
MonsterNon in Equestria

Jul 17th, 2012
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  1. >It's cold.
  2. >It's also quiet, but you're used to that.
  3. >Canterlot streets are always quiet when you're out working.
  4. >This p0ny on your back is heavy.
  5. >You don't stop though.
  6. >Dad would be angry if you were late. Plus he wanted to get his hooves on this colt right away.
  7. >He HATED this Stallion.
  8. >Must have broke one of the rules.
  9. >You broke his horn a bit.
  10. >You hope dad won't be too angry with you.
  11. >Your knee hurts. The left one.
  12. >Probably from when this colt on your back bucked you during the struggle.
  13. >You tried to hold the rope tight enough. Nice and tight and stay upright. Just like you were told.
  14. >That made sure nop0ny could reach you while you choked them out.
  15. >You messed it up're a bad...whatever you are.
  16. >Dad will be angry about having to call the doctors again.
  17. >He hated anyp0ny seeing you.
  18. Caclick. Creeeeeek
  19. >"Hey! Who's out there!"
  20. >Oh no!
  21. >Light!
  22. >Somep0ny must have seen you and come out to look!
  23. >Stupid! Stupid Anon!
  24. >Run. Just gotta run.
  25. >Your knee hurts.
  26. >This Stallion is heavy.
  27. >You can't stop though.
  28. >If you get caught. They'll take you away.
  29. >Dad will stop loving you.
  30. >You love Dad.
  31. >The sound of approaching hooves passes beneath you.
  32. >Your escape was made by scaling a nearby cobblestone wall.
  33. >You're really glad a...whatever you are is real good at climbing. Even with a hurt leg.
  34. >You drop down, the street makes a soft rumble from your weight.
  35. >You're too big.
  36. >"What was that!?"
  37. >There they are. The p0ny that almost caught you.
  38. >They stopped after passing your hiding spot underneath a street lamp.
  39. >The light looks warm.
  40. >You wish you were warm.
  41. >You wish you could go into light like p0nies do.
  42. >"H-hello?"
  43. >They sound scared.
  44. >"I s-saw you limping from my window."
  45. ...
  46. >"You looked hurt and-..."
  47. >They should be.
  48. >"I thought you might need he-"
  49. CRACK
  50. >That p0ny.
  51. >A mare looked like. Green with a yellow and green mane.
  52. >She almost made you break a rule.
  53. >Don't be seen. Ever.
  54. >You're a good...whatever you are. You don't let anyone see you.
  55. >If they do. You make sure to hit them like Dad does when you break a rule.
  56. > hit a lot harder than Dad.
  57. >After a very long time walking outside, you're finally home!
  58. >You can see dad!
  59. >Just in time too. The sun was starting to rise when you got back.
  60. >If you were ever outside with the sun...
  61. >Dad would yell...and hit you.
  62. >He doesn't want you to burn up.
  63. >So he hits you. To make sure you know how to be good.
  64. >Dad's best butler. Fancyhoof meets you right inside your special door.
  65. >You're too big for p0ny doors. Too clumsy too. So they made you one special. It says something on it but you can't read.
  66. >You wanted somep0ny to teach you to read once...but Dad got mad.
  67. >'Only P0NIES read. Stop trying to be a p0ny. It's pointless anyways you're too stu-'
  68. >You're too stupid to learn to read.
  71. >Fancyhoof says nothing as you drop the Stallion Dad wanted.
  72. >He never says anything to you. He just collects the p0nies you’re told to bring and takes them to Dad.
  73. >He does raise an eyebrow when you drop the mare from earlier.
  74. >His brows furrow in consternation. He knows Dad didn’t ask for a green mare with a yellow and green mane.
  75. >He only wanted this unicorn colt.
  76. >He’ll tell.
  77. >Dad will be angry.
  78. >You whimper. Fighting the urge to speak. To apologize and ask him not to tell.
  79. >You used to talk all the time. Dad showed you how bad that was.
  80. >That’s why your teeth are so crooked now.
  81. >That and you just being ugly.
  82. >You’ve never seen yourself but you know it’s true.
  83. >Dad says so.
  84. >Fancyhoof didn’t take the stallion you brought. He just ducks back into the kitchen nearby.
  85. >That’s bad.
  86. >“What do you MEAN it brought in an ex-…”
  87. >Dad’s here.
  88. >“Y-…you didn’t.”
  89. >You whimper again. Shrinking back toward the darkest corner in the room.
  90. >“M’lord. It’s appears to be mare. I believe she attended your last suare’. Seafoam is her name I belie-”
  91. >“Get the Buck out of here Fancyhoof.”
  92. >“Yes M’lord…shall I?”
  93. >“Yes. Get rid of her. No evidence…the plans for Stinkyrich remain the same.”
  94. >Dad points a hoof toward the Stallion.
  95. >“Be sure the message to his brother, Filthy, is sent in the morning.”
  98. >Dad seemed calm. He was always calm when he handled business.
  99. >Fancyhoof leaves though, dragging both p0nies on his cart.
  100. >Dad’s not calm anymore.
  101. >He hit you…so much.
  106. >You cowered. Whimpered. You even ran to the other corner once to escape your punishment.
  107. >That was a mistake.
  109. >That’s when he got the switch out. He swung it with his magic while hitting you.
  110. >You deserve it.
  111. >You were bad.
  112. >…but it hurts so much.
  113. >You do what you’ve always done. Cover your face and get small. As small as you can.
  114. >Knees at your ears. Back curled like an armadillo. Blows to the shoulder and back hardly hurt anymore. You’ve been hit there a lot.
  115. >Dad still draws blood though. He doesn’t stop until you’re covered in it.
  117. >Dad finally stops once he’s tired.
  118. Huff…huff
  119. >“You…’gasp’…useless bucking chimp.”
  120. >He called you something.
  121. >Is that what you are. A chimp!?
  122. >You look up at Dad.
  123. >You don’t know what made you ask.
  124. >You didn’t mean to be bad again and speak.
  125. >You just did it.
  126. “Is that what I am Dad? …a ch-..Cha-himp?”
  127. >Dad looks angry again…but he turns around like he’s leaving.
  128. CRACK
  129. >You’re stupid.
  130. >He wasn’t leaving. He was turning around so he could buck you in the head.
  131. >Everything’s dark.
  132. >You’re head’s spinning like it always does when he hits you too hard.
  133. >You hope you don’t forget your name again. Or your favorite color.
  134. >You can barely hear voices.
  135. >“Dump it somewhere.”
  136. >“M’lord we’re not even sure if it’s-”
  137. “Urrrrrgh”
  138. >“Dead. It’s clearly not dead.”
  139. >“That can be quickly remedied…”
  140. >You can feel a hoof on your temple. You must be laying on the floor.
  141. >“M’lord…”
  142. >“Are you about to question me Fancy? You should be well aware of the consequences of ‘that’.”
  143. >IT HURTS
  145. >“M’lord it’s simply that…well Stinkyrich is waking up. Dawn has arrived and the search parties shall be on the move by at least noon.”
  146. >The pain stops. Dad speaks through the haze.
  147. >“Hmm…I suppose this asset hasn’t become toxic enough yet to waste such precious time on…”
  148. >You can hear hooves clopping away.
  149. >“Throw some of the dishwater on it at dusk. I’ll have another job for it then.”
  150. >“Shall I call for the doctor sir?”
  151. >“…it has lived through worse.”
  152. >“Yes M’lord.”
  153. >You hear kitchen staff walking into their work area as the door closes. Dad has his ‘in front of people’ voice on.
  154. >“Good morning all.”
  155. >The staff responds in chorus.
  156. >“Good morning Prince Blueblood.”
  158. >Everything is a blur of pain.
  159. >It's always like this when Dad hits you too hard.
  160. >It's like you're asleep, but can't dream.
  161. >Everything hurts.
  162. SPLASH
  163. "Bwah! 'ack'"
  164. >You're awake.
  165. >You're wet.
  166. >"Ah good. You've survived."
  167. >Fancyhoof
  168. " hea~d."
  169. >You groan.
  170. >"Myes indeed. You've most likely suffered yet another concussion."
  171. "Uhhhhhhg"
  172. >"He's waiting in his study. You should hurry."
  173. >Just like always, your legs propel you upward.
  174. >It used to be hard to get up when your head hurt like this.
  175. >Not anymore.
  176. >Fancyhoof looks scared for a split second when you stand.
  177. >"My, you 'are' gargantuan."
  178. >He shouldn't be.
  179. >You can't hurt someone unless Dad says so...or unless they might catch you.
  180. >Fancyhoof is safe.
  181. >Dad likes him.
  182. >"Come."
  183. >He barks.
  184. >"Mustn't keep his lordship waiting."
  185. >This is the most Fancyhoof has ever said to you.
  186. "Ok..."
  188. ...
  190. >You’re too big and clumsy for the hallways p0nies use to get around Dad’s mansion.
  191. >So you have a special one of those too, just like your special door to get inside.
  192. >Dad says they also keep anyp0ny from seeing you. He hates having to get rid of servants.
  193. >You guess that’s good then. The hallway keeps you good and lets people work.
  194. >Dad says work is good.
  195. >That’s why you work for him. Delivering the p0nies he hates.
  196. >…you need to be useful.
  197. >“Here we are.”
  198. >You and Fancyhoof have come to your other special door.
  199. >The one that leads to Dad’s study.
  200. >Fancyhoof pulls the secret lever. Something whirrs and humms inside the wall.
  201. >Then it slides back.
  202. >“Yes. Come in Anon.”
  203. >Dad.
  204. >He finally looks calm again.
  205. >You like Dad when he isn’t angry. His eyes stop being scary. Plus they’re nice and blue!
  206. >Blue is your favorite color.
  207. >“I awoke him with the dishwater as per your request Prince Blueblood.”
  208. >“Excellent job as usual Fancy.”
  210. >You’re hungry.
  212. ...
  215. Dad told Fancyhoof to get you fed before sending you out.
  216. >You love breakfast. Lunch and dinner too if you can get it.
  217. >It's so different from everything else you have.
  218. >It's dark when you wake up so the servants are out of the breakfast hall.
  219. >You get to sit at a table and everything!
  220. >Dad says you need lots of food to stay strong.
  221. >You need to be strong to be useful.
  222. >You HAVE to be useful.
  223. MUCH crunchmuch *burp* GLUGLUG much
  224. >Fancyhoof has gone back to being quiet.
  225. >That's ok. It's hard to listen and eat at the same time.
  226. >"Fancyhoof sir. Oi've brought that pallet of bisquits his lordship requested. Shall I bring them in?"
  227. >"Nono Hank. That's quite alright. His lordship wishes to gnosh in private."
  228. >Fancyhoof shoos the servant away before they try to enter.
  229. >No one's allowed to see you.
  230. >That'd make you bad.
  231. >Suddenly a tray of fresh bisquits enters the edge of you vision, joining the rest of your feast.
  232. >Scrambled eggs.
  233. >Wheat toast.
  234. >Hot Oatmeal...
  235. >...and your favorite.
  236. >MEAT!
  237. >Sausage. Bacon. Ribs. There's even steak today!
  238. >Twice as much steak as usual.
  239. >Sometimes you wouldn't get any steak at all.
  240. >'I can't be sparing such a hot commodity purely to fill that gluttonous gut of yours.'
  241. >Dad liked to sell meat.
  242. >Gryphons liked it he said.
  243. >Especially the kind he had to sell.
  244. >He said it was special.
  245. >You don't really care.
  246. >You get ALL the leftovers though.
  247. Gnossssh! Shhllluurrrp. MUNCHMUNCH crrrrrRACK!
  249. 'Whump'
  250. >Ohhh yeah. The insides of bones were the BEST.
  251. >...You think Fancyhoof fainted.
  253. >>
  255. BOOM!
  256. >"Wha!? Who!? Wher-"
  257. CRACK
  258. >"AYYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!! HELP! HEL-"
  259. WHUMP.
  260. CRACK!
  261. SNNNNAP!
  262. >...
  263. >...
  264. >Job's done. Time to go home.
  265. >This time Dad gave you weird instructions.
  266. >He told you to kill two p0nies but only bring back one.
  267. >You think you're a good listener.
  268. >Yep. The pretty mare is dead, neck snapped just like Dad wanted.
  269. >The Stallion she was in bed with is still breathing.
  270. >You didn't hit him that hard. Just real well in the horn.
  271. >Unicorns always stay down after that.
  272. >Oh wait.
  273. >Can't stand and think. Gotta get home to Dad!
  274. Knock-Knock-Knock
  275. >"M'lord! Hoity Toity sir? Are you alright?"
  276. >Oh no! Dad didn't say anyp0ny else would be in the house!
  277. >Time to hide.
  278. >The rafters of the bedroom are in arm's reach. You pull up to them with ease with the stallion draped across the back of your neck.
  279. >"I'm coming in!"
  280. Crrreeak
  281. >"Sir?"
  282. >P0nies can't see very good in the dark.
  283. >You remember sometimes when you'd be right behind one, or right in front.
  284. >"Sir? Where's the damn lamp!"
  285. >They never see you.
  286. Whoosh
  287. >"Oh my sweet Celestia..."
  288. >Not until it's too late.
  289. Drip.
  290. >Red splashes across the pajama clad servant p0nie's muzzle.
  291. >Hoity Toity's head! It's still bleeding!
  292. >" the hoof..."
  293. >The Butler turns, agonizingly slow. He looks up.
  294. >...He sees you.
  295. >"Mother of Tartarus."
  296. >Goodbye.
  297. WHATHUMP!
  298. >"AHHH! GET OFF! GET! OFF OF ME!"
  299. >He struggling the same as all p0nies. Hooves squirm and wiggle like a snake on fire. He's panting and twisting his neck to avoid your grip.
  300. >He knows he's as good as dead if you get a hold of his head or neck.
  301. >Doesn't matter.
  302. >Nop0ny ever gets awa-
  303. WHACK!
  304. >PAIN!! PAIIIIN!!!
  305. >You fall over, gripping your groin.
  306. >This has never happened.
  307. >Why does it hurt!?
  308. >You can't breathe.
  309. >You can't see.
  310. SLAM! Clipclopclipclop!
  312. >...He got away.
  313. >Somep0ny got away!
  314. >You have to chase them...
  315. >You still can't get up.
  317. >You can hear voices.
  318. >"What happened!?"
  319. >"IT'S STILL UP THERE!"
  320. >"I'll get the guards!"
  321. >Alot of them.
  322. >You can finally stand.
  323. >Can't fight.
  324. >Gotta run.
  325. >You pick up Hoity Toity and toss his body over your neck like before.
  326. >Must be a good...thing.
  327. >Must get home.
  328. >Your bad hurts so much.
  330. >The walk home took a lot longer than normal.
  331. >There were so many p0nies in the street!
  332. >Even the fliers were out.
  333. >You had to hide specially well when they came by.
  334. >It's still cold.
  335. >You wish dad would let you wear clothes.
  336. >You can't though.
  337. >'None but the finest of p0ny society are ever fully clothed, Anon. You're not even a p0ny. Why would a thing like you need clothes?'
  338. >You don't know.
  339. >You just know you're cold all the time.
  340. >Cause you shiver a lot.
  341. >Until you hurt somep0ny...or get home to your special room and your blanket.
  342. >You miss them both right now.
  343. >You hurt so much...
  344. >"HEY! I think I see it! Up on the roof!"
  346. >"Circle it men! Surround the building on the street! Pegasi move in!"
  347. >Gotta run!
  350. >You have to run. Have to stay away from the light!
  351. >Dad said you'll burn up in it.
  352. >You don't have any fur.
  353. >'Not even feathers or scales! Of course you'll burn up! Stay the dark my er...boy. Make sure no one sees that 'dreadful' face of yours. For all our sakes.'
  354. >You run as hard as you can.
  355. >Your bad place hurts.
  356. >You jump, crawl and swing from the chimneys!
  357. >Your bad place still hurts.
  358. >You drop down into an alley once or twice. You can't stay on the ground long though, the p0nies down there catch you very quickly.
  359. >...your bad place REALLY hurts.
  360. >"It's headed for the castle! ALERT THE CAPTAIN OF THE CUTOFF POINT!"
  361. >They won't stop yelling at you.
  363. >You can't stop though.
  364. >Dad wouldn't love you if you were caught.
  365. >Or burnt up.
  366. >You smash right through a dividing alley fence.
  367. >There's splinters in your arms and face...
  368. >You don't care.
  370. >There's so much noise.
  371. >Your legs run on their own. They know each path through the cramped Canterlot alleys.
  372. >You almost made it home.
  373. >Home where it's safe.
  374. >Home to Dad.
  375. >You just want to be warm.
  376. >You didn't make it past the castle gate though.
  377. >You broke right through a fence, rushed toward the gate just to smash your face into something you couldn't see.
  378. >"By Celestia what IS that thing!?"
  379. >"Stay sharp men! I'll seal it within the shield!"
  380. >There's somep0ny in front of you.
  381. >Every light the pegasi were carrying is pointed at you now.
  382. >It's so bright it hurts.
  383. >"Alright you...thing."
  384. >Everything hurts.
  385. >"Just put the Stallion down..."
  386. >It makes you confused.
  387. >"...and nop0ny else gets hurt."
  388. >Your eyes snap open. The cruel light stabs into them until sight returns.
  389. >You should be burning now.
  390. >Dad said if anyp0ny saw you in the light you'd burn right up.
  391. >You notice the stallion in front of you is a unicorn.
  392. >"Can you understand me?"
  393. >He's white...purple mane."
  394. "Too...bright."
  395. >You mumble through clenched teeth.
  396. >The p0ny looks shocked that you spoke.
  397. >"IT CAN SPEAK!"
  398. >He yells back toward the guards at the gate.
  399. >The splinters in your arms and face are starting to sting. Almost as bad as your eyes.
  400. "Too bright!"
  401. >"Bring another contingent around! Surround the courtyard! Bring rope! No-..."
  402. >He glances back to you.
  403. >"Chains!"
  404. >Chains? What would he need those for?
  405. >He isn't listening about the light.
  406. >"Alright. You whatever you are."
  407. "TOO! BRIGHT!"
  408. >Your voice erupts out at him like a cannon. His blue mane and tail shoot straight out as if in a windstorm before he's dropped to his flank.
  409. >Your skin tingles.
  410. >"Captain Shining! Are you alright sir!?"
  411. >The air around you seems more purple.
  412. >"We have it subdued with magic sir!"
  413. >Some of the guards are rushing toward the white unicorn.
  414. >They're not surrounding you.
  415. >RUN!
  416. >Just like that you're off again, vanishing into the dark.
  417. >The dark is safe.
  418. >You can't burn up here.
  419. >That tingling must have been what burning feels like. Good thing you got away.
  421. ~Narrator Pov~
  422. >Gaurd1: "By the just ran off!"
  423. >Gaurd 2: "I thought you had it pinned with magic."
  424. >Guard 3: "Who cares about that? The Captain's injured!"
  425. >SA: "No. No I'm fine I just..."
  426. >Shining Armor shook his head in disgust, trying to clear his vison.
  427. >SA: "That damn thing's breath reeked so bad I lost concentration of my shield least we know why it's been snatching p0nies."
  428. >Guard 1:"How so sir?"
  429. >SA: "I know the smell of rotting meat well enough soldier."
  430. >A grim silence befalls the nearby search parties that overhear that tidbit. As if the fate of any and all missing p0nies had just been made far too abysmal.
  431. >SA: "Summon the night guards as well as the auxiliary watch. We need the whole city looking for this...thing."
  432. >Guards: "Yes sir!"
  433. >SA: "Make sure we get some warning posters up...and inform the guard of your weakened magical hold on it. This monster needs to be approached with caution."
  435. >When you finally made it home, dad wasn't there.
  436. >Fancyhoof said he had to be away. Official buisness he said.
  437. >You know what that means.
  438. >You're in trouble when he gets back.
  439. >Fancyhoof took HoityToity from you at first.
  440. >That made you happy, atleast part of what you did right will make it to dad.
  441. >"Urrrrgh..."
  442. >"I left him alive?"
  443. "Uh huh."
  444. >"Where...wha?"
  445. >"This simply won't do. Did Prince Blueblood instruct you not to kill him?"
  446. >"Blueblood?.."
  447. "Dad said to bring him back."
  448. >Your answer is short. You like short answers.
  449. >"Hmph!"
  450. >Fancyhoof hates them.
  451. >That makes you like them more.
  452. >"I swear m'lord can train the hairless ape to speak, to fetch meat, even to sit heel but MANNERS! Oh Celestia no, that's just too hard!"
  453. >You like it when Fancyhoof acts all huffy.
  454. Caclink caclink.
  455. >He's chained up Fancyhoof to your corner.
  456. >That's wierd.
  457. >"Until M'lord returns I'm sure you'll be safe right here."
  458. >" bucking fiend...Fleur?...Fleur where are you?"
  459. >HoityToity looks sleepy.
  460. >Must be the bash to the head and loose horn you gave him...that's a LOT of blood.
  461. >You're getting hungry.
  463. >HoityToity really does look sleepy.
  464. >He's groaning and rolling his eyes around a lot too.
  465. >He smells really good.
  466. >Like dad's kitchen ponies.
  467. >...he smells like food.
  468. >Your favorite food.
  469. >Meat.
  470. "I killed her."
  471. >Hoity seems to find his wits quickly at the sound of your voice.
  472. >His pupils turn to pinpricks as he flails about, his hooves scramble to put his back to the wall.
  473. >He's looking back and forth a lot. Never at right at you.
  474. >Oh right. Ponies can't see in the dark like you do.
  475. >"WHO'S THERE!?"
  476. >He still smells like meat.
  477. >"WHERE AM I!?"
  478. >Wierd, he looks angry now instead of scared.
  479. >"What did you DO to my Fleur!?"
  480. "The mare...with you in bed."
  481. >You lean towards him. You can feel the meager light from the slightly cracked kitchen door across your face.
  482. "She screamed. I broke her neck."
  483. >Hoity smells like piss now...and he doesn't look angry anymore.
  485. >"What in the hoof..."
  486. >Hoity gulps hard.
  487. >"'re that thing. The one Blueblood talked about."
  488. >You cock your head like you've seen cats do. You didn't know dad talked about you to other Ponies.
  489. >"I thought you were just some fillytale he drummed up to scare ponies out of opposing him."
  490. "Ah...pose?"
  491. >You weren't fond of new words.
  492. >They made you feel stupid.
  493. >You were.
  494. >Not the point.
  495. >"I...yes. Oppose. To go against? To fight?"
  496. "Fight..."
  497. >You knew that word.
  499. ~Flashh baaack~
  501. >"C'mon you shaved Go-rilla! GIT-EM!"
  502. >You're scared.
  503. >You hurt.
  504. >"Blueblood! I thought you said this thing was a wreckin' machine!
  505. >"RRROOAARR!!"
  506. "AHHH!!"
  507. >You scream. You run from this THING you're trapped in the hole with.
  508. >It's big. As big as you. It has big teeth and big claws and wings and-
  509. SHUNK
  510. >A stinger...
  511. >The crowd erupts into cheers.
  512. >Your shoulder burns.
  513. "Daddy..."
  514. >You can't look anywhere else but above you.
  515. >You see dad. He won't look at you.
  516. "Daddy help..."
  517. >He can't hear you. The ponies are too loud.
  518. >"Honestly. You worthless chimp. How can you expect me to give a flying feather if you can't even fight?"
  519. >The big thing is crawling up to your face.
  520. >You're so scared.
  521. >"Yeah! C'mon yah big monkey! FIGHT!"
  522. >That word. The whole crowd's chanting it.
  525. >Fancyhoof hands Dad a little drink with an know dad loves you. He just wants you to fight.
  526. >What's fight!?
  528. >You scream to make sure he hears you.
  529. >Dad raises a brow at you, handing his drink to Fancyhoof.
  530. >The big thing has it's claws out.
  531. >"Anon..."
  532. >You remember dad's eyes.
  533. >You love always know what he wants when he looks you in the eyes.
  534. >"...Kill it."
  535. ~
  536. >The crowd's silent.
  537. >You did what dad wanted.
  538. >The thing's dead.
  539. >Why didn't he just say what he wanted sooner?
  540. >Fight.
  541. >You know what it means now.
  542. >It's what you do while you try to kill something.
  543. >The thing doesn't have a stinger anymore.
  544. >You took it.
  545. >It doesn't have wings anymore.
  546. >You took those.
  547. >You took it's eyes. It's left paw.
  548. >...almost all of it's teeth.
  549. >Your shoulder still burns.
  550. >Darkness.
  551. >You remember waking up in your room.
  552. >Those doctors were there again.
  553. >They were sewing you up like a blanket.
  554. >"M'lord. I know this isn't our place...we're just physician's after all but this specimen is rare an-"
  555. >"I believe you've stated the end of this conversation already doctor."
  556. >Dad's was there.
  557. >You're happy he's there.
  558. >"It isn't your place to comment on what I do with my possesions."
  559. >Dad's're sad.
  560. >"Patch it up. Then get out."
  561. WHAM!
  563. ~Present~
  565. "I know that word."
  566. >You blink.
  567. >Hoity just said dad uses you to hurt people who fight him.
  568. >He sent you after Hoity.
  569. >Your caveman brain ponders this for a moment.
  570. ...
  571. >Hoity cringes when you crease the twin Yeti worms you have in place of eyebrows.
  572. >1 plus one equals...
  573. >"Please..."
  574. >Equals...
  575. >"Please don't hurt m-"
  576. >TWO!
  577. WHAM!
  579. >Hoity can't seem to retort. Your hand viced around his windpipe is impeding his witty remarks.
  580. >There's a dent in the wall where his head hit it.
  581. >His horn is hanging off all wierd.
  582. >Gross.
  583. >"I- ACK! PLEASSSE!"
  584. >He's wheezing.
  585. >He's crying.
  586. >Good.
  587. >Nopony hurts daddy.
  589. >You can see his eyes fading.
  590. >His hooves are slowing down.
  591. >Dad didn't want Hoity dead though...
  592. >You drop him just before your leathery hand wrings the life out of this pony's neck.
  593. >Hoity coughs so hard he spits up some blood.
  594. >That's when you notice it.
  595. >His breath.
  596. >That's where the meat smell is coming from.
  597. BOOM
  598. >"Where is he!?"
  599. >Dad's here.
  600. >You're happy.
  601. "Dad! I got'em. Just like you wanted an-
  603. >You knew you'd been bad.
  604. >You knew dad would be angry.
  605. >You just forgot.
  606. >You were too happy to see him.
  607. >"YOU...were...seeeen."
  608. >Dad's stepping on your head.
  609. >He only does that when he's REALLY mad.
  610. >"Blueblood! By Celestia stop this madness! For the love of all that's holy find some decency in you!"
  611. CRACK!
  612. >Dad just hit Hoity, not you.
  613. >Wierd.
  614. >"Hoity you bucking worm..."
  615. >You slink toward the opposite corner while Dad deals with the pony who "ah posed" him.
  616. >The less beating the better.
  617. >Dad must know how sorry you are.
  618. >You know he's proud for you bringing him Hoity. Alive. Just like he asked.
  619. >That's why he hasn't abandoned you yet.
  620. >"You thought you could betray ME!?"
  621. WHAP WHAM!
  622. >Dad cracks a hoof across Hoity's face and slams into the wall where you recently imprinted his skull.
  623. >"Blackmail ME!?"
  624. >WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!
  625. >That hole is getting deeper. Hoity's horn is spinning by root when you used to lose teeth all the time.
  626. >"Tried to put ME over a barrel! To STEAL!"
  627. WHAM
  628. >"MY!"
  629. WHAM
  630. >"PRODUCT!"
  633. >"Puh...Plea-"
  634. WHAM
  635. "Puhuhuhleaaaaasee."
  636. >Hoity is crying.
  637. >You've never seen a pony cry.
  638. >Dad said it was bad to cry.
  640. ~FLASHBACK~
  641. >Your face hurts.
  642. >You can't see.
  643. >You wanted a hug.
  644. >You wanted food.
  645. >You were cold.
  646. "Uhhhhuhuhuhhhh Huuuuuu!!"
  647. WHACK
  648. >The ground's back.
  649. >You still can't see it but it's hit your face again.
  650. >Mostly your nose.
  651. >"How pitiful. Such a massive thing filled with such weakness."
  652. "D-...d-d-...DAAAAdeeee-Uhhuhhh huuuuuu."
  653. >"SHUT! UP!"
  654. >You tried.
  655. >You really did.
  656. >You clamped your mouth as hard as you could.
  657. >Squinted and even grabbed your throbbing nose to stop the noise.
  658. >Nothing worked.
  659. "Pffffftt UhhhH!!!! Huuhhh! I- *hic* I- *hic* I- *hic* Hmm! Mmmmuuhhhhhh HuhhH!!"
  660. CRACK
  661. >"You'll learn to stifle that noise eventually my boy. One way or another."
  662. >You remember that day. It was the first time he ever said it.
  663. >Dad took your bloody chin on his hoof and raised your face.
  664. >You couldn't see his face but you knew he was looking at you.
  665. >"Daddy believes in you."
  666. >The first time he said he was your daddy.
  668. ~Present~
  670. >"Please Blueblood...I can't possibly harm you now."
  671. >"Oh I know Hoity..."
  673. >"You never could hurt me Hoity. Don't you get that?"
  674. >Dad's voice got quiet...but he's still angry. You know he is.
  675. >You're scared for Hoity.
  676. >"It's disrespected me."
  677. >Hoity's shaking.
  678. >"You, a businessman. Had the gall to try and blackmail me. A royal."
  679. >Dad's motioning for you.
  680. >You don't dare hesitate.
  681. >"That kind of audacity has to be punished."
  682. >You loom behind Dad, staring into Hoity's eyes. He looks so scared.
  683. >"Anonymous."
  684. >Dad said your name.
  685. >You couldn't be happier.
  686. >You smile.
  687. "Yes Daddy?"
  688. >It's a terrible sight.
  689. >"This Pony tried to hurt me. Tried to hurt your...daddy."
  690. >Hoity looks like he's trying to wake up from a nightmare. He gulping and blinking like a fish out of water.
  691. >"There's good news though."
  692. >Dad let's Hoity go, looking to you as you stare the once noble pony down.
  693. >You stomach growls.
  694. >Dad smiles.
  695. >"He's made of meat Anon."
  696. >Hoity looks like he's been shot.
  697. >"Your favorite."
  698. >Your favorite...
  699. >"You...bucking animal."
  700. >You cock head, curious for a moment about what Hoity has to say.
  701. >"Buck you Blueblood."
  702. >He spits on dad.
  703. >For split second, before the sounds of Hoity's screams and your chewing. You could make out the echoes of your Jimmies rustling.
  705. >There's a lot of noise.
  706. >You're used to it now though.
  707. >This is place is familiar.
  708. >The smell of piss. Taste of blood.
  709. >The yelling.
  710. >All the ponies are yelling.
  712. >You look up from your handiwork to dad.
  713. >You want to know if this is ok.
  714. >You've never killed a minotaur before.
  715. >"C'mooon ya buckin' chimp! Finish em!"
  716. >Dad's glaring at you. At your hands.
  717. >"Uhhhrrrg."
  718. >The Minotaur's waking up.
  719. "Dad...what should I-"
  720. >"Just kill him Anon."
  721. >He sounds mad again...this usually makes him happy.
  722. >Well.
  723. >Dad said so.
  725. >"AHHHH!!!! AHHHH!!!"
  726. >He's still awake.
  727. >That might make snapping his neck harder.
  729. >You thought you did good.
  730. >The loud fancy voiced pony talked about this minotaur a lot.
  731. >How famous he was.
  732. >How strong he was.
  733. >He did hit hard.
  734. >Not as a hard as you though.
  735. >You noticed he didn't have scars...maybe that's why he went down so fast.
  736. >You mashed his head on the ground for a while after that.
  737. >Then yanked his arm backwards.
  738. >You got distracted by his hands for a second.
  739. >Minotaurs were the only other things that had hands like you did.
  740. >It made you feel you might be normal, atleast a little bit.
  741. >The Ponies started yelling for you to finish it though.
  742. >So here you were doing what dad said...
  743. >This minotaur's neck is thick.
  744. >"AAHHHh!!! AHHH!!"
  746. >Everything else seems real quiet all of a sudden.
  748. >Nopony will help.
  749. >Nopony stops the fight.
  751. >...
  752. >...
  754. >...he's dead.
  755. >You look up to dad.
  756. >He's smiling.
  757. >You smile back.
  758. >It's a horrible thing.
  760. >The noise is back.
  761. >It's ok though, because dad is smiling.
  762. >You lumber backward, headed for the dark tunnel you entered the pit from.
  763. >Right when you turn though the noise changes.
  765. >Screaming.
  766. >Everyone's screaming.
  767. >Your turn back just in time.
  768. >To see the set of hooves headed for your face.
  769. >You remember the face on the pony attatched to them too.
  770. >That blue mane.
  771. >That armor.
  772. >The guard who spoke to you.
  773. >Darkness.
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