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Mar 5th, 2017
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  3. Part 1: Breakers vs. Primals
  4. • Draenor/Dawgar/Rakshar – no world soul, but plenty of Spirit
  5. • Elements lived in relative balance
  6. • Abundance of Spirit gave rise to untamed life, notably plant life
  7. • Massive plant life forms known as Sporemounds roamed Draenor
  8. • Sporemounds provoked plant life, forest, jungles, swamps
  9. • Roots penetrated into the earth to absorb Spirit energy
  10. • Spirit energy creates hivemind in Sporemounds known as the Evergrowth
  11. • Aggramar comes across Draenor and notices the Sporemounds
  12. • He wants to stop the Sporemounds from consuming the planet
  13. • He uses the four elements to transform a mountain in a living being – Grond
  14. • Grond carved out the surface of Draenor and did battle with the Evergrowth
  15. • Three powerful Sporemounds—Zang (swamps), Botaan (forests), Naanu (jungles)
  16. • Grond defeats Zang & Naanu, whose bodies become Zangar Sea & Tanaan Jungle
  17. • Pieces ripped from Grond and the Sporemounds evolved into beings due to Spirit
  18. • From plants came genesaurs, from Grond came colossals
  19. • Grond’s death unleashes elementals who exist due to Sporemounds eating Spirit
  20. • Grond’s corpse becomes a mountain range in northeastern Nagrand
  21. • Elemental Furies make their home at the Throne of the Elements, skull of Grond
  22. • Aggramar fits the colossals with titanic discs to imbue them with arcane power
  23. • Aggramar senses death of nearby constellar and leaves, never to return
  24. • Colossals lure Botaan from the Evergrowth to their rocky territority to weaken it
  25. • Fighting continues, and the magnaron are born from the remains of the colossals
  26. • Magnaron did not obey orders but still felt compelled to fight the Evergrowth
  27. • Remaining colossals swarm the Evergrowth and detonate titanic discs to destroy it
  28. • Evergrowth loses hivemind, colossal corpses lack energy so no creatures rise
  29. • Botaan’s remains still held energy, his body creates Farahlon
  30. • Botaan’s life energies transformed the magnaron into fleshy gronn
  31. • Gronn continued degenerating into ogron
  32. • Ogron eventually evolved into the ogres who in turn devolved into the orcs
  33. • Botaan’s remains created sporelings, podlings, botani
  34. Part 2: The Great Avians
  35. • Spirit of Life saturated Draenor and gave rise to beasts of great size and strength
  36. • Winged creatures survived best because they could avoid the Primals and Breakers
  37. • Three great avians developed in Arak: Rukhmar, Sethe, and Anzu
  38. • Rukhmar the fire bird had brilliant wings and wielded the holy power of the Light
  39. • Sethe the wind serpent had small, weak wings and channeled the Void
  40. • Anzu the dread raven was smaller and discovered the Arcane from ley lines
  41. • Anzu calls on others to transform Arak into a livable place, they chase out bad guys
  42. • Rukhmar had an affinity for the kaliri; she became arrogant and never left the spire
  43. • Anzu had an affinity for the lesser ravens and lived below the forest canopy
  44. • Sethe and his wind serpents lived in the shadows at the base of the spire
  45. • Sethe grew envious of Rukhmar because he could barely fly as high as the spire
  46. • He sought out Anzu’s help to overthrow her and rule as Twin Kings
  47. • Anzu, however, was in love with Rukhmar and refused to betray her
  48. • He warned Rukhmar who burned Sethe’s wings to ash; Anzu tore out his eyes
  49. • Sethe laid a curse with his dying breath using his flesh and blood to defile the land
  50. • Anzu eats Sethe to seal his curse, which cripples him and he no longer flies
  51. • Sethekk Hollow is the zone where Sethe died that was corrupted by his blood
  52. • Anzu was ashamed of his transformation and hid from Rukhmar in the forests below
  53. • Consuming Sethe gave Anzu new power as well; he hid himself in a realm of shadow
  54. • Humbled by Anzu’s sacrifice, Rukhmar leaves Arak for Gorgrond
  55. • She transformed her kaliri into the arrakoa to honor Anzu’s sacrifice
  56. • The arrakoa to one day relcaim Arak but not as long as Sethe’s curse still lingered
  57. • The arrakoa learn of the Light from Rukhmar and discovered Arcane magic as well
  58. • They revered both Rukhmar and Anzu as deities
  59. Part 3: Return to Arak
  60. • Rukhmar dying and instructs the arrakoa to return to Arak; she dies on the trip
  61. • Calling themselves the Apexis, arrakoa vow to create a civilization in her honor
  62. • They studied Sethekk Hollow to learn shadow magic, embracing Light and Void
  63. • The Anhar order studied Light, the Skalax order studied the Void and Arcane
  64. • They explored Draenor, learned of Breakers & Primals, had disdain for land-dwellers
  65. • A treant named Gnarlgar, one of Primals in Talador, noticed the arrakoa
  66. • He learned of Evergrowth, hivemind, and Sporemounds from the genesaur
  67. • Gnarlgar learned to empower other plants and manipulate them with magic
  68. • He became caretaker to botani, groomed their culture, taught them magic
  69. • Gnarlgar saw the arrakoa as an affront to nature, sought to destroy their artifice
  70. • He found an ancient root of Botaan and used it to give life to a new Sporemound
  71. • Botani sacrificed themselves to imbue mound with life energy, giving rise to Taala
  72. • Botani raised genesaur to prepare for war; Gnarlgar created treants – the Gnarled
  73. • Arrakoa sent scouts to investigate plants, most never came back
  74. • Arrakoa assaulted Primals but Gnarlgar had enchanted trees against magic
  75. • Anhar order proposed a weapon, Breath of Rukhmar, to channel sun
  76. • Gnarlgar urged more botani to sacrifice themselves, and Taala finally stirred into life
  77. • Some Skalaxi sorcerers went to stall the Primals, try to assassinate Gnarlgar
  78. • Gnarlgar destroyed them but was cursed, his roots withering and rotting
  79. • His death broke unity of the Primals, but they continue aimlessly toward Arak
  80. • Arrakoa had time to finish weapon, which emitted fire to burn everything
  81. • They burnt the Primals to a crisp and finally put an end to threat of Evergrowth
  82. • Arrakoa created an empire dedicated to studying and cataloging knowledge
  83. • Anhari and Skalaxi combined magic to create crystals to store information
  84. • Touching crystal permitted one to absorb information/memories within
  85. • Apexis also created mechanical constructs to do their bidding
  86. • Anhari semi-resurrect Rukhmar but less powerful and intelligent
  87. • Anhari built temple near weapon to honor Rukhmar; Skalaxi revered Anzu below
  88. • Rivarly developed between the Anhari and the Skalaxi
  89. • Anhari leader, Priest-Lord Velthreek, wanted to hoard apexis for select few
  90. • Skalaxi leader, Sorcerer-Lord Salavass, believed all should have access to knowledge
  91. • Civil war broke out, and the Anhari threatened to use their weapon
  92. • Salavass used a curse to destabilize the weapon, causing explosion, killing most
  93. • The single spire of Arak was split into numerous smaller spires by the explosion
  94. • Apexis society was basically lost, but the arrakoa would continue to live on
  97. Part 1: Rise of the Ogres
  98. • Gronn were solitary, fighting over territory and food
  99. • Ogron were brutish, rudimentary, but banded together for safety
  100. • Ogres and orcs were fearful of ogron and revered gronn
  101. • Orcs originally lived in caves under Gorgrond
  102. • Skalaxi arrakoa leader, Yonzi, learns of cache of apexis crystals
  103. • Cache buried in Talador, now occupied by ogron
  104. • Ogron would not negotiate with arrakoa
  105. • Yonzi sought alliance with ogron slaves, the ogres
  106. • Arrakoa taught arcane magic to ogres, who mastered it quickly
  107. • Titan ancestry allowed ogres to especially master stone magic
  108. • Ogre named Gog became leader of this rebellion
  109. • Gog fought not the ogron but instead killed a gronn
  110. • Killing more gronn, Gog the Gronnslayer inspired other ogres
  111. • Ogre slaves rose up and defied their ogron masters
  112. • Arrakoa waited patiently to reclaim crystals in aftermath
  113. • Gog, now Gorgog (King Gog), fought off arrakoa as well
  114. • Named city Goria and told Skalaxi to leave
  115. • Yonzi tried to attack at night but was defeated by Gog
  116. • Gorian Empire expanded over the generations
  117. • Ogres not focused on conquest but acquired many lands
  118. • Gronn and ogron hunted down
  119. • Cities of Highmaul and Bladespire Hold sprang up
  120. • Goria became center of magic, apexis crystal highly prized
  121. • Some ogres begin to be born with two heads
  122. • Seen as good sign, so begin magically creating two-head ogres
  123. Part 2: Rise of the Orcs
  124. • Ogre rebellion allowed orcs to come out of their caves
  125. • Orcs hunted widlife of Gorgrond nearly to extinction
  126. • Orcs began migrating out of the region to avoid conflict
  127. • Gorgrond: Blackrock, Laughing Skull, Lightning’s Blade, Dragonmaw
  128. • Blackrock remained in caves to study ore and earth
  129. • Blackrock ore is the remains of Grond, magically imbued
  130. • Dragonmaw called Nelghor-shomash in orcish (Cry of the Beasts)
  131. • Refered to rhylaks as nelghor; name for dragons once on Azeroth
  132. • Tanaan clans: Bleeding Hollow, Bonechewers
  133. • Frostfire clans: Frostwolves, Whiteclaws, Thunderlord
  134. • Frostwolves and Whiteclaws learn to live with nature, wolves
  135. • Thunderlords prefer to dominate wildlife, hunt gronns
  136. • Talador clans: Burning Blade, Redwalkers, Bladewinds
  137. • Nagrand clan: Warsong
  138. • Warsong were nomadic, raided ogre civilizations
  139. • Shadowmoon clan lived in peace, revered the sky and stars
  140. • Shadowmoon went on pilgrimages hoping to hear divine voices
  141. • Some made their way to Throne of the Elements (skull of Grond)
  142. • Pilgrims learned of the elements, birth of first shaman
  143. • Ogres tore and ripped earth; orcs revered elements
  144. • Shadowmoon became first shaman and created temple at Throne
  145. • Orcs would come to be judged by elements, worthy or not
  146. • Some orcs reached into veil and discovered the Void
  147. • They were driven insane, had white skulls tatooed on their faces
  148. • Lived in seclusion in caves of Nagrand, seen as “dead” to orcs
  149. • Shaman became respected, worked alongside clan chieftains
  150. • Annual gathering of shaman called Kosh’harg festival
  151. Part 3: Decline of the Arrakoa
  152. • No orc clans dared venture into Spires of Arak
  153. • Arrakoa became dark, superstitious, haunted
  154. • Renamed themselves “high arrakoa” but only shadow of empire
  155. • Ruled by line of kings sharing power with Anhar order
  156. • No longer respect dread raven Anzu
  157. • Sethekk Hollow used as place of punishment, banishment
  158. • Most banished die, some transformed and unable to fly (Outcasts)
  159. • Outcasts hunted by the saberon
  160. • Pridelord Karash of Bloodmane decided to hunt flying arrakoa
  161. • Taught his tribe to use harpoons, spears, and nets to hunt
  162. • Spires under siege from saberon, faith in Rukhmar wavered
  163. • Terokk, king of arrakoa, sought to fight back
  164. • He attacked saberon himself, ripping them apart
  165. • Became a living legend, built a new city in the sky, Skyreach
  166. • Anhari saw Terokk as a threat to their authority
  167. • Priests kidnapped Terokk and daughter Lithic, thrown to Hollow
  168. • Lithic dies; Terokk warped by the curse of Sethe
  169. • Priests became Adherents of Rukhmar, rule Skyreach
  170. • Terokk heard voice and gathered the fallen arrakoa
  171. • Voice was Anzu, guiding the Outcasts to shadow magic
  172. • Terokk and his talonpriests created city of Skettis in forest
  173. • On border of Arak, forest became known as Terokkar
  174. • Terokk went insane, had to be confined to shadow realm
  175. Part 4: Orcs vs. Ogres
  176. • Orcs and ogres in conflict, Gorians uninterested in orcs
  177. • Gorians ruled by sorcerer kings called imperators
  178. • Ogres initially unimpressed by orc shamanism
  179. • Upon seeing raw power, ogres seek to learn
  180. • Imperator Molok sends army to Throne of the Elements
  181. • Ogre sorcerers investigate area with arcane spells
  182. • Residual energy from Grond mixed with ogre spells
  183. • Explosion wipes out sorcerers and destroys temple
  184. • Draenor descended into turmoil (storms, earthquakes)
  185. • Molok sends more sorcerers; elements cry for help
  186. • Orc shamans tried to calm elements but to no avail
  187. • Shadowmoon elder, Nelgarm, unites clans to act
  188. • Total war breaks out between ogres and orcs
  189. • Orcs managed to push ogres back to capital of Goria
  190. • Orcs wanted to avoid too much bloodshed, did not attack Goria
  191. • Ogres began starving, trade networks cut off by land
  192. • Molok learns about curse of Sethe from apexis crystals
  193. • Creates red pox, highly contagious, to kill off orcs
  194. • Nelgarm realizes the siege is doomed to fail
  195. • Unprecedented, orcs implore elements to destory Goria
  196. • Storm, fire, earthquake ravage city; the earth devours it
  197. • No ogres were spared; orcs victorious but frightened
  198. • Clans decide to disperse and go separate ways
  199. • Red pox continued to plague every few generations
  200. • Highmaul and Bladespire become isolated city-states
  201. • Orcs seized ogre lands, became most advanced race
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