

Feb 8th, 2014
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  1. <SerCorbieGeisha> Oh cool
  2. <SerCorbieGeisha> I can't get you anything on Steam though
  3. <SerCorbieGeisha> I'm low on money this month
  4. <SerCorbieGeisha> I got a lot of gifts but can't give anything
  5. <Boilerplate> Yep it's the Dec 28
  6. <Boilerplate> Well that's okay, you can only do what's possible though
  7. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's 29 for me
  8. <SerCorbieGeisha> But then again
  9. <SerCorbieGeisha> I'm from the future
  10. <Boilerplate> Wait...your born in the same month?
  11. <Boilerplate> And also the same year? 1987?
  12. <SerCorbieGeisha> No
  13. <SerCorbieGeisha> I mean that
  14. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's the 29th for me today
  15. <Boilerplate> ah
  16. <Boilerplate> so what year you were born in then?
  17. <Boilerplate> I'll take a guess, 1986?
  18. <SerCorbieGeisha> I'm younger than you
  19. * LividLindy (~LividLind@ has joined
  20. <Boilerplate> Then how old are you then?
  21. <Boilerplate> I guess you mean Dec 29th not your actual age?
  22. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yes
  23. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's the 29th of December where I am
  24. <SerCorbieGeisha> Because I'm from the future
  25. <SerCorbieGeisha> Hi Lindy
  26. <Boilerplate> It's still the 28 here
  27. <Boilerplate> A LividLindy appears
  28. <SerCorbieGeisha> Lindy, i just realised I don't have you on Steam
  29. <LividLindy> hi
  30. <SerCorbieGeisha> What's your name on Steam?
  31. <LividLindy>
  32. <SerCorbieGeisha> THat's...
  33. <SerCorbieGeisha> A very simple name
  34. <SerCorbieGeisha> Oooohhh, you got Harley and Ivy
  35. <SerCorbieGeisha> Your name's on the top of the search
  36. <LividLindy> yea I imagine I had it first which is why I can use /id/lindy instead of some big string of numbers
  37. <SerCorbieGeisha> Cool
  38. <SerCorbieGeisha> Like
  39. <SerCorbieGeisha> Of all the Lindys int he world
  40. <SerCorbieGeisha> You were hte first one
  41. <SerCorbieGeisha> And your name isn't even Lindy
  42. <SerCorbieGeisha> Check and mate
  43. <Boilerplate> why not play chess then?
  44. <SerCorbieGeisha> I don't know how to
  45. <Boilerplate> Me neither anyways
  46. <LividLindy> I used to play with my friend in art class instead of doing art lol
  47. <LividLindy> she had been playing since she was little and beat me every time
  48. <LividLindy> but it was still fun
  49. <Boilerplate> Well played it one time but shelved it away and forgotten about it since it was 'meh'
  50. <SerCorbieGeisha> Now we got rts for that!
  51. <Boilerplate> basically rts games are digitzed chess or basically a meme dirived from chess perhaps?
  52. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well, chess is basically about a game where you have a kingdom and you're trying to beat the other kingdom
  53. <SerCorbieGeisha> So...
  54. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yeah
  55. <Boilerplate> It's a war game basically
  56. <LividLindy> I wanna see Frozen again
  57. <SerCorbieGeisha> I've never seen Frozen
  58. <SerCorbieGeisha> I haven't been out lately
  59. <LividLindy> I saw it with my sister which was serendipitous because it turned out to be about sisters
  60. <LividLindy> I hadn't really looked at anything about it before going
  61. <SerCorbieGeisha> Apparently the trailers advertised it as some goofy romp
  62. <SerCorbieGeisha> But I didn't see it
  63. <Boilerplate> Question is, why couldn't they call the film by it's original name "The Snow Queen"? Oh that's right...
  64. <LividLindy> yea the names Frozen and Tangled do bug me
  65. <LividLindy> should be The Snow Queen and Rapunzel
  66. <LividLindy> but I did like them both a lot
  67. <LividLindy> Tangled is probably better but I liked Frozen too
  68. <Boilerplate> I noticed that Disney tried to negate titles that have anything to do with women.
  69. <Boilerplate> *tries
  70. <Boilerplate> While White Male driven stories are called by their original names..anyone ever notice that?
  71. <LividLindy> maybe they should've left it A Princess of Mars instead of John Carter
  72. <Boilerplate> Never heard of that before
  73. <LividLindy> pretty sure John Carter is one of Disney's biggest flops ever
  74. <LividLindy> based on a novel called A Princess of Mars
  75. <Boilerplate> ah
  76. <Boilerplate> I guess it's very apparent that Disney tries to erase anything to do with women in the titles and the "John Carter" just blately shows they prefer white males I guess.
  77. <LividLindy> I read something that it if they did the same for The Little Mermaid then it would be called Beached
  78. <LividLindy> lol
  79. <LividLindy> I guess Snow White would be Poisoned
  80. <Boilerplate> Or "Snow White" would be called "Dwarves"
  81. <QueenOf> what happened to 2D animation
  82. <SerCorbieGeisha> GONE
  83. <QueenOf> i've been meaning to watch uh
  84. <SerCorbieGeisha> And it's NEVER COMING BACK
  85. <QueenOf> princess and the frog
  86. <SerCorbieGeisha> Also, I need to buy rice
  87. <QueenOf> and tangled was fine and everything but
  88. <QueenOf> they should still make both!
  89. <Boilerplate> 2D animnation went of the way of stop motion animation
  90. <Boilerplate> Simply because CGI/computers are more easier tools to work with
  91. <Boilerplate> from a animators perspective anyways
  92. <Boilerplate> because 2D and stop motion animation were time consuming work which is why they went with computers.
  93. <Boilerplate> Everything else about 2D and Stop Motion animations are nosolgitic
  94. <QueenOf> well uh
  95. <QueenOf> that's only really true for disney and american movies in general
  96. <QueenOf> 2D animation for american cartoons is still pretty normal
  97. <Boilerplate> Well I think it's because 2D animation has lost it's offical title which is why it has 'demoted' itself to only TV shows while CGI takes the center stage..
  98. <QueenOf> i wouldn't really say it demoted itself
  99. <QueenOf> TV is kind of the new place for things that are actually worthwhile
  100. <QueenOf> but that's coming from someone who doesn't watch many movies
  101. <Boilerplate> well maybe 'demoted' is the wrong word to describe it but rather it takes the backstage and fades into irrelevance/obsucirty overtime
  102. <QueenOf> and uh traditional animation is still really popular in other countries i was just being bummed out about disney
  103. <Boilerplate> Hmmm...I think it's maybe because either that other countries don't have the same budget as US movie industry does (I could be wrong) or maybe US animators got lazy and lost their skill they say or maybe rather CG movies are maybe quicker to make to meet deadlines compared to how it is in other countries.
  104. <Boilerplate> Since from my first argument I think we've all seen how India does with their special effects with Hindu Mythology films...
  105. <Boilerplate> well rather their TV shows that is
  106. <Boilerplate> Even though improved over the years but it is still low budget compared to US films (Well I wsh if there was Hindu Mythology film made with the same CG technology the US/West has...but becareful what you wish for I guess knowing how the west treats it)
  107. * LividLindy has quit (Ping timeout)
  108. <Boilerplate> SerCorbieGeisha...have you read the pastebins I've posted a day ago?
  109. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yes
  110. <Boilerplate> And of course what's your thoughts/input on them?
  111. <SerCorbieGeisha> I couldn't keep my attention long enough
  112. <Boilerplate> Hmmm...well assuming if you read a good part of it, I wonder if you liked what agnosticnixie proposed as a 'alternative' for the WoD?
  113. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well, I personally wouldn't make Chinese cults based on monsters
  114. <SerCorbieGeisha> We have plenty of history to base clans around
  115. <Boilerplate> Hmmm...although the biggest problem with VTM is it's Christian basis origin story though
  116. <SerCorbieGeisha> You could do like VtR and not have a metaplot
  117. <Boilerplate> Well I originally thought of simply brining the Dark Ages structure to the modern ages to go from there
  118. <Boilerplate> if we wanted to get rid of the metaplot
  119. <Boilerplate> Since the very existence of the Camarilla and Sabbat are a part of it
  120. <SerCorbieGeisha> Then again, my favourite trope is "Nobody knows what the fuck is really going on"
  121. <Boilerplate> due to the whole "Final Nights" fiasco that would inveitably lead up to Gehenna which then harks back to it's Christian overtones with the Apocalypicism going on.
  122. <Boilerplate> Of course though, I was also thinking that the Western Supernaturals can mirror Western Imperialism which wherever Western Imperialism goes, Western Supernaturals follow sort of.
  123. <SerCorbieGeisha> Of course
  124. <SerCorbieGeisha> One of the things I hate about WoD
  125. <SerCorbieGeisha> Is that
  126. <SerCorbieGeisha> They attribute WWII to supernaturals
  127. <SerCorbieGeisha> And a lot of historical things
  128. <Boilerplate> attribute what do you mean by that within context?
  129. <Boilerplate> Well if you mean by supernaturals are behind WWII instead of Hitler somehow
  130. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yeah
  131. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's the whole trope of the Nazi Party were so evil because EVIL FORCES WERE RESPONSIBLE
  132. <Boilerplate> But when it came to Hitler or the Holocaust they said "Humans were responsible for that"...well I actually remember that White Wolf did a Wraith suppliment book on the Holocaust called "Charnel Houses of Europe: The Shoah"
  133. <Boilerplate> Which I remember from the forum members from my days at the WW community said it was one of the most disturbing books WW written
  134. <SerCorbieGeisha> I remember something about how vampries are responsible for most human conflicts
  135. <Boilerplate> As if humans never did anything by themselves and there is this constant theme of "Supernaturals did Everything"...
  136. <Boilerplate> Hmmm...perhaps this harkens back to the medival idea that "Humans are just helpless cogs"...hmmm it also sounds identicle to the Ancient Astronaut theory as well since it did originate from Theosphy after all.
  137. <Boilerplate> Of course if you propose that if Supernaturals did everything but yet they leave out events like the Holocaust and 9/11 it leaves some gapping holes within that narriative though where you could might as well do the opposite where it's humans that drive everything while supernaturals just follows what they do.
  138. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well, in the case of vampires
  139. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's more offending in that
  140. <SerCorbieGeisha> Vampires are supposed to be human sort-of
  141. <SerCorbieGeisha> But by saying vampires did it
  142. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's like saying "We're not really responsible."
  143. <SerCorbieGeisha> And they're doing it for their vampire purposes
  144. <SerCorbieGeisha> Not because they're furthering a cause they served in life
  145. <SerCorbieGeisha> It would be more interesting rather than, for example, colonialism happening because Kindred want more food or something
  146. <SerCorbieGeisha> But if they were colonists themselves
  147. <SerCorbieGeisha> And they're basically doing what they did in life
  148. <SerCorbieGeisha> And say
  149. <SerCorbieGeisha> Perhaps you had some radicals who protested slavery
  150. <SerCorbieGeisha> And there were
  151. <SerCorbieGeisha> There have always been people who protested against oppressive institutions, we're jsut not taught about them
  152. <SerCorbieGeisha> But yeah
  153. <Boilerplate> <SerCorbieGeisha> It's like saying "We're not really responsible." I guess all it does it creates a strawman first of all which is the basis of conspiracy theories which is what the OWoD is mostly based on
  154. <SerCorbieGeisha> Let's say those movements failed before because the vampries suppressed them, because they're often from the beneficiary groups
  155. <SerCorbieGeisha> And yes, I say often
  156. <SerCorbieGeisha> Because it is also possible for people of oppressed groups to succeed within the structure
  157. <SerCorbieGeisha> But their success doesn't change anything
  158. <SerCorbieGeisha> Because, well, it's within ther structure
  159. <SerCorbieGeisha> The differnece between this and that is
  160. <SerCorbieGeisha> While it's still vampires doing the work
  161. <SerCorbieGeisha> They are not doing it for vampire purposes
  162. <SerCorbieGeisha> They're doing it because of who they were in life
  163. <SerCorbieGeisha> They're simply the same as human oppressors
  164. <SerCorbieGeisha> Only with immortality
  165. <SerCorbieGeisha> And more cunning
  166. <Boilerplate> You know I was wondering how the Native Supernaturals from their own cultural contexts (for example Asura, Djinn, African Supernaturals, etc) were oppressed by colonalism by Western Supernaturals...hmm I guess that would be a interesting concept to explore
  167. <Boilerplate> Also what about "Vampire Privledge" and such?
  168. <SerCorbieGeisha> Maybe I'm being a contrarian
  169. <SerCorbieGeisha> But I prefer to see vampires less of having privilege over non-vampires
  170. <SerCorbieGeisha> And more of being leeches upon humanity
  171. <SerCorbieGeisha> After all
  172. <SerCorbieGeisha> They need to hurt humans to survive
  173. <SerCorbieGeisha> Humans don't NEED to hurt each other to survive
  174. <SerCorbieGeisha> We're just too fucked arsed to restructure the world as such
  175. <Boilerplate> Of course I also heard that supernaturals need humans to surivie as well (Changelings/Mages need human belief, Demons need Faith, etc)
  176. <SerCorbieGeisha> Mages I woudl call privileged though
  177. <SerCorbieGeisha> Since they are humans
  178. <SerCorbieGeisha> And they don't need to hurt humans to survive
  179. <SerCorbieGeisha> But
  180. <SerCorbieGeisha> They have powers over humans
  181. <SerCorbieGeisha> Secret powers, but nevertheless
  182. <SerCorbieGeisha> Or that depends on their school or whatever
  183. <Boilerplate> You know speaking of Mage I think you heard that all human beliefs are made by them including Science with the Technocracy although I heard that the Technocracy originated from the "Order of Reason" which had Christian 'conventions' but I think it could also argue that the Technocracy could represent the secularized christian hegomany of our society since their major goals are millianism/prog
  184. <Boilerplate> ressivnism which plays along the lines of the christian concept of "salvation"
  185. <Boilerplate> Just a referance to this:
  186. <Boilerplate> Of course I think a better option would be that humans created the beliefs and Mages only picked them up and made them 'real'
  187. <Boilerplate> with their paradigms
  188. <Boilerplate> Of course though I also notice that Mage culturally approtate the word "Avatar" though
  189. <Boilerplate> Although maybe the Technocracy's paradigm is somewhat closer to the original default paradigm that preceeded humans (the prehistoric times with Dinosaurs) but they only beefed it up and added their own philosphy to it.
  190. <SerCorbieGeisha> DINOSAUR + HUMANS
  191. <Boilerplate> "creative design" since I notice that modern day Christian fundmentalists try to lump Dinosaurs and Humans together if that's what you mean.
  192. <SerCorbieGeisha> No
  193. <Boilerplate> what do you mean then?
  194. <SerCorbieGeisha>
  195. <Boilerplate> So that's where the origins of Power Rangers caem from?
  196. <SerCorbieGeisha> Super Sentai?
  197. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well, this is the current season
  198. <Boilerplate> Strange that the US Power Rangers is desfunct while Japans is still going
  199. <SerCorbieGeisha> No, Saban bought the rights back from Disney and is still producing
  200. <Boilerplate> ah
  201. <Boilerplate> Anyway I wonder if you liked what I proposed for Mage especially regarding the Technocracy?
  202. <SerCorbieGeisha> It can work
  203. <Boilerplate> I guess I got the Technocracy pretty accurately I guess?
  204. <Boilerplate> well since you have the books with you...
  205. <Boilerplate> Then again...I wonder if there's any problematic material in all of the books including the Technocracy...well I heard that WW recently released the source books for rest of the conventions:
  206. <Boilerplate> /113471/Convention-Book-Progenitors?src=s_pi
  207. <Boilerplate>
  208. <SerCorbieGeisha> Too many!
  209. <Boilerplate> As in Too Many links, books, or problematic refertances?
  210. <SerCorbieGeisha> BOOKS
  211. <Boilerplate> I guess you own too many books to go through? If so I guess you can simply take your time...well I don't think there is too many articles out there that points out the problematic stuff in the WoD.
  212. <Boilerplate> especially any Tumblr posts that is
  213. * Ozaline (~chatzilla@ has joined
  214. <Boilerplate> A Ozaline appears
  215. <Ozaline> That I do
  216. <Boilerplate> So how is Oz these days?
  217. <Boilerplate> SerCorbieGeisha...maybe you could start with the books dealing with Asia like for example perhaps all the other source books for KotE and also the Akastic Brotherhood tradition book and maybe the Euthanotos too. Of course maybe you'll have a field day with WoD Gypies though.
  218. <Boilerplate> SerCorbieGeisha if your still here if you read the second pastebin I've posted where I was arguing with "Evil Venture" I wonder how you would have responded to him or do you 'debunk' or counter his arguments he's making?
  219. <Boilerplate> *Evil Ventrue
  220. * QueenOf has quit (Quit: TAKE IT TO THE FRIDGE, CRANKY!)
  221. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  222. * Boilerplate sets modes [Boilerplate +i]
  223. * Now talking on #theborderhouse
  224. -Q- [#thepostmortem] Welcome to the IRC channel of The Postmortem, the definitive Blood site.
  225. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  226. * Boilerplate sets modes [Boilerplate +i]
  227. * Now talking on #theborderhouse
  228. -Q- [#thepostmortem] Welcome to the IRC channel of The Postmortem, the definitive Blood site.
  229. * SerCorbieGeisha has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  230. * LividLindy (~LividLind@ has joined
  231. * LividLindy has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  232. * LividLindy ( has joined
  233. * LividLindy has quit (Ping timeout)
  234. * QueenOf ( has joined
  235. * Ozaline has quit (EOF from client)
  236. * LividLindy ( has joined
  237. * LividLindy has quit (Ping timeout)
  238. * Ozaline (~chatzilla@ has joined
  239. * QueenOf has quit (Quit: TAKE IT TO THE FRIDGE, CRANKY!)
  240. * SerCorbieGeisha ( has joined
  241. * Q sets modes [#theborderhouse +o SerCorbieGeisha]
  242. * Ozaline has quit (Ping timeout)
  243. <Boilerplate> SerCorbieGeisha: I just learned something 'new' about the word "Urban" today:
  244. <SerCorbieGeisha> Ah, I saw that before
  245. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's true
  246. <Boilerplate> I guess the word "Urban" is out of the question then eh?
  247. <SerCorbieGeisha> No
  248. <SerCorbieGeisha> The point of that isn't to say that you shouldn't use the word
  249. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's basically asking for more black representation
  250. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well,I suppose it's also asking for the genre to be less white
  251. <SerCorbieGeisha> Everything to be less white, basically
  252. <Boilerplate> Ah...I originally thought the word had racist connotations I guess I was wrong then I guess.
  253. <SerCorbieGeisha> Urban just means city
  254. <SerCorbieGeisha> And how it connotates blackness is that
  255. <Boilerplate> ah
  256. <SerCorbieGeisha> In the 30s
  257. <SerCorbieGeisha> A lot of black people were moving into cities
  258. <SerCorbieGeisha> So white people began moving out
  259. <SerCorbieGeisha> The term "inner city" refers to the fact that white residences tend to be on the outskirts of a city
  260. <SerCorbieGeisha> INstead of being further in, where a lot of poor people lived
  261. <SerCorbieGeisha> And a lot of poor people are black so
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