

Apr 16th, 2016
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 1 Ask her to change into another 'mon... or maybe a mon that she wants to be or look like?: (Gavinfoxx)
  3. [X] 1 Check for a tail. While roleplay is hot, you don't want to actually become a motherfucker.: (notanautomaton)
  4. [X] 1 Don't touch the tail, but just check that it is there.: (Priapus)
  5. -[X] 1 If it is, sink down and get a taste of whatever's behind those panties, then slowly and gently make sweet love with the illusion.: (Priapus)
  6. -[X] 1 If not, try to let mom down gently.: (Priapus)
  7. [X] 1 Notice the lack of tail on this otherwise-delightful ass.: (Winged One)
  8. -[X] 1 Scold Zorua for going too far with her prank.: (Winged One)
  9. [X] 11 Shred the imaginary nightie off and roughly handle the image before fucking its cunt as hard as you possibly can.: (korat56, Mithril-blade, Vanathor, Sophos, Astaroh-M, Xicree, TheOtherSandman, Mystletainn, HotaruSama, rcnr, Larekko12)
  10. [X] 2 Sink down and get a taste of whatever's behind those panties, then pull her tail and slowly and gently make sweet love to Zorua.: (Deathwings, Chrisleech)
  11. [X] 15 Sink down and get a taste of whatever's behind those panties, then slowly and gently make sweet love with the illusion.: (kinglugia, Chojomeka, 1986ctcel, megrisvernin, cupcakeviolater, HypoSoc, CrossyCross, Jaertin, U.N.Spacy000, ficsy, Berserkslash, Darkoda, Arkatekt, Dreadis, Rentoba)
  12. [X] 1 ask for an illusion that isn't mom: (Mastigos2)
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