

Jul 5th, 2015
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  1. Backstage, Goldust was on top of the world, bragging about how he's finally out from under the thumb of Ted DiBiase, when who walked up but Ted DiBiase himself?
  3. "Hello, Goldust. I see you're having a fine time tonight."
  5. "Why, yes I am! I'm footloose and fancy free, because you can't push me around anymore!"
  7. Ted nodded along as he pulled a folded up piece of paper out of his jacket. "You're right, you're right, your debt to me is completely and totally absolved. And just to cap it off, here's your receipt."
  9. Goldust took a look at the receipt, and a look of confusion crept onto his face.
  11. "What's the deal here, Ted? I know for a fact my debt was bigger than a goddamn five dollar administrative fee."
  13. Ted smirked. "Well, yes, it [i]was[/i], but right before Survivor Series, I had myself a little brainstorming session, and decided that it would be best to move some of my assets to a foreign partner of mine. As such, when you won that little skirmish, you did free yourself of your debt to Money Inc., that being said five dollar administrative fee. So I'd like to introduce you to the new holder of your debt, Okada Zaibatsu's own Kazuya Okada."
  15. Okada walked in, right on cue, and handed Goldust a sheaf of paper. "This contains the details of your new debt agreement. As the yen is particularly strong right now, paying it back on your own would take... oh, I'd say two lifetimes. But, with this once-in-a-lifetime deal, I can cut that down to maybe a lifetime and a quarter. Of course, as part of this deal I'll be requiring your services as my personal servant, but really, you are the winner here. I am losing my shirt on this deal, because Ted DiBiase asked me so kindly to consider your work as part of Money Inc. Just sign on the marked lines, and we can start the repayment."
  17. Goldust was irate. "What? No. I'm not signing this! If you think you can dra-"
  19. Ted interrupted. "Goldust, Goldust, don't be too hasty! Please, Okada, tell him about what happens if he chooses not to pay back his debt!"
  21. Okada got very serious, dropping the jovial tone he'd adopted earlier. "Of course, if Goldust chooses not to repay his debt, Okada Zaibatsu will have to take drastic action. We may have to garnish his wages, we may have to take his possessions, his house, his car, et cetera. And of course, we always have the option of suing him, and the Japanese courts will not be friendly to a gaijin, even one as well-known as Goldust."
  23. Ted turned back to Goldust. "So, Goldust... are you going to sign? Because I know you're not a foolish man, I know you've got wit and cunning and business sense, and I know you don't want to put yourself under any more unnecessary stress. So what'll it be?"
  25. Goldust considered for a while, but the answer was obvious. Goldust signed that contract, staring daggers into Okada and Ted all the while. Once he finished signing, Okada took the contract and had DiBiase send it off to be filed, leaving him alone with Goldust.
  27. "Excellent. Now, come with me, we've got much to do."
  29. As Okada walked away, Goldust followed him out of frame to end the segment.
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