
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 7

Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. >The November night embraces you as you step outside
  2. >The walk home wasn't particularly long, but still long enough to sober you up a bit in case Celestia was up
  3. >Smiling up at the yellow street lights and falling snowflakes that already covered the streets in a thick layer, you light a cigarette and put your earbuds in
  5. >Taking off at a slow pace with your hand on your gun, you start thinking
  6. >Despite Slateside being dirty and dangerous, you still felt so at home here
  7. >Creeping slowly at night with seemingly nothing to worry about, slightly tipsy from the forty
  8. >Just walking, letting the seedy underbelly of the city take you in and shield you
  9. >Becoming almost one with the night, entering that meditative state where you were finally able to see the beauty lying behind the rusted railings
  10. >Behind the filthy, cramped tenements and their impoverished occupants
  11. >Hiding somewhere, just out of reach, blotted out by the drugs, the gunfights, the poverty and the filth
  12. >Somehow the snow made it just that more dreamlike
  13. >A dirty winter wonderland
  15. >Around fifteen minutes later, you're almost home
  16. >The alleys and cramped tenements give way to more familiar surroundings, townhouses and front yards with small, garden-like spaces in front
  17. >Garden-like only because no self-respecting gardener would've touched the overgrown spaces with a ten-foot pole
  18. >Your thoughts are interrupted by a hand on your shoulder
  19. >You flinch and turn around quickly, desperately fiddling with the safety catch on your .45
  20. >In front of you are two black guys, both of them younger than you, one of them holding a knife a bit too close to your throat
  21. >Your mouth gets even drier than before and your heartbeat reaches a new level of panic
  22. ''Hey, uh, what's all this-''
  23. >'Man, shut the fuck up! Get yo hands out of yo pockets!''
  24. >To emphasize his point, the closer one pushes the point of the knife against your Adam's apple
  25. >Shit
  26. >There's not much you can do with a gun at this range
  27. >Well, you'd rather live to fight another day
  28. >You slowly take your hands out of your pockets, showing your assailants your palms
  29. >The message is clear, you don't want any trouble
  30. ''Hey, man, I don't want no trouble, okay?''
  31. >''Nigga, if you don't shut the fuck up and gimme yo wallet you gonna have trouble, dig?''
  32. ''Yeah, I hear you, I just-''
  33. >The blow is as fast as it is unexpected
  34. >For a brief moment, you see only white and feel hot pain cascading on the left side of your face
  35. >The closer one lifts his fist again and presses the side of the knife onto your chin
  36. >He looks both pissed and scared at the same time
  37. >''I told yo ass to shut the fuck up! Gimme you wallet now!''
  38. >You sigh, feeling a bruise form under your left eye and pull out your wallet
  39. ''I'm telling you, you don't want to do this.''
  40. >''Man, shut yo ass up 'fore I kill you.''
  41. >He grabs your wallet and hands it to his friend, who rapidly checks it for money
  42. >''Shit man, jack-fucking-pot! There's like two hunna here!''
  43. >Both of them smirk at you
  44. >''Now, what we gonna do with yo white ass?''
  45. ''You really think you could kill me? You know how many motherfuckers are gonna come after you if you do it?''
  46. >You try to say something, anything, to get them to walk off
  47. >He gives you a half-crazed smile and cuts your cheek, pain rocketing through your head
  48. >''But you won't be able to do shit, nigga. Yo ass gonna be dead.''
  49. ''Alright, alright, I'll walk off, okay? No need for blood, okay?''
  50. >Your heart is beating faster than ever before and you almost feel like shitting yourself
  51. >''I don't think so.''
  52. >With a smirk, he kicks you in the nuts and you double over in pain
  53. >The next kick hits you square in the chest, and you fall on your back
  54. >Amidst kicks and punches, you curl up in a ball, wishing for the pain to be over
  55. >Kicks strike your ribs and stomach, and you vomit into the snow, the drifts already spattered with red
  56. >You cough and spew out the contents of your stomach, the bitter taste of stomach acids mingling with the taste of blood in your mouth
  57. >As soon as the pain started, it's disappeared
  58. >You feel heavy, tears forming behind your closed eyes
  59. >You don't want to die
  60. >You don't want to fucking die
  61. >Not like this
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