
Tempus Temptartes Traditio- Tempus in Regium

Aug 15th, 2012
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  1. >The Doctor walked through the clock shop hallway, looking for you.
  2. >’Anonymous! Anon! Where is that boy?’
  3. >He gets to the end of the hall, next to the room where he keeps his sexy, and he hears is. A slight humming sound. Somep0ny was softly humming a song from The Doctor’s childhood, and they were on the other side of the door.
  4. >He kicked the door open, expecting to find some horrible creature, but only you sat there, a book in your hands and humming that song.
  5. >’Anon, what are you doing in here?’
  6. ‘I heard something, and when I came in here it stopped. I decided to explore and found a whole stack of books on clock making, and I started reading.’
  7. >’You…you were reading?’
  8. ‘I mean…’ you sink back down ‘I hope you don’t mind, I just like books…’
  9. >’Mind? Anon, my boy, this is BRILLIANT!! I always suspected you to be a smart one, but the love of reading is fantastic.’
  10. ‘Is dinner ready?’
  11. >’Oh…’
  12. >The Doctor lowered his head again, remembering why he needed to get Anonymous.
  13. >’Anon, you know how Twilight Sparkle sent the letter off today?’ you nod ‘Well Princess Celestia has sent a chariot for you. She wants to see you tonight, it seems.’
  14. ‘Oh…darn it.’
  15. >’And, I don’t think it would be a good idea if I came. I need to stay under the radar.’
  16. >You give The Doctor a smile
  17. ‘It’s fine. It should be fine…’
  18. >’You certainly are courageous.’
  19. ‘Courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome one’s fear.’ You shut the book and walk for the door. ‘That’s something Dad told me a lot.’
  21. >You walk out into the shop front to see two large white pegasi in golden armour looking at you.
  22. ‘Evening gents.’ You say with a smile.
  23. >They give you a weird look of confusion.
  24. >’You? You’re the thing we were sent for.’ Said one.
  25. ‘Yep. Aunty Celestia wanted to see me.’ You turn on your cuteness.
  26. >’Okay. Well, let’s go. We already have the Elements.’
  27. >You walk out with them, hiding your fear behind a smile. As you hit the cold air, you see a familiar periwinkle unicorn with her miniature version in tow. They see you, and you wave before getting into the golden chariot.
  28. >Inside sat Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity and…the big meanie. Your face still hurt, and you wanted to run, but they already shut the door. There was another earth p0ny, orange with a blonde mane and a cowboy hat, and a yellow pegasi with a pink mane, which she hid behind as you entered.
  29. >You choose to sit next to Pinkie, cuddling up to her poofy tail.
  30. >Twi: ‘Hello Anon. I am sorry about this. I didn’t know Princess Celestia would want to see you straight away.’
  31. ‘It’s…okay.’ You say, nervous as hell.
  32. >Twi: ‘Well, you remember most of us, but this is Applejack and Fluttershy.’
  33. >She indicated to the two new p0nies.
  34. >AJ: ‘Howdy Anon.’
  35. >FS: ‘Oh…um…hi’
  36. ‘Hi…’ you mutter, using Pinkie’s tail as a pillow and drifting to sleep.
  37. >Outside, the chariot took off and The Doctor watched on with Colgate and Minuette.
  38. >M: ’So, they taking him back to the forest?’
  39. >The Doctor didn’t bother looking down at his niece.
  40. >DW: ‘They found out Anon is a chronomancer. Celestia sent for him.’
  41. >The Doctor walked inside, and Colgate followed. Minuette just sat there, a single tear rolling down her muzzle.
  43. >You awake to the feeling of something tickling your nose. Your eyes flutter open to see Pinkie Pie swishing your tail under your nose with a smile on her face.
  44. >PP: ‘Wake up silly filly. We are here.’ She says.
  45. >You open your eyes fully to see the chariot was empty except for you and her. You yawn and give a stretch, and Pinkie lifts you up and puts you on her back.
  46. >PP: ‘I’ll give you a lift.’
  47. ‘Thanks Aunty Pinkie.’
  48. >Pinkie giggles as you nuzzle yourself into her mane. You hear her hooves clip-clop on the cobblestone walkway, and the light on your eyes gets brighter.
  49. >RD: ‘See! He’s using Pinkie! He’s evil!’
  50. >You open your eyes and look up to see the rest of the group arguing with Rainbow Dash.
  51. >TS: ‘And why should we believe you? You attacked him.’
  52. >AJ ‘Yeah, Rainbow Dash. Ya’ll acting fairly mean tah that there young’un for no reason.’
  53. >RD ‘But look at him! He made Pinkie carry him.’
  54. >You look at the ground and try to slide off Pinkie’s back, only to be stopped by her hoof.
  55. >PP ‘Rainbow Dash, I offered to carry Anon up here because he’s only little and because he came into the bakery covered in blood cos SOMEP0NY,’ Her eyes shoot out of her head at Rainbow Dash ‘beat him up.’
  56. >RD ‘But…but…he…’
  57. >R ‘Honestly Rainbow Dash, I know that you are loyal, but you can’t just jump to conclusions because he looks different.’
  58. >Rainbow looks at you with a scowl before walking off into the large castle.
  60. >Your large group walked through the halls of the castle, looking for the throne room. The walls were covered in artwork that depicted brave p0nies from history looking triumphant. Your attention is brought around as you walk into a large room.
  61. >The walls were white and the windows were murals of stain glass. At the other end of the room sat a large white p0ny with both wings and a horn. She wore a tiara and her mane, a mixture of pastel colours, blew in a breeze that didn’t seem to be there.
  62. >Everyp0ny bowed down immediately, so you slide off Pinkie’s back and bow down on your knees.
  63. >?’Rise, my little p0nies.’ She said, her voice almost angelic.
  64. >You look up to see Twilight had already run up to nuzzle against the large p0ny.
  65. >?’It’s good to see you, my faithful student.’ She looks up and her eyes fall on you. ‘Oh, is this the little one you wrote me about?’
  66. >You immediately freeze in fear, but Pinkie pushes you forwards.
  67. >?’Don’t be frightened, Anonymous. I am Princess Celestia.’
  68. ‘H-hello…your majesty…’
  69. >She gives a warm smile, before looking up.
  70. >C’I think it best if I speak with him alone. He seems nervous.’
  71. >You turn to see Rainbow shoot out of the room, followed by Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.
  72. >TS: ‘Are you sure, Princess?’
  73. >C: ‘Twilight, he is only small. He is no threat to me.’
  74. >Twilight nods as she walks out, the guards following her.
  75. ‘Wow… I didn’t think you would be so-‘
  76. >You were cut off by a hoof to the gut, and Celestia looms over you, no longer smiling.
  77. >’I guess I have to kill another Chronomancer.’
  79. >You sat there on the floor of the throne room, Celestia looming over you, her horn already glowing with magic.
  80. ‘W-what…?’
  81. >’You and your kind,’ her voice spat venom at you ‘should have been wiped out millennia ago. I made sure of that. But here you sit, not only a chronomancer, but a monkey hybrid.’
  82. >You had two choices. Scream and die, or lie your butt off.
  83. >You choose the latter.
  84. ‘Umm…Miss Princess… What’s a chrome-dancer?’
  85. >She growls at you, bringing her horn closer to your throat.
  86. >’Don’t test me, creature. You know of your kind. Those who can twist time to their advantage.’
  87. ‘But…no. My father… he was a… he had powers…’ you summon fake tears ‘But…he told me I would never get them. I would have them by now.’
  88. >’You dare lie to me?’
  89. >Her magic changed and the look on her face looked strained. She gasped for air as her magic dropped and she stepped away from you.
  90. >’You…Why can’t my magic work on you? Why can’t I read your thoughts?’
  91. ‘I…I…I don’t know.’ Then it hit you ‘P-p-princess Celestia… It’s short for Celestialsapien?’
  92. >She gasped before growling
  93. >’How did you know my full name, monkey?!’
  94. ‘My father… He had a feud with Celestialsapiens. Big creatures from my world. He never told me what happened, but he said I was immune to their abilities.’
  95. >’So, I can’t read your thoughts, and I can’t kill you with my magic. How do I know you won’t lie to me?’
  96. ‘I-I-I-I would never lie…if I did and you found out…I would be punished… I just want to live life normally.’
  98. >Celestia lifted her left hoof and pushed your back against the cold floor. She held your right arm down, exposing the hourglass mark on it.
  99. >’But I have proof you already lied. This is the mark of the Time P0ny.’
  100. ‘That’s the tattoo they gave us in the research lab.’
  101. >’Explain,’ She put pressure on your arm. ‘Quickly.’
  102. ‘My…my father, he left me at age 5, that’s when the government took me. They wanted to use my powers as a weapon source, but they wouldn’t believe I was just a normal human. I was in the “Tempus” group. All…all had these marks branded to us…There was also those who could control objects with thought and those who could destroy a building in seconds… Please…don’t hurt me…’
  103. >You begin to cry real tears. You knew Celestia would want you killed, just in case. Outside the door, you could hear hoofsteps approaching.
  104. >Celestia lifted you to your feet with great force.
  105. >’Stop crying!’ She hissed at you.
  106. >You wipe away your tears as best you could, just as Twilight walked in again.
  107. >T: ‘Princess, are you okay? I heard crying.’
  108. >C: ‘It’s fine Twilight Sparkle. Anon just misses his home.’ She looks down at you ‘It was good to meet you Anon.’ She leans in close, faking a cheek nuzzle, and whispers ‘Tell anyp0ny about this, and I’ll kill you.’
  109. >As she pulls away, she gives you a fake smile.
  110. ‘T-Thank you Princess Celestia.’
  111. >C: ‘Oh and Anon? I would like to see you once a week… to learn about your culture. I will have a chariot bring you here and back on Friday afternoons.’
  112. ‘Yes…Princess.’
  113. >You bow again, before slinking out of the room, scared out of your mind.
  115. >You all sat in a train carriage home, Celestia not able to supply a chariot. You had found yourself nuzzled between Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, both of them taking a liking to you.
  116. >Fluttershy, despite being soft spoken, seemed to take a liking to your cuteness, and opened up to you. She told you of all the animals she took care of at her cottage, and you asked if you could visit some time.
  117. >You feel asleep fairly quickly, and when you awoke, the train car was dimly lit by the moon light.
  118. >The p0nies around you were already asleep, so you slip out from between Pinkie and Fluttershy and tip toe to the bathroom.
  119. >After flushing the toilet and washing your hands, you slide open the bathroom door, only to be tackled by somep0ny.
  120. >They pin you against the wall and put a hoof to your mouth at the same time.
  121. >You open your eyes to see the cyan meanie with the rainbow mane. She was standing on her hind legs, using her wings to hold you against the wall.
  122. >You try to scream, but it comes out muffled with her hoof on your mouth.
  123. >’Shut up, or I swear I’ll make you regret it.’
  124. >You open your mouth as wide as possible and bite down on her marshmallow hoof. Rainbow Dash gasps in pain before slugging you in the gut with her other hoof.
  125. ‘If…you came to finish the job, go ahead. Aunty already knows you hate me, she’ll find you.’
  126. >’Lotta good that would do, seeing as Celestia already wants you dead.’
  128. ‘What?’
  129. >’Did you really think I’d let the princess stay in a room with you alone? I flew outside and spied on you, just in case you attack.’
  130. >Your heart dropped.
  131. ‘How much did you see and hear?’
  132. >’Everything from her kicking you to the gut, to when Twilight came back in.’
  133. ‘So you come to finish the job?’
  134. >’I came for answers, and you better tell me the truth.’
  135. >She pulls her wings back and you take a seat on the toilet.
  136. ‘Celestia thinks I’m a Chronomancer. Those who use time like pegasi use weather.’
  137. >’Then why would she want you dead?’
  138. ‘Imagine if somep0ny could prove you weren’t the p0ny they thought you were.’
  139. >’Like they could show p0nies I’m not the fastest flier in Equesteria?’
  140. ‘Yes, but on a grander scale. Princess Celestia might have done something in the past that she wanted nop0ny to ever know about, so who do you kill off first?’
  141. >’Those who could prove her wrong…’
  142. >You bring your knees to your chest, and tears form.
  143. ‘I just wanted a normal life. A family who loved me, friends who cared for me… and now? Now I’m in a dimension where p0nies can talk, and the ruler will probably kill me.’
  144. >’But, you said it yourself. She wants Chronomancers, and you aren’t one.’
  145. >You look up and into Rainbow Dash’s eyes, and she gasps in shock.
  146. ‘Go on…Go alert the princess. I’m dead anyway.’
  148. >You feel a pair of hooves surround you and pull you into a hug.
  149. >’No.’
  150. ‘But…but why?’
  151. >Rainbow Dash pulls away from you.
  152. >’If anyp0ny gets to end your miserable life, it’s me. Got it?’
  153. ‘Yes, Miss Dash.’
  154. >’And don’t think this means I forgive you for getting me in trouble with Colgate.’
  155. ‘Yeah, cos beating up something smaller, weaker and more afraid of you is how you always get the mare.’
  156. >’Look, Anon…I’m-‘
  157. ‘Don’t.’ She looks at you, and you give her a stern look ‘Don’t, alright. I know your type, and I know you don’t like to apologise, so don’t. If you feel you need to make it up to me, keep what happened a secret.’
  158. >She smiles before turning to open the door. The two of you softly walk back to your bunks, before Rainbow turns to you again.
  159. >’Tonight, try not to remember that I kicked your flank so very hard.’
  160. ‘Nah, I’ll just remember that while you are outside in the cold snow, I’ll be inside getting all the kisses from Aunty Colgate.’
  161. >You climb into the bunk and curl up between Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, before drifting off to sleep again.
  163. >When you awake again, you were lying on Applejack’s back as she carried you through town.
  164. ‘Huh…Wha…’
  165. >’Evening sugarcube. Sorry we didn’ wake ya, lookin’ so peaceful and such.’
  166. ‘Oh…No problem. Did everyp0ny go home?’
  167. >’Yep. The clock shop is on mah way home so Ah offered tah carry yur heavy flank.’
  168. >You wrap your arms around her neck, and give her a hug.
  169. ‘Thank you Aunty Applejack.’
  170. >’I…It’s alright sugarcube.’
  171. >You could tell she had blushed by the tone of her voice.
  172. >She stops outside the clock shop, the lights still on indicating they were still awake, and you hop off.
  173. ‘Good night AJ…’ you say wearily
  174. >’Night sugarcube.’
  175. >As you walk inside, the bell above the door giving a soft ring. The Doctor immediately runs out to see you, his face erupting in shock and happiness. He runs to you, giving you a hug.
  176. >DW’My word, Anonymous. You scared the day lights out of us.’
  177. >Colgate runs up next, joining the hug.
  178. >C’ Oh, Anon… I was so worried you wouldn’t return.’
  179. >You try to fight back the tears, as you try to make words form.
  180. ‘I…I was so afraid. She… she wants to hurt me, I know it.’
  181. >DW ’It’s okay, Anon. You don’t have to see her again.’
  182. >Your body tenses as you remember her final words.
  183. ‘Can we talk about this is the morning…’ you mutter.
  184. >C ‘Yes, you must be exhausted. David, do you mind if Minnie and I stay the night?’
  185. >DW ‘Of course not.’
  186. >You slowly trudge off to your room, ready for sleep.
  188. >As you walk closer to your room, you hear voices coming from inside. It sounded like Minuette talking to somep0ny.
  189. >? ‘I told you this would happen if you continued.’
  190. >M ‘No! Please, give me another chance.’
  191. >? ‘There is no other chance. I warned you of the outcome, and you still continued to disobey.’
  192. >You hear Minuette whimper.
  193. >M ‘What happens now?’
  194. >? ‘The universe has control. Chances are he will not return. Congratulations Minuette, you fucked up.’
  195. >There was a bright flash of light, before you hear Minuette cry again.
  196. >You walk forwards, and push the door open with a creak. Minuette shoots a look up to see you standing there. You are shocked when her face almost looks…happy for a moment.
  197. >She immediately runs for you, and tackles you with a hug.
  198. ‘Umm…What’s going on here?’
  199. >Minuette freezes before hitting you with her soft hooves.
  200. >’I thought you were going. Why can’t you just leave me alone?’
  201. ‘I… Didn’t they tell you what happened?’
  202. >Minuette walks off you, and looks at the floor.
  203. >’The said Celestia got you…’
  204. ‘Well, I’m sorry she hasn’t killed me yet. Maybe next time.’
  205. >’Well… I guess I should be going.’
  206. ‘Aunty Colgate says that you two will be staying the night here.’
  207. >’Oh.’
  208. >She ran out of the room at high speed, and you can’t tell if she was excited or upset.
  210. >You climb up on your bed and lay your head on the pillow. It felt cold and wet.
  211. ‘Was she crying?’
  212. >Your thoughts were interrupted by Minuette dragging a small mattress in with her magic.
  213. >’Mum says I have to sleep in your room tonight, seeing as this used to be my room here.’
  214. ‘Oh…okay.’
  215. >You flip the pillow over and lay your head down, but your mind kept going back to what just happened. You roll over to see Minuette tossing and turning as well.
  216. ‘Umm…Minuette?’
  217. >’What?’ she growls.
  218. ‘I…I’m really sorry to bother you, but I’m really afraid right now.’
  219. >She rolls over, and her horn glows, emitting a small light for the room.
  220. >’Big baby scared of the dark.’
  221. ‘I’m afraid that Princess Celestia will try to come after me again.’
  222. >Her sneer immediately drops.
  223. ‘I was wondering…if you could sleep next to me tonight.’
  224. >’Fine…you big baby.’
  225. >Minuette climbs off her mattress and walks over to your bed. She jumps up and climbs under the blanket.
  226. >’Don’t expect me to do this all the time.’
  227. ‘Thank you Minnie. Night.’
  228. >’Good night Anon.’
  229. >You look over at Minuette, and you notice she has a large smile on her face. You smile as you lie back down, and drift to sleep as well.
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