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- local cooline = CreateFrame('Button', nil, UIParent)
- cooline:SetScript('OnEvent', function()
- this[event]()
- end)
- cooline:RegisterEvent('VARIABLES_LOADED')
- cooline_settings = { x = 0, y = -240 }
- local frame_pool = {}
- local cooldowns = {}
- function cooline.hyperlink_name(hyperlink)
- local _, _, name = strfind(hyperlink, '|Hitem:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+|h[[]([^]]+)[]]|h')
- return name
- end
- function cooline.detect_cooldowns()
- local function start_cooldown(name, texture, start_time, duration, is_spell)
- for _, ignored_name in cooline_ignore_list do
- if strupper(name) == strupper(ignored_name) then
- return
- end
- end
- local end_time = start_time + duration
- for _, cooldown in pairs(cooldowns) do
- if cooldown.end_time == end_time then
- return
- end
- end
- cooldowns[name] = cooldowns[name] or tremove(frame_pool) or cooline.cooldown_frame()
- local frame = cooldowns[name]
- frame:SetWidth(cooline.icon_size)
- frame:SetHeight(cooline.icon_size)
- frame.icon:SetTexture(texture)
- if is_spell then
- frame:SetBackdropColor(unpack(cooline_theme.spellcolor))
- else
- frame:SetBackdropColor(unpack(cooline_theme.nospellcolor))
- end
- frame:SetAlpha((end_time - GetTime() > 360) and 0.6 or 1)
- frame.end_time = end_time
- frame:Show()
- end
- for bag = 0,4 do
- if GetBagName(bag) then
- for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
- local start_time, duration, enabled = GetContainerItemCooldown(bag, slot)
- if enabled == 1 then
- local name = cooline.hyperlink_name(GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot))
- if duration > 3 and duration < 3601 then
- start_cooldown(
- name,
- GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot),
- start_time,
- duration,
- false
- )
- elseif duration == 0 then
- cooline.clear_cooldown(name)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for slot=0,19 do
- local start_time, duration, enabled = GetInventoryItemCooldown('player', slot)
- if enabled == 1 then
- local name = cooline.hyperlink_name(GetInventoryItemLink('player', slot))
- if duration > 3 and duration < 3601 then
- start_cooldown(
- name,
- GetInventoryItemTexture('player', slot),
- start_time,
- duration,
- false
- )
- elseif duration == 0 then
- cooline.clear_cooldown(name)
- end
- end
- end
- local _, _, offset, spell_count = GetSpellTabInfo(GetNumSpellTabs())
- local total_spells = offset + spell_count
- for id=1,total_spells do
- local start_time, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(id, BOOKTYPE_SPELL)
- local name = GetSpellName(id, BOOKTYPE_SPELL)
- if enabled == 1 and duration > 2.5 then
- start_cooldown(
- name,
- GetSpellTexture(id, BOOKTYPE_SPELL),
- start_time,
- duration,
- true
- )
- elseif duration == 0 then
- cooline.clear_cooldown(name)
- end
- end
- cooline.on_update(true)
- end
- function cooline.cooldown_frame()
- local frame = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, cooline.border)
- frame:SetBackdrop({ bgFile=[[Interface\AddOns\cooline\backdrop.tga]] })
- frame.icon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')
- frame.icon:SetTexCoord(0.07, 0.93, 0.07, 0.93)
- frame.icon:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', 1, -1)
- frame.icon:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', -1, 1)
- return frame
- end
- local function place_H(this, offset, just)
- this:SetPoint(just or 'CENTER', cooline, 'LEFT', offset, 0)
- end
- local function place_HR(this, offset, just)
- this:SetPoint(just or 'CENTER', cooline, 'LEFT', cooline_theme.width - offset, 0)
- end
- local function place_V(this, offset, just)
- this:SetPoint(just or 'CENTER', cooline, 'BOTTOM', 0, offset)
- end
- local function place_VR(this, offset, just)
- this:SetPoint(just or 'CENTER', cooline, 'BOTTOM', 0, cooline_theme.height - offset)
- end
- function cooline.clear_cooldown(name)
- if cooldowns[name] then
- cooldowns[name]:Hide()
- tinsert(frame_pool, cooldowns[name])
- cooldowns[name] = nil
- end
- end
- local relevel, throt = false, 0
- function getKeysSortedByValue(tbl, sortFunction)
- local keys = {}
- for key in pairs(tbl) do
- table.insert(keys, key)
- end
- table.sort(keys, function(a, b)
- return sortFunction(tbl[a], tbl[b])
- end)
- return keys
- end
- function cooline.update_cooldown(name, frame, position, tthrot, relevel)
- throt = min(throt, tthrot)
- if frame.end_time - GetTime() < cooline_theme.treshold then
- local sorted = getKeysSortedByValue(cooldowns, function(a, b) return a.end_time > b.end_time end)
- for i, k in ipairs(sorted) do
- if name == k then
- frame:SetFrameLevel(i+2)
- end
- end
- else
- if relevel then
- frame:SetFrameLevel(random(1,5) + 2)
- end
- end
-, position)
- end
- do
- local last_update, last_relevel = GetTime(), GetTime()
- function cooline.on_update(force)
- if GetTime() - last_update < throt and not force then return end
- last_update = GetTime()
- relevel = false
- if GetTime() - last_relevel > 0.4 then
- relevel, last_relevel = true, GetTime()
- end
- isactive, throt = false, 1.5
- for name, frame in pairs(cooldowns) do
- local time_left = frame.end_time - GetTime()
- isactive = isactive or time_left < 360
- if time_left < -1 then
- throt = min(throt, 0.2)
- isactive = true
- cooline.clear_cooldown(name)
- elseif time_left < 0 then
- cooline.update_cooldown(name, frame, 0, 0, relevel)
- frame:SetAlpha(1 + time_left) -- fades
- elseif time_left < 0.3 then
- local size = cooline.icon_size * (0.5 - time_left) * 5 -- icon_size + icon_size * (0.3 - time_left) / 0.2
- frame:SetWidth(size)
- frame:SetHeight(size)
- cooline.update_cooldown(name, frame, cooline.section * time_left, 0, relevel)
- elseif time_left < 1 then
- cooline.update_cooldown(name, frame, cooline.section * time_left, 0, relevel)
- elseif time_left < 3 then
- cooline.update_cooldown(name, frame, cooline.section * (time_left + 1) * 0.5, 0.02, relevel) -- 1 + (time_left - 1) / 2
- elseif time_left < 10 then
- cooline.update_cooldown(name, frame, cooline.section * (time_left + 11) * 0.14286, time_left > 4 and 0.05 or 0.02, relevel) -- 2 + (time_left - 3) / 7
- elseif time_left < 30 then
- cooline.update_cooldown(name, frame, cooline.section * (time_left + 50) * 0.05, 0.06, relevel) -- 3 + (time_left - 10) / 20
- elseif time_left < 120 then
- cooline.update_cooldown(name, frame, cooline.section * (time_left + 330) * 0.011111, 0.18, relevel) -- 4 + (time_left - 30) / 90
- elseif time_left < 360 then
- cooline.update_cooldown(name, frame, cooline.section * (time_left + 1080) * 0.0041667, 1.2, relevel) -- 5 + (time_left - 120) / 240
- frame:SetAlpha(cooline_theme.activealpha)
- else
- cooline.update_cooldown(name, frame, 6 * cooline.section, 2, relevel)
- end
- end
- cooline:SetAlpha(isactive and cooline_theme.activealpha or cooline_theme.inactivealpha)
- end
- end
- function cooline.label(text, offset, just)
- local fs = cooline.overlay:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
- fs:SetFont(cooline_theme.font, cooline_theme.fontsize)
- fs:SetTextColor(unpack(cooline_theme.fontcolor))
- fs:SetText(text)
- fs:SetWidth(cooline_theme.fontsize * 3)
- fs:SetHeight(cooline_theme.fontsize + 2)
- fs:SetShadowColor(unpack(cooline_theme.bgcolor))
- fs:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
- if just then
- fs:ClearAllPoints()
- if cooline_theme.vertical then
- fs:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
- just = cooline_theme.reverse and ((just == 'LEFT' and 'TOP') or 'BOTTOM') or ((just == 'LEFT' and 'BOTTOM') or 'TOP')
- elseif cooline_theme.reverse then
- just = (just == 'LEFT' and 'RIGHT') or 'LEFT'
- offset = offset + ((just == 'LEFT' and 1) or -1)
- fs:SetJustifyH(just)
- else
- offset = offset + ((just == 'LEFT' and 1) or -1)
- fs:SetJustifyH(just)
- end
- else
- fs:SetJustifyH('CENTER')
- end
-, offset, just)
- return fs
- end
- function cooline.VARIABLES_LOADED()
- cooline:SetClampedToScreen(true)
- cooline:SetMovable(true)
- cooline:RegisterForDrag('LeftButton')
- function cooline:on_drag_stop()
- this:StopMovingOrSizing()
- local x, y = this:GetCenter()
- local ux, uy = UIParent:GetCenter()
- cooline_settings.x, cooline_settings.y = floor(x - ux + 0.5), floor(y - uy + 0.5)
- this.dragging = false
- end
- cooline:SetScript('OnDragStart', function()
- this.dragging = true
- this:StartMoving()
- end)
- cooline:SetScript('OnDragStop', function()
- this:on_drag_stop()
- end)
- cooline:SetScript('OnUpdate', function()
- this:EnableMouse(IsAltKeyDown())
- if not IsAltKeyDown() and this.dragging then
- this:on_drag_stop()
- end
- cooline.on_update()
- end)
- cooline:SetWidth(cooline_theme.width)
- cooline:SetHeight(cooline_theme.height)
- cooline:SetPoint('CENTER', cooline_settings.x, cooline_settings.y)
- = cooline:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')
- if cooline_theme.vertical then
-, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1)
- else
-, 1, 0, 1)
- end
- cooline.border = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, cooline)
- cooline.border:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', -cooline_theme.borderinset, cooline_theme.borderinset)
- cooline.border:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', cooline_theme.borderinset, -cooline_theme.borderinset)
- cooline.border:SetBackdrop({
- edgeFile = cooline_theme.border,
- edgeSize = cooline_theme.bordersize,
- })
- cooline.border:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(cooline_theme.bordercolor))
- cooline.overlay = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, cooline.border)
- cooline.overlay:SetFrameLevel(24) -- TODO this gets changed automatically later, to 9, find out why
- cooline.section = (cooline_theme.vertical and cooline_theme.height or cooline_theme.width) / 6
- cooline.icon_size = (cooline_theme.vertical and cooline_theme.width or cooline_theme.height) + cooline_theme.iconoutset * 2
- = cooline_theme.vertical and (cooline_theme.reverse and place_VR or place_V) or (cooline_theme.reverse and place_HR or place_H)
- cooline.tick0 = cooline.label('0', 0, 'LEFT')
- cooline.tick1 = cooline.label('1', cooline.section)
- cooline.tick3 = cooline.label('3', cooline.section * 2)
- cooline.tick10 = cooline.label('10', cooline.section * 3)
- cooline.tick30 = cooline.label('30', cooline.section * 4)
- cooline.tick120 = cooline.label('2m', cooline.section * 5)
- cooline.tick300 = cooline.label('6m', cooline.section * 6, 'RIGHT')
- cooline:RegisterEvent('SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN')
- cooline:RegisterEvent('BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN')
- cooline.detect_cooldowns()
- end
- function cooline.BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN()
- cooline.detect_cooldowns()
- end
- function cooline.SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN()
- cooline.detect_cooldowns()
- end
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