
Apr 27th, 2016
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  1. # You need to use '' (double quotes) instead of ' (single quote)
  2. # Color codes are supported with the '&' sign
  3. # Placeholder are indicated with {<number>}. You can switch the order and they are explained over their occurence
  4. # You can specify some other information behind the number in the placeholders. Look here:
  6. # If it is not a number. 0 ==> the userinput
  7. not\ a\ number= &4"{0}" &cist keine Zahl!
  8. # If a conversation was exited ungracefully (e.g. by entering "exit" or timing out)
  9. conversation\ cancelled= &cDie Konversation wurde von dir beendet oder du hast zu lange nicht geantwortet!
  10. # If a user has a prompt to answer but wants to open a new (e.g. selling items two times in a row, without finishing the first one)
  11. already\ conversing= &cDu unterhälst dich bereits!
  13. # ==== Interaction with the shop ====
  14. # ==== Selling ====
  15. # If the shops's stock is too small. 0 ==> Shop's stock , 1 ==> Amount the shop would need
  16. interact\ with\ shop\ selling\ not\ enough\ space\ in\ shop= &cDer Laden hat nur noch &4{0} &cItems übrig.
  17. # If the player doesn't have enough items. 0 ==> The amount of items the player has, 1 ==> The items the player will need, 2 ==> The amount he wanted to sell
  18. interact\ with\ shop\ selling\ not\ enough\ items= &cDu brauchst noch &4{1} &cItems um &3{2}&c verkaufen zu können.
  19. # If the shop owner doesn't have enough money to buy the items. 0 ==> The money of the shop owner, 1 ==> the money the shop owner would need, 2 ==> the name of the owner
  20. interact\ with\ shop\ selling\ shop\ owner\ not\ enough\ money: &cDer Ladenbesitzer (&8{2}&c) hat nicht genug Geld um die Items zu bezahlen.
  21. # The suffix to the "buy\ amount\ conversation\ prompt\ text". 0 ==> The amount of items they have in their inventory.
  22. interact\ with\ shop\ selling\ items\ available\ suffix= &aDu kannst &3{0} &averkaufen.
  23. # If a user tries to buy/sell to their own shop
  24. interact\ with\ shop\ is\ your\ shop= &cDas ist dein Laden\! Du kannst die Kiste öffnen... .
  26. # ==== BUYING ====
  27. # If the buyer doesn't have enough money. 0 ==> The money he needs, 1 ==> his current money, 2 ==> The amount needed to buy the items
  28. interact\ with\ shop\ buying\ not\ enough\ money= &cDu brauchst noch &4{0} &cGeld um dies zu kaufen.
  29. # If the buyer doesn't have enough space in his inventory. 0 ==> The space he has, 1 ==> The space he needs
  30. interact\ with\ shop\ buying\ not\ enough\ space\ in\ inventory= &cDu hast nich genug Platz in deinem Inventar (&4{0}&c/&3{1}&c).
  31. # If the shop's stock is too low. 0 ==> The items that are missing, 1 ==> The stock of the shop, 2 ==> The amount of items the user wanted to buy
  32. interact\ with\ shop\ buying\ shop\ not\ enough\ items= &cDer Laden bräuchte noch &4{0} &cItems (&4{1}&c/&3{2}&c).
  34. # ==== Shop info lines ====
  35. # The shop info message. 0 ==> Shop owner, 1 ==> Shop item, 2 ==> Shop Stock, 3 ==> Price for one item, 4 ==> Shop mode
  36. interact\ with\ shop\ line\ 1= &5+--------------------------------------------------
  37. interact\ with\ shop\ line\ 2= &5; &aLaden Informationen:
  38. interact\ with\ shop\ line\ 3= &5; &aBesitzer: &3{0}
  39. interact\ with\ shop\ line\ 4= &5; &aItem: &3{1}
  40. interact\ with\ shop\ line\ 5= &5; &aVerfügbar &3{2}
  41. interact\ with\ shop\ line\ 6= &5; &aPreis pro &3{1} &a- &3{3,number,0.## Minecraft Taler}
  42. interact\ with\ shop\ line\ 7= &5; &aDieser Laden &3{4} &aItems.
  43. interact\ with\ shop\ line\ 8= &5+--------------------------------------------------
  45. # ==== Shop Buy/Sell messages ====
  46. # The shop info message. 0 ==> Shop owner, 1 ==> Shop item, 2 ==> Shop Stock, 3 ==> Price for one item, 4 ==> amount bought, 5 ==> total price
  47. interact\ with\ shop\ successfully\ purchased\ line\ 1= &5+--------------------------------------------------
  48. interact\ with\ shop\ successfully\ purchased\ line\ 2= &5; &aErfolgreich gekauft:
  49. interact\ with\ shop\ successfully\ purchased\ line\ 3= &5; &3{4} {1} &afür &3{5,number,0.## Minecraft Taler}&a.
  50. interact\ with\ shop\ successfully\ purchased\ line\ 4= &5+--------------------------------------------------
  51. # The sold messages. Same as above otherwise.
  52. interact\ with\ shop\ successfully\ sold\ line\ 1= &5+--------------------------------------------------
  53. interact\ with\ shop\ successfully\ sold\ line\ 2= &5; &aErfolgreich verkauft:
  54. interact\ with\ shop\ successfully\ sold\ line\ 3= &5; &3{4} {1} &afür &3{5,number,0.## Minecraft Taler}&a.
  55. interact\ with\ shop\ successfully\ sold\ line\ 4= &5+--------------------------------------------------
  57. # ==== Confirmation Conversation ====
  58. # The confirmation message. 0 ==> The shop owner, 1 ==> The stock of the shop, 2 ==> The item name, 3 ==> The amount, 4 ==> The price for one item,
  59. # 5 ==> The total price, 6 ==> The action (sell|buy) already localized.
  60. interact\ with\ shop\ confirmation\ message= &6Möchtest du wirklich &3{3} {2} &6für &3{5,number,0.## Minecraft Taler} &a{6}&6?
  61. # If the user responds with the "confirmation\ conversation\ no" value.
  62. interact\ with\ shop\ cancelled\ trade= &cDu hast den Handel abgebrochen.
  63. # The thing you enter if you DO want to confirm it. Case insensitive.
  64. confirmation\ conversation\ yes= Ja
  65. # The thing you enter if you DON'T want to confirm it. Case insensitive.
  66. confirmation\ conversation\ no= Nein
  68. # ==== Creation Listener ====
  69. # If the chest is already a shop
  70. creation\ listener\ shop\ already\ exists= &cAn dieser Stelle ist bereits ein Laden!
  71. # If the user wants to make a double chest a shop
  72. creation\ listener\ is\ double\ chest= &cDu kannst keinen Laden mit einer Doppelkiste erstellen!
  73. # If the chest is not empty but the user wants to make it a shop
  74. creation\ listener\ chest\ not\ empty= &cDie Kiste ist nich leer!
  75. # If a block is above the chest or at the location of the shop sign
  76. creation\ listener\ not\ enough\ space= &cÜber der Kiste oder dort, wo das Schild sein wird, ist nicht genug Platz.!
  77. # If the user tries to create a shop at the top or bottom of a chest
  78. creation\ listener\ click\ on\ valid\ side= &cDu kannst keinen laden auf der Ober- oder Unterseite einer Kiste erstellen.
  79. # If the user wants to create a shop but the chest was destroyed in the mean time
  80. creation\ listener\ chest\ was\ destroyed= &cDie Kiste wurde bereits zerstört!
  82. # ==== Protect Shop contents ====
  83. # If a user tries to store an item that is not the item the shop sells. 0 ==> The type of the item the user stored, 1 ==> The shop item name
  84. shop\ inventory\ you\ can\ only\ store\ shop\ items= &cDu kannst nur das Item &3{1} &cin diesem Laden lagern.
  85. # If a user tries to move items in the shop inventory using the number keys (hotkeys)
  86. shop\ inventory\ number\ keys\ disabled= &cWegen bugs sind die Hotkeys deaktiviert.
  88. # ==== Conversations ====
  89. # ==== Buy / Sell Conversation ====
  90. # The prompt text for the Buy/Sell conversation. 0 ==> ShopMode (the two down below), 1 ==> Suffix
  91. buy\ amount\ conversation\ prompt\ text=&aBitte schreibe in den Chat wie viele Items du &3{0} &amöchtest. {1}
  92. buy\ amount\ conversation\ sell= Verkaufen
  93. buy\ amount\ conversation\ buy= Kaufen
  95. # ==== Trading price conversation ====
  96. # The Prompt text for the Trading Price conversation (upon creating a shop). 0 ==> The itemname the shop should trade
  97. trading\ price\ conversation\ prompt\ text= &aBitte schreibe in den Chat zu welchen Preis du &6{0} &ahandeln möchtest.
  98. # The shop mode the user wants. 0 ==> The itemname the shop trade, 1 ==> Localized sell, 2 ==> Localized buy (localization from buy\ amount\ conversation\ sell/buy)
  99. trading\ price\ conversation\ prompt\ text\ shop\ mode= &2Magst du {0} &a{2} &2oder &c{1} &2?
  101. # ==== Shop modes ====
  102. # The names of the different shop modes
  103. shop\ mode\ sell= Verkauft
  104. shop\ mode\ sell\ unlimited= Verkauft (unendlich)
  105. shop\ mode\ buy= Kauft
  106. shop\ mode\ buy\ unlimited= Kauft (unendlich)
  108. # ==== Shop ====
  109. # ==== Sign ====
  110. # The text on the sign. 0 ==> Shop owner, 1 ==> Shop mode, 2 ==> Item name, 3 ==> Item price
  111. sign\ line\ 1= &c[IPSignShop]
  112. sign\ line\ 2= {1}
  113. sign\ line\ 3= {2}
  114. sign\ line\ 4= Für {3,number,0.## MT}/Stück
  116. # ==== Item name ====
  117. # The name floating above the item. 0 ==> item name, 1 ==> shop owner, 2 ==> price for one
  118. shop\ item\ name= &3&l{0} &6- &3&l{2,number,0.## MT}
  120. # ==== Commands ====
  121. # ==== Manager ====
  122. # If the console tries to execute a player command. 0 ==> The name of the command
  123. must\ be\ player= &cDu musst ein Spieler sein um &4{0}&c benutzen zu können.
  124. # If the user doesn't have the needed permission to perform a command. 0 ==> The name of the command
  125. no\ permission= &cDu hast keine Berechtigung &4{0}&c zu benutzen.
  127. # ==== Universal ====
  128. # If the user doesn't look at a block
  129. no\ block\ in\ sight= &cDu schaust auf keinen Block.
  130. # If the block is not a sign. 0 ==> The type of the block the user is looking at
  131. block\ not\ a\ sign= &cDer Block &4{0} &cist kein Schild.
  132. # If the sign doesn't belong to a chest. 0 ==> The type of the block the user looked at
  133. not\ a\ shop= &cDer Block {0} ist kein Laden.
  134. # Send if a user tries to transfer ownership for another players shop and doesn't have the permission. 0 ==> The Shop owner's name
  135. no\ permission\ to\ alter\ other\ players\ shop= &cDu hast keine Berechtigung &4{0}&cs Laden zu verändern!
  136. # Send if the user you wanted to transfer ownership too isn't a known account. 0 ==> The name the user entered
  137. player\ not\ known= &cDieser Spieler ist mir nicht bekannt.
  139. # ==== Help ====
  140. # You can use {0} to get the name of the command in the usage and description messages and {1} to get the keyword
  141. CommandHelp\ name= Hilfe
  142. CommandHelp\ usage= &cBenutzung: /ipsignshop {1}
  143. CommandHelp\ description= &3&l{0}&8: &8Zeigt die Hilfe.
  144. CommandHelp\ keyword= hilfe
  145. # The header above the help.
  146. CommandHelp\ header= \n&8=========== &bIPSignShop Hilfe&8 ==========
  148. # ==== Set Owner ====
  149. # You can use {0} to get the name of the command in the usage and description messages and {1} to get the keyword
  150. CommandSetOwner\ name= Setze Besitzer
  151. CommandSetOwner\ usage= &cBenutzung: /ipsignshop {1} <&6Besitzer&c>
  152. CommandSetOwner\ description= &3&l{0}&8: Bestimmt den Besitzer.
  153. CommandSetOwner\ keyword= setzeBesitzer
  155. # Send to you if you successfully transfered ownership. 0 ==> The name of the person you transfered it to, 1 ==> The name of the previous owner
  156. CommandSetOwner\ transferred\ ownership= &2Die Eigentumsrechte wurden erfolgreich von &c{1} &2auf &a{0}&2 übertragen.
  157. # Send if you received ownership over a shop from another person. 0 ==> The name of the previous shop owner, 1 ==> The name of the player who iussed the transfer
  158. CommandSetOwner\ received\ ownership= &2Du hast von &8{1}&2 die Eigentumsrechte über &a{0}&2s Laden erhalten.
  160. # ==== Set Mode ====
  161. # You can use {0} to get the name of the command in the usage and description messages and {1} to get the keyword
  162. CommandSetMode\ name= Setze Modus
  163. CommandSetMode\ usage= &cBenutzung: /ipsignshop {1} <&6modus&c>
  164. CommandSetMode\ description= &3&l{0}&8: Setzt den Modus des Ladens.
  165. CommandSetMode\ keyword= setzeModus
  167. # If the mode was changed successfully. 0 ==> The Shop owner, 1 ==> The new mode, 2 ==> The old mode
  168. CommandSetMode\ set\ shop\ mode= &2Der Modus wurde von &c{2} &2auf &a{1} &2geändert.
  169. # The Different Shop modes, now in ONE WORD
  170. CommandSetMode\ sell= verkauft
  171. CommandSetMode\ sell\ unlimited= verkauftUnendlich
  172. CommandSetMode\ buy= kauft
  173. CommandSetMode\ buy\ unlimted= kauftUnendlich
  174. # If the user tries to create an unlimited shop but doesn't have the permission.
  175. CommandSetMode\ no\ permission\ for\ unlimted\ resources= &cDu hast keine Berechtigung einen unendlichen Laden zu erstellen.
  177. # ==== Set Price ====
  178. # You can use {0} to get the name of the command in the usage and description messages and {1} to get the keyword
  179. CommandSetPrice\ name= Setze Preis
  180. CommandSetPrice\ usage= &cBenutzung: /ipsignshop {1} <&6preis&c>
  181. CommandSetPrice\ description= &3&l{0}&8: Setzt den Preis eines Ladens.
  182. CommandSetPrice\ keyword= setzePreis
  183. # If the price was set successfully. 0 ==> The Shop owner, 1 ==> The new price, 2 ==> The old price
  184. CommandSetPrice\ set\ shop\ price= &2Der Preis von &3{0}&2s Laden wurde von &c{2,number,0.## Minecraft Taler} &2auf &a{1,number,0.## Minecraft Taler} &2gesetzt.
  186. # ==== Clean ====
  187. # You can use {0} to get the name of the command in the usage and description messages and {1} to get the keyword
  188. CommandClean\ name= Reinige
  189. CommandClean\ usage= &cBenutzung: /ipsignshop {1}
  190. CommandClean\ description= &3&l{0}&8: Löscht alle Läden ohne Items.
  191. CommandClean\ keyword= reinige
  192. # If the shops were cleaned successfully. 0 ==> The amount of shops cleared
  193. CommandClean\ removed\ shops= &2Es wurden &3{0} &2Läden entfernt.
  195. # ==== Remove ====
  196. # You can use {0} to get the name of the command in the usage and description messages and {1} to get the keyword
  197. CommandRemove\ name= Lösche
  198. CommandRemove\ usage= &cBenutzung: /ipsignshop {1}
  199. CommandRemove\ description= &3&l{0}&8: Löscht einen Laden.
  200. CommandRemove\ keyword= lösche
  201. # If the shop was successfully removed. 0 ==> The shop owner, 1 ==> The shops stock, 2 ==> The Shop's item
  202. CommandRemove\ removed\ shop= &2Der Laden von &c{0} &2wurde entfernt.
  204. # ==== Find ====
  205. # You can use {0} to get the name of the command in the usage and description messages and {1} to get the keyword
  206. CommandFind\ name= Finde
  207. CommandFind\ usage= &cBenutzung: /ipsignshop {1} <&6Material&c>
  208. CommandFind\ description= &3&l{0}&8: Findet einen Laden.
  209. CommandFind\ keyword= finde
  210. # If the material couln't be found. 0 ==> The thing the user entered
  211. CommandFind\ material\ unknown= &cDas Material &4{0} &cist mir unbekannt.
  212. # If there is no shop selling the item. 0 ==> The material the user searched
  213. CommandFind\ no\ shop\ found= &cIch konnte leider keinen Laden finden, der &4{0} &cverkauft.
  214. # If a shop was found. 0 ==> The name of the shop owner, 1 ==> The distance in blocks, 2 ==> The item he searched, 3 ==> The Stock of the shop, 4 ==> The price
  215. CommandFind\ found\ shop= &2Der nächste Laden ist &a{1,number,integer} &2Blöcke in diese Richtung. Er gehört &3{0}&2 (&3{4,number,0.## Minecraft Taler}&2) und verkauft &3{2}&2.
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