
Curhazee Western Thing V2

Sep 14th, 2014
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  1. Origins:
  2. Drop-In: Free You literally drop in from the sky, and land face-first into a barn. After being chased out by a shotgun-wielding farmer
  3. ranting something about aliens, you spot some horse tracks and follow them for a few miles until you see a town.
  5. City Slicker: You talk fast, walk fast, and are generally used to the rush-and-rumble of the big city. You somehow fell asleep on your
  6. train and ended up in the West with nothing, save for a small suitcase filled with law books and medical journals.
  7. However, being the smartest man in town does have it's advantages.
  9. "Alleged" Witchdoctor: You are a celebrity in New Orleans, famous for being a rumored Voodoo practitioner, though you may just be a
  10. fraud. After deciding to retire out West, things took a turn for the worst when your train departed early, and you had
  11. to leap onto it without most your luggage while it was moving. As you looked inside, you noticed it was being robbed
  12. as well.
  14. New Sheriff in Town: A former gunslinger feared as one of the "Quickest Draws in the West", you are now a recently released convict
  15. charged with protecting a small town with only a six-shooter, a badge, and the title of Sheriff.
  16. While you have many contacts in the more seedier lines of employment, you are also burdened with the
  17. protection of an entire town, and with catching up with the times after 10 years on the inside.
  19. Exiled Chief: A long-standing chieftain of a small-yet-powerful subset of the Lakota tribe, you were elected chief at a young age when
  20. it was discovered you were an extremely powerful medium. You have been informally banished for wanting to modernize
  21. tribe traditions while keeping the spirit of the ancient laws and customs. However, most members of your tribe still
  22. respect you, and you are quite the local celebrity.
  24. Civil War Hero: A former Officer of the Union,now suffering from "the vapors" you were key to the end of the War of Southern
  25. Secession. You decided to live out the rest of your life in the comfort of the West and enjoy your weekly stipend from
  26. the government. Unfortunately, this is a very anti-Union town, and if they ever found out the extent to which you were
  27. involved with the Union's victory, they'd quarter you in the street.
  29. Main Attraction: You were the star of Fast Eddie Spaghetti's Superb Wild West Shows, due to either your gun skills or racially-charged
  30. Chinaman impression. After a pay dispute, you were dumped off in the middle of the desert with nothing but
  31. the clothes on your back and some fancy pistols, plus a chest filled with some trinkets you took as a pay-raise.
  32. ------------------------------------------------------------PERK TIME------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. Soundtrack: Free! You get a western-themed soundtrack that's really good and never gets repetitive. Can turn on and off at will.
  35. Parlor Trick: 100 CP (Free Witchdoctor) You are really good at entertaining guests, and have a flair for the dramatic.
  36. You can also do really cool magic tricks.
  38. Regal Bearing: 100 CP (Free Witchdoctor) You carry yourself with all of the poise and flair of someone who knows what he is doing,
  39. even when you don't. Expect others to trust you more easily, but also want you to do favors for them.
  41. Gun Hand: 100 CP (Free Sheriff) You are skilled with the revolver and rifle, and can hit a man-sized target at however
  42. far you can see.
  44. Quickdraw: 100 CP (Free Sheriff) You are one of the fastest draws in the West, capable of drawing and firing your gun faster than the
  45. average person could react. If your gun is on you, chances are it will be in your hands when you need it.
  47. Omnidisciplinary Scientist : 200 CP (Free City Slicker) You are absurdly knowledgeable( for the time period )in several fields of
  48. mathematics, chemistry, law, mechanical engineering and botany, and can speak with really big words
  49. when talking about them. This is only book knowledge, mind you. You have no practical experience in
  50. any of the above.
  52. Ancestor's Guidance: 200 CP (Free Exiled Chief) Once a day, you can call on the souls of the dead to give you advice, or to
  53. just talk about whatever. They have to answer your questions, but they don't have to be
  54. straightforward about it.
  56. Enviro-Mentalist: 200 CP (Free Drop-In) You excel at using your surroundings to your advantage, giving you an edge when fighting
  57. indoors, whether it be a barfight or shootout. The more things within arm's reach, the better.
  59. Trapping and Tracking: 200 CP You can tell the direction, speed size, age, health and gender of any animal or person from just their
  60. tracks, and can tell what happened in a shootout by just gazing at the scene.
  62. Hard Drinker: 400 CP You can drink absolutely anything without feeling the effects until morning, and your tolerance for toxins and
  63. poisons is 10 times that of a normal elephant. Useful for drinking anyone underneath the table, or for scaring
  64. the piss out of people who attempt to poison your whiskey, only to see you down the entire bar's supply. You
  65. can also live on a diet of whiskey and bar peanuts alone.
  67. Human Resources: 400 CP You now know how to kill and properly harvest from other humans in order to get the reagents for a spell.
  68. Each person gives enough reagents for six weak hexes. See notes for details.
  70. Rider: 400 CP You can fire a gun from a horse or moving object with no loss in accuracy so long as you are the one controlling it. You
  71. are also an expert at bringing wild animals under your command, and have a natural feel for what they are thinking.
  73. Medicine Man: 400 CP You can stitch up almost any wound or ease any pains with nothing but the plants around you. It will take time,
  74. but so long as there's some sort of vegetation, you can cure diseases or treat any wounds short of
  75. dismemberment, in any species. Takes about a week for bullet wounds.
  77. Tin Star: 600 CP (Discount Sheriff) It may be tin, but it still feels real, so long as the overwhelming majority of citizens accept
  78. you as their protector. You know your town like you know your own hands, and can protect it as if it was an
  79. extension of your body. Furthermore, you can sense threats to your town and are always there in time to punish
  80. those responsible, as you can traverse it in half the time it takes the average vehicle of the setting at top
  81. speed.
  83. Ghost Dance: 600 CP (Discount Exiled Chief) With the better part of a year's preparation and energy, you can raise the spirits of the
  84. departed to assist you in battle. The spirits strike fear into the hearts of the enemy, causing any animals
  85. and the weak-willed to flee in terror, while weaker still drop dead out of fear. Each spirit summoned gives
  86. it's skills and combat experience to any living troops. Lasts three hours.
  88. Voodoo Practitioner: 600 CP (Discount Witchdoctor) You are skilled in the Voodoo arts, and can make potions, cast hexes, curses and
  89. spells, and bind the dead to inanimate objects, so long as you have the (relatively rare) reagents.
  90. See notes for details.
  92. True Grit: 600 CP (Discount Drop-In) As one man once said, "Rage is one hell of an anesthetic." When someone or something has harmed
  93. someone close to you, you gain the willpower to hunt them down to the ends of the earth, the toll on
  94. your body be damned. While other men give up, something inside you allows you to keep going,
  95. something lusting only for for REVENGE, something letting you track men for months across thousands of
  96. miles, with almost no sleep or food, just to get back at them.
  98. Regale: 600 CP (Discount Civil War Hero) You are a master tactician and planner, and can train an mob of villagers with sticks into a
  99. professional army in just weeks. Furthermore, any army you lead will never need new clothing or equipment, and their
  100. food needs will be so greatly simplified that as long as they eat a filling meal, their nutritional needs will be met
  101. with no ill effects.
  104. Insane Inventor: 600 CP (Discount City Slicker) The only thing that moves as fast as your mind is your mouth, and you can put both to
  105. good use. People tend to believe whatever you say, so long as you say it fast enough and pepper it
  106. with enough technical jargon as to be unrecognizable to all but your equals in the field. Having
  107. trouble with the law? Spout a rambling sentence on the injustices and flaws in the legal system and
  108. you're free to go. Furthermore, you now have the ability to make and modify steam-powered technology,
  109. and can do so without the risk of ruining the item for good.
  113. ------------------------------------------------------------ITEMS GET LOVE TOO----------------------------------------------------
  114. Garish Outfit: 50 CP (Free for Main Atraction) You start off wearing either a ridiculous carnival outfit or the costume of any hero
  115. from a western movie. Your choice.
  116. Ten-Gallon Hat: 50 CP (Free for everyone but Witchdoctor and City Slicker) A very large hat. Can hold 10 gallons of water.
  118. Typewriter: 50 CP (Discount Main Attraction and City Slicker) A typewriter with infinite ink. Comes with a carrying case so you can
  119. type just about anywhere.
  121. Provisions Kit: 100 CP Consists of a deep frying pan, a tin mug, a metal spork and knife, and a tinder kit. Gives you the ability to
  122. cook food just about anywhere.
  124. Badge: 100 (Free for Sheriff) It's a tin badge identifying you as some sort of lawman. Does nothing if people think it's fake.
  126. Spellcraft Supplies: 100 CP Enough supplies for 6 Love Potions or Poisons, 3 Blank Voodoo dolls, or one seance and summoning. If one
  127. has the knowledge, can be used just about anywhere.
  129. Swindler's Cards: 100 CP (Discount Main Attraction) A deck of normal looking playing cards to the unwitting observer, their owner is
  130. able to sense the location and type of the cards at any time, giving them an unfair advantage in your average
  131. poker game.
  133. Throwing Knives: 100 CP (Discount Main Attraction) A set of ten throwing knives used by a carnival actor.
  135. Colt Peacemaker: 100 CP A six-cylinder cap-and-ball revolver. Was crafted by a master gunsmith, and when properly wielded, fires exactly where aimed within its effective range. Gives you the ability to shoot at anything just about anywhere.
  136. Gilded Peacemaker: (Discount Main Attraction) For 100 CP more, it comes with cool engravings and is
  137. plated in gold and platinum.
  138. Either way, Main Attraction gets one Gilded Peacemaker free.
  140. Flask of Plenty: 100 (Discount Main Attraction) A hip flask that never runs out of whiskey. Cannot be poured, only drank from. Allows
  141. you to get drunk just about anywhere.
  143. Potion: 100 CP A weaker version of a love potion, this lasts only two hours instead of two months. All it needs is a hair of the
  144. target to be ready. If consumed, the victim will fall in love with the potion's target just about anywhere.
  146. Winchester Repeating Rifle: 250 CP A repeating rifle. Holds 8 shots in an internal magazine, lever action. Has a higher maximum
  147. effective range than the revolver, and also fires exactly where aimed when properly wielded.
  148. Gives you the ability to shoot more rounds from farther away just about anywhere.
  149. Gilded Winchester: (Discount Main Attraction) For another 100 CP, comes plated in gold and platinum and has gems
  150. embedded in it, as well as cool engravings.
  152. Gravity Hammer: 200 CP (Discount Main Attraction) Either a gift from a thankful Chinese blacksmith or a trinket you swiped from a
  153. circus, you now have an antique gravity hammer that is as much a masterpiece weapon as it is an art piece.
  155. Steam Cannon: 300 CP A very powerful, three shot steam rifle. Uses pressurized air to fire rounds, and thus requires a large steam
  156. reservoir to be carried on the back. However, can fire anything that can fit inside the barrel powerfully and
  157. accurately, and can be fired just about anywhere.
  159. Motorcar: 300 CP A 1900's era motorcar. Unfortunately, only allows you to drive on roads and not just about anywhere.
  161. Stallion: 300 CP A really good horse. Can go for days without resting or eating, but needs double the time to rest up after. Can go
  162. wherever a horse can, and acts just like a really smart horse just about anywhere.
  164. The Ranger's Badge: 400 CP Once a Jump, the badge will stop an otherwise lethal projectile from killing you. If used up, will be
  165. replaced by a new one next Jump. Can be worn just about anywhere.
  167. "Iron Horse": 500 CP The bastard child of a horse, motorcar and steam train. Is ridden like a horse, but at it's widest, is as large
  168. as a train-car and just as long. Can reach speeds of 100 miles per hour off a train track, and 200 when on.
  169. Has the brain of a horse inside it, and acts like one when it can. Can go just about anywhere.
  171. Soul Battery: 500 CP A device the size of a large backpack that can store and harness the power of a human soul. Harnessing it somehow
  172. allows for a single devastating shot that is large as a building and attacks the soul directly. Can be
  173. refilled, but needs a particular month-long ritual only the best of witchdoctors know. That means not you. Can
  174. be transported just about anywhere.
  175. ---------------------------------------------------------------- NEEH DRAWBACKS------------------------------------------------------
  176. Vintage: 0 CP Whenever you explain or talk about your past, you have a flashback which is inexplicably in sepia. Your voice is also
  177. re-dubbed, so it is always off sync with your lips and sounds as if you ate a fist-full of gravel.
  179. Beans: 100 CP The only food you will ever find are kidney beans and rotten kidney beans. For 10 years, you must survive on a baked bean-only diet, with the only toppings allowed being barbeque sauce, sawdust, or sugar, which you must provide yourself.. Your anus will hate you after the first year.
  181. The Red Ghost: 200 CP You are hunted by a 30-foot tall bulletproof camel and it's skeleton rider. The skeleton is an expert marksman
  182. and can split a hair from miles away, while the camel can run faster than any steam train. Both are
  183. masters of stealth, and are able to move silently at top speed and can vanish when out of sight.
  184. To your benefit, the skeleton rider cannot dismount, and knocking him off his steed causes him to fall
  185. to pieces. However, he cannot be killed and will thus always reform so long as the camel lives.
  187. Terrorist Train Tycoon: 300 CP You've meddled in the plans of a train tycoon one too many times, or simply took the blame.
  188. Either way, he is sending an... odd mercenary after you. A master of the era's technology with
  189. a massive, steam-powered spider as both base-of-operations and attack-platform.
  191. Narrator: 300 CP You get a narrator with a voice that does not fit the setting. Everyone else can hear him, and he will constantly
  192. state your personal thoughts and actions aloud, as well as any other embarrassing facts he can think
  193. off. Furthermore, he constantly makes you doubt yourself by stating how something could have been just
  194. a little bit better, or how stupid something was. He also gives you a soundtrack, but sings all the
  195. instrument parts, and is really bad at it.
  197. Done Fucked Up: 600 CP For the duration of the jump, everyone will act as exaggerated stereotypes from the 1800s. Native Americans
  198. will be both evil, bloodthirsty savages as well as magical holier-than-thou, mystical warriors that can
  199. perform world-changing ceremonies during full moons, cowboys are genocidal rampaging thieves and rapists as
  200. well as nigh-immortal bullet-spongy juggernauts of death, and Non-Whites are out to destroy the white race
  201. with their Voodoo/Oriental Magic/Bitchin' Sombreros that can corrupt entire towns. This applies to everyone,
  202. except for you. You get nothing of the above, and instead get a looping piano soundtrack and a nerf to all
  203. outside active powers.
  204. For 100 CP more, "Legends" will occasionally appear that are stereotypes of famous Western stereotypes and figures. A dastardly villain who is beloved by everyone and is immune to the law despite being an active serial killer, an Injun' Chief who can raise a spirit army and whom bullets avoid like the plague, or a Lawman who has set his heart on murdering you, and that recovers from almost any wound.
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