
PxA Chp 6

Apr 2nd, 2014
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  1. >it had been a week since Rainbow Dash's death
  2. >it had hit you a lot harder than the others
  3. >perhaps it was the spontaneity of it that had gotten to you
  4. >or the fact that Rainbow Dash had been a good pony and you had killed her
  5. >you shook your head
  6. >it had been necessary. Pinkamena might've been the one to wind up dead instead
  7. >despite any misgivings, you knew her safety and life were paramount
  8. >despite knowing this, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to go horribly wrong in this situation with Pinkamena
  9. >Pinkamena had been very affectionate with you since Rainbow's death
  10. >you had the scars to prove it
  11. >you took solace in her embrace, it was the one source of comfort you still had admist the sea of turmoil your mind had become
  12. >other thoughts had been plaguing you as well
  13. >like why the hell could you barely remember your life from before all this with Pinkamena had started
  14. >how had you even gotten to Equestria in the first place?
  15. >you did you best to push these thoughts aside as you sat on a bench in the local park
  16. >the sun's warmth was rather relaxing today
  17. >a strange thought struck you
  18. >here, the sun doesn't even rise on it's own
  19. >"Hello Anon," a voice from beside you greeted
  20. >you nearly toppled the bench over backwards in surprise
  21. >the purple unicorn that had been the source of your disturbance giggled slightly at your response
  22. >"Oh, hi Twilight Sparkle," you greeted sheepishly. "I was just thinking about...some things."
  23. >"I could tell," she answers, hopping onto the bench beside you and lay-sitting like these little horses tend to do
  24. >there a few moments of uncomfortable silence and you try to think of what to say
  25. >"Sun's nice today," you comment idly.
  26. >"Isn't it?" Twilight agrees enthusiastically. Princess Celestia has really outdone herself today."
  27. >she pauses for a moment
  28. >"I once remember you telling me where you came from the sun and moon rise and set all on their own. That's such a strange thing to consider..." Twilight trails off
  29. >had you told her that? You couldn't recall.
  30. >"I could say the same thing about them having to be moved manually," You counter.
  31. >"I suppose that's fair," she concedes.
  32. >"I didn't come over here to discuss that though," she continues, looking up at you and into your eyes.
  33. >"Something is troubling you Anon. It's practically written all over you..."
  34. >had you really been that obvious?
  35. >"It's nothing I can't handle," you assure her
  36. >her gaze is unflinching
  37. >she isn't buying it
  38. >you had wandered around for a few hours aimlessly, trying to sort out just how much Twilight knew about the situation
  39. >if she had suspected you had had a hand in the recent disappearances, she wouldn't have just talked to you so nonchalantly like that, you'd reasoned
  40. >and had she suspected Pinkamena, you imagined she'd have been much more direct in pressing you for details concerning her situation
  41. >you decided it was time to head home
  42. >you let yourself into the house
  43. >you were shocked by what you saw
  44. >there were slight scorchmarks on the walls and floors, and a few spots of dried blood on the floor
  45. >you start to panic immediately
  46. >you rush through the house, searching for Pinkamena
  47. >to your relief, you find her in the bathroom, snipping small locks of her mane
  48. >you notice that the ends of it have been scorched
  49. >"Oh heya Nonny!" Pinkamena greeted you happily
  50. >"What the hell happened here?!" you ask incredulously
  51. >"Oh it was just the beeeeest day!" she replies. "Twilight came over to visit!"
  52. >that explained the scorchmarks
  53. >but what the hell had happen-
  54. >"We had so much fun," Pinkamena continued unabated. "She was a little...reluctant at first, but I convinced her to see it my way!"
  55. >"Where is she now?" you ask quickly. "Is she still-?"
  56. >"Oooh, somebody's eager," she comments, placing a hoof on your thigh. "Yeah, I didn't end the fun without you Nonny. She's in the room, you can go see her if you want. Show her just how fun you can be!"
  57. >you rush into the chamber where you'd had your special brand of fun so many times before
  58. >and there she was, Twilght Sparkle, looking like she'd been through seven kinds of hell
  59. >which wasn't an entirely innacrate assessment
  60. >"A...Anon..." she moaned in your direction
  61. >"'s me..." you answer, feeling complete misery
  62. >"This...this is what you were involved in...wasn't it?"
  63. >blood was still oozing out of a few of the cuts on her body
  64. >you didn't answer, letting the hanging silence be your form of tacit admission
  65. >Why...?" she asked weakly. "Why is Pinkie Pie doing this...we were...such good friends..."
  66. >"She says you all abandoned her," you explain, unsure of why you were even bothering to explain things to her.
  67. >"Says that she has to show you just what it feels like to be scared and alone like she was."
  68. >"That's...I..." the tears begin to flow out of her bloodshot eyes anew
  69. >You move a bit closer, sitting beside the bed and placing a hand on her shoulder
  70. >she winces a bit from the contact on her sore form, but accepts it
  71. >"I...I love her," you explain. "It's my responsibility to do the things she asks of me. I owe her that much for having given me so much."
  73. >"Love her?" Twilight asks, in disbelief of what you'd just said
  74. >"Yes," you reply. "Her love is the only thing that's kept me going through all this madness. Knowing that she'll never leave me, will never abandon me."
  75. >"After the things she's done?" Twilight responds. "After the things she's made you do? How could that ever be considered love?!"
  76. >anger well up in you and you squeeze her shoulder hard, prompting her to let out a cry of pain
  77. >"You could never understand," you tell her. "Pinkamena and I share a very special bond, one that no one else in the world may be able to understand, but it is very real. Don't ever suggest such a thing again, do you understand me?"
  78. >Twilight nods in agreement
  79. >well, as best as she can manage between her restraints and the unicorn magic suppressing headgear
  80. >You smile, giving her battered form another assessment
  81. >Pinkamena had really worked her over
  82. >you were honestly surprised she was even conscious at the moment
  83. >"Do you ever think about your life before all this started?" Twilight asked after a few more moments of silence.
  84. >"Not really," you lied, unconvincingly
  85. >her response was cut off by the door swinging open behind you
  86. >"So, whatcha up to Nonny?!" Pinkamena exclaimed happily
  87. >She pauses for a moment, noticing the distinct lack of any new aggression having occurred since you'd entered
  88. >"What's the matter Nonny? You wouldn't wanna keep Twilight waiting on having all sorts of fun, now wouldja?"
  89. >you look at her, and she looks right back
  90. >you raised you fist slowly above her face
  91. >her look doesn't even shift
  92. >she knows what you have to to do, and she's prepared to accept it
  93. >but why?
  94. >that hour you'd spent subjecting Twilight to more abuse and violation was the most difficult hour you'd ever experienced
  95. >she'd cried out in pain, begged for it to stop, but you knew she was putting on an act for your benefit
  96. >why was she going to such great lengths for your benefit, when you were her tormentor, and a murderer?
  97. >it made no goddamn sense
  98. >it'd be so much easier if she'd just hated you like the others
  99. >the though plagued you all night long, you didn't get an ounce of rest as the sun started shining through the window the next morning.
  100. >Pinkamena announced to you over breakfast she had some things to take care of today and wouldn't be back until that evening
  101. >she admonished you not to have TOO much fun with Twilight today, and you knew what she meant
  102. >you watched her leave after the meal was concluded, wondering what sort of errands she had to run
  103. >shaking it off, you headed back towards the room where Twilight was held captive
  104. >"Anon..." she greeted weakly.
  105. >"Twilight," you answered evenly.
  106. >"I...don't think I'm gonna...last too much longer..." she breathed, more tears welling up in her.
  107. "Oh...oh no..." you start to panic. If Twilight died while Pinkamena was away, you'd-
  108. "It's allright..." she responded. "I know now what's...been going on here...I...don't blame you for this, Anon..."
  109. >fucking hell, she really was slipping away
  110. >panic starts to well up inside you
  111. >watdowatdowatdo
  112. >"But...this has to stop..." she continues. "Promise me...after'll stop the killing..."
  113. >suddenly, her eyes flash glowing white
  114. >what the fuck was happening-
  115. >the headgear exploded violently off of her head
  116. >guess it wasn't built to restrain a pony who was essentially a living avatar of magic itself when her powers were fully realized
  117. >was she going to kill you?
  118. >was this some sort of adrenaline surge right before she died?
  119. >you realized if she was going to kill you there wasn't going to be anything you could do to stop it
  120. >"Before I'm gone...let me set" Twilight's voice had a very disturbing echoing property to it now
  121. >her horn is aglow with power
  122. >you find yourself telekinetically restrained to the floor
  123. >much to your surprise, she gently floats over to you instead of reducing you to your constituent atoms
  124. >her horn softly touches your forehead
  125. >you feel a surge of energy coursing through every part of your body
  126. >but the physical sensation is like nothing compared to what is happening in your mind
  127. >it felt like trying to set your own broken arm, except mentally
  128. >thoughts, memories, emotions, all flashing by in a million different directions at once
  129. >your family back home on earth
  130. >your confusion as you'd awoken in a field outside one morning
  131. >being found by the talking ponies from that cartoon you'd loved
  132. >getting to know a few ponies in town
  133. >then one night it had happened
  134. >you'd blacked out after a particularly raucous night of drinking and
  135. >with Pinkie Pie
  136. >no
  137. >with Pinkamena
  139. >then the memories of recent events flashed trough your mind
  140. >the endless tortures you'd endured
  141. >the slow loss of sanity as it had become overwhelming
  142. >you'd been desperate to cling to anything to keep yourself grounded in reality
  143. >and the only thing you'd had was Pinkamena
  144. >it was her
  145. >it had always been her
  146. >she had done this to you, molded you into this monster you'd become
  147. >she had taken advantage of your devotion to exact vengeance on her friends
  148. >and you knew one other thing
  149. >she wouldn't stop after they were all dead
  150. >she'd keep on killing
  151. >and you'd be standing there beside her, helping to enact the atrocities, telling yourself the whole time it was all for her
  152. >it had to stop
  153. >and you were the only one who could end it
  154. >>16877005
  155. >you snap back to reality, feeling your throat burning
  156. >you must have been screaming for a long time
  157. >you take assessment of the room
  158. >everything is in shambles, destroyed by the surge of magical energy
  159. >at least the walls were still intact
  160. >you gaze down at the body of the unicorn who had been the source of the devastation
  161. >Twilight had sacrificed everything in order to free you from Pinkamena's grasp
  162. >you reach down and close her eyelids with your hand, giving her lifeless body a small kiss on the crown of her head as you do so
  163. >you'd be damned if you were going to let her death -all the deaths- have been in vain
  164. >you were going to stop Pinkamena
  165. >somehow
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