

Jan 26th, 2017
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  1. Overseas Filipino workers around the world sent $26.92 billion (P1.20 trillion) back to the Philippines last year, up 6.2 percent from $25.35 billion (P1.13 trillion) in 2013, according to the Bangkok Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). - See more at:
  4. The Philippines was third, after India and China, in terms of the amount of remittances received in 2014, according to World Bank data. - See more at:
  6. question :
  7. IF you were to work here or abroad, what would you choose and why?
  9. 2: what makes you think you'll have a better future here than working abroad?
  12. Families and loved ones are probably the only attachment that would really just chain you down and not work abroad but have you ever considered that you can actually meet new love ones in another land far away and maybe even make a family? working abroad does not mean you wouldn't be able to go back here in the philippines and never meet your family and love ones. don't get too attached unto these minor things since there's more to life than philippines.
  15. As my partner have mentioned about the great salary difference which is practically the one of the main reason why you should work abroad. and he also mentioned the compensations aren't enough here in the philippines, which is true. if you work here, they don't compensate you enough for the work that you do compared to working abroad. If you work abroad, you'll have greater benefits than the "13 month pay" that we have. you'll have free LIFE, DENTAL, VISION insurances, vacation leave in which you'll get to be paid while your on vacation and when your sick leave in which you'll still get paid until you get better. and these are the most "BASIC" benefits they offer. by just these benefits, it just shows how much they actually care about their employees. either full time or part time. it's only natural for people to work where they see themselves having a better future. When your working abroad, You're actually working for your future and not for someone else's future.
  18. Let's take an example of the agricultural workers here and abroad. Working here, you'll get paid about 170pesos daily. Now that sounds ridiculous right? Basically telling them that they wouldnt even have any chance to prosper. So how about working abroad as a agricultural worker? They actually pay more than the minimum wage since they know agricultural workers requires way more effort than the common jobs in the industry.
  20. That's why there's 2.4 million OFW right now. OFW actually helped country grow economically as they have already brought about more than 1 trillion pesos. They are considered 'Modern day heroes of the philippines', that's their title lately since that's how much they help the country economically. We have been emphasizing the money that you get from your work since money is the equal value of your skills and effort. Life also depends on it, your food and how much leisure thing that you could do.
  23. Rebuttal
  24. You will all be professionals in the future, as you are studying here in a university, it's a given that you aspire to something greater than the common. as my team have mentioned the points why you should work abroad. you all should now realize that working abroad is something us professionals are suited in. the working conditions here in the philippines will only just keep you working until you become a senior citizen without any real accomplishment in life..... other than helping the company that you worked so dearly. working abroad have dozens more of opportunities than working here and the life you'll be experiencing will be much more interesting. Imagine the situation where You wouldn't even have to bother thinking about the bills that you have to pay that's due next week, dont even have to bother how much you would need to save this month in order to have enough money for the tuition fee that you'll be paying for your children. all these issues only appear on a place stressful things only appear if you work here.
  26. Thank you for listening and i hope we win
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