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- Client disconnected ( Quit
- Downloading mods
- Finished downloading and installing mods
- Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m706d242_1391697805/
- Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m7b986f5_1392429705/
- Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m88fecb5_1391364983/
- Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/md9fee4d_1392520064/
- Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/maa8da06_1392134733/
- Loading Shine config...
- Loading extensions...
- - Extension 'basecommands' loaded.
- - Extension 'welcomemessages' loaded.
- - Extension 'logging' loaded.
- - Extension 'ns2stats' loaded.
- - Extension 'afkkick' loaded.
- - Extension 'unstuck' loaded.
- - Extension 'adverts' loaded.
- - Extension 'voterandom' loaded.
- - Extension 'pingtracker' loaded.
- - Extension 'ban' loaded.
- - Extension 'mapvote' loaded.
- - Extension 'motd' loaded.
- - Extension 'votesurrender' loaded.
- Completed loading Shine extensions.
- Loading Shine users...
- [15:01:27]Shine started up successfully.
- [15:01:27]Loading config://ServerConfig.json
- [15:01:27]Loading config://ServerAdmin.json
- [15:01:27]Loading config://BannedPlayers.json
- [15:01:27]Loading config://MapCycle.json
- [15:01:27]Loading config://ConsistencyConfig.json
- [15:01:27]Hashed 1 game_setup.xml files for consistency
- [15:01:27]Hashed 888 *.lua files for consistency
- [15:01:27]Hashed 37 *.hlsl files for consistency
- [15:01:27]Hashed 30 *.shader files for consistency
- [15:01:27]Hashed 18 *.screenfx files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 136 *.surface_shader files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 3 *.render_setup files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 14 *.level files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 5806 *.dds files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 81 *.jpg files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 43 *.png files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 905 *.cinematic files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 2249 *.material files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 3906 *.model files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 105 *.animation_graph files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 201 *.polygons files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 3 *.fev files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 23 *.fsb files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Skipped 378 ui/*.dds files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Skipped 120 *_view*.dds files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Skipped 54 *_view*.material files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Skipped 123 *_view*.model files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Skipped 17 models/marine/hands/* files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Hashed 0 lua/entry/*.entry files for consistency
- [15:01:28]Consistency checking took 1 seconds
- Loading 'maps/ns2_kodiak.level'
- Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/forcefield_tile.material'
- Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/frag_rock_05.model'
- Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/sprinklers_top.model'
- Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/halo_red.model'
- Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/halo_green.model'
- Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/halo_rounded_red.model'
- Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/frag_rock_04.model'
- Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_kodiak.level
- Finished loading 'maps/ns2_kodiak.level'
- Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/frag_metal_01.model'
- Client connected (
- [15:01:54]Client Authed. Steam ID: 42740069
- Cthululu connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:01:56]Client Authed. Steam ID: 39089208
- Alien connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:01:57]Client Authed. Steam ID: 8203579
- vanilla bear connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:02:00]Client Authed. Steam ID: 29310295
- MuonRay connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:02:03]Client Authed. Steam ID: 10735217
- HitNrun connected.
- [15:02:05]Cthululu[42740069] ran command sh_voterandom with no arguments.
- Client connected (
- [15:02:06]Client Authed. Steam ID: 67537299
- [UKT] inf connected.
- [15:02:06]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
- Client connected (
- [15:02:06]Client Authed. Steam ID: 16015872
- EqE | Luburium connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:02:09]Client Authed. Steam ID: 48280085
- Deddy connected.
- [15:02:09]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
- Client connecting (
- Client connected (
- [15:02:17]Client Authed. Steam ID: 8186077
- Manon connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:02:17]Client Authed. Steam ID: 49535419
- Nairi connected.
- [15:02:17]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
- Client connected (
- [15:02:21]Client Authed. Steam ID: 7391431
- Endymionis connected.
- [15:02:22]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- Client connected (
- [15:02:27]Client Authed. Steam ID: 25475094
- Grimsain connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:02:30]Client Authed. Steam ID: 103876843
- Gorge of the jungle connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:02:32]Client Authed. Steam ID: 66183253
- magic cookie 54 connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:02:35]Client Authed. Steam ID: 540724
- Ohm connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:02:37]Client Authed. Steam ID: 94612929
- DiZzYy connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:02:37]Client Authed. Steam ID: 118098178
- Jdr connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:02:43]Client Authed. Steam ID: 36783015
- Smith connected.
- [15:02:48]Chat All - vanilla bear: is this an unofficial map?
- Client connected (
- [15:02:48]Client Authed. Steam ID: 106927402
- Sobbe connected.
- [15:02:53]Chat All - HitNrun: yep
- [15:02:53]Chat All - Manon: Yes
- [15:02:54]Chat All - Endymionis: yes
- Client connected (
- [15:02:55]Client Authed. Steam ID: 71321892
- MrSexyBoy connected.
- [15:03:00]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:03:05]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
- [15:03:06]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:03:06]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:03:08]Chat All - HitNrun: but part of season 3 mappack
- [15:03:15]Auto-team balance enabled
- [15:03:23]Auto-team balance disabled
- Client connected (
- [15:03:25]Client Authed. Steam ID: 90933426
- Blessure connected.
- Error: Exceeded maximum number of snapshots
- Client connecting (
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:03:49]Smith died
- [15:04:06]magic cookie 54 died
- Client connecting (
- [15:04:20]Endymionis died
- Client disconnected ( Timeout
- Client connected (
- [15:04:22]Client Authed. Steam ID: 149350448
- guswns0767 connected.
- [15:04:25]Smith died
- Client connected (
- [15:04:29]Client Authed. Steam ID: 82123610
- Guwuzgt connected.
- Client connected (
- [15:04:30]Client Authed. Steam ID: 112663594
- AltarrPL connected.
- [15:04:35]Nairi died
- [15:04:48]DiZzYy died
- [15:04:49]Chat Team - Manon: make tunnel
- Client connecting (
- [15:04:54]Ohm died
- [15:04:58]MrSexyBoy died
- [15:05:00][UKT] inf died
- Client connected (
- [15:05:09]Client Authed. Steam ID: 73770008
- wairus connected.
- [15:05:15]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:05:20]Smith died
- [15:05:21]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:05:29][UKT] inf died
- [15:05:37]guswns0767 died
- [15:05:42]Cthululu died
- [15:05:43]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:05:49]MrSexyBoy died
- Client connected (
- [15:05:50]Client Authed. Steam ID: 96536202
- AngeL13EviL connected.
- [15:06:01]Nairi died
- [15:06:08]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:06:21]Deddy died
- [15:06:30]AltarrPL died
- [15:06:33]Endymionis died
- [15:06:33]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
- [15:06:34]Sobbe died
- [15:06:39]Blessure died
- [15:06:50]Cthululu died
- [15:06:57][UKT] inf died
- [15:06:59]vanilla bear died
- [15:07:02]Smith died
- [15:07:03]DiZzYy died
- [15:07:07]wairus died
- [15:07:08]Sobbe died
- [15:07:12]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:07:17]Guwuzgt died
- [15:07:19]Deddy died
- [15:07:22]guswns0767 died
- [15:07:23]Nairi died
- [15:07:30]MuonRay died
- [15:07:30]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
- [15:07:41]HitNrun died
- [15:07:56]Cthululu died
- [15:08:05]Deddy died
- [15:08:06]Guwuzgt died
- [15:08:06]Endymionis died
- [15:08:08]Smith died
- [15:08:14]Sobbe died
- [15:08:14][UKT] inf died
- [15:08:15]HitNrun died
- [15:08:15]MrSexyBoy died
- [15:08:17]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
- [15:08:29]Chat Team - Manon: OMG
- [15:08:29]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:08:32]Chat Team - Manon: CAN YOU COM HEREยฃยต
- [15:08:35]vanilla bear died
- [15:08:36]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:08:36]MuonRay died
- [15:08:40]guswns0767 died
- [15:08:43]Blessure died
- [15:08:44]DiZzYy died
- [15:08:46][UKT] inf died
- [15:08:50]Chat All - Manon: have you eyes
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- Client disconnected ( Kicked
- [15:08:55]Chat All - Manon: i need help
- [15:08:57]Chat All - Manon: about 10 min
- [15:08:59]Chat All - Manon: seriou
- [15:09:02]Chat All - Manon: noob team
- [15:09:04]Auto-team balance enabled
- [15:09:09]Endymionis died
- Client connecting (
- [15:09:12]Smith died
- Client connecting (
- [15:09:18]Jdr cast vote to eject commander Manon
- [15:09:25]vanilla bear died
- [15:09:26]Smith cast vote to eject commander Manon
- [15:09:36]Manon[8186077] ran command sh_votesurrender with no arguments.
- [15:09:38]MuonRay died
- Client connected (
- [15:09:38]Client Authed. Steam ID: 149350448
- guswns0767 connected.
- [15:09:39]Chat Team - Manon: team noob
- [15:09:41]Chat Team - Manon: nobodyu obey order
- [15:09:42]MuonRay[29310295] ran command sh_votesurrender with no arguments.
- [15:09:43]Chat Team - Manon: 0 help
- [15:09:44]Auto-team balance disabled
- [15:09:54]vanilla bear died
- [15:09:57]Cthululu died
- [15:10:02]Chat Team - Manon: 5 minutes noobody move command
- [15:10:04]Chat Team - Manon: serious
- [15:10:05]Chat Team - Manon: open eyes
- [15:10:08]Chat Team - Manon: seee objectif
- [15:10:09]Grimsain died
- [15:10:15]Cthululu died
- [15:10:16]wairus died
- [15:10:20]AltarrPL died
- [15:10:21]Deddy died
- [15:10:24]MrSexyBoy died
- [15:10:24]Endymionis died
- [15:10:28]HitNrun died
- [15:10:30]Guwuzgt died
- [15:10:30]Smith died
- [15:10:33]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
- [15:10:35]Sobbe died
- [15:10:37]Endymionis cast vote to eject commander Manon
- [15:10:56]Nairi died
- [15:11:04]Endymionis died
- [15:11:06]Jdr died
- [15:11:08]MuonRay died
- [15:11:08]AltarrPL died
- [15:11:11]Chat All - Endymionis: is it just me lagging?
- [15:11:13]Grimsain died
- [15:11:21]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:11:23]Guwuzgt died
- [15:11:26]Smith died
- [15:11:31]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- [15:11:43]Jdr died
- Client connected (
- [15:11:46]Client Authed. Steam ID: 91386535
- Blubber connected.
- [15:11:57]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:11:59]MuonRay died
- [15:12:02]Smith died
- Error: Exceeded maximum number of snapshots
- [15:12:15]Endymionis died
- [15:12:17]AltarrPL died
- [15:12:29]Chat Team - Smith: they're headed to observation
- [15:12:31]Blessure died
- [15:12:33]wairus died
- [15:12:36]vanilla bear died
- [15:12:38]MuonRay died
- [15:12:48]Chat Team - Endymionis: we need some higher lifeforms, can someone go lerk?
- [15:12:57]MuonRay[29310295] ran command sh_votesurrender with no arguments.
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Client connecting (
- [15:13:10]MuonRay died
- [15:13:15]AltarrPL died
- [15:13:18]Guwuzgt died
- [15:13:23]Grimsain died
- [15:13:25]guswns0767 died
- [15:13:25]vanilla bear died
- [15:13:26]Deddy died
- [15:13:26]Endymionis died
- [15:13:32]MrSexyBoy died
- [15:13:36]Blubber died
- [15:13:39]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
- [15:13:42]Smith died
- [15:13:43]Blessure died
- [15:13:51]Alien died
- [15:13:53]MuonRay died
- [15:14:09]Blubber died
- Client disconnected ( Kicked
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- [15:14:15]Auto-team balance enabled
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- [15:14:20]Guwuzgt died
- [15:14:21]Smith died
- Client connected (
- [15:14:21]Client Authed. Steam ID: 33320329
- Razorback connected.
- [15:14:26]AltarrPL died
- Client connecting (
- [15:14:37]Auto-team balance disabled
- [15:14:40]Alien died
- [15:14:40]Blubber died
- [15:14:43]Nairi died
- [15:14:50]Chat Team - Blubber: PHASE GATE TO BASE
- [15:14:53]Guwuzgt died
- [15:14:55]Endymionis died
- [15:15:07]Blessure died
- [15:15:09]Blubber died
- [15:15:12]Chat Team - Ohm: armory outside hangar please
- [15:15:36]Smith died
- [15:15:46]Guwuzgt died
- [15:15:48]Endymionis died
- [15:15:54]DiZzYy died
- [15:15:55]Grimsain died
- [15:15:56]Blubber died
- [15:15:59]Chat Team - Ohm: can we have an armory between hagar and hydro?
- [15:16:06]Chat Team - Endymionis: how hard is it to get a harvester up?
- [15:16:08]Smith died
- [15:16:13]DiZzYy died
- [15:16:14]Blessure died
- [15:16:17]Chat Team - Manon: where
- [15:16:18]Blubber died
- [15:16:20]AltarrPL died
- [15:16:24]Endymionis died
- [15:16:26]Smith died
- [15:16:27]Chat Team - Manon: go build it
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:16:36]AltarrPL died
- [15:16:37]Auto-team balance enabled
- [15:16:38]MuonRay died
- [15:16:38]Blubber died
- [15:16:41]vanilla bear died
- [15:16:43]Chat Team - Manon: i no drop a haverster with no support
- Client connecting (
- [15:16:45]HitNrun died
- [15:16:47]Chat Team - Manon: need 30 sec for buuild it
- [15:16:51]Blessure died
- [15:16:53]Chat Team - Manon: no protect he down
- [15:16:54]wairus died
- [15:17:02]AltarrPL died
- [15:17:04]MuonRay died
- [15:17:06]vanilla bear died
- [15:17:07]Blubber died
- [15:17:08]Endymionis died
- [15:17:08]Smith died
- [15:17:10]Blessure died
- [15:17:11]Guwuzgt died
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: game info ------------------
- [15:17:11]{players = {},gameTime = 839.50504302979,tournamentMode = "false",gameMode = "mod",serverIp = "",mapName = "ns2_kodiak",port = 27015,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 12,nickname = "HitNrun",marineTime = 839.46925565694,commanderTime = 0,kills = 13,playTime = 839.46925565694,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 10735217,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 177,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 6,nickname = "Endymionis",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 10,playTime = 838.50997916842,alienTime = 838.50997916842,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 12,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 7391431,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 125,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 1,nickname = "EqE | Luburium",marineTime = 839.49474142864,commanderTime = 820.57180050015,kills = 0,playTime = 839.49474142864,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 0,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 16015872,isCommander = "true",isWinner = "true",score = 3,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 5,nickname = "MuonRay",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 2,playTime = 839.24886100367,alienTime = 839.24886100367,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 10,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 29310295,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 45,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 11,nickname = "Deddy",marineTime = 839.39463287033,commanderTime = 0,kills = 15,playTime = 839.39463287033,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 48280085,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 192,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 4,nickname = "wairus",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 710.98974890634,alienTime = 710.98974890634,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 73770008,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 68,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 22,nickname = "Sobbe",marineTime = 839.45309879817,commanderTime = 0,kills = 10,playTime = 839.45309879817,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 106927402,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 155,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 6,nickname = "AngeL13EviL",marineTime = 664.22124116123,commanderTime = 0,kills = 10,playTime = 664.22124116123,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 0,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 96536202,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 85,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 11,nickname = "DiZzYy",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 795.25294898823,alienTime = 795.25294898823,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 94612929,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 62,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 0,nickname = "Manon",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 839.01572775096,kills = 1,playTime = 839.51964788884,alienTime = 839.51964788884,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 0,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 8186077,isCommander = "true",isWinner = "false",score = 7,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 11,nickname = "MrSexyBoy",marineTime = 839.76298382785,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 839.76298382785,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 71321892,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 83,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 14,nickname = "Grimsain",marineTime = 839.32631452009,commanderTime = 0,kills = 5,playTime = 839.32631452009,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 25475094,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 107,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 9,nickname = "vanilla bear",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 2,playTime = 839.26380804554,alienTime = 839.26380804554,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 8203579,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 137,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 4,nickname = "[UKT] inf",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 7,playTime = 339.55187496589,alienTime = 339.55187496589,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 67537299,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 50,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 7,nickname = "Smith",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 7,playTime = 826.90639082622,alienTime = 826.90639082622,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 15,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 36783015,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 93,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 2,nickname = "Blubber",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 3,playTime = 308.35689306632,alienTime = 308.35689306632,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 91386535,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 27,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 2,nickname = "AltarrPL",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 729.11839654855,alienTime = 729.11839654855,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 9,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 112663594,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 35,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 8,nickname = "Guwuzgt",marineTime = 746.88440834358,commanderTime = 0,kills = 3,playTime = 746.88440834358,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 9,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 82123610,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 78,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 8,nickname = "Alien",marineTime = 839.4839774631,commanderTime = 0,kills = 11,playTime = 839.4839774631,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 2,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 39089208,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 152,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 4,nickname = "Blessure",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 797.43456706591,alienTime = 797.43456706591,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 90933426,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 50,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 7,nickname = "Jdr",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 526.39050232619,alienTime = 526.39050232619,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 2,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 118098178,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 49,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 11,nickname = "Nairi",marineTime = 839.44743226655,commanderTime = 0,kills = 4,playTime = 839.44743226655,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 49535419,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 72,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 10,nickname = "Cthululu",marineTime = 839.27976827696,commanderTime = 0,kills = 11,playTime = 839.27976827696,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 42740069,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 119,}
- [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 6,nickname = "Ohm",marineTime = 839.47415972874,commanderTime = 0,kills = 8,playTime = 839.47415972874,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 1,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 540724,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 139,}
- [15:17:11]wairus died
- Shine ns2stats config file updated.
- [15:17:13]Manon died
- [15:17:17]Chat Team - vanilla bear: poor game
- [15:17:19]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -234.21, -106.30, 85.64!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -133.37, -106.95, 126.36!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -127.41, -103.76, 11.38!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -127.41, -103.76, 11.38!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -143.67, -103.10, -3.02!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -145.64, -102.93, -6.51!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -183.70, -103.41, 130.28!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -175.95, -100.65, 131.18!
- [15:17:19]Auto-team balance disabled
- [15:17:23]MuonRay[29310295] ran command sh_motd with no arguments.
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:17:26]Manon[8186077] ran command sh_votemap with no arguments.
- [15:17:27]MuonRay[29310295] ran command sh_votemap with no arguments.
- [15:17:32]Ohm[540724] ran command sh_voterandom with no arguments.
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:17:37]Started Vote: VoteResetGame
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:17:44]Razorback[33320329] ran command sh_voterandom with no arguments.
- Client connected (
- [15:17:46]Client Authed. Steam ID: 96147659
- PunishR92 connected.
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:17:48]vanilla bear[8203579] ran command sh_voterandom with no arguments.
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:18:01]Auto-team balance enabled
- [15:18:02]Vote Complete: VoteResetGame. Successful? No
- [15:18:03]Auto-team balance disabled
- Client connecting (
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:18:52]AngeL13EviL[96536202] ran command sh_voterandom with no arguments.
- Client connecting (
- [15:18:56]wairus died
- [15:18:58]Chat All - Endymionis: or go marine :P
- Client connecting (
- Client connecting (
- Client connecting (
- Client connecting (
- Client connected (
- [15:20:03]Client Authed. Steam ID: 3190629
- Belse connected.
- [15:20:07]Blubber died
- [15:20:08]AngeL13EviL died
- [15:20:15]Blessure died
- [15:20:18]AltarrPL died
- [15:20:18]vanilla bear died
- Client connected (
- [15:20:19]Client Authed. Steam ID: 16677556
- NM219 connected.
- [15:20:22]Chat Team - vanilla bear: surface
- Client disconnected ( Your game files do not match the server's. Try verifying your game cache in Steam, or maybe an update just came out.
- [15:20:34]Chat All - vanilla bear: damn skulk packs
- Client connected (
- [15:20:35]Client Authed. Steam ID: 119428364
- saku2531 connected.
- Client connecting (
- Client connected (
- [15:20:49]Client Authed. Steam ID: 54828328
- Exoriz connected.
- [15:20:55]MuonRay died
- [15:20:56]wairus died
- [15:21:04]Blubber died
- [15:21:13]PunishR92 died
- [15:21:14]Grimsain died
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:21:42]Auto-team balance enabled
- Client connecting (
- Client connected (
- [15:21:55]Client Authed. Steam ID: 83825784
- Homomursu connected.
- [15:21:58]vanilla bear died
- [15:22:09]MuonRay died
- [15:22:18]AngeL13EviL died
- [15:22:24]saku2531 died
- [15:22:31]Auto-team balance disabled
- Client connected (
- [15:22:32]Client Authed. Steam ID: 79129218
- Dave342 connected.
- [15:22:52]Razorback died
- [15:22:53]MrSexyBoy died
- [15:23:00]PunishR92 died
- [15:23:09]Nairi died
- [15:23:15]AltarrPL died
- Client connected (
- [15:23:16]Client Authed. Steam ID: 60266752
- mannejonne connected.
- [15:23:22]Blessure died
- [15:23:27]Exoriz died
- [15:23:27]Razorback died
- [15:23:31]Chat Team - Dave342: lalalalalal
- [15:23:32]Chat All - wairus: moikka
- [15:23:34]Chat Team - Razorback: 2 rts...
- [15:23:36]Blubber died
- [15:23:47]Cthululu died
- [15:24:04]Smith died
- [15:24:10]saku2531 died
- [15:24:13]AltarrPL died
- [15:24:16]Nairi died
- [15:24:17]mannejonne died
- [15:24:20]Blessure died
- [15:24:26]vanilla bear died
- [15:24:27]saku2531 died
- [15:24:29]Chat Team - Dave342: triple killl
- [15:24:30]Cthululu died
- [15:24:31]Blubber died
- [15:24:32]AltarrPL died
- [15:24:34]NM219 died
- [15:24:37]AngeL13EviL died
- [15:24:52]mannejonne died
- [15:24:55]Belse died
- [15:24:56]Exoriz died
- [15:24:56]Blubber died
- Client connected (
- [15:24:56]Client Authed. Steam ID: 17486
- Epsilon connected.
- [15:25:11]Chat Team - Dave342: aww
- [15:25:19]Chat Team - Dave342: my 300 ping too hihgh
- [15:25:23]Chat All - wairus: heippa
- [15:25:29]Chat All - wairus: homo?
- [15:25:30]Blubber died
- [15:25:37]Razorback died
- [15:25:44]mannejonne died
- [15:25:48]AltarrPL died
- [15:25:51]Chat Team - Razorback: lets get biodome
- [15:25:51]Exoriz died
- [15:25:52]NM219 died
- [15:25:56]Nairi died
- [15:26:01]Epsilon died
- [15:26:04]vanilla bear died
- [15:26:05]MrSexyBoy died
- [15:26:05]Blubber died
- [15:26:08]mannejonne died
- [15:26:09]Cthululu died
- [15:26:17]wairus died
- [15:26:32]Blubber died
- [15:26:38]saku2531 died
- [15:26:42]Blessure died
- [15:26:42]Exoriz died
- [15:26:57]Blubber died
- [15:27:01]vanilla bear died
- [15:27:02]AltarrPL died
- Client disconnected ( Kicked
- [15:27:08]Epsilon died
- [15:27:20]Smith died
- [15:27:22]AltarrPL died
- [15:27:23]Blubber died
- [15:27:24]Exoriz died
- Client connecting (
- [15:27:28]AngeL13EviL died
- [15:27:28]wairus died
- [15:27:32]Razorback died
- [15:27:37]Chat Team - Blubber: theyre building up a whole base
- [15:27:49]Chat Team - Blubber: ar ibservation
- [15:27:54]Client MrSexyBoy[71321892] was AFK for over 1 minute and 30 seconds. Kicking...
- Client disconnected ( Kicked
- Client connecting (
- [15:27:59]Chat Team - Ohm: can a skult go water and thake their rt?
- [15:27:59]wairus died
- [15:28:04]Auto-team balance enabled
- [15:28:06]NM219 died
- [15:28:07]MuonRay died
- [15:28:07]AltarrPL died
- [15:28:10]Blessure died
- [15:28:11]Exoriz died
- [15:28:11]mannejonne died
- Client connected (
- [15:28:13]Client Authed. Steam ID: 17971890
- Lodu connected.
- [15:28:14]Nairi died
- [15:28:19]Chat Team - Smith: mines? grenades?
- [15:28:20]Chat Team - NM219: HIVE in surcafe
- [15:28:20]Auto-team balance disabled
- [15:28:29]Chat Team - NM219: face*
- [15:28:40]Blubber died
- [15:28:51]Nairi died
- [15:28:57]NM219 died
- [15:28:59]Chat Team - Blubber: were losing hangar
- [15:29:02]Epsilon died
- [15:29:02]Smith died
- [15:29:05]Lodu died
- [15:29:06]Blessure died
- [15:29:09]vanilla bear died
- [15:29:10]Exoriz died
- [15:29:10]Blubber died
- [15:29:17]NM219 died
- [15:29:19]Client Cthululu[42740069] was AFK for over 1 minute and 30 seconds. Kicking...
- Client disconnected ( Kicked
- [15:29:21]Lodu died
- [15:29:27]mannejonne died
- [15:29:29]saku2531 died
- [15:29:29]Auto-team balance enabled
- [15:29:38]AngeL13EviL died
- [15:29:41]Blubber died
- [15:29:49]NM219 died
- [15:29:51]Lodu died
- [15:29:53]Chat Team - AngeL13EviL: pg
- Error: Exceeded maximum number of snapshots
- [15:30:08]Auto-team balance disabled
- [15:30:09]Razorback died
- [15:30:12]AltarrPL died
- [15:30:15]Belse died
- Client connected (
- [15:30:16]Client Authed. Steam ID: 92329312
- Escobaari connected.
- [15:30:32]Chat Team - Razorback: lets concede
- [15:30:48]Epsilon died
- [15:30:58]AngeL13EviL died
- [15:31:27]Chat Team - Blubber: #
- [15:31:31]AngeL13EviL died
- [15:31:33]Epsilon died
- [15:31:41]PunishR92 died
- [15:31:44]AngeL13EviL died
- [15:31:50]Razorback died
- [15:31:57]vanilla bear died
- [15:31:58]AngeL13EviL died
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:32:01]EqE | Luburium died
- [15:32:06]Razorback died
- [15:32:11]vanilla bear died
- Client connecting (
- [15:32:12]Escobaari died
- [15:32:15]Exoriz died
- [15:32:20]Lodu died
- [15:32:23]Blessure died
- [15:32:26]Nairi died
- [15:32:28]Chat Team - AngeL13EviL: rรฉveil les gars non
- [15:32:28]Chat Team - Razorback: please concede
- [15:32:29]AltarrPL died
- Client connected (
- [15:32:33]Client Authed. Steam ID: 3190629
- Belse connected.
- [15:32:34]Smith died
- Client connecting (
- [15:32:41]mannejonne died
- [15:32:57]Chat Team - Razorback: press x and down
- [15:33:00]saku2531 died
- [15:33:02]Escobaari died
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- Client connecting (
- [15:33:40]EqE | Luburium died
- [15:33:44]Smith died
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
- [15:33:50]Blessure died
- [15:33:51]Nairi died
- Client connected (
- [15:33:53]Client Authed. Steam ID: 71263579
- actionorb connected.
- [15:33:53]AltarrPL died
- [15:33:56]PunishR92 died
- [15:34:01]Ohm died
- [15:34:04]mannejonne died
- [15:34:04]Razorback died
- [15:34:11]vanilla bear died
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: game info ------------------
- [15:34:11]{players = {},gameTime = 907.8037109375,tournamentMode = "false",gameMode = "mod",serverIp = "",mapName = "ns2_kodiak",port = 27015,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 7,nickname = "Homomursu",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 699.87695425749,alienTime = 699.87695425749,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 0,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 83825784,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 91,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 2,nickname = "Endymionis",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 907.63879678026,kills = 0,playTime = 907.63879678026,alienTime = 907.63879678026,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 0,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 7391431,isCommander = "true",isWinner = "true",score = 8,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 10,nickname = "AltarrPL",marineTime = 907.69212436117,commanderTime = 0,kills = 2,playTime = 907.69212436117,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 11,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 112663594,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 48,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 9,nickname = "MuonRay",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 907.71705718432,alienTime = 907.71705718432,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 3,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 29310295,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 103,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 12,nickname = "wairus",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 5,playTime = 907.39061522484,alienTime = 907.39061522484,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 73770008,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 128,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 11,nickname = "NM219",marineTime = 562.50211370829,commanderTime = 0,kills = 3,playTime = 799.57082249224,alienTime = 237.06870878395,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 6,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 16677556,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 132,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 8,nickname = "Exoriz",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 26,playTime = 789.11382932588,alienTime = 789.11382932588,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 54828328,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 239,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 6,nickname = "AngeL13EviL",marineTime = 838.47913925909,commanderTime = 0,kills = 7,playTime = 838.47913925909,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 9,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 96536202,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 125,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 8,nickname = "Razorback",marineTime = 907.64217203856,commanderTime = 8.1798989214003,kills = 13,playTime = 907.64217203856,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 33320329,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 205,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 11,nickname = "Blessure",marineTime = 907.19005952217,commanderTime = 0,kills = 2,playTime = 907.19005952217,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 90933426,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 48,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 16,nickname = "Ohm",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 20,playTime = 907.89999963157,alienTime = 907.89999963157,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 1,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 540724,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 203,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 10,nickname = "MrSexyBoy",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 529.48304946721,alienTime = 529.48304946721,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 2,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 71321892,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 45,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 5,nickname = "Cthululu",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 0,playTime = 614.28996323049,alienTime = 614.28996323049,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 3,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 42740069,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 45,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 17,nickname = "vanilla bear",marineTime = 907.86439125426,commanderTime = 0,kills = 3,playTime = 907.86439125426,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 9,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 8203579,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 114,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 10,nickname = "Smith",marineTime = 907.74623484537,commanderTime = 0,kills = 4,playTime = 907.74623484537,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 36783015,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 87,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 4,nickname = "Lodu",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 4,playTime = 350.60164031945,alienTime = 350.60164031945,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 17971890,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 57,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 6,nickname = "Epsilon",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 7,playTime = 518.24515286088,alienTime = 518.24515286088,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 17486,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 84,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 5,nickname = "mannejonne",marineTime = 627.53839959949,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 627.53839959949,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 60266752,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 40,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 7,nickname = "saku2531",marineTime = 794.25877161883,commanderTime = 0,kills = 4,playTime = 794.25877161883,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 6,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 119428364,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 34,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 4,nickname = "EqE | Luburium",marineTime = 907.84960992076,commanderTime = 769.69662507996,kills = 0,playTime = 907.84960992076,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 2,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 16015872,isCommander = "true",isWinner = "false",score = 38,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 11,nickname = "Blubber",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 11,playTime = 906.51504531875,alienTime = 906.51504531875,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 13,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 91386535,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 130,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 15,nickname = "PunishR92",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 3,playTime = 907.74241466448,alienTime = 907.74241466448,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 96147659,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 72,}
- [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
- [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 4,nickname = "Nairi",marineTime = 907.74660369102,commanderTime = 0,kills = 4,playTime = 907.74660369102,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 7,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 49535419,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 46,}
- [15:34:12]Chat Team - Blubber: that was close
- Shine ns2stats config file updated.
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -202.91, -109.11, 129.43!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -183.70, -103.41, 130.28!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -68.38, -107.68, 29.64!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -171.10, -100.81, 26.69!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -50.77, -106.58, 65.94!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -134.38, -108.05, 79.88!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -81.03, -110.26, 100.74!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -234.21, -106.30, 85.64!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -133.37, -106.95, 126.36!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -127.41, -103.76, 11.38!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -127.41, -103.76, 11.38!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -143.67, -103.10, -3.02!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -135.74, -103.63, -2.39!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -183.70, -103.41, 130.28!
- Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -175.95, -100.65, 131.18!
- [15:34:22]Chat All - Razorback: almost perfect streak ohm
- [15:34:26]Chat All - Ohm: :,(
- [15:34:27]Homomursu[83825784] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
- [15:34:29]Escobaari[92329312] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:34:32]Razorback[33320329] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_summit
- [15:34:32]Homomursu[83825784] ran command sh_showlivestats with no arguments.
- [15:34:35]PunishR92[96147659] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
- [15:34:37]Blubber[91386535] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_mineshaft
- Client connecting (
- [15:34:38]AltarrPL[112663594] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
- [15:34:39]vanilla bear[8203579] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_mineshaft
- [15:34:43]Smith[36783015] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_summit
- [15:34:50]Ohm[540724] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_mineshaft
- [15:34:51]Chat All - Belse: how do i vote? :)
- [15:34:52]Exoriz[54828328] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_mineshaft
- [15:34:56]Chat All - vanilla bear: biodome was the map before this
- [15:34:59]EqE | Luburium[16015872] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:35:01]Chat All - Smith: it says, press m
- [15:35:02]Chat All - Razorback: read instructions
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- [15:35:05]Chat All - Smith: then press vote
- [15:35:08]mannejonne[60266752] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
- [15:35:08]Belse[3190629] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_mineshaft
- [15:35:13]Chat All - Belse: thx :)
- [15:35:15]Chat Team - vanilla bear: noooo
- Client disconnected ( Quit
- Downloading mods
- Finished downloading and installing mods
- Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m706d242_1391697805/
- Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m7b986f5_1392429705/
- Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m88fecb5_1391364983/
- Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/md9fee4d_1392520064/
- Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/maa8da06_1392134733/
- Loading Shine config...
- Loading extensions...
- - Extension 'basecommands' loaded.
- - Extension 'welcomemessages' loaded.
- - Extension 'logging' loaded.
- - Extension 'ns2stats' loaded.
- - Extension 'afkkick' loaded.
- - Extension 'unstuck' loaded.
- - Extension 'adverts' loaded.
- - Extension 'voterandom' loaded.
- - Extension 'pingtracker' loaded.
- - Extension 'ban' loaded.
- - Extension 'mapvote' loaded.
- - Extension 'motd' loaded.
- - Extension 'votesurrender' loaded.
- Completed loading Shine extensions.
- Loading Shine users...
- [15:35:18]Shine started up successfully.
- [15:35:18]Loading config://ServerConfig.json
- [15:35:18]Loading config://ServerAdmin.json
- [15:35:18]Loading config://BannedPlayers.json
- [15:35:18]Loading config://MapCycle.json
- [15:35:18]Loading config://ConsistencyConfig.json
- [15:35:18]Hashed 1 game_setup.xml files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 888 *.lua files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 37 *.hlsl files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 30 *.shader files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 18 *.screenfx files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 136 *.surface_shader files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 3 *.render_setup files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 14 *.level files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 5806 *.dds files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 81 *.jpg files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 43 *.png files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 905 *.cinematic files for consistency
- [15:35:18]Hashed 2249 *.material files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Hashed 3906 *.model files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Hashed 105 *.animation_graph files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Hashed 201 *.polygons files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Hashed 3 *.fev files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Hashed 23 *.fsb files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Skipped 378 ui/*.dds files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Skipped 120 *_view*.dds files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Skipped 54 *_view*.material files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Skipped 123 *_view*.model files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Skipped 17 models/marine/hands/* files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Hashed 0 lua/entry/*.entry files for consistency
- [15:35:19]Consistency checking took 1 seconds
- [Server] Script Error #1: Error: Unknown script error
- Call stack:
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