
#civil_debate: DumDum Edition

Jan 12th, 2018
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  1. 10:34:49 AM→ dragoon has joined
  2. 10:34:49 AMⓘ WARNING! This is not a safe space!
  3. 10:35:03 AMdragoonMerry Christmas.
  4. 10:35:07 AM@Godricbrad70, and imported workers are sooooo cheap :)
  5. 10:36:26 AMⓘ IL_Shaman set mode +v dragoon
  6. 10:36:32 AM@Godricwith all that money the farmers are gonna get with trumps super duper tax cut they should start innovating and making the jobs more attractive to workers
  7. 10:36:39 AM+dragoonWe have to say Merry Christmas now.
  8. 10:37:36 AM+NaughtyCanidIts the 12th of january dipshit
  9. 10:37:41 AM@Godrici dunno... you pay someone enough money they will do it
  10. 10:38:13 AM@Godric^
  11. 10:39:30 AM+NaughtyCanidsexbee: That the reason I give to my mother why I haven't put don't my christmas tree yet
  12. 10:39:31 AM@Godric
  13. 10:39:43 AM@GodricMost farm workers are paid based how many buckets or bags they pick of whatever crop they harvest�this is known as the �piece rate.� Payment in this format has some drawbacks.
  14. 10:40:07 AM@GodricAdditionally, it�s possible for a farm worker being paid by piece rate to make less than the minimum wage. For instance, the piece rate for orange juice in Florida is 85 cents per 90-pound box of oranges. Average productivity for a worker is 8 boxes per hour, which means that during an 8-hour workday, a worker will produce 64 boxes of oranges (or 5,760 pounds of oranges!). According to the 85 cents piece rate, a worker would receive only $6.80 an hour, whic
  15. 10:40:34 AM+dragoonNaughtyCanid: I am sorry.
  16. 10:40:37 AM+dragoonHappy Holidays.
  17. 10:40:51 AM+NaughtyCaniddragoon: What for?
  18. 10:41:00 AM+dragoonFor saying that bad phrase.
  19. 10:41:05 AM@GodricFL is a bit more conservative isnt it
  20. 10:41:14 AM@Godricmakes sense they would pay less then
  21. 10:41:20 AM+NaughtyCaniddragoon: What bad phrase?
  22. 10:41:33 AM+dragoon"Merry Christmas"
  23. 10:42:17 AM+NaughtyCaniddragoon: Nothing bad about about that. I love christmas.
  24. 10:42:21 AM@Godricchoot, where?
  25. 10:42:36 AM@GodricI guess
  26. 10:42:43 AM+dragoonI understand, NaughtyCanid.
  27. 10:42:46 AM* dragoon scratches nose
  28. 10:42:57 AM+NaughtyCaniddragoon: It's just its january
  29. 10:43:08 AM@Godricwell wherever could mean mexico
  30. 10:43:16 AM+dragoonNo, Christmas is mostly in December.
  31. 10:43:20 AM@Godricor chilie
  32. 10:43:21 AM+dragoonThe primary celebration.
  33. 10:43:43 AM@Godricwhen i look at produce i often find a lot of it comes from Chilie
  34. 10:43:51 AM@Godriceven all the way up here in MN
  35. 10:44:02 AM+NaughtyCaniddragoon: Suits me. I still have mince pies and cream.
  36. 10:44:57 AM+dragoonI guess mince pies are vegetarian.
  37. 10:45:15 AM@Godricanyhow... farming is one of those industrys that america is trying to hold on to but its economy naturally makes it pretty difficult to maintain
  38. 10:45:26 AM+dragoonI don't eat things with meat in them.
  39. 10:45:34 AM+dragoonOr things that are trying to look like meat.
  40. 10:45:37 AM+dragoonMeat is gross.
  41. 10:45:39 AM@Godricat least when it comes to farming that requires low wage pickers
  42. 10:46:24 AM+NaughtyCanidMost mince pies are vegetatiran
  43. 10:46:28 AM@Godriccorn and soy and crops that can be just delt with via automation
  44. 10:46:34 AM@Godricthose will stick around
  45. 10:47:12 AM+NaughtyCanidI still have half a ton of cheese and doritoes left over from christmas
  46. 10:47:35 AM@Godricstrawberrys, or things like that... we will just rely on import if you arnt paying local premium for those crops
  47. 10:47:37 AM+NaughtyCanidGod I hate cheese (usually I like cheese)
  48. 10:48:28 AM→ marcusmarky has joined
  49. 10:50:31 AM← sardaukar has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  50. 10:50:36 AM+dragoonDonald Trump has chewed an awful lot of cheese.
  51. 10:50:39 AM+NaughtyCanidGood, why arn't you brad70?
  52. 10:50:52 AM+NaughtyCanidDo you hate capitalism?
  53. 10:52:58 AM+NaughtyCanidDo you hate that the hmongs an vietnamenese are doing now?
  54. 10:53:05 AM@Godrickids wanna work smarter not harder now
  55. 10:53:12 AM@Godriccant blame them
  56. 10:53:34 AM+NaughtyCanidGood
  57. 10:54:35 AM@Godrici dunno... i get it working a shit job is good to like put that impression on kids 'you dont wanna do this crap for the rest of your life do ya?'
  58. 10:54:40 AM← venusNmars has quit (Quit:)
  59. 10:54:47 AM→ pheno has joined
  60. 10:54:49 AM+dragoonKids should have the same experience as me when I was a kid.
  61. 10:54:56 AM+dragoonOtherwise, my suffering will be invalidated.
  62. 10:54:56 AMⓘ IL_Shaman set mode +v pheno
  63. 10:54:57 AM@Godricwell working smarter dosnt mean its 'easier'
  64. 10:55:19 AM← marcusmarky has quit (Quit:)
  65. 10:56:05 AM@Godricnot at all
  66. 10:56:19 AM@Godricplenty of kids have skills
  67. 10:56:41 AM@Godricthey are just skills for the emerging industrys
  68. 10:56:53 AM+NaughtyCanidYes. Because I am not working down the mines eating coal like my father, does not mean I do not work just as hard
  69. 10:57:23 AM+dragoonIt makes a lot of sense to engage brad70.
  70. 10:57:44 AM@Godricchoot might be part of it... might just be kids wanna get a job that dosnt require a shower after you are done with a days work
  71. 10:57:48 AM+dragoonI find his viewpoints to be cogent, but nuanced.
  72. 10:57:54 AM+NaughtyCanidI am not my father, I am a computer programmer. And I am very capable of marrying your daughters.
  73. 10:57:59 AM@Godric41
  74. 10:58:35 AM@GodricDR, Lawyer, ya
  75. 10:59:08 AM@Godricsure
  76. 10:59:17 AM@Godricwell
  77. 10:59:20 AM@Godricflipping burgers
  78. 10:59:46 AM@Godricchoot dunno, how many
  79. 11:00:19 AM→ Plan has joined
  80. 11:00:23 AM@Godricstarting off flipping burgers isnt looked down upon
  81. 11:00:23 AMⓘ IL_Shaman set mode +v Plan
  82. 11:00:58 AM@Godrici dont agree
  83. 11:01:14 AM@Godricwe were taught to not settle for just flipping burgers
  84. 11:01:14 AM+NaughtyCanidMy father was the strongest man I ever knew. There is a story of him lifting a big man with a single arm.
  85. 11:01:17 AM@Godricfor your career
  86. 11:01:26 AM+NaughtyCanidHE was a brick layer.
  87. 11:02:03 AM← Banquo has quit (Quit:)
  88. 11:02:20 AM+dragoonThis is embarrassing.
  89. 11:02:25 AM+dragoonNobody cares about your dad.
  90. 11:02:28 AM→ mr_Hands01 has joined
  91. 11:02:31 AM+NaughtyCanidI, his son, am a computer programmer. The most feeble limp wristed man you could know.
  92. 11:02:53 AM+NaughtyCanidI earn 10x he did and I will marry your daughter.
  93. 11:03:18 AM→ frustrat3d has joined
  94. 11:03:44 AM Ignoring NaughtyCanid!*@*
  95. 11:03:48 AM+dragoonNaughtyCanid: I put you on ignore.
  96. 11:04:04 AM+dragoonReason: You're currently defending your honor to a 72-year old senile DumDum.
  97. 11:04:16 AM× You have been kicked by choot (you're literally contributing nothing. You're wasting the internet's bandwith, go away.)
  98. 11:04:27 AM→ dragoon has joined
  99. 11:04:29 AMdragoonRecommendation: Acquisition of perspective.
  100. 11:04:41 AMⓘ n4ked1 set mode +b *!*
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