Guest User


a guest
Feb 7th, 2013
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  1. TekkitCustomizer:
  2. ProtectSurfaceFromExplosives: false
  3. RemoveUUMatterToNonRenewableItemRecipes: false
  4. EnforcementWorlds:
  5. - Regular_World
  6. - Regular_World_the_end
  7. - Regular_World_nether
  8. - New_Spawn
  9. - pvp
  10. - mining
  11. Bans:
  12. UsageBanned:
  13. - 27526:*:Philosopher's Stone:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
  14. OwnershipBanned:
  15. - 27556:*:Catalytic Lens:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
  16. - 27527:*:Destruction Catalyst:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
  17. - 27530:*:Evertide Amulet:Bypasses anti-grief to place water in protected areas without permission.
  18. - 27533:*:Ring of Ignition:Bypasses anti-grief to injure claimed animals and set fires in protected areas without permission. May injure players even when PvP is off.
  19. - 27583:*:Mercurial Eye:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
  20. - 27584:*:Ring of Arcana:Bypasses anti-grief to change blocks in protected areas without permission.
  21. - 27531:*:Volcanite Amulet:Bypasses anti-grief to place lava in protected areas without permission.
  22. - 4095:*:Dimensional Anchor:Can easily crash the server by consuming all hard drive allocation.
  23. PlacementBanned:
  24. - 6362:*:Trackers
  25. - 6361:*:REP
  26. - 27584:*:Amulet
  27. - 27583:*:Amulet
  28. - 237:*:Nuke
  29. - 126:10:Nova
  30. - 126:11:Nova
  31. WorldBanned:
  32. - 6362:*:Trackers
  33. - 6361:*:REP
  34. - 27584:*:Amulet
  35. - 27583:*:Amulet
  36. - 237:*:Nuke
  37. - 126:10:Nova
  38. - 126:11:Nova
  39. CraftingBanned:
  40. - 6362:*:Trackers
  41. - 6361:*:REP
  42. - 27584:*:Amulet
  43. - 27583:*:Amulet
  44. - 237:*:Nuke
  45. - 126:10:Nova
  46. - 126:11:Nova
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