

Mar 5th, 2016
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  1. [17:56] IcePickLobotomy Saturday. A calm, quiet Saturday after a week of school, METI testing and simulator training.
  2. [17:58] =-= scya is now known as Robin
  3. [17:58] IcePickLobotomy Walker has finally gotten a half day off, and is spending her morning curled up on the couch, reading. Artyom has finished putting out a light breakfast and has migrated to a recliner in order to compose some letters.
  4. [17:58] =-= Robin is now known as Mary
  5. [17:59] =-= Kasra is now known as RobinF
  6. [18:01] =-= RobinF is now known as Kasra
  7. [18:01] Mary has gone and is cuddled on the other side of the couch dozin a bit while Megan is crawling and guggling on her stomache
  8. [18:01] =-= Pale_Wolf is now known as Arina
  9. [18:05] RobinE is in her room writing in a notebook.
  10. [18:05] Kasra Curiously, Kasra has not emerged, even for his jog.
  11. [18:06] Arina is reading in one of the chairs in the living room.
  12. [18:10] IcePickLobotomy The phone rings.
  13. [18:12] Arina reaches over and gets it. "Hello, who is it?"
  14. [18:12] Mary raises a eyebrow at Arina, trying to gues who is closer to the phone and then leans back as she sees her being so nice to take it
  15. [18:14] IcePickLobotomy "Ah, hello. Is Lieutenant Walker there? It's Doctor Vernbeck." His speaks clearly, devoid of accent.
  16. [18:15] Arina nods. "Just a moment." She hands the receiver to Walker. "It's for you. Doctor Vernbeck."
  17. [18:15] IcePickLobotomy "Oh?" She frowns and takes the phone/ "Hello Doctor."
  18. [18:20] IcePickLobotomy Walker frowns, speaking quietly, so that you don't overhear, however she doesn't appear to happy at what's being said on the other end.
  19. [18:20] Kasra You hear a loud thud and an almost birdlike squaw of alarm. Suddenly, Kasra bursts out of his room frantically pulling an undershirt over his head as he heads down the communal hall.
  20. [18:21] RobinE comes out of her room soon after, lighter in hand. She finds a seat somewhere and starts toying with the lighter.
  21. [18:22] Mary "shhh"
  22. [18:22] Kasra "Walker, I-". As he finally takes a moment to survey the rest of the room, he audibly clears his throat, halts his advance and calmly adusts his clothing, before standing at attention behind Captain Walker.
  23. [18:22] Arina blinkblinks. "Er... is something wrong, Kasra?"
  24. [18:22] Kasra "Uh, what, yes. Yes, everything is...fine. Thank you."
  25. [18:23] IcePickLobotomy Walker places her palm over the receiver and takes a very long breath before going back to it.
  26. [18:25] IcePickLobotomy She hangs up the phone a touch more forcefully than is needed.
  27. [18:25] IcePickLobotomy "Well. Everyone get ready, SciDiv is going to be running a test with you all today down in Layer 10."
  28. [18:25] JohnH "!0
  29. [18:25] JohnH "10, huh?"
  30. [18:25] Kasra "Understood, sir. Um, and Captain?"
  31. [18:26] Arina blinks, lowering her book. "That's... I see? Did something happen?"
  32. [18:26] IcePickLobotomy "Just interdepartmental rivalry and a lack of communcation." She says bitterly. "Sorry, what is it Kasra?"
  33. [18:27] Kasra "I wanted to apologize for sleeping in. It won't happen again, sir."
  34. [18:27] IcePickLobotomy "It's fine Kasra, you /had/ today off anyways."
  35. [18:28] JohnH "That's 10 laps for you, Kasra"
  36. [18:28] JohnH "We don't tolerate that kind of behavior here" John says in a mock-stern voice
  37. [18:28] Kasra "Well, yes, but it's a matter of professionalism. And John, of course you are correct, I missed our run, and I will be doing extra laps."
  38. [18:28] Mary lazily aims a cushon at john and throws it at him.
  39. [18:29] Mary "And john has no right to give you a penality"
  40. [18:29] Arina "True but I think he wants to do ten laps anyway."
  41. [18:30] Mary shivers in mock fear
  42. [18:31] IcePickLobotomy Walker pulls Kasra aside at his behest, and the two have a hushed conversation.
  43. [18:35] Mary "But its our day off" Mary moans with a lack of real enthusiams for ranting
  44. [18:36] IcePickLobotomy "Look, I am sorry about this, I'm not really happy about my half-day getting knocked off as well."
  45. [18:36] Arina sighs. "Did they just not tell you the schedule?"
  46. [18:37] Kasra "There's nothing to be upset about. So we spend the day running a test instead of wasting it lounging around here. So what?"
  47. [18:37] Kasra "Have some enthusiasm, Mary!"
  48. [18:37] IcePickLobotomy "That and they only got this set up no, and felt that whatever this was is a immediate concern. Moreover Command agreed."
  49. [18:38] RobinE "must be serious then."
  50. [18:38] Arina hums. "It's unusual to begin with, we normally don't go down that deep."
  51. [18:39] Mary "Seems i nee to ake a call then.."
  52. [18:39] Arina "Any particular reason it's on level 10?"
  53. [18:39] JohnH "Yes, there definitely is"
  54. [18:39] IcePickLobotomy "Well the good doctor didn't say what it was about." She nods "And there is, that's where the secure SciDiv labs are."
  55. [18:39] Kasra "I'm sure the doctor will give us any necessary information."
  56. [18:41] Arina "Mm, I see. Not one of the usual tests, something special?"
  57. [18:41] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You hear Walker cough into her fist in response.
  58. [18:41] IcePickLobotomy "Yes, I'm sure the Doctor will tell you everything you need to know."
  59. [18:43] Kasra You can hear the word "no" loosely concealed in that cough.
  60. [18:44] Arina (Kasra line was not IC)
  61. [18:45] Kasra "Arina, SciDiv always has something special going on, this could be really interesting!"
  62. [18:45] Arina nods, standing up. "I'm rather curious, which is why I asked. Heading down now, or any particular time?"
  63. [18:46] Mary "Well i have to wait until Hanan gets here"
  64. [18:47] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah, heading down now/ We're gonna stop at your lockers and get you all suited up. Dr. Kirmani will take you down to Laye 10, I have a meeting with the Colonel."
  65. [18:52] IcePickLobotomy "And I've already let Hanan know, she'll be up in a few moments."
  66. [18:53] JohnH "Well alright. Time for some fun!"
  67. [18:53] RobinE "wow, you work fast."
  68. [18:53] Kasra "That's the spirit, John!"
  69. [18:55] Arina nods, stretching slightly. "I don't know about fun but it'll probably be important, at least."
  70. [18:55] IcePickLobotomy Hanan steps inside. "Hello Mary." She crouches down beside the baby "and hello Megan."
  71. [18:55] IcePickLobotomy "And hello everyone." She adds a moment later, somewhat sheepish.
  72. [18:56] Arina chuckles. "Hello, Hanan. Nothing wrong with priorities."
  73. [18:56] Arina crouches down to wave slightly to Megan. "See you later."
  74. [18:57] Kasra "Thanks for coming on short notice Hanan. And Arina, I'm surprised at you! Are you saying there's a difference between important and fun?"
  75. [18:57] IcePickLobotomy Walker motions for you all to start getting a move on.
  76. [18:57] Mary "Hi Hanan, thanks for comming on such a short notice"
  77. [18:57] Mary Megan: "Guguuuu"
  78. [18:58] IcePickLobotomy "Oh it's no trouble." She picks Megan up, who coos happily at the attention.
  79. [18:58] Arina nods to Walker, and heads to the door.
  80. [18:59] Kasra "Hm. Not even a chuckle. John, am I not funny?"
  81. [18:59] Mary slides of the couch and then follows the others
  82. [18:59] Kasra "It's a very real possibility."
  83. [19:00] Mary "And you" , she pokes a finger at Meagan" Will be be nice right?"
  84. [19:00] Mary Meagan."Brlbgu?"
  85. [19:01] Kasra "I think that means 'mostly.'"
  86. [19:01] JohnH "Kasra, there is no humor in sleeping in"
  87. [19:01] Kasra looks as though he's been struck. "I, uh. Of course not. Sorry."
  88. [19:02] JohnH looks serious for a moment then hits Kasra on the arm
  89. [19:02] JohnH "Relax, I'm just messing with you"
  90. [19:03] Mary "And stop doing that Johnh"
  91. [19:03] Mary disaproves -5
  92. [19:03] Kasra "Pfft, yeah, I know, relax I know."
  93. [19:06] JohnH wraps his arm around Kasra's shoulder "Seriously man, it's fine. No hard feelings"
  94. [19:06] Arina sweatdrops. "Please don't tease Kasra, he takes you far more seriously than he should."
  95. [19:07] IcePickLobotomy The elevator is somewhat cramped with all of you inside, plus Walker and Artyom.
  96. [19:07] Kasra "No, no, I understood it, it was a joke, Mary, Arina, no big deal." He punches John.
  97. [19:08] JohnH overreacts to it, slumping down like it hurt
  98. [19:08] IcePickLobotomy Walker is still frowning as she watches over your interaction.
  99. [19:09] Kasra "Slain."
  100. [19:11] Arina glances at Walker, humming to herself.
  101. [19:11] Mary leans back against the wall and watches the others
  102. [19:18] IcePickLobotomy The ride down is long and quiet, as is the tram ride into the base. After getting changed into your plug suits, you come back out into the hallway. Walker is gone, and in her place is Dr. Kirmani, who gives you all a apologetic smile. "Sorry for calling you all in in your day off."
  103. [19:18] Arina chuckles. "It happens. So what's today's test?"
  104. [19:18] Kasra "It's a pleasure is what she means, Dr. Kirmani."
  105. [19:19] JohnH "Duty before self, thats what I always say"\
  106. [19:19] Kasra "Well spoken, John."
  107. [19:19] Mary still isn't to happy with the revealing nature of the suits
  108. [19:21] IcePickLobotomy "Dr. Vernbeck can explain it better." She motions you all to come into the elevator. "But in short we're doing some data collection for synchronization. We're trying to open up the pilot-bottleneck we're dealing with."
  109. [19:21] Kasra "Oh! Fascinating! Are we nearing another breakthrough?"
  110. [19:21] RobinE "The what?"
  111. [19:22] Global [Lambo] For anyone still connected to I will be restarting IRCd. please stand by.
  112. [19:22] Arina hums. "I see. Something that would let lower-synch pilots qualify?"
  113. [19:23] IcePickLobotomy "That's the idea, or one of them at least. There's a lot we don't understand as much as we'd like, so these sorts of tests are important so we can get a idea of what's going on."
  114. [19:24] Kasra "Think of it! Multiple lances, whole squadrons!"
  115. [19:25] JohnH "Robot wrestling matches!"
  116. [19:25] IcePickLobotomy "Exactly. Plus we don't know how long this fight will go, worst case scenario our grandchildren will be fighting the Intruders."
  117. [19:26] Kasra looks like he's had a revelation. "What a legacy..."
  118. [19:26] Arina "Better that than it not happening because we don't live long enough."
  119. [19:28] Kasra "I'm sorry?"
  120. [19:29] Mary shivers as she hears that.
  121. [19:29] Arina "Well, there are three possibilities."
  122. [19:29] Arina ticks them off on her fingers. "One, the fight goes on long enough our grandchildren are fighting the Intruders."
  123. [19:30] Arina "Two, the fight is short and victorious."
  124. [19:30] Arina "Three, the fight is short and not victorious."
  125. [19:30] Kasra "Yes. And...?"
  126. [19:31] Kasra "Is there something wrong with the fight continuing?"
  127. [19:31] IcePickLobotomy The elevator comes to a halt, and the synthetic announcer speaks in as the doors open. "LEVEL 10. High Security Area Delta: Applied Meta-Biology Laboratory."
  128. [19:31] Kasra "It means we'd still be alive. As you said."
  129. [19:32] Arina nods. "Not the worst outcome. Not the best either, though."
  130. [19:33] IcePickLobotomy "Right, this way everyone." She looks up at the ceiling. "MAGI, Location of Dr. Vernbeck at the current time?" "Dr. Vernbeck. Location: Layer-10, High Security Area Delta, Meta-Biology Laboratory, MAGI Core." She nods. "Right this way then." She motions for you all to follow her down the the concrete hallways.
  131. [19:33] Mary "Unending war is normally seen as a horror Kasra"
  132. [19:33] Arina nods, following after her.
  133. [19:33] JohnH "Mary, what if it was a war for freedom?"
  134. [19:34] Kasra doesn't make eye contact or any effort to continue the dialogue.
  135. [19:34] JohnH "Would you not fight until your last breath to ensure your children could live free? Would you not hope they do the same? Unending war might be horrible, but the outcome might be worth it"
  136. [19:35] RobinE Is there an outcome if its unending?"
  137. [19:36] Kasra "Well...that's a valid point..."
  138. [19:36] JohnH "Valid, sure. But would you give up knowing that it meant death? or worse?"
  139. [19:36] Arina "It's better than a lost war for the same cause. That doesn't make it good. Just less bad than it could have been."
  140. [19:37] JohnH "See, Arina gets it"
  141. [19:37] IcePickLobotomy The linoleum floor cold beneath the thin synthetic fabric of your plug-suits. A few large windows show the interior of labs. Some looking like chemistry rooms, others filled with heavy machinery, and some holding strange machinery whose purpose you cannot divine. Trolleys laden with supplies and samples pass you by, and even a gurney with a covered body based on the shape. You pass a...
  142. [19:37] IcePickLobotomy ...checkpoint, armed guards standing at attention in hazmat suits, the bio-hazard symbol adorned on the heavy door. "Biological Studies Lab." the sign reads. Dr. Kirmani give it a quick glance and shivers, her pace quickening at the sight.
  143. [19:38] Arina looks around quietly as she follows Kirmani.
  144. [19:38] Mary "And see them just as a cog in the maschine, as with such a war more and more of mans blessings will be spend on it, and we will make some /resonable/ cuts to maintain war footing, do again cut down on some libertys in the interest of harmony...
  145. [19:40] Kasra "John, I think you misheard me. I'll never give up on this war."
  146. [19:40] Arina "Even if that were an option, it isn't one I have any intention of taking."
  147. [19:40] JohnH "I heard you fine. I wouldn't ever give up, either"
  148. [19:44] Kasra beams.
  149. [19:44] IcePickLobotomy Doctor Kirmani comes to a stop before a door labeled "MAGI Control and Core access." "Ok here we are. You wait here and I'll get Dr. Vernbeck. Ok?"
  150. [19:46] Arina nods. "Yes, Comrade Doctor. Inside or outside?"
  151. [19:46] Mary nods
  152. [19:48] IcePickLobotomy "Outside. It's very cold inside, and your plgusuits are. . . well not suited for cold weather." She opens the door, and you can feel the frigid blast of sub-zero air as she does so. Steel, covered in a layer of ice meets you. Several thick parkas hang on racks in the air-lock, and a thick mist curls along the floor. "We keep it under -30 Degrees C, to prevent overheating and breakdown of the...
  153. [19:48] IcePickLobotomy ...biological components. I'll be out in a bit. She grabs on the parkas and closes the door, leaving you all in the hallway.
  154. [19:49] Arina whistles. "Fair enough, I'll keep that in mind."
  155. [19:52] Mary blinks and raises a eyebrow as she hears that. "Fresh from the mountains of madness?" she then mutters
  156. [19:53] Kasra barks a short laugh. "Let's hope its from such a nice destination!"
  157. [19:54] Arina "Well, the temperature's right to be from Antarctica."
  158. [19:55] Kasra "It wakes you up, that's certain."
  159. [19:56] Mary "I am out here on the first cry of Tekli"
  160. [19:56] Arina chuckles.
  161. [19:57] Kasra "Mary, don't forget, we have giant robots. I think we'll do better."
  162. [19:58] IcePickLobotomy Dr. Vernbeck is old. Very old. His face is weathered and wrinkled, the skin drawn tight over his skull, giving him a skeletal look with pale-blue eyes hidden behind a pair of thin spectacles. He looks you all over a moment before speaking in a crisp dry tone, no sign of a accent. "So, you are the pilots." He says placidly. Dr. Kirmani stands behind him.
  163. [19:58] Mary "On the other hand, kicking the things that freaked out such a mad racist would be somewhat cartathic "
  164. [19:59] RobinE "yup"
  165. [19:59] Kasra "Hello, Dr. Vernbeck."
  166. [19:59] Kasra soundlessly shoots Mary a thumbs up behind his back.
  167. [19:59] JohnH does a salute "Dr. Vernbeck"
  168. [19:59] Arina nods, curtsying. "Hello, Comrade Doctor."
  169. [20:00] IcePickLobotomy "Hello Pilot Nariman. Pilot Hunter, Pilot Alkeavea and so on and so forth.You are all ready I assume?"
  170. [20:01] Mary nods
  171. [20:01] Kasra "These are Pilot Evans and Pilot Robinson."
  172. [20:02] IcePickLobotomy "I am aware of their identities." He sets off, expecting you all to follow.
  173. [20:02] Kasra whispers to the other two. "Forgive him. It's the nature of his work."
  174. [20:03] IcePickLobotomy "I am old, not deaf Pilot Nariman." He says "But I appreciate your. . . attempt at peacekeeping."
  175. [20:04] Arina nods, following after the doctor.
  176. [20:04] JohnH laughs quietly then whispers to Kasra "still no hard feelings"
  177. [20:04] Kasra "Of course, doctor."
  178. [20:09] IcePickLobotomy He leads you to another door, thie one labeled with nothing more than a serial number. Inside is a large sterile white room. A large central pillar made out of a collection of tubes and wiring with six enclosed pods awaits you. "Please lay down in the pods and await further instructions."
  179. [20:11] Kasra nods and heads to his pod without hesitation.
  180. [20:11] Arina raises an eyebrow, moving to one of the pods and getting comfortable inside.
  181. [20:11] RobinE "uh, ok." Robin seems unsure but goes to a pod.
  182. [20:12] JohnH picks the pod closest to kasra
  183. [20:13] IcePickLobotomy The interior of the pod is softly padded, and the outside casing clear glass. Above you are a set of opaque windows overlooking the room, Vernbeck moves over to a computer terminal along the wall, while Kirmani stops and checks over each pod. "Don't worry, these are very similar to the helmets you wear in the entry-plugs, just with more equipment built into them to take the readings."
  184. [20:13] IcePickLobotomy *she reassures you
  185. [20:15] JohnH is reassured
  186. [20:15] Mary nods and eyes them unsure before she lays down in the modern sarcophage.
  187. [20:15] Kasra "We have complete faith in the Science Division."
  188. [20:16] RobinE "We do?"
  189. [20:16] Arina nods. "New equipment to us..."
  190. [20:16] Kasra "It was good enough for my parents. It's good enough for us."
  191. [20:16] IcePickLobotomy "Now." Vernbeck says "It is very important that you treat this as a normal sync test." The panels slide closed.
  192. [20:17] Arina nods, schooling her breathing and quietly relaxing.
  193. [20:17] IcePickLobotomy "Now, please count backwards from 10 and we will initiate the test."
  194. [20:18] JohnH pipes up, trying to lighten the mood "what comes before ten?"
  195. [20:18] IcePickLobotomy "This is not a time for jokes Pilot Hunter." Vernbeck does not sound amused.
  196. [20:19] JohnH is slightly chastised as he responds "You said treat it like..a normal..." John trails off
  197. [20:20] IcePickLobotomy "10, 9, 8, 7, " Kirmani calls out the count down. "3, 2, 1, 0. Initiating test mode."
  198. [20:20] Kasra "I get it, but let's try to be more serious this time."
  199. [20:20] IcePickLobotomy Your eyelids feel heavy, drifting downward as you fail to fight off the call of sleep. . . .
  200. [20:20] IcePickLobotomy -------------------------
  201. [20:21] IcePickLobotomy Location: ???
  202. [20:21] IcePickLobotomy Date: ???
  203. [20:22] IcePickLobotomy You are floating. Others are around you. One feels jagged and hard-edged, like a piece of broken glass. You feel them rather than see. Something is below you, larger and vast. As if standing ankle deep in it.
  204. [20:24] Kasra "Hello? Dr. Vernbeck? Science team? Are you getting this?
  205. [20:24] Arina "That's an... unusual synch test."
  208. [20:26] Kasra "What? I...who's...damaged?"
  209. [20:26] Arina "Should we be concerned, Doctor?"
  210. [20:26] IcePickLobotomy The words are not spoken, so much as felt and understood.
  211. [20:28] Mary shivers in her voice , fear clenched down by her will but one can still taste the cold dark touching her. "I..are you there?"
  212. [20:28] Kasra "I'm here...are you? Is everyone okay?"
  213. [20:29] Arina "I am, at least..."
  214. [20:30] JohnH "I'm here. I think"
  216. [20:33] IcePickLobotomy You notice one of you moving downwards, deeper into what lies below. Another moves closer to a third.
  217. [20:34] Kasra "Who's moving? Don't leave, we don't know what's down there."
  218. [20:34] Arina "I think that's the isolation protocol."
  219. [20:34] Arina "I don't think the tech crew can hear us so we can't ask, though."
  221. [20:35] IcePickLobotomy Another moves downward, following the first.
  222. [20:35] JohnH "They can't hear us, eh?"
  223. [20:35] JohnH "Hey Doc, what numbers comes before 10!"
  224. [20:36] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: It grows thicker, like diving too deep into a pool. The pressure grows painful.
  225. [20:36] Mary darts onwards, flying on the muses wings of fear "Can anyone detect reagan?" she asks scared as she reaches out to a trustworthy presences that she moved towards
  226. [20:36] Arina "Not sure... I can't really tell who's who here."
  227. [20:37] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You continue to follow. It hurts, like something is trying to crush you beneath it's weight.
  228. [20:37] Kasra "Stop...moving. It's too dangerous down here!"
  229. [20:37] Arina "I 0x1dsuspect0x1d that one's Kasra, though..."
  230. [20:39] RobinE "Come on, this is fun!"
  231. [20:40] Kasra "Lana? Come on, we need to get out of here."
  232. [20:40] Mary "She is the only one that did not talk yet ..REAGAN! " She vibrates and then screams out
  233. [20:41] Arina "I 0x1dthink0x1d the science team has it under control, but they aren't answering..."
  234. [20:41] IcePickLobotomy WARNING NODE TRANSFERAL IN PROCESS.
  235. [20:43] Arina "Kasra, you might want to get back here."
  236. [20:44] Kasra "I can't. Robin, Lana, if this is you, stop descending, this is very dangerous!"
  237. [20:45] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You push past the barrier, even as you feel yourself being torn and shredded by it. Then you are past it. You are floating in the dark, Below is a light, no a network of lights, like a endless spider-webbing fractal of pearlescent lights that twinkle in the dark, connected by glowing filaments. You feel their draw, but ignore it. You have a greater purpose. The other however is...
  238. [20:45] IcePickLobotomy ...caught, the filaments slowly winding themselves around the other, even as they wait, watching them rapturously. They take the filaments, further wrapping them around themselves.
  239. [20:46] Arina "Kasra 0x1dtrust the techs0x1d."
  240. [20:49] [INFO] There is nothing to tab-complete. Use F6 to cycle through the user list, input box and the chat output.
  241. [20:49] Kasra "Whoever this is...don't worry! I can...handle this! I'll get you out, just hold on!"
  242. [20:49] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: The filaments are razor thin, you can feel them tear and slice at you as you break them apart, further freeing the other. The pain is excruciating, but you mange to free them.
  243. [20:50] RobinE "I... whats happening?"
  244. [20:51] Arina "I'm not sure, I 0x1dthink0x1d someone was getting a special procedure done...?"
  245. [20:51] Mary shiver and flickers and darts around arina and then she starts to mumble pulling inwards before showing herself outwards"... fiat lux et facta est lux"" she nearly wimpers as she does so and then a strange thing happens. a show rose and orange light appears like that of a particular dusty morning, glowing around her and then like a line falling downwards
  246. [20:52] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: The filaments wave about, slowly reaching back for you. They pulse a painful golden light.
  247. [20:52] Mary unleashes a dawn and starlight coloured thread of ariadne to the two lost ones.
  248. [20:53] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You feel somehting "above" you. Mary. Like a lighthouse at night. A guiding light.
  249. [20:54] Kasra "Come, come on. We have to go. Towards that one!"
  250. [20:54] Kasra attempts to drag the other upwards.
  251. [20:56] RobinE starts to go towards the guiding light.
  252. [20:56] JohnH feels helpless; unsure of what to trust
  253. [20:57] Arina frowns. "Ugh, this seems..."
  254. [20:58] IcePickLobotomy Kasra, RobinE: There's no fight upwards. Mary's light guides you, the barrier proving no resistance. A few filaments claw at you as you flee, but you fight past the pain, you need to leave. And so you do, returning to the others.
  255. [20:59] Kasra "That...that was not safe. Who are you? Are you okay?"
  256. [20:59] IcePickLobotomy Once more, you are all with eachother, though you can feel the two others having left a trail behind them, like blood blooming in the water.
  257. [21:00] IcePickLobotomy NODAL TRANSFER CANCELED.
  258. [21:01] Arina "It would really help if the technicians could talk to us..."
  259. [21:02] Kasra "Lana? Robin? Are you okay?"
  260. [21:04] RobinE "Yeah, I think, We're-- I'm fine."
  261. [21:04] Mary flicker and moves around and then reaches out to the closest light.
  262. [21:04] IcePickLobotomy Arina: You feel someone reach out to you.
  263. [21:05] Arina "Was that you, then...? Er, who is that?"
  264. [21:06] Mary "its me " she says, slightly reveberating with a immage of hers while she still tries to add a light to the whole darkness.
  265. [21:07] Arina "I see... I guess you're better at figuring this out, then..."
  266. [21:09] Kasra "...good work. Really good job Mary. Nicely done."
  268. [21:10] Mary "I am just...."......." More scared stupid"
  269. [21:11] RobinE "/Trust the science division./" Robin scoffs.
  270. [21:11] Kasra "We can still trust them, just. Something went wrong."
  271. [21:12] Kasra "For a second there Mary, you didn't even look..." After a brief pause he laughs weakly. "You looked like an angel or something."
  272. [21:13] JohnH "I hope you guys got something out of this. I got a whole lotta nuthin"
  273. [21:14] IcePickLobotomy -----------------------------------
  274. [21:14] Mary "I.. uh...."
  275. [21:15] IcePickLobotomy You awaken to the sound of the pods slidding open. A very, deeply, angry Walker is having a hushed shouting match with Verbeck while the quiet scramble of doctors and nurses echos in the space. You see Reagan, her face pale and body limp, being loaded onto a gurney while a portable oxygen mask is attached to her face.
  276. [21:15] Kasra " she alright? What happened?"
  277. [21:16] Mary "Reagan!"
  278. [21:16] Arina 's eyes widen and she shoots out of the pod. "Wha- Reagan?!"
  279. [21:16] JohnH "Fight for whats right, but I hope the fight isn't over for her..."
  280. [21:17] IcePickLobotomy "Easy easy." Dr. Kirmani interposes herself between Mary and Reagan. "We're looking after her as best as anyone can, but we've got much bigger issues at the moment. Walker! The pilots are up."
  281. [21:17] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: Your head feels as though it;s filled with steel wool
  282. [21:17] Mary tries to leave the pod stumbling and falling on her forehead before she rushes onwards
  283. [21:17] IcePickLobotomy RobinE: There's a persistent full body ache
  284. [21:17] Kasra is in no condition to stand at the moment, and sits in his pod clutching his head.
  285. [21:18] IcePickLobotomy Mary: You feel tired, wrung out, mentally exhausted. Your thoughts feel like they are crawling through molasses.
  286. [21:18] JohnH climbs out of the pod, feeling fresh as a spring morning
  287. [21:19] RobinE sits up and rests her face in her palms.
  288. [21:19] RobinE mumbles some things to herself.
  289. [21:20] IcePickLobotomy Walker tears herself away from Verbeck. "This is /not/ the last you will hear of this /Doctor/." She hisses the word "I can assure you Colonel Klemnko will want to have words with you." This at least, seems to give the Doctor pause, before he stalks off. "Right, Pilots! More bad news, there's not time to rest. Briefing room, Now."
  290. [21:20] Kasra "Captain Walker...I don't know what happened, but..."he beckons her to come closer.
  291. [21:20] Arina steps out of the pod, frowning. "What the 0x1dhell0x1d happened?"
  292. [21:20] Mary tries to reach reagan but in her currently abilitys even meagan might be able to push her back.
  293. [21:20] IcePickLobotomy "Kasra, not now. Arina, not now. Everyone follow me. We have a Intruder on the way."
  294. [21:21] Kasra "...what? I...John, help me up."
  295. [21:21] Arina jerks to a halt. "Wait, what?" She grits her teeth. "... fine."
  296. [21:21] Arina ducks down and holds out a hand to Kasra.
  297. [21:22] RobinE slowly gets out of her pod to follow Walker.
  298. [21:22] Kasra "Thanks. Wait. Robin, or, or Lana! Are you okay? What happened?"
  299. [21:22] IcePickLobotomy Mary: Dr. Kirmani helps you to your feet. "Come on Mary, you've got your job to do, leave us to ours."
  300. [21:22] Kasra shakily climbs out of the pod with Arina's assistance.
  301. [21:23] Mary shivers and then nods, before she nearly loses her legs under herself
  302. [21:24] RobinE throws Kasra a glare before saying through gritted teeth, "I'm fine."
  303. [21:24] IcePickLobotomy Walker doesn't wait, quickly hustling all of you to one of the briefing rooms in Layer 6. Inside food and drink have been set out. "So, a hour ago a Intruder emerged in Northern Europe. EF Forces have engaged, but they've not done much more than slow it down." She clicks on a TV. "At the moment, it's over Frankfurt."
  304. [21:25] Kasra "It's a long daimond, and it's airborne."
  305. [21:25] JohnH "Isn't that the place that made hotdogs famous?"
  306. [21:25] RobinE "I hate today."
  307. [21:26] Arina nods. "Is it heading out way? We're going to need to recover from this test fast..."
  308. [21:27] Kasra "Of course it's heading our way! That's why we're here."
  309. [21:27] IcePickLobotomy The tv shows a reporter, a woman wearing body armor and a helmet, overlooking a city. The Intruder hovers above it, the core surrounded by a golden framework in the shape of a diamond. Swarms of things flutter about it. Smaller swarms detaching from the main body to dive on the city, bolts of blue light tearing down buildings. Rockets and canon shells rise up to meet the swarm, swatting them...
  310. [21:27] IcePickLobotomy ...down by the hundred, but there are thousands more. "-Ordered a evacuation of the city. Casualties are in the thousands already." Her voice is drowned out by a thunderous boom, as a battery of artillery fire nearby. "EF Forces have engaged, but are suffering badly." One of the disks skirts into view, she screams as it flashes blue, before it cuts to static.
  311. [21:28] Arina watches the TV, face expressionless.
  312. [21:29] IcePickLobotomy Walker clears her throat. "Depending on how long the EF holds it, and how much time it decides to spend destroying the cities along the way, we have between 6 and 16 hours before it's in range of the units."
  313. [21:29] Arina 's fingers twitch and clutch onto her other arm. "... I see. Is there any way to draw it faster? Make the EF pull back and prevent it from...?"
  314. [21:30] JohnH "Do we have any artillery we could use to launch from here?"
  315. [21:30] Mary shiver and simply slouches exhausted in her seat
  316. [21:30] Arina "Not without starting World War III."
  317. [21:31] JohnH "How would that start world war three?"
  318. [21:31] IcePickLobotomy "It's targeting civilians and military equally. It looks like they trying to stall it while the get civilians out of the way, well as best they can." Walker shakes her head "And no, the EF isn't taking any calls at the moment, though I dare say they'll be a bit more willing to listen when this is over."
  319. [21:33] Arina "... I see."
  320. [21:33] Arina 's fingers clench into her arm.
  321. [21:34] Kasra "What, are you surprised?" Kasra glances at Arina. "Panicked?"
  322. [21:35] RobinE "aren't we all?"
  323. [21:35] Arina "No."
  324. [21:36] Arina "Nothing we can do but sit, wait, and recover."
  325. [21:37] IcePickLobotomy "Exactly." Walker interjects "I know that this came at a /very/ bad time, but you all need to try and get some rest." She gestures to the food "Eat, and rest. I don't care if you're hungry or not you will eat. Kasra? A moment of your time?" She motions for Kasra to step outside with her.
  326. [21:37] JohnH "I want to take the fight to them...but we can't"
  327. [21:37] JohnH "You able to stand? Need a hand out?"
  328. [21:38] Kasra looks at her for a moment longer before wiping his face with his hand. "I'm sorry Arina, that was unprofessional and unkind. But at least this time we're ready. Right?"
  329. [21:38] Kasra "And thanks John, but I'm okay." He follows Walker.
  330. [21:38] Arina sits down, reaching for the food. "Comrade Walker, are we going to find out what the 0x1dhell0x1d just happened?"
  331. [21:39] IcePickLobotomy "I have no idea." She says before shutting the door behind her.
  332. [21:40] Mary "how... horrible.."
  333. [21:40] Mary simply sounds exhausted
  334. [21:40] RobinE takes a seat and lays her head back, staring at the ceiling.
  335. [21:41] IcePickLobotomy There's a loud bang on the other side of the door.
  336. [21:41] JohnH jumps to his feet, with a guarded stance facing the door
  337. [21:42] IcePickLobotomy Walker opens the door a crack. "I'm sorry, I uh. . let my anger get the better of me."
  338. [21:43] Arina "Please don't break Kasra. We're going to need him."
  339. [21:44] IcePickLobotomy "Not Kasra, just. . . don't worry he's fine."
  340. [21:44] Arina "I hope so."
  341. [21:45] IcePickLobotomy She shuts the door again
  342. [21:45] Arina hands some of the food to Robin and Mary. "Eat. We're going to need the energy."
  343. [21:45] Mary looks at it without interest
  344. [21:46] Arina "You're probably not hungry. Eat anyway."
  345. [21:47] RobinE takes the food and eats silently.
  346. [21:48] Arina takes a bit herself, eating while gazing quietly at the TV.
  347. [21:48] Mary nips some water
  348. [21:49] IcePickLobotomy The TV flickers back on, this time revealing a man and a woman sitting a desk. "And we are back on line from our office in Berlin. This is the European News Network, bringing you live updates on the current crisis situation."
  349. [21:51] IcePickLobotomy A map comes up, showing a line of the Intruder's predicted movement. They begin to discuss the evacuation.
  350. [21:53] Mary "These poor people.."
  351. [21:53] Arina watches with a laserlike focus.
  352. [21:57] IcePickLobotomy Walker and Kasra come back inside. She takes a seat. "So, I take you all have some questions? I'd rather clear the air now as best as we can, rather than have this hanging over your heads."
  353. [21:58] Arina turns to her. "Please."
  354. [21:59] IcePickLobotomy "Very well. I assume you want to know what happened to Reagan?"
  355. [21:59] Kasra "That would be a good starting point."
  356. [21:59] Kasra "And after that, Robin."
  357. [22:00] Mary eyes open and her head shots up as she hears the name.
  358. [22:01] JohnH "I wouldn't mind knowing what that quote unquote test was all about"
  359. [22:01] Arina "That and everything about that test."
  360. [22:01] IcePickLobotomy "The root cause isn't known, at least not to me. But she. . . she had a heart attack basically, and the shock of that couled with having to yank her out of the sync test didn't do her any favors. My understanding is that she's alive, and be given the best care available, but " She sags "I have no idea what we can expect, if she'll recover at all."
  361. [22:01] IcePickLobotomy *coupled
  362. [22:02] Arina grits her teeth, nodding. "... I see."
  363. [22:03] IcePickLobotomy "I have no idea what SciDiv was doing, but I can promise you all I will get to the bottom of it, and if *anyone* of them had anything to do with I /will/ have their skin hanging from my window by noon."
  364. [22:03] Mary "WHAT!"
  365. [22:03] Kasra "They had their reasons, we know that, and increasing the pilot pool is a worthy cause. It was worth the risk."
  366. [22:04] Kasra "Sometimes, things just go wrong."
  367. [22:04] Arina shakes her head. "That's not their decision to make. They didn't tell us the risks."
  368. [22:04] IcePickLobotomy "You fail to consider our immediate needs however. *if* they rushed things, I will have their asses for it."
  369. [22:05] IcePickLobotomy "As it is, we have a Intruder baring down on us, and we're down one pilot for a indeterminate length of time. And no real replacement in sight."
  370. [22:07] Kasra "Arina, it /is/ theirs. You read the packets, you signed on for this. This is why we're here."
  371. [22:07] Kasra "Nobody, /nobody/ promised we'd come out of this."
  372. [22:07] Arina "Walker, what about Robin? What was going 0x1don0x1d there?"
  373. [22:07] IcePickLobotomy Walker clears her throat "Kasra, shelve this topic for later please."
  374. [22:08] IcePickLobotomy "And what about Robin Arina?"
  375. [22:08] Kasra leans towards Robin. "I'm sorry if I upset you. I was just worried."
  376. [22:09] Arina "The... system was... hauling her off for something? There was an entire disruption in there, I 0x1dassumed0x1d the science team knew what they were doing but I'm getting the impression that was an incorrect assumption."
  377. [22:10] RobinE "We all were, Kasra, I shouldn't have snapped at you."
  378. [22:10] IcePickLobotomy "I only came in after Reagan started having issues, but what I saw. . . It looked like they didn't get what the expected out of this. Make of that what you will."
  379. [22:11] Arina "Mm."
  380. [22:11] Kasra " obviously didn't do much good for any of our dispositions." The forced laugh is absent, but the pathetic smile is still there.
  381. [22:12] RobinE "Walker?"
  382. [22:13] IcePickLobotomy "Yes?"
  383. [22:14] RobinE "I'm /never/ doing that again."
  384. [22:14] Arina "I'm inclined to agree."
  385. [22:15] JohnH "If we can justify it, I would go again. But hearing what my squadmates are saying, it sounds like its not worth it..."
  386. [22:15] Kasra "Well, John. Just you and me for the testing then."
  387. [22:15] Kasra goes for a high-five.
  388. [22:16] Mary "Yeah but that was the second pilot that Science put into hospital!"
  389. [22:16] JohnH returns it
  390. [22:17] Arina nods. "It's... difficult to trust them with our health and safety on anything even slightly unusual, at this point."
  391. [22:18] IcePickLobotomy "And if I have any say in the matter you won't be doing it again."
  392. [22:22] RobinE shivers.
  393. [22:22] Arina "That's appreciated."
  394. [22:23] IcePickLobotomy "Now, do you feel comfortable telling me what happened there? Or would you rather have some time to talk amoungst yourselves about it first?"
  395. [22:24] JohnH "Nothing happened to me."
  396. [22:24] Kasra "I can answer any questions that I have an answer to."
  397. [22:25] Arina "Which is very few. I'm still very unsure what was going on."
  398. [22:26] IcePickLobotomy "Why don't we start with Kasra then. YOu mind telling us what happened, from your point of view?"
  399. [22:28] Kasra "We were suspended in some dark area, and aware of each other, but none of us had any discernible features. Seeing one descending into an unknown scenario, I pursued."
  400. [22:30] IcePickLobotomy Walker nods, taking a long drink from a mug of luke-warm coffee.
  401. [22:31] Arina "I 0x1dpresumed0x1d it was part of the test, but I'm revisiting that assumption now."
  402. [22:32] Kasra "Once I got close to the unknown element, I believe," he glances towards Robin, "that I heard Lana, urging me on. He relays the rest of the events to Walker.
  403. [22:33] IcePickLobotomy She nods. "Robin, or Lana if you are around, do you have anything to add?"
  404. [22:35] RobinE "I was with all them, but she wanted to go, and we saw the things," she looks confused and frustrated, "I have to think about it."
  405. [22:35] IcePickLobotomy She nods. "Alright, please let me know if you remember anything more. Mary? Do you have anything to add, this light that Kasra described perhaps?"
  406. [22:37] Mary "Well, it all felt.. dark clam and cold and after seeing how we could move and not feeling Reagan I thought about her.. and them being lost , and I was scared so I thought that we needed a light.."
  407. [22:38] IcePickLobotomy "So you made one. . . ." Walker swirls the dregs of her coffee. "Ok. I need to go and meet with the Colonel, do any of you have anything they want to bring up while I'm still here?"
  408. [22:38] Mary "And then I . well tried to feel, and remember one because it was symbolic and then I recited genesis to concentrate and then I felt myself push.. outwards?I think that is a good descritpions and there was light
  409. [22:40] Arina shakes her head. "Just what you've already noticed - there are serious morale problems developing and a rapidly dropping level of trust in the technical division."
  410. [22:40] IcePickLobotomy Walker nods. "Interesting. Some sort of menomic? Well good work Mary you did great."
  411. [22:41] Arina runs a hand through her hair. "I'd 0x1dlike0x1d to trust them to get us through unhurt, but we've been getting a rapid pace of hospitalization and any time something new pops up..."
  412. [22:41] IcePickLobotomy Walker nods "I'm going to deal with, though after the immediate crisises are dealt with."
  413. [22:41] Arina "That's appreciated."
  414. [22:42] Kasra "John's morale is good."
  415. [22:43] IcePickLobotomy Walker stands up. "There's some bunks in the attached room, and you know where the lockers are if you want a shower or to change into something more comfortable while you wait."
  416. [22:43] JohnH "Well I really had nothing happen to me. You guys had all the..." He pauses
  417. [22:43] JohnH "fun?"
  418. [22:44] Arina nods. "I'll keep it in mind, though if we're comfortable enough we're going to be plugsuiting up again anyway. Hopefully within six hours."
  419. [22:44] IcePickLobotomy Walker steps outside with a apologetic wave. "I'll be around later, promise."
  420. [22:46] RobinE "I really hate today."
  421. [22:47] Arina sighs, turning back to the TV. "It has not been a good day, no."
  422. [22:51] Mary "Yes.. to strange and..."
  423. [22:51] Mary shivers and shakes her head
  424. [22:54] Kasra "Well, good advice in this situation is to not look back and second guess what happened or what we did. We just have to move on as best we can."
  425. [22:54] Kasra "And besides," he continues, gesturing towards Mary, "we now have our guiding light."
  426. [22:54] JohnH "We're a team, let's act like one. We can do this" John slaps Kasra on the back
  427. [22:55] Mary blinks and then starts to blush
  428. [22:55] Arina raises an eyebrow. "That's one way to put it."
  429. [22:56] Kasra "Yeah, John gets it!"
  430. [22:57] Arina nods. "Quite."
  431. [23:01] Mary "We have to help each other here..."
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