
New Responsibilities

Feb 5th, 2016
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  1. >be anonfilly, happiest human turned teenage filly in Equestria
  2. >ever since book horse turned you into a filly you have been living with Fluttershy
  3. >she's nice but shy as usual
  4. >you wake up feeling weird and you can feel yourself about to throw up
  5. >you quickly run to the bathroom across the hall an vomit out your lungs
  6. >this is strange as you were usually quite healthy and you don't remember drinking last night
  7. >you vomit some more until your body is sure it has emptied itself completely
  8. >this is not good, besides the fact of how bad you feel, you know Fluttershy won't take this well
  9. >she had a tendency to overreact The few times you got sick
  10. >even if it was just a cold… you swear she must have some problems
  11. >when you finally get enough strength to stand back up you decide to try and put on your best normal face
  12. >making your way downstairs you smell eggs being cooked, your favorite food that isn't meat, and since you'll never have that again or be able to even bring that up around Fluttershy you'll take eggs any day.
  13. >when you get downstairs you see Fluttershy in the kitchen and a plate of scrambled eggs on the table
  14. "Hey Flutters, breakfast smells good."
  15. >she does a little jump then looks back towards you
  16. >"T-thanks, your plate is on the table, go ahead and eat, I'll be there in a minute."
  17. >despite having lived with her for a couple years now she still hasn't gotten fully adjusted to someone else living with her besides her animals
  18. >you sit down at the table and pull the plate towards you and dig in
  19. >it's quite common for ponies in Equestria who don't have magic to eat… well like dogs, though you've some unicorns eat this way as well
  21. >be Fluttershy, Ponyville's local animal experts and ammeter veterinarian.
  22. >like usual you were surprised to hear anon this morning despite living with him for a while now, or is it a her now? You'll have to ask later.
  23. >you were roasting some fruits and veggies you grew in your garden and they smell amazing
  24. >nothing like cooked asparagus and bell peppers for breakfast
  25. >you make your way to the table but you are surprised for a second time when you notice something off about anon
  26. >"Something wrong Fluttershy?"
  27. >Then it hits you, the slight smell of vomit and the small bulge in anon's belly
  28. >Well at least you don't need to ask her about her pronouns now, but dear Celestia she's pregnant!
  29. >how could this happen? You don't remember her being to sexually active or if she was she didn't display it around you.
  30. >although it's bit uncommon for stallions to mount a mare unannounced when they sense that she is in heat.
  31. >"Fluttershy, you there?"
  32. "Uhh, anon, have you felt differently lately?"
  33. >she seems a bit hesitant "Well… I was sick this morning, and threw up a couple times, but I feel a bit better now"
  34. >Well that confirms it, but should you tell her? You doubt she will take this well, especially if she hasn't already figured it out herself
  35. >seeing that she was once a male and human you doubt that she has.
  36. >You'll try to let her know as gently as possible
  37. "Uhh anon, have you ever thought of having foals?"
  38. >"What?!? Uhh, sorry Fluttershy I don't swing that way?"
  39. "No anon, I don't mean it that way, but I hope you're not opposed to it"
  40. >she looks confused but after minute it turns to a face of fear and shock when she realizes what you mean
  41. >"oh shit! Are you sure Fluttershy?"
  42. "I'm sorry anon I'm afraid I'm quite sure. I have dealt with this before with the other mammals I care for."
  43. >she is visibly freaking out now as she paces back and force while talking to herself
  44. >"What do I do? I'm not ready to have children! Not to mention what will others will think of me for having foals at such a young age!"
  45. "Well you don't need to worry about that last part as a lot of mares have foals at your age."
  46. >"Well that's a relief." She says in a sort of sarcastic tone
  47. "Do you know how this could have happened?"
  49. >be anonfilly again
  50. >you try to remember who you last had sex with
  51. >there was spike but it couldn't be him, he was a dragon.
  52. >then it hits you, Big Mac!
  53. >well not literally, though, you think you could get into bdsm.
  54. >God dammit! He should have know you were in season
  55. >then again you did come onto him, no pun intended
  56. "Well, I did sleep with Big Mac a couple weeks ago
  57. >You then realized how fucked you are, especially if Applejack finds out
  58. >Fluttershy seems to notice how freaked out you are and she wraps a wing around you
  59. >"don't worry I'll be here for you, but maybe you should let him know?"
  60. "Uhh… I don't know, what if AJ finds out?"
  61. >"It'll be alright, I'm sure she will understand, I mean she has been looking to hook up Big Mac up with a nice mare and her and I always thought you'd be perfect for him"
  62. >were they really thinking about hooking you and Big Mac up? That's a bit creepy even if you did already have feelings for him.
  63. >but when you had sex with him you were definitely not thinking about having kids
  64. >He does seem like a good father now that you think about it.
  65. "Well I guess I should, cans we do it tomorrow, I want some time to think about the whole being pregnant thing"
  66. >"Sure, take as much time as you need, I'm sure this must be hard for you."
  67. "Thanks!"
  68. >You make your way back upstairs and lay on your bed again
  69. >The idea of having a foal was something you would have never thought of before
  70. >I mean it wasn't to long ago that you were a guy.
  71. >The possibility of getting pregnant wasn't something you had to worry about.
  72. >though then again you didn't have to worry about getting someone else pregnant considering the situation you were in back then.
  73. >This is definitely going to be a wild ride.
  74. [end of part one]
  76. [part 2]
  77. >you wake up feeling just as sick as yesterday, Fluttershy calls this morning sickness
  78. >lucky for you, you brought a bucket next to your bed
  79. >this is something you will never get use to
  80. >looking in the mirror you notice for the first time the bulge in your belly
  81. >there is no doubt other ponies will notice this
  82. >you look close me and you see what looks like nipples poking out
  83. >turning around you see that you have crotcntits
  84. >quite large ones too
  85. >you probably always had them but this is the first time you noticed them
  86. >Fluttershy told you that the pregnancy will last about 11 months, you always thought that horse pregnancies would be shorter than a human's
  87. >when you get down to the living room you notice breakfast is some chopped up fruit
  88. "Fluttershy what happened to my normal breakfast?"
  89. >"Oh sorry Anon, you have to remember you're eating for two now."
  90. "Oh, right… whatever."
  91. >it's not like you have a problem with fruit but you would prefer your normal breakfast
  92. >this pregnancy is turning to be a real pain
  93. >you and Fluttershy finish up breakfast which is quite tasty
  94. >maybe it won't be as bad as you think
  95. >"Are you ready anon?"
  96. >this was still a bit nerve racking for you but you knew you had to do this
  97. "Ready as I will ever be"
  98. >the two of you make your way out the door and head towards the apple farm
  99. >while walking from town you get some sort of judgmental looks which makes you more nervous
  100. >Fluttershy jumps a little when you poke her side
  101. "Fluttershy are you sure it is normal for a mare as young as me to be pregnant?"
  102. >"yes anon, I'm sure. Look something I learned with the help of my friends is that some ponies are always going to judge you for what you do, you just have to learn to ignore them, you are you and there is nothing they can do about that."
  103. "Thanks Fluttershy, I don't know what I would do without you."
  104. >after about 10 minutes you make it to the farm
  105. >there you notice Mac working the field as usual
  106. >making your way to him he looks up and waves to the two of you
  107. >"Hey anon, Fluttershy, how are you two today?"
  108. "I'm good, thank you. Look, we need to talk in private."
  109. >he nods andyou make your way to the farm house and up to his room closing the door behind you
  110. >"so what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"
  111. >he notice your face that is mixed with shame and nervousness
  112. >"is it about our relationship?"
  113. "Sort of, you may want to sit down for this"
  114. >he backs up and sits on the edge on the bed
  115. "Well you see, it seems the 'time' we had a couple weeks ago had some unintended consequences"
  116. >"Huh?"
  117. "You could say I have a bun in the oven."
  118. >"Beg your pardon?"
  119. "Have you ever thought about the pitter patter of little children?"
  120. >"I don't understand."
  121. >Fluttershy moves a bit forward
  122. >"Umm, what Anon is trying to say is that she's pregnant."
  123. >all the color suddenly drains from his face
  124. >"What?"
  125. "And you're the father."
  126. >Big mac then drops like a ton of bricks scaring the both of you
  127. >when he comes to you, Fluttershy, a teary eyed Applejack, and a very excited Applebloom are standing by his bed with you and AJ to his side
  128. >well you wouldn't say Applebloom is standing, more jumping around the room
  129. >"huh, what's going on?"
  130. >AJ gives him a big hug while crying a bit
  131. >"I'm so proud of you big brother!"
  132. >Big Mac is still a bit confused but then Applebloom pipes up while still jumping around
  133. >"Big bro is having a foal and I'm going to be the best aunt ever."
  134. >everyone lets out a big laugh, much to the confusion of Applebloom
  135. >pulling you in he gives you a hug that almost suffocates you
  136. >"You're going to be a great mother."
  137. >this causes to blush immensely
  138. "And you'll be the best father."
  139. [end of part 2]
  141. [Epilogue]
  142. >you and Fluttershy agreed that it would be best that you move in with Big Mac
  143. >Big Mac decides to share his room with you which cause an ease dropping AppleJack to giggle
  144. >over the time you spend at the apple farm you discover you have more feelings for him other than Attraction and you grow to really love him
  145. >They tell you that because of your condition, you can't help with the farm work, while you understand the reason why you still feel bad about not being able to help
  146. >while being stuck in the house Granny Smith helps you out with the pregnancy using the experience she gained from being pregnant with AJ's mother.
  147. >Applebloom bloom grows especially close to you mostly because of her excitement over the foal, when it starts to kick she invites the other crusaders over to feel
  148. >she also says that the foal will be an immediate member of the Cutiemark Crusaders
  149. >about nine months in Twilight comes in to check on the baby, she says that it is completely health and that it will be a colt, but she also adds that she will have to check again once he is born
  150. >one day Mac surprises you by proposing to you, to which you agreed… about a thousand times
  151. >you decide to have the baby on the farm instead of the hospital
  152. >The foal is born completely healthy according to Twilight.
  153. >he shares your coat color and eyes but has a somewhat darker version of Mac's mane
  154. >The wedding is beautiful, the whole apple family is there as well as the princesses, you have the mane 6 be your bridesmaids
  155. >Rarity made the dress for you, it was absolutely beautiful, you never thought in your whole life, at least as a guy, that you'd ever wear a wedding dress, let alone a dress at all.
  156. >this whole life in Equestria has been a roller coaster ride but you wouldn't have it any other way
  157. [end of epilogue]
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