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My Little OC Mary Sue Fanfiction

a guest
May 13th, 2014
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  3. The dragon was extremely young and sought power. So he turned to this sorcerer who gave him said power but in exchange for valuable dragon information. This crippled the dragon race as the sorcerer killed most of the royal types. Dragons were huge in number back then and lived as a community as opposed to be spread out and hoarding gems. They had different kinds of magic breathe but the royal types were the strongest out of them all. The eternal dragon, basically the Celestia of dragons, sentenced the traitor to exile and magically tore off his wings, the greatest insult to a dragon. He was then known as a dragonheart, a curse that essentially said "The only way to prove to others that you are truly a dragon now is to take out your heart" thus, of course, meaning suicide for honor. Overcome with anger and depression the traitor sought to kill Celestia to either fail and die thus sparking aggression between ponies and dragons or succeed and regaining honor. He came close but ultimately failed and was sentenced to death. Though everyone else believed this was a call to war, Luna believed otherwise and sought to ask the dragons their self. Turns out while the traitor was in captivity, the eternal dragon caught wind of his actions and flew over Canterlot to bust him out with his great flame. The traitor escapes but before he can even leave the city, he sees Luna (Who is still very young by the way) being kidnapped. He saves her, returns her to her sister and is pardoned from his crimes.
  5. The story continues and the traitor goes with Luna and Celestia to create a truce with the dragons after they find out, ironically, the eternal dragon is dying. Together, the traitor, Luna and Celestia uncover the truths of Luna's kidnappers, a band of minions which (if you can believe it) included Tirek and Scorpan. In the end, they defeat the big bad, he regains his honor and becomes a hero among his people as they come out victorious. But the traitor feels he has served his purpose and wishes to end his life, still unable to become a true dragon without wings. Celestia of course by now didn't want him to go so he hid away under Canterlot and tried to die of starvation.
  7. However, someone froze him and years passed. When he awoke, he realized how much had changed and Celestia, who was happy to see him still alive, needed his help once more. Luna was still banished on the moon but she needed the dragonheart to take care of outside affairs while her elements of harmony took care of the events in Equestria. His adventures included reviving old alliances, stopping powerful foes and even becoming trapped in a dimension Discord used to keep him from trying to stop him. Eventually he stops becoming involved in Equestrias issues all together and leaves Celestia seeking to rebuild his people who is really hanging by a thread. His story ends with him training the young dragons in combat and re honing their magic firebreathing ability as they are some of the only sane dragons left.
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