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WE7 Stuff

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Dec 29th, 2014
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  1. WEcon Ch7 stuff
  3. This isn’t a review. This is some sort of wretched comment-thing that I’m putting in a pastebin because I’m too lazy to make a Fimfiction account.
  5. This first part is just comments as I read. Things I like, things I notice, other stuff.
  7. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
  9. So, if I recall correctly, there was a spooky tunnel, there was a fisher, something bigger than a fisher, Alloy finally figured out that Grit WANTS TO, and there was a broadcast picked up by the spritebots.
  11. The quirky, italicised definitions at the beginning of each chapter never fail to amuse me.
  13. The thing that killed the fisher is a big fucking alligator, isn’t it? What did fishers mutate from? Snakes? Invasive pythons are all over the place in the Everglades, so I guess it could make some sense.
  15. > Some of them had burst up from inside ruined buildings, which now looked like eggshells of concrete and wood that still embraced the tree trunks.
  17. I like this description. Not sure why, but I just like the way it reads. It’s easy to visualize too.
  19. > He blinked a few times and looked at me, then his eyes widened.
  21. Oh, what’s this? What’s got Grit all excited here? Alloy covered in mud?
  23. > We made good time whenever we had leftover road to walk on, but we’d often be forced to make a wide loop around deep patches of wet muck that sucked our legs down above the knee, threatening to drag us underground and suffocate us.
  25. Well, shit. One of the best things about this setting is how much more danger can be added, either through the environment or the creatures that inhabit it. Adding new, unique dangers not faced in Littlepip’s story tends to be a common theme that most of my favorite fics share, if done correctly. Other examples could be Murky’s illness and the acid rain of Fillydelphia, or simply the cold temperatures of Frozen Skies. I feel that at this point in the story, WEcon’s biggest selling point is its setting and characters.
  27. > made my ears twitch
  29. I notice a lot of cutesy horsie description in this fic. Believe me, that’s a good thing.
  31. > I buried my head between my forelegs
  33. Awww…
  35. >Instead, I saw a dozen or more ponies, staring down at us.
  36. They stood on an intricate series of bridges and platforms, nestled up in the canopy of the trees around us. A few of them were armed with battle saddles, and at least four held guns in magical grips, floating by their side but thankfully not pointed in our direction. Past them, up in the treetops, I could see a metallic skeleton that could only be a radio tower.
  38. They’re Ewoks! Nah, but seriously, this makes perfect sense. Not too many dangerous creatures in the this swamp would really be able to get them up there, except for maybe panthers or bloatsprites. Plus, treehouses are always fun.
  40. > A fat, curly moustache adorned his muzzle, and he wore the best-maintained pinstripe suit I’d ever seen in the Wasteland, even if it was a blinding pink.
  42. This is just silly. The good kind of silly. Characterization and whatnot.
  44. > capable bodyguard.
  46. Grit's not very modest is he?
  48. > “I tell you what, y’all were hopin’ t’ find some friendly ponies? Y’found th’ friendliest town this side o’ Canterlot. Welcome t’ Sugarland!”
  50. Something feels very Arbu-y and cannibal-y about this…
  52. > Looking at Grit was no help, because he seemed more panicky than I was, lying flat on his belly, eyes darting everywhere.
  54. Not so confident now, huh?
  56. Sugarland is pretty damn interesting, not gonna lie. The name… it’s unusual. I assume it means something or it’s just named after something else in the area.
  58. Oh, so they’re all well dressed? And they like jewelry. Did they come from a stable or something? Or are they just really good scavengers?
  60. > I swallowed my throat a little dry,
  62. I think there should be a comma after swallowed. I’m literally the least qualified person to say that, though.
  64. >S’perfect timin’ for th’ town dance tomorrah night.”
  65. “Dance?” Grit’s face lit up, beaming a wide smile.
  67. Wait a minute. That pretty dress that PG drew… If this is going where I think it’s going, then that’s just too fucking adorable.
  69. > “I actually need to use it for a few minutes to contact somepony -- someone -- from the Talons. Or any mercenary for that matter.”
  71. Aww yis. I forgot about the potential catbird.
  73. > “Marty’s” turned out to be a general supplies store for ponies to buy and sell goods, though a quick scan of what he had on display revealed no jewelry, so at least we wouldn’t be competing on that front.
  75. It’s kinda funny how Alloy immediately begins sizing up competition like this. It makes me wonder how she would have acted if there was a full jewelry display in that store.
  77. > It was, for lack of a better word, beautiful. Simple, but with a little bit of green frilling around the neckline and shoulder holes, and a green bustle pad, the same shade as my eyes, held in place with a ribbon, tied off in a neat bow. At the bottom of the hem was a neat row of frills and folded cloth, the same green as the bustle pad and frilling. It rolled in waves around the entire bottom of the dress.
  79. Oh god, there it is! That’s the one. It even matches her eyes! You’re also… ah… really good at describing dresses.
  81. It’s so cute how she makes sure Grit isn’t looking when she stands next to it.
  83. > “I guarantee it’s nothing that will put Sugarland in danger.”
  85. It’s probably going to put Sugarland in danger. It would be a hell of a town to have a battle in.
  87. > I pushed it in with my forehoof and leaned towards the microphone hesitantly. “Hello?” I paused, lifting my forehoof off the button, listening to the static. “Hello, is this the Talon Company?”
  89. Alloy is not a good radiopone.
  91. > “Yea, yea, Talon Company here, read you Sugarland. Whaddya want? Over,”
  92. > “Retrieval, then.” There was another pause before the voice on the radio replied, “Per standard Talon regulations, all contracts must be signed in person, only one master copy of each contract allowed, the agreed price and contract terms are not subject to change, yadda yadda…” The voice devolved into monotone mumbling, but none of it came over the radio clearly, though I couldn’t tell if that was due to interference or the boredom of the speaker.
  93. > “It means I gotta haul my ass down there for you to sign the contract!” The voice sounded much harsher this time, and it startled me. Had I said something wrong? After a moment, it continued, “I’ve gotta prep some papers, get supplies in order. I’ll be down there tomorrow morning. Talon Company, over and out.”
  95. Ohoho, this is a nice griffon right here. He or she lacks the usual Bayou accent, instead speaking with the traditional ‘griffon accent’ which I’m very okay with. Also, I really like this dialogue, I feel that it shows a lot of personality, despite just being a description of audio. Nice job with this.
  97. > “I’ll give you 50 caps for this necklace! I need it!” the mare giddily shouted at me, and I hastily took her caps, glancing them over to make sure I had the right amount. A whole crowd of ponies had gathered around Grit and I, and he was doing a much better job managing them than I was. I could barely keep up with what was going on, trying to tease out numbers from the dozen voices that pressed close to look at my wares.
  99. It’s like Black Friday.
  101. > “Well, sure, but we’re close t’ th’ end o’ this whole trip, right? Should celebrate.” He smiled at me. “’Sides, not like there’s anything better t’ do. Why not?”
  103. It’s fucking happening.
  105. > It was still there.
  107. You know you want to. Do it.
  109. > In spite of my slightly-frazzled mane and weary-looking eyes, I had to admit that I actually liked how it looked. I felt a small grin grow on my face as I turned this way and that, even pacing around the room just to feel the swish of air around my back legs as the skirt twirled and flapped.
  111. D’aaawwwww!
  113. > As amazing as it was, I felt almost drained, even without having danced at all myself tonight, though several stallions had asked. I had declined all of them, including Grit, telling him I was content to just watch and listen.
  115. DAMMIT. Well, it does make sense, so I can’t be too disappointed. Dancing seems like an activity that would be very un-Alloy-like, maybe even completely out of character.
  117. > I would have to restock a little, wouldn’t I? I could justify one day of making new inventory. Maybe even a new suit of barding? Yes, I could picture it now: a heavier, but more resilient armor. I could add overlapping plates to cover the neck, and even engrave some kind of pattern along the ridges. Maybe just a waved line, ending in a curl and a spiral at each end. I’d have to write this idea down in my journal before I forgot abou-
  119. So she fantasizes about making armor. In public too. How lewd. This is an quirky little pone.
  121. > I looked from the crowd to watch Bourbon now, wondering what he was driving at. “I hope y’all will forgive our precautions in dealing with you and your companion,” he continued. “But I have to look out for me and mine. We really can’t risk letting any of that cruelty seep its way up here.”
  123. I’m getting a feeling that something is going to happen. Maybe someone else heard that broadcast? But even then, that’s no reason to go and attack a town.
  125. > She was a bored-looking creature, with blueish-grey fur and light grey feathers streaked with darker patches. Her beak was dark, and the feathers atop her head and around her yellow eyes were highlighted purple.
  127. Yey, griffon! Nice colors and nice name too. Kyra. I like that, it’s pretty.
  129. > “Each.”
  131. So… now what? The griffon is probably gonna be butthurt that she flew all the way out there and Alloy doesn’t have enough money.
  133. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
  135. Other than what was said above, I don’t have much else to add. Sugarland is a pretty interesting little town, but I’m getting… vibes… from it. Creepout vibes. Mostly due to the way it seemed Arbu-ish, and how Alloy reacted to her seemingly normal conversation with Bourbon at the dance. The place itself just seemed weird. It’s rare that you find happy places like that in the wasteland, so things might get spooky. They have money and fine clothes, but it’s never said how they get these things other than “scavenging.”
  137. Maybe I’m looking into this too much?
  139. The whole thing with Alloy and the dress was just too fucking cute. I can’t handle it. It’s not just in there for cutesy purposes, though. It serves as some characterization most of all. Cute, pretty pony characterization.
  141. Kyra seems like she might be an important character. Alloy doesn’t have enough money to pay the birdy though. Should be interesting to see where that goes. Maybe Alloy will do some scavenging with some of the ponies of Sugarland to raise money?
  143. Something is going to happen, but I honestly don’t have much of an idea what. Overall, this was a fun, cute chapter. I was a little surprised how short it was, but that’s not a bad thing at all.
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