
Popper and laceless

Feb 25th, 2018
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  1. 17:30 *** Trisha joined #obama
  2. Tonight at 11: Soros Minions vs Putin's OLIgarch Thespians In CrisiS
  3. Topic set by Melmoth! on Sat Feb 24 2018 11:40:23 GMT-0800 (PST)
  4. 17:30 laceless` lol, I commissioned a graphic artist to make a label for me
  5. 17:30 Trisha The #politics faction is wrong.
  6. 17:30 Trisha The #obama faction is right.
  7. 17:30 laceless` And they are looking GREAT
  8. 17:30 Popper Trisha takanawa?
  9. 17:30 laceless` sure, raindonna, whatever you say
  10. 17:31 Trisha Popper: Please describe Vladimir Putin in a sentence of ~5-20 words.
  11. 17:31 Popper Trisha, shirtless man riding a horse as a champion
  12. 17:32 Joey heh
  13. 17:32 Trisha Popper: Of what is he a champion?
  14. 17:32 Popper Trisha, of shirtless horse-riding
  15. 17:32 Trisha Popper: Do you consider Vladimir Putin masculine?
  16. 17:32 Popper Trisha, he's the epitome of masculinity
  17. 17:32 Trisha Popper: Is masculinity good?
  18. 17:33 Popper Trisha, it isn't good, it's GLORIOUS
  19. 17:33 Trisha Popper: Is masculinity more or less effective as a social strategy now as compared to 25000 years ago?
  20. 17:33 Popper Trisha, YES
  21. 17:33 Trisha Popper: Try again.
  22. 17:33 Popper Trisha, 25%
  23. 17:34 Trisha I think that masculinity is substantially less effective as a social strategy now as compared to 25000 years ago.
  24. 17:34 Trisha I think, largely, the feminine social strategy is more congruent with modernity.
  25. 17:34 Trisha Specifically, large populations, substantial decrease in proximal danger, power of available weapon systems reducing the value of conflict.
  26. 17:35 Trisha Popper: Are you familiar with scientific research into group intelligence?
  27. 17:35 Popper Trisha, of course!
  28. 17:35 laceless` God you are an insufferable bore, raindonna
  29. 17:35 Trisha Popper: Are you familiar with the c-factor of group intelligence?
  30. 17:35 Popper Trisha, I'm so familiar with it I could call it my wife
  31. 17:36 Trisha Popper: Do you hate knowledge?
  32. 17:36 Popper Trisha, only the BAD kind
  33. 17:36 |werejag| cohen
  34. 17:36 Trisha Popper: Which nation state would you prefer to live in: The USA or the Russian Federation?
  35. 17:36 Popper laceless`, Trisha wouldn't DARE ignoring me
  36. 17:36 Popper Trisha, the RUSSIAN FEDERATION OF COURSE
  37. 17:36 Trisha I intend to ignore you within five minutes or less.
  38. 17:37 |werejag| lol
  39. 17:37 Popper Trisha, you will not ignore me within less than 10 minutes
  40. 17:37 dk57 why is there an old korean lady playing van halen on my TV?
  41. 17:37 Trisha Popper: The c-factor is a statistical factor that predicts group intelligence.
  42. 17:37 Popper Trisha, I know that
  43. 17:37 Trisha It is composed of conversational turn-taking, empathy, and the perception the individual is valuable to the group.
  44. 17:38 Popper Trisha, you're butchering the real meaning of it
  45. 17:38 Popper Trisha, but go ahead
  46. 17:38 Trisha Popper: Are you aware the amount of women in your group -- without information about the above sub-construct -- positively correlates with group intelligence?
  47. 17:38 Popper I can see you're a newbie on the subject Trisha
  48. 17:38 Trisha Popper: Feel free to subsume any and all of my constructs.
  49. 17:38 Trisha When they are superior, I will adopt them as my own and abandon my current constructs.
  50. 17:38 Trisha This is the way of 'love of knowledge'.
  51. 17:38 Trisha Popper: I put you on ignore.
  52. 17:39 Joey closing ceremonies at the Olympics...pretty cool
  53. 17:39 Trisha Thank you for the conversation.
  54. 17:39 Trisha
  55. 17:39 RoboTurmp [ Popper dislikes knowledge - ] -
  56. 17:39 Trisha Here is an unedited record of our dialogue.
  57. 17:40 Trisha I prefer the USA to the Russian Federation.
  58. 17:40 Trisha Though, under the GOP, the USA is moving towards the Russian Federation.
  59. 17:40 u-ou I’d rather live in Russia, because then I won’t get shot
  60. 17:40 Trisha u-ou: The average life expectancy in Russia is less than in the USA.
  61. 17:41 Trisha That includes the higher rate of gun violence in the USA.
  62. 17:41 Trisha u-ou: 30% of deaths in Russia involve alcohol.
  63. 17:41 Trisha A lot of those deaths are due to unhappiness.
  64. 17:41 u-ou lol
  65. <Trisha> Hi, I am raindonna, the most boring chatter on IRC
  66. Topic set by laceless` on Sun Feb 25 2018 17:41:39 GMT-0800 (PST)
  67. 17:41 Trisha The Russian economy is in shambles as Putin's oligarchs steal from the Russian people.
  68. 17:41 Trisha The GOP has for the USA the same plan.
  69. 17:41 Trisha The GOP is the primary enemy of the USA.
  70. 17:42 RoboTurmp [ White House Legal Team Considers Ways Trump Could Testify Before Mueller - WSJ ] -
  71. 17:46 Trisha Trump's lawyers will make every effort to keep him from testifying.
  72. 17:47 Trisha Most/all of the talk about Trump testifying before Robert Mueller is a lie.
  73. 17:47 Trisha Conceptualize it as his talk about releasing his tax returns.
  74. 17:47 Trisha (Almost everything Donald Trump says is at least partially dishonest)
  75. 17:54 RoboTurmp [ Axios: Trump pushing to have personal pilot run FAA - CNNPolitics ] -
  76. 18:07 u-ou I have proper OCD
  77. 18:07 u-ou yep
  78. 18:08 u-ou yeah
  79. 18:08 u-ou that’s enough questions now Popper I can only answer 2 a day
  80. 18:09 u-ou yep
  81. 18:09 u-ou 60mg of fluoxetine
  82. 18:09 u-ou and 3mg of risperidone
  83. 18:09 u-ou the first is an SSRI, the latter, an antipsychotic
  84. 18:10 AndroidUS "America's Ggreatest Threat: Valdimir Putin"
  85. 18:10 u-ou I take it before bed
  86. 18:10 AndroidUS History Channel 9pm est
  87. 18:10 u-ou ...
  88. 18:10 u-ou listen to doctor Popper
  89. 18:11 u-ou I am psychotic
  90. 18:11 u-ou I have psychotic symptoms
  91. 18:11 AndroidUS he's drunk
  92. 18:11 u-ou delusions, yes
  93. 18:11 u-ou but I won’t discuss them
  94. 18:12 u-ou I had my first lecture for the year today
  95. 18:13 u-ou it was just an overview
  96. 18:13 u-ou COMP101: Foundations of information systems
  97. 18:14 Joey heh
  98. 18:14 u-ou information systems
  99. 18:15 Trisha AndroidUS: That's an interesting show.
  100. 18:15 Trisha Though, I disagree that Vladimir Putin is the greatest threat to the USA.
  101. 18:15 Trisha Vladimir Putin's primary power over the USA is mediated through the GOP interface.
  102. 18:15 Trisha And the primary component of the GOP interface is factionalism.
  103. 18:15 u-ou no Popper you’re not
  104. 18:15 Joey AndroidUS actually America's Greatest Threat is Donald Trump
  105. 18:15 Trisha Just as James Madison noted >220 years ago.
  106. 18:15 u-ou I brought up the subject myself
  107. 18:16 Trisha Donald Trump is a great threat, but he's also proximal.
  108. 18:16 u-ou what does proximal mean
  109. 18:16 Trisha If we were to remove Donald Trump, we'd have most of the same problems we have now.
  110. 18:16 *** Trisha was kicked by laceless` (go be proximal elsewhere, raindonna)
  111. 18:16 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
  112. 18:16 *** Trisha joined #obama
  113. <Trisha> Hi, I am raindonna, the most boring chatter on IRC
  114. Topic set by laceless`! on Sun Feb 25 2018 17:41:12 GMT-0800 (PST)
  115. 18:16 Trisha It means 'near'.
  116. 18:16 Popper Trisha, how old are you?
  117. 18:17 Joey 10
  118. 18:17 Trisha Popper: Why does this interest you?
  119. 18:17 Popper Trisha, it is very important but unfortunately I cannot reveal WHY at this moment
  120. 18:17 u-ou they gave us a definition of information system that I didn’t like
  121. 18:17 u-ou it had words like set and feedback mechanism
  122. 18:17 Popper u-ou, what was it?
  123. 18:17 u-ou it just sounded stupid
  124. 18:17 u-ou I don’t remember exact words
  125. 18:18 Trisha Popper: I will not answer that question at this time.
  126. 18:18 u-ou there was a massive queue for ID cards
  127. 18:18 Popper Trisha, you seem resentful
  128. 18:18 Popper Trisha, have I offended you in some way?
  129. 18:18 Trisha Popper: Why do you have that perception?
  130. 18:18 Trisha
  131. 18:18 RoboTurmp [ Audiomolekül - Road to Nowhere (Melodic Techno Mix) - YouTube ] -
  132. 18:18 Popper Trisha, I feel you're being less than forthcoming
  133. 18:18 Trisha Here is an amazing electronic song.
  134. 18:19 Trisha Popper: My age is personal information -- I choose when to share it.
  135. 18:19 Popper Trisha, it is truly amazing
  136. 18:19 Trisha It can be considered a kind of medical information.
  137. 18:19 Trisha You have no right to access my medical information.
  138. 18:19 Popper Trisha, I would appreciate if you would share your age with us.
  139. 18:19 Trisha I believe you.
  140. 18:19 Trisha I will not do that at this time, though.
  141. 18:19 dk57 i cant get enough of this fucking closing ceremony
  142. 18:19 Trisha If you would like to obtain that information, I recommend you increase your persuasion.
  143. 18:20 Popper Trisha, oh I can persuade you
  144. 18:20 dk57 trisha, you a friend of laceless?
  145. 18:20 Popper I can persuade you all night long
  146. 18:20 Trisha I believe you have a non-zero chance of persuading me.
  147. 18:20 Trisha Though, it's probably quite low.
  148. 18:20 Trisha dk57: Relevance?
  149. 18:20 Popper Trisha, oh I can do it
  150. 18:20 Popper Trisha, I can sex it up
  151. 18:20 Trisha Popper: If you wish to sexually seduce me, please increase your intelligence.
  152. 18:21 Trisha I find intelligence to be appealing.
  153. 18:21 Popper Trisha, oh I haven't even started
  154. 18:21 Trisha Hop to it.
  155. 18:21 Popper tell me Trisha
  156. 18:21 Popper Trisha, were you born a man or a woman? NOT THAT IT MATTERS
  157. 18:21 Trisha Relevance?
  158. 18:21 Popper Trisha, I'm interested in learning your background growing up with a specific gender assigned to you
  159. 18:22 Trisha Why?
  160. 18:22 Popper Trisha, so I can better talk to you and understand your feedback
  161. 18:22 dk57 popper is a cisgender male
  162. 18:22 Popper dk57, fuck
  163. 18:22 Trisha Popper: I am ready to help you better understand me.
  164. 18:22 Popper dk57, with Trisha for a nickname?
  165. 18:22 Trisha Popper: I agree with James Madison that factionalism is one of the deepest problems in our species.
  166. 18:22 Trisha Next, I recognize that Vladimir Putin and the GOP are pristine examples of contemporary factionalism.
  167. 18:23 Trisha Now, you refuse to recognize or communicate the dangers of Vladimir Putin.
  168. 18:23 Popper Trisha, and I recognize you're a fucking DUDE
  169. 18:23 Trisha You are either insufficiently intelligent to recognize Vladimir Putin is not congruent with your goals and the goals of healthy civilization, or you recognize it and you share his goals for the supremacy of faction.
  170. 18:24 Popper I'm sufficiently intelligent to recognize you have a fucking PENIS
  171. 18:24 Trisha However, you'll recall that I find intelligence appealing. Therefore, this first case would disqualify you from sexually seducing me.
  172. 18:24 Trisha In the second case, you are a danger to be mitigated, boxed, and overcome.
  173. 18:24 Popper Trisha, now that I know you were not born a woman I have no intention of seducing you, you dirty pervert
  174. 18:24 laceless` bla bla bla
  175. 18:24 Trisha Popper: I put you on ignore.
  176. 18:25 Trisha Your apparent belief that sexuality is more noteworthy of ethical analysis indicates you're not my cognitive peer.
  177. 18:25 Trisha Instead, I'd recommend you consume Buddhist axiology.
  178. 18:25 Trisha There is, in the Buddhist view, nothing uniquely wicked about sexual offenses or failings. Those inclined to develop a guilt-complex about their sex-life should realize that failure in this respect is neither more, nor, on the other hand, less serious than failure to live up to any other precept. In point of fact, the most difficult precept of all for nearly
  179. 18:26 Trisha everybody to live up to is the fourth — to refrain from all forms of wrong speech (which often includes uncharitable comments on other people's real or alleged sexual failings!)...What precisely, then, does the Third Precept imply for the ordinary lay Buddhist? Firstly, in common with all the other precepts, it is a rule of training. It is not a "commandment"
  180. 18:26 *** Trisha was kicked by laceless` (I refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram.)
  181. 18:26 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
  182. 18:26 *** Trisha joined #obama
  183. <Trisha> Hi, I am raindonna, the most boring chatter on IRC
  184. Topic set by laceless`! on Sun Feb 25 2018 17:41:12 GMT-0800 (PST)
  185. 18:26 dk57 WOW
  186. 18:26 Trisha from God, the Buddha, or anyone else saying: "Thou shalt not..." There are no such commandments in Buddhism. It is an undertaking by you to yourself, to do your best to observe a certain type of restraint, because you understand that it is a good thing to do. This must be clearly understood. If you don't think it is a good thing to do, you should not undertak
  187. 18:26 *** Trisha was kicked by laceless` (I refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram.)
  188. 18:26 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
  189. 18:26 *** Trisha joined #obama
  190. <Trisha> Hi, I am raindonna, the most boring chatter on IRC
  191. Topic set by laceless`! on Sun Feb 25 2018 17:41:12 GMT-0800 (PST)
  192. 18:26 *** Trisha was kicked by laceless` (I refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram.)
  193. 18:26 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
  194. 18:27 *** Trisha joined #obama
  195. <Trisha> Hi, I am raindonna, the most boring chatter on IRC
  196. Topic set by laceless`! on Sun Feb 25 2018 17:41:12 GMT-0800 (PST)
  197. 18:27 dk57 CAT FIGHTRAWR
  198. 18:27 Trisha it. If you do think it is a good thing to do, but doubt your ability to keep it, you should do your best, and probably, you can get some help and instruction to make it easier. If you feel it is a good thing to attempt to tread the Buddhist path, you may undertake this and the other precepts, with sincerity, in this spirit.[2]
  199. 18:27 --- laceless` has banned *!*
  200. 18:27 *** Trisha was kicked by laceless` (I refer you to the reply given in the case of Arkell v. Pressdram.)
  201. 18:27 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
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