
TLP - Howard-Cia

Apr 3rd, 2018
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  1. /* C Support */
  2. Howard: ...Alberic, this will be over soon... Calm down...
  3. Cia: Huh? Who's... "Alberic"?
  4. Howard: ...My horse, lady Cia. His name is Alberic.
  5. Cia: Oh! Right! Sorry about that then, I-
  6. Howard: ...Do not worry, milady. I hope not to be offensive.
  7. Cia: No, no. You weren't being offensive at all. In fact, I should be saying sorry! I was being a bit rude.
  8. Howard: You have done nothing wrong. It's alright.
  9. Cia: Alright...
  10. Howard: Lady Cia... you look so sad. What is wrong?
  11. Cia: Nothing! Nothing at all...
  12. Howard: ...Your eyes are starting to tear.
  13. Cia: Tears? Oh, these... uh... well... it's nothing! Please, I need to go ... (Cia leaves)
  14. Howard: ...Lady Cia...
  17. /* B Support */
  18. Cia: Howard! I need to tell you something!
  19. Howard: ...What is it, Lady Cia?
  20. Cia: I want to tell you why I was crying earlier...
  21. Howard: ...I hope to be of assistance.
  22. Cia: Okay, but first you have to promise not to tell anyone. And secondly, have faith on my words.
  23. Howard: ...Of course, milady.
  24. Cia: Okay then, thank you. When I was younger, I was separated from my sister and mother in Alicia. My father had already died. I was taken away by some people, but I did not know who they were or what they looked like.
  25. Howard: ...How long ago was this?
  26. Cia: This was about four years ago.
  27. Howard: ...Assassins...
  28. Cia: Who? Do you know?
  29. Howard: ...Have you heard of a group called the Keilis Varsen? They were an Alician revolutionary group founded about five years ago. They commonly employed bounty hunters and assassins... Milady, did any of your kidnappers wear brown-on-blue cloaks?
  30. Cia: I... I'm not entirely sure, but I think they did... They must be the people you say. Those were dark days... I was always afraid
  31. because I couldn't see. I could not even see my mother and sister. And when I was finally free... They were gone...
  32. Howard: ...They did not last long. The Keilis Varsen was wiped out after only a year, and most of their hostages were freed. Milady... one young hostage was taken in as a daughter for the former Mage General. She shares your distinctive eyes and similar magical aptitude... I believe she may be your sister...
  33. Cia: Mage General? Could it be?
  34. Howard: ...Yes. The man has raised the girl for two years. She seemed... unexpectedly happy.
  35. Cia: Oh... *sniff*... *sniff*... Howard, thank you! But, there is one more thing I haven't told you...
  36. Howard: Lady Cia?
  37. Cia: My mother... was the Queen of Alicia.
  38. Howard: A descendent of Queen Chelia? I see... Then that is why they came for you... to remove any heirs to the throne.
  39. Cia: Y-yes, you're probably right. I heard that my mother's sister... who killed our father before he could be crowned king, has seized control of Alicia. She is the vilest person in my life, I can never forget her face... never. Solace of Tranguard.
  40. Howard: ...While I'm not sure how the situation currently fairs, Solace attempted to dominate her people and give up to Magnus. This is one of the many reasons it did not take much for Magnus to subdue Alicia...
  41. Cia: Solace... I believe I will see her again...
  42. Howard: ...When that day comes, we will end her reign.
  43. Cia: You would guide me?
  44. Howard: You... saved my life before. Anything I can do for you, I shall.
  45. Cia: You're so sweet, Howard! Thank you! Thank you... for everything...
  48. /* A Support */
  49. Cia: Howard! It's been a while, hasn't it? Why is your face so serious? What happened?
  50. Howard: I was simply worried about you, milady.
  51. Cia: Aww... I have never met a person so affectionate such as yourself. You're the sweetest person ever!
  52. Howard: H-honestly?
  53. Cia: Howard, you're so shy...
  54. Howard: I have been by His Majesty's side for a long time... It has been difficult to associate with others.
  55. Cia: So you're high class then? Well, then again, I suppose I am, too...
  56. Howard: ...No. I was the son of a soldier and his wife. I was taken in some years after their deaths.
  57. Cia: Oh, your parents died... I'm so sorry... I can understand what it's like not having parents. I grew up without a father and then separated from my mother. I wonder how she is doing... if she is safe...
  58. Howard: ...Milady... Lady Cia, please don't cry. After this war... we shall go to Alicia. Together. And we will find your family... I don't want to see you cry anymore ...
  59. Cia: Howard... *sniff*...
  60. Howard: ...Milady. You are... you saved my life. I... I will repay my debt. I will live to ensure the day that you are reunited with your family.
  61. Cia: Howard... *sniff*... I... can't thank you enough...
  62. Howard: Cia... I'll do whatever it takes... to make you happy.
  65. /* Paired Ending */
  66. Cia returned to Alicia with Howard by her side, reconciling with her family and raising Alicia to its former glory. Howard supported her in all things, as both her knight and later her husband.
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