
All in one for one’s fun.

Mar 14th, 2018
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  1. Staring: Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Babs Seed and Gabby.
  3. “Can you believe it? In less than an hour, everypony…”
  5. “...and Griffon…”
  7. “…and Griffon, member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders will be here at the Cutie Mark Crusaders Headquarters”
  9. The three original members of the CMC were scurrying around the club house, trying to set up the finishing touches on their first official Crusaders meeting of all members.
  11. “This’ll be the first time we’ve ever gotten all five of us together at one time.”
  13. Scootaloo tried setting some biscuits down on the table, but with Applebloom’s potion set taking up most of the room, it made placements of snacks very difficult.
  15. “Applebloom! I thought you were going to clear up your potions.”
  17. “I was… But I already have one in the middle of preparation. If I move it, it’ll ruin it.”
  19. “Well, just move it over a little then.”
  21. As Scootaloo tried to push Applebloom’s kit to the edge of the table, she came racing over, trying to keep it all in place.
  23. “What are ya doin’! Some of this stuff is very experimental.”
  25. “Well there isn’t enough room, just move it over.”
  27. “There isn’t enough room.”
  29. In all the commotion, Scootaloo bumped a small flask of cyan fluid which tipped a few drops onto the biscuits she was trying to place.
  31. “Fine, let me see if I can move something, just stop pushin’ everythin’.”
  33. After a quick examination of the bottles and flasks, Applebloom was able to take away a couple of completed potions, moving them to a cupboard that sat against the wall.
  35. “See? Was that so hard?”
  37. Scootaloo placed the tray in the cleared space before taking one, biting into it as she walked over to the door.
  39. “Wow. These taste amazing. Where did you get these Sweetie Belle?”
  41. Sweetie Belle walked over to the table, grabbing one for herself as well as Applebloom.
  43. “From Rarity’s kitchen. As far as I’m aware, they’re just regular ones from the store. She hides the special ones for company.”
  45. As the two of them took a bite, they too tasted something different, something amazing.
  47. “Wow Scootaloo, you were right, these are… Scootaloo?”
  49. The two of them looked around the house. Just a moment ago, Scootaloo was here but it seems she had disappeared. Sweetie Belle looked towards the door, thinking she might have left as Applebloom looked behind her, thinking she might have snuck around them somehow.
  51. In an instant, Sweetie Belle began free falling as her hooves were forced away from the floor before the floor came rushing up to meet her. She screamed out of both fear and pure confusion, only barely managing to stop her decent with her magic just a tail’s length from the floorboards.
  53. As she replanted her hooves on the ground, she turned to see the giant, yellow pillars of Applebloom’s legs right beside her. Her head turned in Sweetie Belle’s direction, only then noticing her own disappearance.
  55. “Sweetie Belle?”
  57. That was all she could get out before she too disappeared before Sweetie Belle’s eyes. Her attention was brought up above as she noticed a small red and yellow figure, falling from above. She rushed over immediately, catching it in her magic such as she did herself.
  59. “Are you ok Applebloom?”
  61. Sweetie Belle set Applebloom down before the two of them were bowled over by an orange blur.
  63. “This is amazing!”
  65. Scootaloo jumped around, taking in how gigantic everything had become.
  67. “It was a little scary when I fell but my wings managed to slow me down enough that it was only a crash landing rather than a crash.”
  69. “Wait a minute. How is this amazing?”
  71. “How is it not? Look at how big this place looks.”
  73. “Yeah and how tiny we are. This is dangerous.”
  75. “Only if someone comes in here, otherwise this is cool.” s
  77. “We have another pony and a griffon coming over any second!”
  79. Scootaloo’s smile immediately disappeared before she ran over to Applebloom.
  81. “You can make a potion right? Something to grow us back.”
  83. “Not at this size… Besides, I think this is your fault. You must ‘ave knocked one of my potions on them biscuits.”
  85. “This is no time to be pointing hooves. Do you have something to reverse it?”
  87. “I don’t know. I’d need to check my book. If I somehow made a shrinkin’ potion from there, there must be a growin’ one.”
  89. The floorboards began to vibrate which slowly grew into tremors. The door swung open and the vibrations intensified as Babs Seed walked inside.
  91. “Hey Cuz? Where ya at?”
  93. “Watch out!”
  95. Applebloom leapt ahead, grabbing Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, pushing them out of the way just as Babs’ hoof came down where they had just been standing.
  97. “What are we going to do? We have to warn her that we’re down here.”
  99. “That might be a bit easier than we hoped…”
  101. Babs got up on her hind hooves, leaning her back against the table with one hoof resting on top; the other reached behind her and grabbed a biscuit.
  103. “Wait Babs! Don’t!”
  105. It was too late. As the three attempted to run over to her, she disappeared in front of their eyes.
  107. “Catch her Sweetie Belle.”
  109. Sweetie Belle scanned the area and saw a brown object falling from above. She tried to catch it in her magic but as it fell closer to her, she realized it was much bigger than she expected. She jumped back as the biscuit fell to the ground, a large bite taken from the side.
  111. “Where did she go?”
  113. Their attentions were brought back to the door when there was a large earthquake followed by smaller, yet still large tremors to the sound of sharp objects, scraping across wood.
  115. Gabby walked in, tossing her saddle bag to the corner and looked around at all the decorations and food the three of them had put out before hand.
  117. “This looks awesome. Sorry I was late I…”
  119. It was then that Gabby noticed she was alone in the house. Still looking around, mostly towards the windows to see if she could see anyone outside, Gabby made her way to the table, getting up on her hind legs to take a better view of the outside.
  121. “Run!”
  123. Sweetie Belle was the first to react as she ran away from the giant paws as they crashed towards them. Scootaloo and Applebloom were a little delayed before they too began running. An ear piercing shriek ran through Sweetie Belle’s ears, getting her to turn at the last moment to see Gabby’s paw come down on Applebloom and Scootaloo.
  125. “No!”
  127. Sweetie Belle turned to run back, if only to see if they were ok when a thick, grey wall dropped in front of her. It fell only a few steps in front of her face but at the speed she was running, there was no slowing down in time as she ran face first into a soft, furry wall.
  129. The walls quickly closed in on her, sandwiching her between these thick, heat educing walls. Then like that, her hooves left the ground once more as the pressure around her increased.
  131. Gabby sat cleared a little space, moving some biscuit a bit further back as she sat up on the table, crossing her legs as she waited. She felt talk being around the CMC, their small size and furniture made her feel like a giant sometimes as their table only just substituted for a chair for her kind. At least at her age.
  133. Her eyes kept gravitating towards the door, expecting somepony to walk in at any moment. Her attention however was brought more to her seat. There must have been a couple of crumbs on the table when she sat because a rather large on poked into her rear.
  135. Babs held her hooves up, trying her best to keep the mass of griffon butt from crushing her. She was still unsure of what had happened. She was leaning against the table and then suddenly she fell on the table top, tiny and unheard as the griffon sat her enough butt on top of her.
  137. Unfortunately, the giant that had her pinned began to sway, throwing Babs’ hooves from side to side, throwing off her grip as she fell to the side and the heaviness of the griffon fell on top of her.
  139. “Much better.”
  141. Gabby felt the crumb crumble as she wiggled her butt on it. Finally able to relax, she started to press down on her paw that still touched the ground. Perhaps a couple of pebbles that had been trekked from outside were littered through the house. But she didn’t mind, she liked to rub her paws along them, squeeze them between her toes. In fact, she was sure she had accidently caught one between the toes of her other paw as she swayed it in the air, scrunching it every now and then.
  143. It was becoming very difficult for the others. Applebloom had got herself pinned, her face between two, unidentifiable toes and her body under a thick pad. Scootaloo however was completely covered in Gabby’s thick paw pad. Regardless of its softness being enough to keep her from being crushed, the thickness of it and rough surface grinded on her as Gabby twisted her paw ever so gently.
  145. “I… can’t… take this… anymore!”
  147. Scootaloo managed to open her mouth, if only just to get a breath which was difficult to keep as Gabby’s paw pressed down on her chest. In her attempt to breath in some of the stale, musky air, Gabby’s paw pressed down and forced Scootaloo to take a mouthful of her pad.
  149. Scootaloo’s screams were muffled by her stuffed maw, frustrating her enough to bite down, actually managing to pinch Gabby from below.
  151. “Ouch!”
  153. Gabby uncrossed her legs to left her other paw up, grabbing it with her talons and bringing it to her face. Imprinted to her pad and also partially wedged between her toes were Scootaloo and Applebloom respectively.
  155. “No wonder I couldn’t find you guys. How did you get so small?”
  157. It took Gabby a moment to realize that neither of them could pull themselves away from her paw to speak.
  159. “Oh, right…”
  161. Carefully, Gabby pinched them between her talons, peeling them from her paw. As much as she didn’t want to admit, they felt nice but she couldn’t leave them there. Placing them in her other talon, Gabby got off the table and sat on the ground, gently dumping them off onto the ground between her spread legs.
  163. Applebloom, being the first to regain her senses began looking around, turning in circles.
  165. “Where’s Sweetie Belle?”
  167. Gabby too began to scan the ground before her attention was on a small pink and purple object that protruded from her toes. A little embarrassed for the other two to see, she reluctantly leaned forward, spreading her toes with one talon before peeling Sweetie Belle out with the other, placing her with her other friends.
  169. “So? How did this happen?”
  171. “I think Scootaloo accidently knocked one of my potions. Must have been a shrinking potion.”
  173. Gabby sat up, seeing several different, colourful vials and flasks on the table.
  175. “One of them is an antidote right?”
  177. “I don’t think so… I’d need to see my book of potions to tell if there even is one.”
  179. Gabby got up, her paws on either side of the trio. She was about to turn to the table before stopping. She reached out and grabbed a cup from the table, placing it on the ground, trapping the three inside.
  181. “Gabby? What are you doing?”
  183. There was some loud rustling before a small tremor. Pure light took over the dim light as the cup was removed from above them. Beside them were the furry legs of Gabby, stretched out like they had been before but this time, a giant book laid in front of them.
  185. “Sorry, had to make sure I didn’t misplace you.”
  187. Gabby reached down, plucking Applebloom from the ground and lifted her to her beak.
  189. “I’ll flick through and you tell me when to stop.”
  191. Gabby lowered Applebloom onto her beak before flicking through the pages, one at a time. About half way through the book, Applebloom noticed the cyan coloured potion that sat beside the biscuits. It had to be that one.
  193. “There! That’s the one.”
  195. Gabby grabbed Applebloom once again and lowered her down to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo before quickly reading the page.
  197. “This potion for plant growth may seem simple enough but it is an advanced potion that has stumped even the best of potion mixers. Unlike most potions that are noticeable when incorrectly done due to different colours or smells, this potion retains its colour and smell, even under the largest of mistakes. However, its effect can be drastically changed into a sort of randomizer.”
  199. “What does that mean?”
  201. “It means that it was just a fluke that we shrank and didn’t do something more dangerous like make us explode or turn us into disgusting monsters.”
  203. “So is there a reversal?”
  205. Gabby read ahead, her eyes darting from side to side across the page.
  207. “Whatever the effects, a reverse is usually possible but unlikely to be found in this book. If need be, consult a library… So we need a pony growth potion right?”
  209. Gabby started flicking through the remaining pages, quickly reading the titles of each potion, each time finding nothing of use.
  211. “There’s nothing here… But it did say to consult a library. Maybe I should go see that Princess Twilight you guys were always telling me about?”
  213. “If anyone could help, she could.”
  215. “Yeah, good thinking Gabby. Go get Twilight.”
  217. “Wait! If Twilight finds out that I messed up this badly, she’ll tell Applejack and she’ll never let me mix potions again.”
  219. “Applebloom, this is a bit more important than if you can mix potions again. If we don’t fix this, you may never even lift a potion again.”
  221. “Hey, I got an idea. I’ll just find a book with an antidote in it without telling her who it’s for.”
  223. “But won’t she be suspicious if you ask for a growth potion?”
  225. “I’ll come up with something. Trust me, if there’s one thing I know, it’s helping and you guys need a lot of help.”
  227. With that, Gabby placed the cup back over the three of them before closing up the book. As she sat up and turned to put it away, she didn’t notice as her tail swung out, knocking the cup over towards the wall. Putting the book away, Gabby left the house, taking off towards Twilight’s castle.
  230. “What’s taking her so long?”
  232. “I’m sure it’s not a very common potion, it’s probably not very easy to find.”
  234. There was a thump on the landing outside the house. The CMC stayed huddled around the table leg. They found refuge there after their protective cup was accidently knocked over. Fearing it would be unsafe to remain in the open since that’s where they got very closely acquainted with Gabby’s paws.
  236. Of course it was Gabby who entered the club house. Her eyes immediately moved towards the cup on the ground, stopping in her tracks when she noticed it no longer in the middle of the room where she had left it.
  238. “Guys?”
  240. Gabby look around, finding the cup rolled over into the corner of the house. She slowly made her way towards it when a loud crunch echoed through the silence. Gabby leapt up onto her hind legs and cupped her beak with her talons
  242. “Oh no! What have I done?”
  244. Gabby slowly looked down at her paw, feeling the remains under her pads. Slowly, she lifted her paw, looking down at the crumbled remains of a biscuit, most of which was crushed into dust.
  246. “That was a close one.”
  248. As Gabby slowly lowered her paw back down beside the biscuit carnage, she noticed the multicoloured creatures running along the ground towards her.
  250. “There you guys are.”
  252. Gabby kicked the dust and crumbs of the food away with her paw before sitting on the ground, surrounding the fillies.
  254. “So did you find an antidote?”
  256. Gabby’s grin quickly turned upside down as she began to scratch a circle in the floor with her talon.
  258. “I’m sorry. I asked Twilight but there just wasn’t any potion. Twilight searched the entirety of her library but she couldn’t find anything. It was a bit strange actually. When she couldn’t find it, she started ranting and going through to search again. I thought it would be best to sneak out while she was distracted.”
  260. “So what do we do now? We can’t stay like this forever.”
  262. “I can always take you guys home with me. I can take care of you guys, feed you, play with you…”
  264. “We’re not pets Gabby, we can’t stay small forever.”
  266. Gabby slumped over, raking her brain over how she could help them. She’s never come across a pony she couldn’t help. However, an idea popped into her head. An idea that, although, made Gabby feel uneasy, her ways of helping have never been wrong before. Perhaps this was the way she could help them after all.
  268. “I know what I can do for you three.”
  270. Gabby got up from the floor, standing back on hind legs. The three looked up at the towering griffon as her paw lifted up, covering their view of her face.
  272. “Gabby? Oh no, run!”
  274. The three of them turned to run but Gabby’s paw already made its descent. Scootaloo had fallen behind the other two, attempting to leap out of the way as Gabby’s paw made contact with the ground. For a moment, Scootaloo thought she had managed to dodge Gabby’s paw when she noticed herself right in the middle of her splayed toes.
  276. “Get out of there now!”
  278. She tried to get back to her hooves but couldn’t move fast enough before Gabby’s toes came together, squeezing her like she had Sweetie Belle earlier.
  280. “Gabby! You cut this out now. This ain’t funny.”
  282. Still standing on her hind legs, Gabby bent over, reaching a talon out for the remaining two. They attempted to turn and run but couldn’t get two steps before the talons curled around them, trapping them in her sharp grip.
  284. Holding them in her claws, Gabby walked back to the table, sitting on the edge again as she opened up, revealing the two to her face.
  286. “What are you doing? Let Scootaloo go!”
  288. “I’m sorry guys. But there is no antidote. And since you can’t stay like this forever, it’s for the best that I end your suffering for you.”
  290. “You what? Don’t do that!”
  292. “It’s ok. I know you’re scared. I’m a little upset that I have to do this but it’s better I do it quick and painlessly instead of letting something else do something horrible to you.”
  294. Gabby’s talon reach down and pinched into the back of Applebloom’s nape, lifting her up towards her beak.
  296. “I promise I’ll do this in one bite.”
  298. “No!”
  300. Applebloom squirmed and wiggled as the beak parted and saliva stretched from her lower jaw to her upper. Her legs kicked off from the talon, swinging forward with enough momentum for her nape to slip from the claw, sending her falling into Gabby’s chest.
  302. “Don’t struggle. Let me make this quick.”
  304. As Gabby tried to reclaim her from her chest, Applebloom let herself slide down her body, refusing to let herself get caught. Applebloom quickly regret her decision when she flew from Gabby’s belly, now falling towards the ground. Gabby’s talons took up her view instead however as she tried to cup her claw to catch Applebloom. Instead, Applebloom hit the curve of her talons, sliding down and off the tips, back towards Gabby.
  306. Gabby winced as she felt Applebloom remake contact with her after she slide off her talons. She leaned in a little, looking down to find Applebloom, her back pressed into the opening to her sex.
  308. Gabby’s cheeks flushed a deep red as she closed her other talon around Sweetie Belle to hind her indecency. She wanted to end her friends suffering, but why not have a little fun whilst doing it. After all, she didn’t put her there.
  310. Her talon came down, pushing into Applebloom gently before forcing her inside her sex completely. Once pushed inside, her attention was brought back to Sweetie Belle who attempted to force her talons open with her magic. Instead, Gabby snuck up on her with her other talon, gripping her on either side of her chest before lifting her up to her beak.
  312. “I won’t let you fall like I did Applebloom. But I make you the same promise; I’ll do this in one bite.”
  314. To avoid dragging it out too long, Gabby casually dumped Sweetie Belle onto her tongue, rolling it over her and pulling her into her beak. She could feel the squirming in her mouth but above that, she tasted her body. No wonder her name was Sweetie.
  316. Sweetie Belle struggled with the slimy tongue as it coiled around her, rubbing its taste buds across her body. At one point, it flicked her into the tip of the beak and pushed into her, pressing her into the tiny crevice as it licked into her belly for more flavour.
  318. Against her best struggles, Sweetie Belle couldn’t force it back, neither with hoof or magic. In a blur, the tongue scooped her out from the tip of the beak and threw her to the side. Sweetie Belle felt some rough, jagged lumped digging into her back, it was only when she then felt them on her chest did she realize her predicament.
  320. Sandwiched between Gabby’s teeth, she laid there, unable to pull herself free. Every time she tried to force the teeth apart, her hooves would just slip off the saliva coated molars.
  322. Scootaloo wasn’t any less dry in her predicament. The whole time Gabby had been preparing Applebloom and Sweetie Belle for their end, she had unaware that she had been wiggling and scrunching her toes. Scootaloo was sore from the grinding against the two walls of fur and had even begun to sweat in the heat of the position.
  324. Gabby also began to sweat as her toes ran wet with salty fluids. The stimulation from Scootaloo had caused an increase in heat and the layer of fur didn’t help her. In moments, Scootaloo was soaked in salty water as Gabby’s scrunching became harder and harder on her small body.
  326. She attempted a bite out of her paw like she had previously, but only got a mouthful of salty fur.
  328. Pinning Sweetie Belle between her teeth, Gabby was ready to end her suffering, as well as Scootaloo, but she just needed to make sure Applebloom was ready too. She had second thoughts about what she was about to do to her and reached between her legs to pull her free.
  330. As her talons entered, she felt stimulation, but she was doing this for her friends, not her. She managed to pinch onto Applebloom’s leg and attempted to pull her back out. Surprisingly, Applebloom managed to pull her leg free. More surprisingly, Gabby could feel her wiggle her way deeper into her sex.
  332. With her much she could feel, she was certain she couldn’t pull her out. She had no choice but to do this the way she originally intended. Placing two talons on either side, she spread herself open, allowing her middle talon to slide inside.
  334. Applebloom watched as the talon headed towards her. She tried to back up but there was no where left to go. The talon stopped just before her chest, threatening to pierce her had she been too close.
  336. The talon retreated for a second before returning, eventually starting up into a rhythm. Applebloom noticed a sudden change in the atmosphere. The smell had become stronger, the walls became a little slicker and the large ring behind her began to ooze a white substance.
  338. Sweetie Belle was still trying to push back on Gabby’s teeth as a moan echoed through the sealed beak, each time, giving Sweetie Belle a little hope that she might loosen her grip on her teeth, each time disappointed and a little deafened.
  340. Gabby was heating up faster than she expected. She had never done such a thing before and it was exciting her more than she could have imagined. To top it all off, she felt an incredible sensation in her rear. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it was helping her climax.
  343. Babs had passed out under Gabby’s weight, awakening some time later when she was no longer around. She couldn’t find Applebloom, Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo whilst they hid under the table so attempted to come up with a plan of her own. It was then that Gabby had returned.
  345. She over heard her talking to something on the ground. She assumed it was the CMC but soon hoped it wasn’t when she attempted to step on them.
  347. “What do you think you’re doin’?”
  349. She began jumping around, shouting and screaming, she hadn’t noticed that Gabby had made her way back over to the table. She didn’t get a chance to run this time when Gabby planted her rump back on top of her. This time she was caught between the cheeks.
  351. Directly above her was Gabby’s quivering anus. Although a safe distance away, it wasn’t until Gabby began to have her fun that the anus came to life. It began to flex and tighten each time pretending like it was reaching out to suck her in. She wanted to get up and go but by this point, she was afraid that if she got up just as it flexed, it might grab her.
  353. “Time this right…”
  355. The anus flexed above her and tightened a moment later. Babs rolled over onto her hooves and stood up, ready to take off. As she stood, her tail brushed against the anus and it latched on.
  357. “What the? Get off!”
  359. Babs tried to pull her tail free but it only caused the anus to tighten on her. As if trying to eat, the tail began to slip inside as Babs’ rear was lifted, pulling her hind hooves from the ground.
  361. Her butt made contact with the puckered flesh and like a pony trying to stuff something too big into their mouth; it opened wide with suction strong enough to pull her flank inside. She tried to kick back but she couldn’t bend her hind legs enough considering half of it was already swallowed by the beast.
  363. Against her best attempts, Gabby’s anus made quick work of her, swallowing her up to her chest. Babs banged on the wrinkled flesh that encapsulated her, hitting it with both hooves, sending a shiver up Gabby’s spine with each hit.
  365. Gabby moaned, her beak opened wide to let it out as her felt her sex constrict tightly on her talon. Fluid gushed from around her plugged sex, leaking anywhere it could, a small glob of pink fluid oozing out with the white.
  367. Gabby’s toes curled tightly as she fought back her orgasm, feeling the crunch in her toes. She did regret holding Scootaloo in her toes for as long as she did, but in that moment, she couldn’t care less.
  369. The tickle in her rear that had set her off in the first place had stopped, allowing her to relax her anus as it unsealed from its iron grip. Unaware as the lifeless body that half hung from her anus slipped inside as it relaxed.
  371. In all her moaning, her mouth had dried up a little. She panted heavily, her beak closing and swallowing to clear her mouth of excess saliva. Give herself a moment to breathe; she felt a lump in her throat. She swallowed a couple more times, feeling her throat push it down with each swallow until it fell behind her chest.
  373. Gabby tried to get back to her paws but fell forward, landing on all fours before she let herself roll over onto her side. She had never felt so good before. But throughout all the feelings she had at that moment, one felt like she had forgotten something.
  375. Sweetie Belle burst to the surface of the thick sludge of stomach acids as she pulled herself onto a patch of flesh that sat above the acids.
  377. “This isn’t quick and painless! Gabby! Let me out of here now!”
  379. She pounded her hooves against the stomach walls, receiving a growl before the rumbled around her and began to churn, tossing her back into the acids.
  381. Gabby let out a quick burp before steadily getting back on all four. Finally calmed down and coming down from her high, she began to head towards the door. However, something caught her eye. She turned to the table and noticed a plate of biscuits on the far end of the table.
  383. “Those look nice and crunchy. I bet the griffons back home might enjoy them.”
  385. Gabby grabbed the plate, tossing the biscuits into her saddle bag before tossing it over her back and tacking off, heading home.
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