7:29 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (allways)
  34. 7:29 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (allwayz*)
  35. 7:29 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *walks up to the king* it saddens me, that I'd have to use zis weapon to spill royal blood.
  36. 7:29 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: I cannot let you do zat.
  37. 7:29 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: No.
  38. 7:29 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *puts his guard up* But it's for the greater good.
  39. 7:29 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: Let us do zat personally.
  40. 7:30 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Good thing he ain't gonna do it. That blade's preety nice looking. *says to himself*
  41. 7:30 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *grins smugly*
  42. 7:30 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: But zis will put you in great danger!
  43. 7:31 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: We do not have to do zis, Enzo.
  44. 7:31 PM - DarkDXZ: (This is some French Revolution sh^W%t right here.)
  45. 7:32 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: What are you up to, Enzo?! *still in the shadows, right above the 2 chameleons's
  47. heads*
  48. 7:32 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: Unfortunately, I can't back down, *dramatic pose, but guard still up* it's for ze
  50. good of our people.
  51. 7:32 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: Let us do zis the Kremzon way.
  52. 7:32 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: *whispers to King* Are you sure about zis?
  53. 7:33 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: A Battle to ze death, I see. *grins*
  54. 7:33 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: *whispers* Ve shall escape at ze right moment.
  55. 7:33 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: Give up while you can, Enzo.
  56. 7:34 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *cocky arrogant face* Oh you're such a kidder, Henri. I have no intention of
  58. giving up for my people.
  59. 7:34 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *swings his sword at henri*
  60. 7:34 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: I shall not give in to some angry plebians! *blocks the sword*
  61. 7:34 PM - DarkDXZ: (Parries, whatever.)
  62. 7:35 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (is k)
  63. 7:35 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: Do you hear yourself? Angry Plebians, zes are ze words of a mad king
  65. *defensive stance*
  66. 7:36 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: Pardon, but you run into my beautiful palace, kill ze guards and force me, the king, to
  68. run down to zis wine cellar.
  69. 7:37 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Meh, he's got a point, mate.
  70. 7:37 PM - TheHappyWarrior: *still in shadows*
  71. 7:37 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: And all of zis for what? Because the country is in crisis and ve had to mine out le Solar
  73. to pay our debts?
  74. 7:38 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: I'm only giving you what you deserve, kingy my dear. *swings his sword again
  76. but harder*
  77. 7:38 PM - DarkDXZ: *dodges* Henri: I did not do zis because I wanted to. I did zis because I had to.
  78. 7:39 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: If I didn't begin le mining operations, I would not be king of this planet anymore.
  79. 7:40 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *confident grin* Well you're not king anymore. *swings mid sentence*
  80. 7:40 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (that is one of the best tactics, doing something mid sentence)
  81. 7:40 PM - DarkDXZ: *Henri goes invisible (not fully invisible though) and runs into the dungeons through the door
  83. behind him*
  84. 7:41 PM - DarkDXZ: (apparently Kremzons can go inviisble in this era)
  85. 7:41 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Don't think so, mate!
  86. 7:41 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *shouts, slight tone of anger* Well go on! Find the king.
  87. 7:41 PM - TheHappyWarrior: *jumps up ahead of Henri *
  88. 7:41 PM - Deadly Lampshade: (*shouts to crowd*)
  89. 7:42 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: Merde...
  90. 7:42 PM - TheHappyWarrior: *swings to his guts and stricks*
  91. 7:42 PM - DarkDXZ: *slashes at Leo*
  92. 7:42 PM - TheHappyWarrior: strikes*
  93. 7:42 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: *low voice* Sacre...Bleu...
  94. 7:42 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *walks through the door to see the scene*
  95. 7:43 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Do you want me to do it, or do you have an other amazing speech?
  96. 7:43 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *notices Henri get injured by Leonardo*
  97. 7:43 PM - TheHappyWarrior: *puts a gun at Henri's head*
  98. 7:43 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: You vill pay for zis, Enzo. You vill pay...*passes out*
  99. 7:43 PM - DarkDXZ: (Wait a minute, you had a gun?)
  100. 7:44 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (I did :P)
  101. 7:44 PM - DarkDXZ: (Plot twist.)
  102. 7:44 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (dun dun dun)
  103. 7:44 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *grins,* and I can wait for zis payoff my dear king, i'm sure it's gonna be worth
  105. ze wait.
  106. 7:44 PM - Deadly Lampshade: *my dear ex-king
  107. 7:44 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: *grins* Too bad I am no ze king.
  108. 7:44 PM - DarkDXZ: *not*
  109. 7:44 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Wait, what?
  110. 7:45 PM - DarkDXZ: "Henri": The real king is probably on his way to Okeanos right now, and you're still sitting here.
  111. 7:45 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *his marvelous grin drops slightly almost slowly as he hears it.* You serious.
  112. 7:46 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: Don't believe me? *grabs a phone-thing from beneath the cape, which shows a live video
  114. of real Henri on a spaceship*
  115. 7:46 PM - DarkDXZ: (I can't engrish)
  116. 7:47 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *in a fit of rage he throws his sword at fake Henri's head*
  117. 7:47 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (that's good)
  118. 7:47 PM - DarkDXZ: Real Henri: Vell, vell, vell, Enzo. You thought you could just assasinate me, Henri the Fourth?
  119. 7:48 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *angrily attempts to retain confidence but fails* Henri you coward, how could
  121. you let your sheep die for your sake.
  122. 7:48 PM - Agent Hamster: back
  123. 7:48 PM - Agent Hamster: sorry
  124. 7:48 PM - Agent Hamster: my smoke alarm went off
  125. 7:48 PM - Agent Hamster: had to turn off the cooker
  126. 7:48 PM - DarkDXZ: Real Henri: I am not stupid. I saw ze situation on Aiguillon and I knew merde was going to hit le
  128. fan, and so I vas prepared.
  129. 7:49 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: This is exactly ze kind of thing I'd expect from a mad king like you
  130. 7:49 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: *starts laughing*
  131. 7:49 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: I may be mad. But at least I am not running zis mess anymore.
  132. 7:50 PM - DarkDXZ: Henri: Good luck and have fun ruling the planet now, Enzo. *disconnects*
  133. 7:50 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *grin slowly returns* thats true.
  134. 7:50 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: *laughs harder*
  135. 7:50 PM - TheHappyWarrior: *and stares at a remote controller*
  136. 7:50 PM - DarkDXZ: (So I guess in the end Henri was not assassinated but escaped the planet.)
  137. 7:51 PM - DarkDXZ: (oh, wait...)
  138. 7:51 PM - Agent Hamster: i'm sorry i had to go
  139. 7:51 PM - DarkDXZ: (fine)
  140. 7:51 PM - Agent Hamster: and check to make sure my house wasn't on fire
  141. 7:51 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (Isn't anyone gonna ask Leo why he laughs like an idiot?)
  142. 7:51 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: First order of business.
  143. 7:51 PM - DarkDXZ: (My role is done, so probably not.)
  144. 7:51 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (Yours, oh yes~)
  145. 7:52 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (but Enzo?)
  146. 7:52 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: To fix ze miss left behind by our dear old henry.
  147. 7:53 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (Meh, actually nvm)
  148. 7:53 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: And one of zese days my blade will meet with his underbelly, and zair will be
  150. much bloodshed.
  151. 7:53 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (Guess he got away)
  152. 7:53 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *casually retrieves his sword and leaves the room*
  153. 7:54 PM - DarkDXZ: I guess that concludes it.
  154. 7:54 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Well, my job ain't done yet.
  155. 7:54 PM - Deadly Lampshade: (I'm guessing the fake king is dead from his sword being thrown)
  156. 7:54 PM - DarkDXZ: (Probably.)
  157. 7:54 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: I'm afraid I will have to stop you zere, sir.
  158. 7:55 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: I can't belive the idiot used the only spaceship available to escape.
  159. 7:55 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *holds his sword* enlighten me.
  160. 7:55 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: The exact same Cargo ship I saw when I got here and decided to put a tracking
  162. beam on it.
  163. 7:55 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Pffff
  164. 7:56 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Was thinking of stealing it later...
  165. 7:56 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: Ze same one I removed a tracking beacon from earlier zis day, preparing for zis
  167. event?
  168. 7:56 PM - DarkDXZ: (still a reminder, we don't have FTL travel so Henri's travel to Okeanos might take a while)
  169. 7:57 PM - Deadly Lampshade: (it's still a little too late to catch up with him)
  170. 7:57 PM - DarkDXZ: (yeah, but still, he's not there in an instant)
  171. 7:57 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Nope. The one that remaind on the ship from which that transsmision was sent
  172. 7:57 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (They still have a trace, tho)
  173. 7:58 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: That one was my friend Lerchi. He never had a thing for tracking beams.
  174. 7:58 PM - Deadly Lampshade: (He thinks he shouldn't though, because someone needs to rule Aiguillion)
  175. 7:59 PM - Deadly Lampshade: (So who is Alex Stopping?)
  176. 7:59 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Well, still, this place needs a ruler, mate. Might be best if you stay here.
  177. 7:59 PM - Agent Hamster: (Leo because he wants to pursue the King)
  178. 7:59 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: I, on the other hand, have a job to do, and you ain't gonna stop me with that silly
  180. weapon of your, good sir.
  181. 7:59 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: I am ztaying here; and zo are you once I imprizon zou.
  182. 7:59 PM - TheHappyWarrior: *points gun at Alex*
  183. 8:00 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Yeah... I don't think so.
  184. 8:00 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Drop it.
  185. 8:00 PM - DarkDXZ: (Should've went with the times and gave my guards better weapons unless....)
  186. 8:00 PM - TheHappyWarrior: ( you should have)
  187. 8:00 PM - Agent Hamster: (Would forcefield technology be feasible in this era)
  188. 8:00 PM - Agent Hamster: (just thinking)
  189. 8:01 PM - DarkDXZ: (Doesn't seem improbable at least.)
  190. 8:01 PM - TheHappyWarrior: I don't think so, cause this is at least 2500+
  191. 8:01 PM - Agent Hamster: (yay for contradictory answers)
  192. 8:01 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (Or the 2000s+ any way)
  193. 8:01 PM - Deadly Lampshade: (I'm just gonna guess that Kremzons are a little anchronistic)
  194. 8:02 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: Pleaze, do you really think we would be hired az elite guardz if a zingle lunatic with
  196. a gun could stop uz?
  197. 8:02 PM - Deadly Lampshade: (Anachronism)
  198. 8:02 PM - DarkDXZ: (Just saying, but we shouldn't pointlessly stretch this scene ad infinitum. I'll definitely copy it
  200. and turn it into something more readable for thread purposes)
  201. 8:03 PM - DarkDXZ: (But, finish this act first.)
  202. 8:03 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Um, yeah?
  203. 8:03 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *confidently speaks* Stand down, guard.
  204. 8:04 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: Ze king still has crimes he must pay for.
  205. 8:04 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: Do you think you can pursue him and maybe finish ze job.
  206. 8:05 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Already ahead of you, mate. ;)
  207. 8:05 PM - DarkDXZ: (I can't help but read Enzo's lines in Leon's voice and Leo's lines in Froggy's voice :) )
  208. 8:06 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: Reveals a large bulletproof shield* Zen you would be wrong.
  209. 8:06 PM - Agent Hamster: (I'm still not sure what technology would be considered feasible at this era)
  210. 8:07 PM - TheHappyWarrior: *a loud noise is heard from outside heading towards this location*
  211. 8:07 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: I cannot kill ze king, too much power, too much, responsibility. I need to stay
  213. here and fix zis mess, not let my personal desire for violence hinder my people.
  214. 8:07 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: You do that, in the mean time, I belive my ride has arrived.
  215. 8:08 PM - TheHappyWarrior: *passes the gun to Enzo*
  216. 8:08 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: Shooty shooty, bang bang and people dead. Use it wisely~.
  217. 8:08 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *holds the gun in his hand and grins* Promise to return me his head.
  218. 8:08 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: I may be vastly outnumbered, but I will die protecting my King! *charges at Leo*
  219. 8:09 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: Your king is me. *points the gun at Alex*
  220. 8:09 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: This is terrorism Alex, I can't have zis.
  221. 8:10 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Leo: I'm not into promises. *says as he teleports to his ship, leaving Alex fall on his
  223. face*
  224. 8:10 PM - DarkDXZ: (Someone needs to animate this. Like, right the fucking now.)
  225. 8:10 PM - DarkDXZ: (This scene is too good not to make a whole Awesomenauts episode out of.)
  226. 8:10 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (I got char design!)
  227. 8:10 PM - DarkDXZ: (Get on it!)
  228. 8:10 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: For the honour of Henri! *readies shield and charges at Enzo*
  229. 8:10 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (Already ahead of yoU! ;) )
  230. 8:12 PM - TheHappyWarrior: *the loud noise outside gets quiter, as Leo's ship starts heading into space*
  231. 8:12 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *finds a small little device and throws it at Alex*
  232. 8:13 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: *swiftly blocks it with his shield*
  233. 8:13 PM - Deadly Lampshade: (I'm just gonna say Leo dropped a EMP grenade or something)
  234. 8:13 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *the device explodes, malfunctioning his shield*
  235. 8:14 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *is surprised by the reaction*
  236. 8:14 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (It was in the gun ;P )
  237. 8:14 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: *lunges straight at Enzo and drops his shield*
  238. 8:15 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *fires the gun at alex*
  239. 8:15 PM - DarkDXZ: (Meanwhile I wonder what is the crowd on the other side of the door doing...)
  240. 8:15 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: I have no time for zis, my people need me.
  241. 8:16 PM - Agent Hamster: Alex: *holding his arm* You will pay for zis, I will make sure of it!
  242. 8:16 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: You and ze false king talk about all this punishment, I can't help but be
  244. excited. *shoots Alex point blank*
  245. 8:17 PM - TheHappyWarrior: Bob:
  246. 8:17 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (oups, sorry )
  247. 8:17 PM - DarkDXZ: (Wait, what)
  248. 8:17 PM - TheHappyWarrior: (Sorry!)
  249. 8:17 PM - Agent Hamster: (and now I am dead. end of scene)
  250. 8:17 PM - Agent Hamster: (i think?)
  251. 8:18 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *goes out and tells the angry mob crowd the news*
  252. 8:18 PM - Deadly Lampshade: Enzo: *confidently and smugly proclaims* The king is no more.
  253. 8:19 PM - DarkDXZ: The next day Aiguillon TV is talking all about the results of the revolution, the proclamation of
  255. Aiguillon Republic and no signs of King Henri IV.
  256. 8:19 PM - DarkDXZ: End of scene.
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