
Low-Level Magic Items for D&D 5e

Jul 31st, 2015
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  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <Grammar xmlns:xsd=""
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  5.     <name>Low-Level Magic Items (D&amp;D 5E)</name>
  6.     <author>Len Pellitier (converted by Lance Boudreaux)</author>
  7.     <description>Creates a low-level magic item for use in D&amp;D 5th edition</description>
  8.     <url></url>
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  10.         <tag>D&amp;D</tag>
  11.         <tag>D&amp;D 5e</tag>
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  13.     </tags>
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  22.         <table name="Prefix" action="Random" column="Roll" delimiter="|"><![CDATA[
  23.         Roll|Title          |Description
  24.         001 |Acolyte\'s     |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Religion) checks.
  25.         002 |Adamantine     |The item is indestructible.
  26.         003 |Adroit         |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence saving throws.
  27.         004 |Arctic         |The bearer suffers no harm in temperature as cold as -20°F (-28°C).
  28.         005 |Inquisitor\'s  |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
  29.         006 |Amethyst       |Grants psychic resistance to the bearer.
  30.         007 |Arcadian       |Treat as a +1 weapon when attacking Demons and Devils.
  31.         008 |Arresting      |Once per day, the bearer may use their reaction to gain advantage on one Dexterity (Acrobatics) roll
  32.         009 |Assassin\'s    |The bearer may add their proficiency bonus to damage rolls dealt during surprise rounds.
  33.         010 |Barbarian\'s   |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks.
  34.         011 |Barbed         |After an attack roll, the bearer may add 1d4 to the damage roll.
  35.         012 |Bard\'s        |The bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Performance) checks.
  36.         013 |Binding        |When you hit a creature with this weapon, it slows its speed by 5 feet until the end of its next turn.
  37.         014 |Blessed        |Whenever the bearer of this item receives divine healing, they gain an additional 1d4 hit points.
  38.         015 |Bloodthirsty   |The bearer of this weapon can expend a hit die to turn this weapon into a +1 weapon for 1d4 turns.
  39.         016 |Booming        |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Thunder, and its damage roll gains +1 bonus.
  40.         017 |Burglar\'s     |The bearer gains +1 to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks.
  41.         018 |Capricious     |Treat this as a +1 weapon if it is attuned to a Chaotic aligned character adn the attack roll ws an even number.
  42.         019 |Cardinal       |The wielder can use an action to learn which way is north.
  43.         020 |Caustic        |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Acid, and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  44.         021 |Cleaving       |The bearer may choose to do slashing damage with this weapon instead of its other damage types.
  45.         022 |Channeling     |Once per day, the bearer may ignore the Verbal and/or Somatic components of a spell they are casting.
  46.         023 |Charged        |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Lightning, and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  47.         024 |Consecrated    |Treat as a +1 weapon when attacking Undead.
  48.         025 |Cruel          |The bearer may re-roll damage from critical hits scored with this weapon and take the second result.
  49.         026 |Crushing       |The bearer may choose to do Bludgeoning damage with this weapon instead of its other damage types.
  50.         027 |Dancer\'s      |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
  51.         028 |Dark           |The bearer may replace the damage of this weapon with Necrotic, and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  52.         029 |Defensive      |Whenver the bearer tkes a Dodge action, they can move an additional 5 feet.
  53.         030 |Draining       |When the bearer makes a successful attack, they gain 10% of the damage as temporary hit points (round down, minimum of 1).
  54.         031 |Druid\'s       |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Nature)  checks.
  55.         032 |Delver\'s      |While undergroundd, the bearer of this item always knows the item\'s depth below the surface and the direction to the nearest staircase, ramp, or other path leadin upward.
  56.         033 |Dynamic        |The bearer has +1 to Charisma saving throws.
  57.         034 |Effulgent      |This Item can cast the <i>Light</i> cantrip on itself at will.
  58.         035 |Equanimous     |This weapon has a +1 attack bonus during the day and a +1 damage bonus at night when attuned to neutral aligned characters.
  59.         036 |Favored        |Once per day, the bearer may roll a saving throw with advantage.
  60.         037 |Waterborne     |The item floats on water and other liquids.  Its bearer has advantage on Strength (Athletic) checks to swim.
  61.         038 |Fair-Weather   |Treat this as a +1 weapon if the bearer has more than half of their maximum hit points.
  62.         039 |False          |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Charisma (Deception) checks.
  63.         040 |Flanking       |Treat as a +1 weapon if an ally is adjacent to the enemy the bearer is attacking.
  64.         041 |Forgotten      |The bearer may spend an action to attempt to ignite the old magic in this weapon with a DC 13 Charisma check. If successful, treat the weapon as a +1 weapon as long as the bearer maintains concentration on this effect, maximum 10 minutes.
  65.         042 |Frozen         |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Cold and its damage gains a +1 bonus.
  66.         043 |Furious        |Treat as a +1 weapon when the bearer is raging.
  67.         044 |Garnet         |Grants fire resistance to the bearer.
  68.         045 |Glorious       |The damage type of this weapon is changed to Radiant and its damage roll a gains +1 bonus.
  69.         046 |Grim           |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Charisma (Intimidation) checks if the target can see this weapon.
  70.         047 |Harmonious     |Attuning this item takes only 1 minute.
  71.         048 |Heroic         |The bearer has advantage on saving throws vs fear.
  72.         049 |Histrionic     |The bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Performance) checks.
  73.         050 |Inspired       |The bearer regains their Constitution modifier in temporary hit points whenever they gain or use inspiration.
  74.         051 |Jagged         |Once hit by this weapon, the victim cannot regain hit points until the beginning of their next turn.
  75.         052 |Holy           |When a bearer of this item rolls hit dice, they can choose to re-roll them and must take the second result.
  76.         053 |Cerulean       |Grants lightning resistance to the bearer.
  77.         054 |Loquacious     |The bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
  78.         055 |United         |Whenever the bearer of this weapon takes a help action in combat, the aided ally may threat their weapon as a +1 weapon until the end of their next turn.
  79.         056 |Mage Killer\'s |Ignores the AC bonuses given by spells such as Mage Armor and Shield.
  80.         057 |Malachite      |Grants poison resistance to the bearer.
  81.         058 |Maligning      |The bearer does an additional 2(1d4) damage on opportunity attacks.
  82.         059 |Mind\'s Eye    |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Psychic, and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  83.         060 |Mindful        |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom saving throws.
  84.         061 |Nimble         |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity saving throws.
  85.         062 |Obsidian       |Grants acid resistance to the bearer.
  86.         063 |Opal           |Grants cold resistance to the bearer.
  87.         064 |Preacher\'s    |The bearer may extend the range of their Channel Devinity by 5 feet.
  88.         065 |Pulsing        |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Force and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  89.         066 |Pernicious     |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Poison and its damage roll gainsa  +1 bonus.
  90.         067 |First          |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to initiative rolls.
  91.         068 |Reaper\'s      |The bearer has advantage on death saving throws.
  92.         069 |Renaissance    |Once per day, the bearer may gain +1 to any skill check.
  93.         070 |Resonant       |The bearer can spend an action and 1 ki point to treat this as a +1 weapon for 1 minute.
  94.         071 |Righteous      |Treat this as a +1 weapon during the day when attuned to a good aligned character.
  95.         072 |Runic          |Whenever the bearer casts a spell, treat this weapon as a +1 weapon until the beginning of their next turn.
  96.         073 |Sacred         |The bearer may increase their Lay on Hands hit point pool by 5.
  97.         074 |Sagacious      |The bearer gains +1 to Wisdom (Insight) checks.
  98.         075 |Sage\'s        |The bearer gains +1 bonus to Intelligence (History) checks.
  99.         076 |Sentinel       |Faintly glows when creatures of a certain race (DMs choice) are within a 100 foot radius.
  100.         077 |Shading        |The bearer suffers no harm in temperatures as high as 120°F (48°C).
  101.         078 |Shepherd\'s    |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks.
  102.         079 |Shifting       |The bearer may change minor aspects of the physical appearance of this item.
  103.         080 |Silent         |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
  104.         081 |Smoldering     |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Fire and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  105.         082 |Solemn         |The bearer may spend an action removing all failed death saving throws from a target within 5 feet of them. The target is not stabilized.
  106.         083 |Surgeon\'s     |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Medicine) checks.
  107.         084 |Tenacious      |When the bearer takes a long rest, they gain back on additional hit die.
  108.         085 |Tracker\'s     |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Survival) checks
  109.         086 |Trenchant      |The bearer may choose to do piercing damage with this weapon instead of its other damage types.
  110.         087 |Trusty         |Treat this as a +1 weapon of the bearer has half their hit points  or less.
  111.         088 |Turquoise      |Grants thunder resistance to the bearer
  112.         089 |Unbroken       |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Constitution saving throws
  113.         090 |Victorious     |Whenever the bearer kills a creature with this weapon, they gain temporary hit points equal to the creature's CR.
  114.         091 |Vigilant       |The bearer gains +2 to their Passive Perception.
  115.         092 |Vigorous       |The bearer gains +1 bonus to Strength saving  throws.
  116.         093 |Vile           |Treat this as a +1 weapon at night when attuned to an evil aligned character.
  117.         094 |Visionary      |The weapon does an additional 1 elemental damage based on the color of the bearer\'s eyes: (amber: lightning, black: necrotic, blue: cold, brown: ice, green: force, gray: thunder, hazel: poison, purple: psychic, red: fire, white: radiant).
  118.         095 |Vital          |The bearer\'s maximum hit points increase by their constitution modifier while attuned to this item. These hit points are lost when the bearer unattunes the itme.
  119.         096 |Warlord\'s  |The bearer can use an action to amplify their voice so that it clearly carries for up to 300 feet.
  120.         097 |Withering      |If hit with this weapon, the target makes a DC 13 constitution saving throw. If they fail, their Strength is reduced by 1.
  121.         098 |Wizard\'s      |The bearer gains a +1 to Intelligence (Arcana) checks.
  122.         099 |Zen            |Treat this as a +1 weapon for one minute after meditating with it for one minute.
  123.         100 |Zircon         |Grants force resistance to the bearer.    
  124.         101 |Evasive        |Once per day, the bearer can disengage as a bonus action.
  125.         102 |Segacious      |The bearer gains +1 to all spell attack rolls.
  126.         103 |Wakeful        |The bearer requries half of the time normally required for a Short or Long rest.
  127.         104 |Restful        |A long rest reduces the bearer\'s exhaustion by 2.
  128.         ]]></table>
  129.         <table name="Suffix" action="Random" column="Roll" delimiter="|"><![CDATA[
  130.         Roll|Title                  |Description
  131.         001 |of the Acolyte         |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Religion) checks.
  132.         002 |of Adamantine          |The item is indestructible.
  133.         003 |of Intellect           |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence saving throws.
  134.         004 |of the North           |The bearer suffers no harm in temperature as cold as -20°F (-28°C).
  135.         005 |of the Inquisitor      |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
  136.         006 |of Amethyst            |Grants psychic resistance to the bearer.
  137.         007 |of Arcadia             |Treat as a +1 weapon when attacking Demons and Devils.
  138.         008 |of Safety              |Once per day, the bearer may use their reaction to gain advantage on one Dexterity (Acrobatics) roll
  139.         009 |of the Assassin        |The bearer may add their proficiency bonus to damage rolls dealt during surprise rounds.
  140.         010 |of the Barbarian       |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks.
  141.         011 |of Barbs               |After an attack roll, the bearer may add 1d4 to the damage roll.
  142.         012 |of the Bard            |The bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Performance) checks.
  143.         013 |of Binding             |When you hit a creature with this weapon, it slows its speed by 5 feet until the end of its next turn.
  144.         014 |of Blessings           |Whenever the bearer of this item receives divine healing, they gain an additional 1d4 hit points.
  145.         015 |of Bloodthirst         |The bearer of this weapon can expend a hit die to turn this weapon into a +1 weapon for 1d4 turns.
  146.         016 |of Thunder             |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Thunder, and its damage roll gains +1 bonus.
  147.         017 |of the Burglar         |The bearer gains +1 to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks.
  148.         018 |of Chance              |Treat this as a +1 weapon if it is attuned to a Chaotic aligned character adn the attack roll ws an even number.
  149.         019 |of Direction           |The wielder can use an action to learn which way is north.
  150.         020 |of Corrosion           |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Acid, and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  151.         021 |of Cleaving            |The bearer may choose to do slashing damage with this weapon instead of its other damage types.
  152.         022 |of Channeling          |Once per day, the bearer may ignore the Verbal and/or Somatic components of a spell they are casting.
  153.         023 |of Lightning           |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Lightning, and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  154.         024 |of Consecration        |Treat as a +1 weapon when attacking Undead.
  155.         025 |of Cruelty             |The bearer may re-roll damage from critical hits scored with this weapon and take the second result.
  156.         026 |of the Brute           |The bearer may choose to do Bludgeoning damage with this weapon instead of its other damage types.
  157.         027 |of the Dancer          |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
  158.         028 |of Darkness            |The bearer may replace the damage of this weapon with Necrotic, and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  159.         029 |of Defense             |Whenver the bearer tkes a Dodge action, they can move an additional 5 feet.
  160.         030 |of Draining            |When the bearer makes a successful attack, they gain 10% of the damage as temporary hit points (round down, minimum of 1).
  161.         031 |of the Druid           |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Nature)  checks.
  162.         032 |of the Delver          |While undergroundd, the bearer of this item always knows the item\'s depth below the surface and the direction to the nearest staircase, ramp, or other path leadin upward.
  163.         033 |of the Dynamo          |The bearer has +1 to Charisma saving throws.
  164.         034 |of Light               |This Item can cast the <i>Light</i> cantrip on itself at will.
  165.         035 |of Balance             |This weapon has a +1 attack bonus during the day and a +1 damage bonus at night when attuned to neutral aligned characters.
  166.         036 |of the Favored         |Once per day, the bearer may roll a saving throw with advantage.
  167.         037 |of the Sea             |The item floats on water and other liquids.  Its bearer has advantage on Strength (Athletic) checks to swim.
  168.         038 |of Fair-Weather        |Treat this as a +1 weapon if the bearer has more than half of their maximum hit points.
  169.         039 |of Falsehoods          |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Charisma (Deception) checks.
  170.         040 |of Flanking            |Treat as a +1 weapon if an ally is adjacent to the enemy the bearer is attacking.
  171.         041 |of the Forgotten       |The bearer may spend an action to attempt to ignite the old magic in this weapon with a DC 13 Charisma check. If successful, treat the weapon as a +1 weapon as long as the bearer maintains concentration on this effect, maximum 10 minutes.
  172.         042 |of Ice                 |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Cold and its damage gains a +1 bonus.
  173.         043 |of Fury                |Treat as a +1 weapon when the bearer is raging.
  174.         044 |of Garnet              |Grants fire resistance to the bearer.
  175.         045 |of Glory               |The damage type of this weapon is changed to Radiant and its damage roll a gains +1 bonus.
  176.         046 |of Coercion            |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Charisma (Intimidation) checks if the target can see this weapon.
  177.         047 |of Harmony             |Attuning this item takes only 1 minute.
  178.         048 |of Heroes              |The bearer has advantage on saving throws vs fear.
  179.         049 |of Histrionics         |The bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Performance) checks.
  180.         050 |of Inspiration         |The bearer regains their Constitution modifier in temporary hit points whenever they gain or use inspiration.
  181.         051 |of Teeth               |Once hit by this weapon, the victim cannot regain hit points until the beginning of their next turn.
  182.         052 |of Faith               |When a bearer of this item rolls hit dice, they can choose to re-roll them and must take the second result.
  183.         053 |of Storms              |Grants lightning resistance to the bearer.
  184.         054 |of the Silver Tongue   |The bearer gains +1 to Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
  185.         055 |of Unity               |Whenever the bearer of this weapon takes a help action in combat, the aided ally may threat their weapon as a +1 weapon until the end of their next turn.
  186.         056 |of the Mage Killer     |Ignores the AC bonuses given by spells such as Mage Armor and Shield.
  187.         057 |of Malachite           |Grants poison resistance to the bearer.
  188.         058 |of Maligning           |The bearer does an additional 2(1d4) damage on opportunity attacks.
  189.         059 |of the Mind\'s Eye     |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Psychic, and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  190.         060 |of Mindfulness         |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom saving throws.
  191.         061 |of Agility             |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity saving throws.
  192.         062 |of Obsidian            |Grants acid resistance to the bearer.
  193.         063 |of Opal                |Grants cold resistance to the bearer.
  194.         064 |of the Preacher        |The bearer may extend the range of their Channel Devinity by 5 feet.
  195.         065 |of Repulsion           |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Force and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  196.         066 |of the Snake           |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Poison and its damage roll gainsa  +1 bonus.
  197.         067 |of Speed               |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to initiative rolls.
  198.         068 |of the Reaper          |The bearer has advantage on death saving throws.
  199.         069 |of the Renaissance     |Once per day, the bearer may gain +1 to any skill check.
  200.         070 |of Resonance           |The bearer can spend an action and 1 ki point to treat this as a +1 weapon for 1 minute.
  201.         071 |of Righteousness       |Treat this as a +1 weapon during the day when attuned to a good aligned character.
  202.         072 |of Runes               |Whenever the bearer casts a spell, treat this weapon as a +1 weapon until the beginning of their next turn.
  203.         073 |of the Sacred          |The bearer may increase their Lay on Hands hit point pool by 5.
  204.         074 |of Acumen              |The bearer gains +1 to Wisdom (Insight) checks.
  205.         075 |of the Sage            |The bearer gains +1 bonus to Intelligence (History) checks.
  206.         076 |of the Sentinel        |Faintly glows when creatures of a certain race (DMs choice) are within a 100 foot radius.
  207.         077 |of the Shade           |The bearer suffers no harm in temperatures as high as 120°F (48°C).
  208.         078 |of the Shepherd        |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks.
  209.         079 |of Shifting            |The bearer may change minor aspects of the physical appearance of this item.
  210.         080 |of the Night           |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
  211.         081 |of Flame               |The bearer may replace the damage type of this weapon with Fire and its damage roll gains a +1 bonus.
  212.         082 |of Solemnity           |The bearer may spend an action removing all failed death saving throws from a target within 5 feet of them. The target is not stabilized.
  213.         083 |of the Surgeon         |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Medicine) checks.
  214.         084 |of the Tenacious       |When the bearer takes a long rest, they gain back on additional hit die.
  215.         085 |of the Tracker         |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Survival) checks
  216.         086 |of Stabbing            |The bearer may choose to do piercing damage with this weapon instead of its other damage types.
  217.         087 |of Resurgence          |Treat this as a +1 weapon of the bearer has half their hit points  or less.
  218.         088 |of Turquoise           |Grants thunder resistance to the bearer
  219.         089 |of Heart               |The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Constitution saving throws
  220.         090 |of Victory             |Whenever the bearer kills a creature with this weapon, they gain temporary hit points equal to the creature's CR.
  221.         091 |of Vigilance           |The bearer gains +2 to their Passive Perception.
  222.         092 |of Vigorous            |The bearer gains +1 bonus to Strength saving  throws.
  223.         093 |of Villains            |Treat this as a +1 weapon at night when attuned to an evil aligned character.
  224.         094 |of the Visionary       |The weapon does an additional 1 elemental damage based on the color of the bearer\'s eyes: (amber: lightning, black: necrotic, blue: cold, brown: ice, green: force, gray: thunder, hazel: poison, purple: psychic, red: fire, white: radiant).
  225.         095 |of Vitality            |The bearer\'s maximum hit points increase by their constitution modifier while attuned to this item. These hit points are lost when the bearer unattunes the itme.
  226.         096 |of the Warlord         |The bearer can use an action to amplify their voice so that it clearly carries for up to 300 feet.
  227.         097 |of Withering           |If hit with this weapon, the target makes a DC 13 constitution saving throw. If they fail, their Strength is reduced by 1.
  228.         098 |of the Wizard          |The bearer gains a +1 to Intelligence (Arcana) checks.
  229.         099 |of Zen                 |Treat this as a +1 weapon for one minute after meditating with it for one minute.
  230.         100 |of Zircon              |Grants force resistance to the bearer.    
  231.         101 |of Evasion             |Once per day, the bearer can disengage as a bonus action.
  232.         102 |of Segaciousness       |The bearer gains +1 to all spell attack rolls.
  233.         103 |of the Wakeful         |The bearer requries half of the time normally required for a Short or Long rest.
  234.         104 |of the Restful         |A long rest reduces the bearer\'s exhaustion by 2.
  235.         ]]></table>
  236.         <table name="Item" action="Random" column="Roll" delimiter="|"><![CDATA[
  237.         Roll|Name           |Description
  238.         01  |Club           |1d4 bludgeoning; Light
  239.         02  |Dagger         |1d4 piercing; Finesses, light, thrown (range 20/60)
  240.         03  |Greatclub      |1d8 bludgeoning; Two-handed
  241.         04  |Handaxe        |1d6 slashing; Light, thrown (range 20/60)
  242.         05  |Javelin        |1d6 piercing; Thrown (range 30/120)
  243.         06  |Light Hammer   |1d4 bludgeoning; Light, thrown (range 20/60)
  244.         07  |Mace           |1d6 bludgeoning
  245.         08  |Quarterstaff   |1d6 bludgeoning; Versatile (1d8)
  246.         09  |Sickle         |1d4 slashing; Light
  247.         10  |Spear          |1d6 piercing; Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
  248.         11  |Light Crossbow |1d8 piercing; Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed
  249.         12  |Dart           |1d4 piercing; Finesse, thrown (range 20/60)
  250.         13  |Shortbow       |1d6 piercing; Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed
  251.         14  |Sling          |1d4 bludgeoning; Ammunition (range 30/120)
  252.         15  |Battleaxe      |1d8 slashing; Versatile (1d10)
  253.         16  |Flail          |1d8 bludgeoning
  254.         17  |Glaive         |1d10 slashing; Heavy, reach, two-handeds
  255.         18  |Greataxe       |1d12 slashing; Heavy, two-handed
  256.         19  |Greatsword     |2d6 slashing; Heavy, two-handed
  257.         20  |Halberd        |1d10 slashing; Heavy, reach, two-handed
  258.         21  |Lance          |1d12 piercing; Reach, special
  259.         22  |Longsword      |1d8 slashing; Versatile (1d10)
  260.         23  |Maul           |2d6 bludgeoning; Heavy, two-handed
  261.         24  |Morningstar    |1d8 piercing
  262.         25  |Pike           |1d10 piercing; Heavy, reach, two-handed
  263.         26  |Rapier         |1d8 piercing; Finesses
  264.         27  |Scimitar       |1d6 slashing; Finesse, light
  265.         28  |Shortsword     |1d6 piercing; Finesse, light
  266.         29  |Trident        |1d6 piercing; Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
  267.         30  |War Pick       |1d8 piercing
  268.         31  |Warhammer      |1d8 bludgeoning; Versatile (1d10)
  269.         32  |Whip           |1d4 slashing; Finesse, reach
  270.         33  |Blowgun        |1 piercing; Ammunition (range 25/100), loading
  271.         34  |Hand Crossbow  |1d6 piercing; Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading
  272.         35  |Heavy Crossbow |1d10 piercing; Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed
  273.         36  |Longbow        |1d8 piercing; Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed
  274.         37  |Net            |Special, thrown (range 5/15)
  275.         38  |Amulet         |
  276.         39  |Ring           |
  277.         40  |Necklace       |
  278.         41  |Bracelet       |
  279.         42  |Wand           |
  280.         43  |Rod            |
  281.         44  |Staff          |
  282.         45  |Gauntlets      |
  283.         46  |Helmet         |
  284.         47  |Shield         |
  285.         48  |Bracers        |
  286.         49  |Armor          |
  287.         50  |Coin           |
  288.         51  |Boots          |
  289.         52  |Crown          |
  290.         53  |Stone          |
  291.         54  |Gloves         |
  292.         55  |Brooch         |
  293.         ]]></table>
  294.     </tables>
  295.     <output><![CDATA[
  296.     <b>[=if([properties]=1,'','[Prefix.Title] ')][Item.Name] [Suffix.Title]</b><br />
  297.     <ul>
  298.         <li>[Item.Description][=if('[Item.Description]'='','','; ')]Requires Atunement</li>
  299.         [=if([properties]=1,'','<li>[Prefix.Description]</li>')]
  300.         <li>[Suffix.Description]</li>
  301.     </ul>
  302.     ]]>
  303.     </output>
  304. </Grammar>
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