
Christmas Story!

Dec 25th, 2018
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  1. >It's holidays time.
  2. >Actually, like a day before Christmas, Christmas eve, or you really never gave it that much thought.
  3. >It seemed to make ponies happy didn't matter to you too much. It was a really nice day to spend with your family..and Sandstone, too.
  4. >Someone woulda wondered if you were obsessed with him, but truthfully. After a year and a half, like two of dating, might as well be. You went through both estruses with him alone, staying loyal.
  5. >You are KINDA obsessed. Hah.
  6. >Regardless, you'd get out of your bed, and out of your mindset, proceed to brush your teeth, wash your face, and all that.
  7. >Totally not minding fact you had a few zits or whatever. RIGHT.
  8. >A slight, contained implosion of anger later, you'd get out, and greet your mother, and all that.
  9. >She'd look at you the way she usually does, and would proceed to boop your snoot.
  10. >To which you'd scrunch, naturally. What else would you be doin' like geez.
  11. "Good morning, sweetheart. I see puberty aint' treating you TOO well?"
  12. >You'd look at her with a very angry glare, oh WOW did she really need to rub it in. Jerk.
  13. >You'd huff and roll your eyes. "Shut up, mom." is all you'd say, to which she'd giggle, and reply with.
  14. "Pft, don't be such an angry lil' bugger. I was just joking. So, wanna help me decorate the tree? We might as well now, and..perhaps you'd like to spend today with your family?"
  15. "Of course, up to you honey, but I know that you'd likely love to be with Sandstone on Christmas, and..knowing what...things you'd be doing, you'd be very exhausted, and likely unable to go do much tomorrow."
  16. "Now wouldn't that be a shame?" she'd ask, finishing her monologue like that.
  17. >You'd nod and agree, you know, why not, it's not like you had anything better to do.
  18. >"Alright mom, but we need to GET a Christmas tree first." You'd giggle, seeing as there was none in the living room.
  19. >You did have some decorations from last years, but not a tree!
  20. "Oh, don't worry about that, we'll go fetch one. Just dress yourself, even though this winter is fairly warm, it isn't the warmest thing ever, and I don't want you to catch a cold."
  21. >Oh right, same thing again. You'd huff and go to your room, fetching yourself a warm fluffy coat. Gee, you were a PONY, like heck you were gonna get cold.
  22. >"I'm a pony, mom. It's not like my coat won't protect me."
  23. >She would, however, roll her eyes at you and tell you to keep it on.
  24. "Just listen to me, I'm trying to have you not learn the hard way, that ponies CAN indeed catch a cold. Fur or not. You silly batty."
  25. >You'd huff, but proceed to wait for your mum to dress up as well. As she'd grab her own, green coat, complete with a hoodie, ready for wind and snow outdoors.
  26. >She'd make a beeline for the door, waiting for you to follow her. And you very much would, following your mother outdoors.
  27. >It would be a good while until you'd make it to the Christmas tree's salesman.
  28. >After a short talk, the two of you ended up getting a medium sized tree, didn't wanna get something too tiny..or well. Something to big, so that it wouldn't fit inside the house, haha.
  29. >In any case, after a short while, you'd make it back home, and get to work.
  30. >Yeaaah, your walk home was rather wordless, but you were used to that, never chatted too much with your family when going somewhere. Sandstone was a different story, but hey.
  31. >As you'd open the front door, flick the light switch..because. Gloomy day, need light, eh. And look for a perfect place for a tree.
  32. >Except ti would take you a little bit to get it right, considering the living room wasn't...very clean.
  33. >This of course, wasn't your mom's fault, it was kinda you making a mess almost every time, so..
  34. >You would proceed to grab some soapy wooder..erm water, and proceed to clean the floor, after, of course, dusting the whole place first, and moping the floor.
  35. >Does that looks out of character for you? Absolutely not, you were a responsible girl at times too! And, this would make your mom happy, as you could tell.
  36. >If anything, she had a few words of praise to say, as she'd notice you cleaning, bringing in the pine tree. You totally WERE rushing ahead of her.
  37. >...probably why you weren't talking. Ha.
  38. "Ooh, my little girl is doing some work? Who would of known. I am surprised, Blueberry." she'd say, in a fairly proud tone, smiling.
  39. >Well, none the same you'd smile back, and help your mother place the tree in it's stand. It looked..awfully bland.
  40. >GO figure as to why, though it had nothing on it, well you WERE about to fix that.
  41. >You'd go over to the storage room real quick and grab some decorations for the Christmas tree!
  42. >A star..albeit an old, dusty one, some balls, with the same dust on them, colorful, of course, green, red, blue, and variations of such. Was pretty nice.
  43. >You'd bring all of this to your mother, --IN THE BOX-- of course, and proceed to offer her the thing.
  44. >She'd open it..only for a small look of disgrace to be on her face. No rhyme intended.
  45. "Oh..well..we should dust those off, and they'll be fine." she'd state, looking over again at the green tree. It was quite marvelous. And smelled so nice too!
  46. >In any case, you AND your mom would dust those decorations and, you'd slowly place them all around the Christmas tree, soon enough it looked quite marvelous. You of course, did one last detail, putting lights around it, and turning them on.
  47. >But, before we forget'd flap those lil' wings of yours, and place the yellow star on top! Completely covered in...odd substance..ah well.
  48. >W-who cares..
  49. >You'd spend the rest of the evening chatting with your mother about things you were about to do tomorrow.
  50. >Which, thanks to your..not so clean mind included some obviously rather dirty things..perverted. Mhm.
  51. >Well, it did include baking some cookies, and you were certainly going to get onto that before getting to other things.
  52. >Time would pass, and eventually, you'd go sleep. Walking to your room, and washing your teeth beforehand, of course, THEN walking into your room, and lying down on the bed, drifting off.
  53. >You would find the act a bit difficult, considering all excitement you had for tomorrow, but. You fell asleep eventually.
  54. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  55. >You'd be awoken by, no more, or no less your mother. Looks like you overslept. Mmfhm.
  56. >You'd slowly rise up, lazily rubbing your eyes, and huffing at your mom.
  57. >"moooooommm!"
  58. >You'd speak in an annoyed, drawn-out voice.
  59. "Oh, shut it, we need to do stuff, and it's already 11AM, you overslept, little filly!"
  60. "Go brush your mane. You don't wanna look bad for Sandstone today, do you?"
  61. "After all, you know all too well all the things you said to me. And let's not forget last Christmas either!" she'd exclaim, you'd nod to all of this, and get your lazy ass out of the bed.
  62. >Ooookay. You'd proceed to do the usual morning routine, of washing your teeth, your face, and..peeing, of course. What else..
  63. >Ah, brush your mane. Gosh, would be silly of you to forget just that!
  64. >You'd then walk over to the living room, a bit more cheerful than a few minutes before, considering your brain was, for most parts functional now.
  65. >Your mother would follow suit after you soon enough, wonder what she was doing in your room so long, though.
  66. >Eh, it probably wasn't really relevant, maybe setting your bed, or something. You trusted her.
  67. >She'd look over at you, and wave for you to come over to the table, you wouldn't see much, a simple enough vegetable soup with noodles, but not like you had much time to eat a proper Christmas breakfast.
  68. >Besides, you'd have a Christmas dinner for that, in like a couple of hours, would be a shame if you didn't get to converse with your boyfriend for a little, until having to go eat with your family.
  69. >Not eat out your family, though. That would lead to some very odd things.
  70. >In any case, you'd finish your soup quite quickly, and quite happily too, your mother's cooking was always quite excellent.
  71. >One would be lying to say it wasn't good at all, or something, clear, just with right amount of vegetables, not too many, and yet not too few noodles.
  72. >Just the right thing! Or maybe you were a bit biased, mum's cooking was best cooking, all the same.
  73. >"Delicious as always, mommy." you'd say in a cute, slightly squeaky voice of yours. And yet, you were changing in some ways.
  74. >Still a very cute batty, all the same!
  75. >She'd smile at you, and extend her hoof to press onto your snoot, which would enact a reaction of a scrunch from yours truly.
  76. "Mhm! I'm glad to see you still like my cooking."
  77. >You'd snort, rolling your eyes, before replying with a; "Ah, well why would I! It's very delicious~" you'd speak in a drawn-out way. Yush. Delicious.
  78. >Anyhow, you'd put the plate away, and stand up from the table, after a short chatter. Maybe too short.
  79. "Oh, but where are you going, you still got like, hmm" she'd look up at the clock, and.."Like, four hours."
  80. >You'd nod, and sit back down..on the opposite side of your mom, like you were..well, she wasn't wrong.
  81. >"Hmh, I suppose so. Well, what should I do, moom?"
  82. "Silly, you ALWAYS know what to do, use that smart little head of yours and plan!" she'd exclaim..well, maybe you should.
  83. >I'm any case, you would think for a few moments, well you didn't truly know WHAT.. Eh you had some ideas, however.
  84. >"Hmm well, I did wanna hang out with Sandstone a bit." you'd say, well you did indeed!
  85. "Right you did" your mother would state as matter of factly as it gets.
  86. >Without a further response you would dart towards your room and get that cute sky-blue fuzzy hat you bought last winter.
  87. >Truthfully though, you did need some new attire, hmh.
  88. >Youd definitively have to go shopping with your mom once for that one.
  89. >if anything it's been a while..hmh.
  90. >While you were getting busy getting all dreamy about your clothing your mother would slowly walk into the room, a confused look on her face.
  91. "Okay..what are you doing?" she'd ask you, oddly confused.
  92. >Which isn't too surprising given that you were being all cute wearing that fuzzy hat of yours.
  93. >Now, of course you did gave an intention of getting fully dressed, and heading off but, tights!
  94. >"OH! You'd exclaim clearly startled;" Oh I was just getting some clothing on, I wanna head over to sandstone's"
  95. >"I was going to tell you when I got dressed, but I got dreamy about what to wear and stuff."
  96. >your explain to the best of your ability, well you tried to anyways.
  97. Your mother would giggle in response, before speaking up.
  98. "Oh its fine but, you could of told me right away anyways. I'd understand."
  99. >You'd nod. Seeing no further reply, mom would leave the room and leave you do dress up.
  100. >And indeed you would, without too much further ado you would get a green jacket, posing a mismatch of colors, which you were aware of, but hey it would do.
  101. >So you'd get out of the room, all dressed up and head outside, waving goodbye to your mom.
  102. >Though before you'd leave you would be stopped by your mom with a simple question.
  103. "Hold up sweetie, let me know when you'll be back." "Wouldn't want you to be late for the dinner."
  104. >She did have a good point, it was about 11AM had to be home by three..
  105. >You'd stop at the doorstep half way outside already, you'd turn your head towards her and speak up;
  106. "Don't worry, I will be back in a few hours, probably by like two." "I just wanna talk with him a bit."
  107. >She would nod in acknowledgment and wave you off.
  108. >The trip to the house wouldn't take too long, it was a nice coincidence you two lived several blocks apart.
  109. >Now, you did forget to tell him you would be there, which was kinda a fail on your part but you didn't have much time.
  110. >You'd knock on the door, and wait, it was kinda chilly, but nothing unbearable.
  111. >Besides, you did dress fairly well.
  112. >All said and done, it wouldn't take too long to have a,--quite a bit larger than you--stallion, open the door.
  113. >Though, it didn't matter, as you knew him well, he wouldn't even talk, no need for that, figured why you'd be here.
  114. >He'd move out of the way, giving you an acknowledging nod. You'd just walk past by, greeting Sandstone's mother as well as you would do so.
  115. >You would slowly walk into his room, not wishing to wake him up, were he to be asleep.
  116. >It would be kinda unusual for him, but shrug, you never knew, it was one of those Christmas holiday days, maybe he just wanted to sleep in.
  117. >Though, you did end up getting lucky, and you would find him fully awake, naked as always, but whatever.
  118. >Ponies don't WEAR clothes
  119. >You'd literally tackle the little shit, straight up launching yourself at him, and knocking him down from his bed, onto his car-themed carpet below.
  120. >"Heyy!!" you'd exclaim very excitedly, you would be met with a scared pair of eyes, followed by an annoyed pair, few seconds after.
  121. >He sure did shift his emotions fast, haha.
  122. "Blue, quit it!, you scared me!" he'd exclaim, to which you'd just giggle innocently and smile.
  123. >"Shh, I didn't do nothing, sweetheart~" you'd say in a happy, soft tone, and indeed you were feeling quite happy. Mhm.
  124. >"It's Christmas, you are being way too cranky." you'd state the obvious, keeping up with your talk.
  125. "Mmh, I suppose. Well..anywayss." "How are you doing, and what's up?"
  126. >"Not much, I wanted to invite you to like go to a Christmas dinner with me, but, I dunno if your parents will let you and all, we can like take a walk around, see the other houses."
  127. "Sounds pretty fair to me." he'd state, and trot right outta his bedroom, having a quick talk with his parents..from what you could collect anyways.
  128. >Though he would be back rather quickly, much to your surprise.
  129. >"Oy you can't just leave like that, not a way to treat your girl!" you'd huff slightly distressed.
  130. "Shush, mom and dad said I can go with you, but I can't stay over , they still want me home ofor Christmas"
  131. >Well there go your plans, no way you were allowed to stay either.
  132. >Considering how urgently your mother wanted you to come home.
  133. >In any case you do nod to this, grabbing his hoof and kissing him on the kips, briefly blushing profusely doing so.
  134. >You'd break the kiss shortly after and head on out of his house.
  135. >He would be sure to follow suit, as he'd catch up to you he would make a liiittle remark.
  136. "Mm just kissing me outta the blue like that can't say I'm too surprised.
  137. >You'd smirk but keep walking choosing to ignore what he said.
  138. >He was just being a dick.
  139. " Heey don't get angry at me! " he'd exclaim and put not a few moments after
  140. >"I'm not, silly. You'd say with a slight giggle and continue to your place
  141. >As the two of you arrived, you'd go first opening the front door, and having Sandstone follow close behind.
  142. >You'd go over to the table only to find that the, quite luxurious dinner had been served.
  143. >An apple pie, a - - gasp- - mango pie some veggie soup, and for main course some well-baked chicken and fries.
  144. >Though you'd usually eat like a maniac, especially stuff with mangoes in it, you refrained yourself this once for sandstone if nothing.
  145. >he'd better see you have good table manners
  146. >Would be a bit funny otherwise, well embarrassing too, figure.
  147. >The dinner went fine, though you and Sandstone stopped eating far earlier than your parents did
  148. >You probably had like one plate..really.
  149. >Feeling rather tired after a nice meal, you'd decide to head off to your room and read a book.
  150. >Much to your surprise you would be joined with your coltfriend snuggling you nice and tight at it.
  151. "That's revenge for the morning" he'd state, you'd snuggle him back and keep reading your book.
  152. >You didn't exactly understand the circles of hell, but hey apparently only bad ponies went there
  153. >And you were good pony, mhm.
  154. >you'd eventually close your eyes, putting the book away, you had a good while to finish it, but ah well.
  155. >You'd snuggle your not so little but yet little lover, closing your eyes and drifting off surprisingly Quickly.
  156. >Your dreams would be peaceful, but somewhat lewd. Perhaps you had some regrets about not doing more on Christmas night.
  157. >But that was fine, you had a beautiful Christmas and besides, there was still new years!
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