
Fun in the Sun

Nov 24th, 2014
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  1. >"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Anon?"
  3. >You turn from your place in front of the throne, to see Nightmare Sol staring directly at you.
  4. >In your gilded armor, you had stood the test of time, and watched hundreds, nay thousands of ponies wither under that gaze.
  5. >But she was your Queen, the only thing remaining in your life.
  6. >Her flaming hair had receded into the faint rainbow hues it had been when you met, all those long years ago. Though still her eyes are fierce. She had not spoken in such a way to you in nearly as long.
  7. >"My Queen, I do not perceive to know your thoughts." You say with an inclination of your head.
  8. >A merciless smile. Ahh yes, seems the nightmare was not yet over. It is about then you realize you are in an empty throne room, and the doors are faintly glowing with a bright gold magical aura.
  9. >"You are my most trusted Knight, dear Anonymous. And I would have you serve me."
  10. >Behind the golden helmet, a brief flash of confusion in your eyes. " My Queen, I live only to serve you. Whatever you would ask of me is yours."
  11. >The pale pink/magenta eyes of Celestia burn out from her face, and her smirk turns savage and thin, like a razor.
  12. >"Strip."
  14. >There is only a slight hesitation. The last time you were out of your armor, was the rare occasions where you get to sleep. It was woven with numerous enchantments, similar to the Sol Queen's own. They granted you energy, strength and resolve.
  15. >But as you lay down your sword, and peeled off your helmet, it was revealed that they did naught to stop your aging.
  16. >For the briefest of moments, you see a sadness pass, deep behind her eyes, a lick of flame spouting from her carefully held rainbow mane.
  17. >Though you are now old, far older than many ponies, your body remains supple and strong from your life of rigorous training. Your face, however... no such sparing. Rugged and wrinkled, still your pale blue eyes meet your Queen's with all the love and devotion as they did those many years ago.
  18. >She gestures to the rest of your armor, and you finish disrobing, standing nearly naked in front of her.
  19. >"Subject. You have granted us something that nopony has given us, in all our long years. We have the world, and the ponies love their Queen." The tone is infused with a bit of frustration. "But it is through fear they find our regality. This is not so, in you. Tell us why."
  20. >You kneel, and close your old, tired eyes. "My Queen, I came to Equestria many years ago, as you know."
  21. >"Of course. I do not wish the facts recounted, I know them well, Knight Anonymous."
  22. >You nod slowly. " My Queen, when I arrived here, I was distrusted, sad, afraid, and weak. You took me in. You trained me in your service. You gave me a purpose in a world that seemed to have none for me." Which were all true statements, but even as her most loyal, you couldn't give the true rea...
  23. >She interrupts your thought abruptly, almost spitting in frustration. " No. That cannot be all that it is. I refuse to believe you such a simplistic creature. These 60 years have granted me much insight into you. Though you do not know it, I spend much time think about you, Favored one."
  25. >She realizes almost instantly that she has tipped her hand. You can hear it in the way she shuffles, and the way her breathing changes. She is flustered.
  26. >You've been facing away from her, for untold hours a day over the last 60 or so years. You spend quite a bit of time noticing her movements.
  27. >"That is to say, Favored Knight."
  28. >Oh,well that's a good recovery. Not.
  29. >A faint smile springs to your face as you meet the Queen's gaze once more. Inside the ring of magenta and pink it looks as though fire glows behind that gaze, and you remember, briefly, that it does.
  30. >"My Honored Queen, You have been first in my heart since that long ago time. I stayed by your side during your rise. During your sister and the Elements banishment. During the following rebellions I was your sword. I wished to repay you for your kindness."
  31. >She snorts, and her grin once again turns razor sharp. "Were I to show you a last kindness, dearest servant, would you accept it?"
  32. >A shiver grows deep in your heart. Had you displeased her? Had you misread the situation? What did she mean by 'A last gift'? But, after so long, you could deny her nothing.
  33. >"Of course, beloved Queen." You say, and bow your head, in reverence of the god-like Solar horse. There is naught to be done but accept, it seems.
  35. >You hear her trot forward, approaching you slowly from the massive golden throne. The sound of hoofbeats on tile almost perfectly in rhythm with the beat of your heart.
  36. >The repressed shiver uncoils from your spine, and makes itself known as a warm hoof touches your forehead.
  37. >"Servant, you have been our most trusted companion in the maelstrom of rulership that is the Solar Empire and it's holdings. But your time as our through." There is something in her voice that brings great terror to you, but it is only with a lifetime of discipline that you simply accept your fate.
  38. >You knew that one day, the capricious, sadistic mare that she had become would tire of you. Would throw you to the side for something new. Tears fall freely from your downturned eyes, dripping to the floor and steaming as soon as they struck the tile.
  39. >Though your heart rings with betrayal, your voice never falters.
  40. >"Thank you for allowing me to serve, Beloved Queen. It is my hope that I made you proud."
  41. >There is a brief hesitation, and then no more words. Suddenly, your body is aflame. Every nerve ending screams for release from this horrible torture, and the magical fire feels as though it is scorching your very soul from your bones. So bright. You can't see. You can't breathe. You can only burn..
  42. >An eternity open your eyes.
  44. >The floor is hot, almost hot enough to sting your flesh.
  45. >As your bleary vision resolves itself into focusing, you realize that it's sharp. The sharpest it's ever been.
  46. >You force a deep lungful of air into your chest, and it tastes sweeter than anything you've ever put across your tongue, though whether it is from relief, or from the feeling of renewed strength it gives you, you are unsure.
  47. >From behind you, you hear a giggle.
  48. >Wait, a fucking giggle? (U 'avin a giggle m8)
  49. >As you turn, you see the Regal Queen, devoid of her royal vestments. Her hoof-covers are stacked by the throne. Her helm lays next to them, and her breastplate, more of the same.
  50. >"You were out for quite a while, Anonymous." says the bright white sun-horse, a more playful grin on her face. "I had almost thought you weren't going to wake up." She said mischieviously.
  51. >Instantly, you kneel, her nakedness in front of you making you feel...odd. As though she was vulnerable.
  52. >"Majesty, it is unseemly of me as a Knight to see you so casually. Please excuse me."
  53. >Another giggle. "Then I suppose that it is fine that you are no longer a Knight in my service, Anonymous."
  54. >For a moment your brain locked up. No longer a Knight? Had she stripped you of your title and responsibilities for some failure? The doubts returned, but she shattered them like the tinkling of a chandelier, with that adorable giggle.
  55. >"Anonymous. I gave you a parting gift as my servant, so that I may greet you as something more." Magic glows around her horn, and she floats a massive mirror from the wall, and stands it in front of you. "Rise, Anonymous, and see the gift I have bestowed upon you."
  56. >You do as you are bid, and stand. The mirror confuses you for a second. But the figure staring back at most certainly you. Naked and sweating, your body is restored.
  58. >You push your hands to your face and find that the mirror speaks true. No longer are you a wrinkled, servile knight.
  59. >The face that stares back at you is the hard-eyed, determined face of youth. The wateryness in your pale-blue eyes is gone. Your back unbent and your muscles and skin supple and restored.
  60. >Even your hair, restored to it's former lush-golden-brown.
  61. >The mirror floats away, surrounded by golden magic. "Do you like your gift?" Says the innocent seeming voice of the Solar Queen.
  62. >"I am... overjoyed, my Queen. I-"
  63. >"Celestia. My name is Celestia. And I have released you from my service. You are no longer my subject." She says crossly.
  64. >"Very well then.. Celestia." The word sits oddly in your mouth. It's been ages since you've used it. "It is magnificent. But I must ask of you a single boon. Could you.. explain?" A true confusion tints your voice, and the sun-horse laughs again.
  65. >"Anonymous. You have been our sole wonder these many years. Did you not notice how I doted upon you? Favored you with the best assignments? You have proven your worth to me a hundredfold." She gently sets the mirror aside, and canters forward, putting her bare hoof upon your chest, and giving you the first genuine smile you've seen in years.
  66. >"I have released you from my service, and granted you an immortal body, as mine is. I cannot simply have my consort die of old age, now can I?"
  67. >You could swear that in all your years you had never seen her act coquettish. But here she was. A mare you had seen fry a changeling with eye-beam Lasers, doting upon you like a teenaged filly in heat. And then it hits you.
  68. >"Consort?"
  69. >"Consort. If you'd like, we can see about the title 'Husband' in time."
  70. >You stammer briefly, before the drivebelt of your mind catches and drives your thoughts forward. " But, we have not even..."
  72. >She shushes you with a hoof to your lips, and turns away. Glancing to each door in turn, you see her horn radiate magic, before a heavy clunk suggests that they are locked.
  73. >She canters towards her massive throne, made all of gold and stretching it's tendrils far, like the rays of the sun. She places her front hooves on the seat of the chair, and fixes you with a stare. She flicks aside her tail, and you can see it. How wet she is. Droplets of her cascade down her thighs and hit the floor, sizzling.
  74. >For a moment, you are dumbfounded. But your body, returned to it's youth and fixated with inhuman vigour responds to this display in a very 'firm' manner.
  75. >It is rude of a knight to keep a lady waiting. But, you remind yourself, you are no longer a knight.
  76. >You approach the throne, still hoping against hope that this is not the flashing before your eyes that supposedly happens before you die.
  77. >You pray that you were not simply consumed in that pillar of fire. But you pray at the altar of Celestia.
  78. >Gingerly you reach out, to touch her, to see if she truly has substance, and this is not some fae dream before you go off into that peaceful night.
  79. >"I promise that I shall not burn you." She says with a grin.
  80. >Resting your hand upon her withers, she coos in appreciation. You are struck with how warm and soft she is, despite being such a firm and firey leader. Her velvety fur slides between your fingers as you stroke her sides.
  81. >"So. I suppose now, instead of being my Queen, you are -My- queen." You say, your youthful ardour reassuming direct control. It is as though your heart is aflame. And you intend to make the best of it.
  83. >You touch her softly, exploring her with the curiousity of a half-century of half-discarded fantasies, and so much love.
  84. >These fantasies burn in your mind, hot and quick like kindling, stoking the fire inside you.
  85. >You become more insistent in your explorations, and Celestia makes herself known by turning her neck to an almost impossible angle, and fixing you with the fiercest kiss you've ever experienced. As though your teeth are licked by flame, her mouth is burning hot. But you throw yourself in it hungrily, eager for it.
  86. >Her tongue dances along your sharp, omnivorous teeth as though she is not merely exploring your differences, but devouring them.
  87. >She breaks the kiss, with a thin line of saliva stretching between you, and her magenta eyes are fierce and full of fire.
  88. >"Mount me. I need to feel you inside. I need it." Her voice brooks the tone she uses to command, but you return her a simple smile.
  89. >"Of course, Celestia. In a moment, when I've had my fill." Your little head seems to do all the thinking, and she gives a whinny of frustration before it turns into a neigh of surprise, as your firm hand cracks against her flank.
  90. >" YOU DAR-" She attempts to bring out the Royal Canterlot voice, before you interrupt her with another form of Kiss.
  91. >Nipping on her inner thigh, the booming of her protests become nickers of anticipation.
  92. >"O-oh. I find this...acceptable." Says the Solar Queen, her eyes never leaving yours as you dive into that great white expanse of flank.
  93. >It's so hot, it's like being slathered in oil. She tastes like sunflowers, with a faint musky flavor a bit like charcoal.
  94. >Your ministrations, however, are met with quick results. Her back legs shiver to support her weight, and her forehooves paw at the seat of the throne, tearing holes in the velveteen.
  96. >Staring at you, panting, the Solar Queen shivers under the touch of your tongue and fingers. "A-almost..." she whispers, a hazy look coming into those deep magenta orbs. "P-please." She whinnies breathlessly.
  97. >You press into her greedily with your tongue, and remove one of the hands massaging her flanks, rubbing your fingers up and down her sloppy, dripping marehood until they are simply soaked.
  98. >Slipping two fingers inside, you are surprised by two things. How tight it is, and how blazing hot it is. It almost burns your fingers, but at the same time, the thought turns your dick into steel.
  99. >Working her furiously, she's giving little squeaks of appreciation as you lap at her clit, working your fingers into the soft, spongy tissue at the front of her passage.
  100. >Her squeaks turn into sharp cries, raising in pitch and intensity as you work her passage and clit like a man possessed, the fire in her feeling like an oven, and coating your chest and face in more of her hot oil.
  101. >She winks, and you seize her clit gently in your teeth, preventing it from retracting as you lash it with your tongue, simultaneously mashing your fingers into her sodden box, pressing deeply into her each time.
  102. >"Oh.. Anony-ANONYMOUS!" She screams, her voice breaking into the Royal Canterlot voice.
  103. >So loudly she shrieked that the windows cracked, and some long neglected dust rattled down from the ceiling, as she came, clenching your fingers in a vice-like grip, rhythmically milking your digits for their non-existant seed.
  104. >Her howling and clenching over, the Regal mare simply collapsed to the floor, resting her head on the velvety seat of the throne. Casting an appreciative glance your way, she grinned that coquettish grin. "Perhaps I was too quick to judge your skill, Anonymous."
  105. >Her flanks and face glisten with post-orgasmic sweat, but with the way she's sitting, she looks so.. vulnerable. "Ahh yes, my dear Queen. But we're still not done."
  107. >She looks confused for a moment, before her gaze travels to your member, and sees it, proud, erect, and slick with it's own juices. A hunger enters her gaze, and you see her struggle to rouse herself.
  108. >Putting both hands on her flanks, you press her down none-too-gently. "No. If you would have me as yours, than, my dear Queen, I will make you -Mine-." Your tone shifts on that last word, becoming almost possessive, growling it into the ponies ear.
  109. >You hear a strangled groan come from her throat as hunger mixes with embarassment mixes with indignity at the thought of being 'owned'.
  110. >This changes swiftly into a deep and satisfied moan as you spear her passage roughly, hilting yourself fully within her already sopping passage.
  111. >It is a force of willpower alone that you don't immediately cum when you smack the tip of your cock against her cervix. The hot, slick velvet of her passage twitches with tiny little milking motions, massaging your cock with compressions.
  112. >The Solar Queen doesn't make things any easier, weakly grinding back against you and giving coos of appreciation and longing for more.
  113. >You want to enjoy this. Pulling out ever so slowly until only the tip is remaining inside the oven that is her burning sex, you slam forward again, eliciting another surprised and lustful cry.
  114. >"Y-yes! YES! Rut me! Rut me! Fill me with your seed! Make me yours!" The regal puddle of sex calls out, her eyes glazed over and staring into the ceiling.
  115. >Over and over and over, you're uncertain for how long you continue to pound that sweet, sodden, mewling horse. Before once more, those mewling cries become squeaks, become moans, become frantic, fluttering squeezes inside her.
  117. >You give a glorious, valorous roar, mixed with the regal Queen's cries for release. Your voices mingling together gloriously as you spear her fully, the fire burning in your belly exploding into white hot flame.
  118. >As Celestia screams, her mane erupts into flame, her soft, velvety passageway squeezing down on you for everything it's worth, a frenzied scramble for you to seed her womb.
  119. >And you give her everything. a half-century of love and servitude and raw emotion pours from your body like molten fire, spraying her insides with your thick, hot seed.
  120. >Celestia's tongue lolls from her mouth as she gives an appreciative cry.
  121. >Everything erupts into fire, as a furnace of flame fans away from the both of you, boiling the sweat from your very skin. It's so bright. It's so hot. You can't see. You can't breathe. You can only burn.
  123. >A few minutes later, your vision returns, and you can feel yourself resting on your lover's sweaty flank.
  124. >Pulling yourself up weakly, you find your feet, and walk around the big sun-horse, before kneeling down next to the throne, and pulling her head into your lap.
  125. >giving her a chaste kiss on the forehead, you stroke her mane and horn tenderly, almost lovingly.
  126. >"Celestia, my Queen?" You ask, your voice relaxed and calm.
  127. >"Hm?" She looks up from your lap lazily.
  128. >"I think we may have to hire someone else to guard you, now."
  129. >A small chuckle, and the majestic goddess nuzzles into your stomach like a child. "Indeed we shall, Lord Anonymous."
  130. >You smile and watch through the cracked, blackened windows, as your lover's horn briefly glows, and the sun begins to set.
  131. >"Good night, Celestia.
  132. >"Good night, Anonymous."
  133. >And there you sat, stroking her until she fell asleep.
  134. >Someone was going to have fun cleaning this up tomorrow.
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