Guest User

The Thirsty Onos crash log

a guest
Feb 17th, 2014
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text 74.32 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Client disconnected ( Quit
  2. Downloading mods
  3. Finished downloading and installing mods
  4. Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m706d242_1391697805/
  5. Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m7b986f5_1392429705/
  6. Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m88fecb5_1391364983/
  7. Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/md9fee4d_1392520064/
  8. Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/maa8da06_1392134733/
  9. Loading Shine config...
  10. Loading extensions...
  11. - Extension 'basecommands' loaded.
  12. - Extension 'welcomemessages' loaded.
  13. - Extension 'logging' loaded.
  14. - Extension 'ns2stats' loaded.
  15. - Extension 'afkkick' loaded.
  16. - Extension 'unstuck' loaded.
  17. - Extension 'adverts' loaded.
  18. - Extension 'voterandom' loaded.
  19. - Extension 'pingtracker' loaded.
  20. - Extension 'ban' loaded.
  21. - Extension 'mapvote' loaded.
  22. - Extension 'motd' loaded.
  23. - Extension 'votesurrender' loaded.
  24. Completed loading Shine extensions.
  25. Loading Shine users...
  26. [15:01:27]Shine started up successfully.
  27. [15:01:27]Loading config://ServerConfig.json
  28. [15:01:27]Loading config://ServerAdmin.json
  29. [15:01:27]Loading config://BannedPlayers.json
  30. [15:01:27]Loading config://MapCycle.json
  31. [15:01:27]Loading config://ConsistencyConfig.json
  32. [15:01:27]Hashed 1 game_setup.xml files for consistency
  33. [15:01:27]Hashed 888 *.lua files for consistency
  34. [15:01:27]Hashed 37 *.hlsl files for consistency
  35. [15:01:27]Hashed 30 *.shader files for consistency
  36. [15:01:27]Hashed 18 *.screenfx files for consistency
  37. [15:01:28]Hashed 136 *.surface_shader files for consistency
  38. [15:01:28]Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
  39. [15:01:28]Hashed 3 *.render_setup files for consistency
  40. [15:01:28]Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
  41. [15:01:28]Hashed 14 *.level files for consistency
  42. [15:01:28]Hashed 5806 *.dds files for consistency
  43. [15:01:28]Hashed 81 *.jpg files for consistency
  44. [15:01:28]Hashed 43 *.png files for consistency
  45. [15:01:28]Hashed 905 *.cinematic files for consistency
  46. [15:01:28]Hashed 2249 *.material files for consistency
  47. [15:01:28]Hashed 3906 *.model files for consistency
  48. [15:01:28]Hashed 105 *.animation_graph files for consistency
  49. [15:01:28]Hashed 201 *.polygons files for consistency
  50. [15:01:28]Hashed 3 *.fev files for consistency
  51. [15:01:28]Hashed 23 *.fsb files for consistency
  52. [15:01:28]Skipped 378 ui/*.dds files for consistency
  53. [15:01:28]Skipped 120 *_view*.dds files for consistency
  54. [15:01:28]Skipped 54 *_view*.material files for consistency
  55. [15:01:28]Skipped 123 *_view*.model files for consistency
  56. [15:01:28]Skipped 17 models/marine/hands/* files for consistency
  57. [15:01:28]Hashed 0 lua/entry/*.entry files for consistency
  58. [15:01:28]Consistency checking took 1 seconds
  59. Loading 'maps/ns2_kodiak.level'
  60. Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/forcefield_tile.material'
  61. Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/frag_rock_05.model'
  62. Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/sprinklers_top.model'
  63. Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/halo_red.model'
  64. Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/halo_green.model'
  65. Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/halo_rounded_red.model'
  66. Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/frag_rock_04.model'
  67. Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_kodiak.level
  68. Finished loading 'maps/ns2_kodiak.level'
  69. Error: Couldn't open file 'models/effects/frag_metal_01.model'
  70. Client connected (
  71. [15:01:54]Client Authed. Steam ID: 42740069
  72. Cthululu connected.
  73. Client connected (
  74. [15:01:56]Client Authed. Steam ID: 39089208
  75. Alien connected.
  76. Client connected (
  77. [15:01:57]Client Authed. Steam ID: 8203579
  78. vanilla bear connected.
  79. Client connected (
  80. [15:02:00]Client Authed. Steam ID: 29310295
  81. MuonRay connected.
  82. Client connected (
  83. [15:02:03]Client Authed. Steam ID: 10735217
  84. HitNrun connected.
  85. [15:02:05]Cthululu[42740069] ran command sh_voterandom with no arguments.
  86. Client connected (
  87. [15:02:06]Client Authed. Steam ID: 67537299
  88. [UKT] inf connected.
  89. [15:02:06]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
  90. Client connected (
  91. [15:02:06]Client Authed. Steam ID: 16015872
  92. EqE | Luburium connected.
  93. Client connected (
  94. [15:02:09]Client Authed. Steam ID: 48280085
  95. Deddy connected.
  96. [15:02:09]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
  97. Client connecting (
  98. Client connected (
  99. [15:02:17]Client Authed. Steam ID: 8186077
  100. Manon connected.
  101. Client connected (
  102. [15:02:17]Client Authed. Steam ID: 49535419
  103. Nairi connected.
  104. [15:02:17]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
  105. Client connected (
  106. [15:02:21]Client Authed. Steam ID: 7391431
  107. Endymionis connected.
  108. [15:02:22]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  109. Client connected (
  110. [15:02:27]Client Authed. Steam ID: 25475094
  111. Grimsain connected.
  112. Client connected (
  113. [15:02:30]Client Authed. Steam ID: 103876843
  114. Gorge of the jungle connected.
  115. Client connected (
  116. [15:02:32]Client Authed. Steam ID: 66183253
  117. magic cookie 54 connected.
  118. Client connected (
  119. [15:02:35]Client Authed. Steam ID: 540724
  120. Ohm connected.
  121. Client connected (
  122. [15:02:37]Client Authed. Steam ID: 94612929
  123. DiZzYy connected.
  124. Client connected (
  125. [15:02:37]Client Authed. Steam ID: 118098178
  126. Jdr connected.
  127. Client connected (
  128. [15:02:43]Client Authed. Steam ID: 36783015
  129. Smith connected.
  130. [15:02:48]Chat All - vanilla bear: is this an unofficial map?
  131. Client connected (
  132. [15:02:48]Client Authed. Steam ID: 106927402
  133. Sobbe connected.
  134. [15:02:53]Chat All - HitNrun: yep
  135. [15:02:53]Chat All - Manon: Yes
  136. [15:02:54]Chat All - Endymionis: yes
  137. Client connected (
  138. [15:02:55]Client Authed. Steam ID: 71321892
  139. MrSexyBoy connected.
  140. [15:03:00]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  141. [15:03:05]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
  142. [15:03:06]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  143. [15:03:06]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  144. [15:03:08]Chat All - HitNrun: but part of season 3 mappack
  145. [15:03:15]Auto-team balance enabled
  146. [15:03:23]Auto-team balance disabled
  147. Client connected (
  148. [15:03:25]Client Authed. Steam ID: 90933426
  149. Blessure connected.
  150. Error: Exceeded maximum number of snapshots
  151. Client connecting (
  152. Client disconnected ( Quit
  153. [15:03:49]Smith died
  154. [15:04:06]magic cookie 54 died
  155. Client connecting (
  156. [15:04:20]Endymionis died
  157. Client disconnected ( Timeout
  158. Client connected (
  159. [15:04:22]Client Authed. Steam ID: 149350448
  160. guswns0767 connected.
  161. [15:04:25]Smith died
  162. Client connected (
  163. [15:04:29]Client Authed. Steam ID: 82123610
  164. Guwuzgt connected.
  165. Client connected (
  166. [15:04:30]Client Authed. Steam ID: 112663594
  167. AltarrPL connected.
  168. [15:04:35]Nairi died
  169. [15:04:48]DiZzYy died
  170. [15:04:49]Chat Team - Manon: make tunnel
  171. Client connecting (
  172. [15:04:54]Ohm died
  173. [15:04:58]MrSexyBoy died
  174. [15:05:00][UKT] inf died
  175. Client connected (
  176. [15:05:09]Client Authed. Steam ID: 73770008
  177. wairus connected.
  178. [15:05:15]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  179. [15:05:20]Smith died
  180. [15:05:21]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  181. [15:05:29][UKT] inf died
  182. [15:05:37]guswns0767 died
  183. [15:05:42]Cthululu died
  184. [15:05:43]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  185. [15:05:49]MrSexyBoy died
  186. Client connected (
  187. [15:05:50]Client Authed. Steam ID: 96536202
  188. AngeL13EviL connected.
  189. [15:06:01]Nairi died
  190. [15:06:08]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  191. [15:06:21]Deddy died
  192. [15:06:30]AltarrPL died
  193. [15:06:33]Endymionis died
  194. [15:06:33]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
  195. [15:06:34]Sobbe died
  196. [15:06:39]Blessure died
  197. [15:06:50]Cthululu died
  198. [15:06:57][UKT] inf died
  199. [15:06:59]vanilla bear died
  200. [15:07:02]Smith died
  201. [15:07:03]DiZzYy died
  202. [15:07:07]wairus died
  203. [15:07:08]Sobbe died
  204. [15:07:12]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  205. [15:07:17]Guwuzgt died
  206. [15:07:19]Deddy died
  207. [15:07:22]guswns0767 died
  208. [15:07:23]Nairi died
  209. [15:07:30]MuonRay died
  210. [15:07:30]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
  211. [15:07:41]HitNrun died
  212. [15:07:56]Cthululu died
  213. [15:08:05]Deddy died
  214. [15:08:06]Guwuzgt died
  215. [15:08:06]Endymionis died
  216. [15:08:08]Smith died
  217. [15:08:14]Sobbe died
  218. [15:08:14][UKT] inf died
  219. [15:08:15]HitNrun died
  220. [15:08:15]MrSexyBoy died
  221. [15:08:17]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
  222. [15:08:29]Chat Team - Manon: OMG
  223. [15:08:29]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  224. [15:08:32]Chat Team - Manon: CAN YOU COM HEREยฃยต
  225. [15:08:35]vanilla bear died
  226. [15:08:36]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  227. [15:08:36]MuonRay died
  228. [15:08:40]guswns0767 died
  229. [15:08:43]Blessure died
  230. [15:08:44]DiZzYy died
  231. [15:08:46][UKT] inf died
  232. [15:08:50]Chat All - Manon: have you eyes
  233. Client disconnected ( Quit
  234. Client disconnected ( Kicked
  235. [15:08:55]Chat All - Manon: i need help
  236. [15:08:57]Chat All - Manon: about 10 min
  237. [15:08:59]Chat All - Manon: seriou
  238. [15:09:02]Chat All - Manon: noob team
  239. [15:09:04]Auto-team balance enabled
  240. [15:09:09]Endymionis died
  241. Client connecting (
  242. [15:09:12]Smith died
  243. Client connecting (
  244. [15:09:18]Jdr cast vote to eject commander Manon
  245. [15:09:25]vanilla bear died
  246. [15:09:26]Smith cast vote to eject commander Manon
  247. [15:09:36]Manon[8186077] ran command sh_votesurrender with no arguments.
  248. [15:09:38]MuonRay died
  249. Client connected (
  250. [15:09:38]Client Authed. Steam ID: 149350448
  251. guswns0767 connected.
  252. [15:09:39]Chat Team - Manon: team noob
  253. [15:09:41]Chat Team - Manon: nobodyu obey order
  254. [15:09:42]MuonRay[29310295] ran command sh_votesurrender with no arguments.
  255. [15:09:43]Chat Team - Manon: 0 help
  256. [15:09:44]Auto-team balance disabled
  257. [15:09:54]vanilla bear died
  258. [15:09:57]Cthululu died
  259. [15:10:02]Chat Team - Manon: 5 minutes noobody move command
  260. [15:10:04]Chat Team - Manon: serious
  261. [15:10:05]Chat Team - Manon: open eyes
  262. [15:10:08]Chat Team - Manon: seee objectif
  263. [15:10:09]Grimsain died
  264. [15:10:15]Cthululu died
  265. [15:10:16]wairus died
  266. [15:10:20]AltarrPL died
  267. [15:10:21]Deddy died
  268. [15:10:24]MrSexyBoy died
  269. [15:10:24]Endymionis died
  270. [15:10:28]HitNrun died
  271. [15:10:30]Guwuzgt died
  272. [15:10:30]Smith died
  273. [15:10:33]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
  274. [15:10:35]Sobbe died
  275. [15:10:37]Endymionis cast vote to eject commander Manon
  276. [15:10:56]Nairi died
  277. [15:11:04]Endymionis died
  278. [15:11:06]Jdr died
  279. [15:11:08]MuonRay died
  280. [15:11:08]AltarrPL died
  281. [15:11:11]Chat All - Endymionis: is it just me lagging?
  282. [15:11:13]Grimsain died
  283. [15:11:21]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  284. [15:11:23]Guwuzgt died
  285. [15:11:26]Smith died
  286. [15:11:31]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  287. [15:11:43]Jdr died
  288. Client connected (
  289. [15:11:46]Client Authed. Steam ID: 91386535
  290. Blubber connected.
  291. [15:11:57]ERROR: Client tried to request skulk variant they do not have yet
  292. Client disconnected ( Quit
  293. [15:11:59]MuonRay died
  294. [15:12:02]Smith died
  295. Error: Exceeded maximum number of snapshots
  296. [15:12:15]Endymionis died
  297. [15:12:17]AltarrPL died
  298. [15:12:29]Chat Team - Smith: they're headed to observation
  299. [15:12:31]Blessure died
  300. [15:12:33]wairus died
  301. [15:12:36]vanilla bear died
  302. [15:12:38]MuonRay died
  303. [15:12:48]Chat Team - Endymionis: we need some higher lifeforms, can someone go lerk?
  304. [15:12:57]MuonRay[29310295] ran command sh_votesurrender with no arguments.
  305. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  306. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  307. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  308. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  309. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  310. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  311. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  312. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  313. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  314. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  315. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  316. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  317. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  318. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  319. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  320. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  321. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  322. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  323. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  324. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  325. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  326. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  327. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  328. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  329. Client connecting (
  330. [15:13:10]MuonRay died
  331. [15:13:15]AltarrPL died
  332. [15:13:18]Guwuzgt died
  333. [15:13:23]Grimsain died
  334. [15:13:25]guswns0767 died
  335. [15:13:25]vanilla bear died
  336. [15:13:26]Deddy died
  337. [15:13:26]Endymionis died
  338. [15:13:32]MrSexyBoy died
  339. [15:13:36]Blubber died
  340. [15:13:39]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
  341. [15:13:42]Smith died
  342. [15:13:43]Blessure died
  343. [15:13:51]Alien died
  344. [15:13:53]MuonRay died
  345. [15:14:09]Blubber died
  346. Client disconnected ( Kicked
  347. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  348. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  349. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  350. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  351. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  352. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  353. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  354. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  355. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  356. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  357. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  358. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  359. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  360. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  361. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  362. [15:14:15]Auto-team balance enabled
  363. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  364. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  365. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  366. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  367. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  368. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  369. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  370. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  371. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  372. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  373. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  374. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  375. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  376. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  377. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  378. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  379. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  380. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  381. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  382. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  383. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  384. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  385. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  386. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  387. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  388. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  389. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  390. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  391. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  392. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  393. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  394. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  395. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  396. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  397. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  398. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  399. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  400. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  401. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  402. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  403. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  404. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  405. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  406. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  407. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  408. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  409. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  410. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  411. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  412. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  413. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  414. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  415. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  416. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  417. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  418. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  419. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  420. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  421. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  422. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  423. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  424. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  425. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  426. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  427. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  428. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  429. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  430. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  431. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  432. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  433. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  434. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  435. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  436. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  437. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  438. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  439. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  440. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  441. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  442. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  443. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  444. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  445. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  446. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  447. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  448. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  449. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  450. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  451. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  452. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  453. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  454. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  455. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  456. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  457. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  458. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  459. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  460. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  461. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  462. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  463. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  464. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  465. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  466. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  467. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  468. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  469. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  470. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  471. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  472. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  473. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  474. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  475. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  476. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  477. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  478. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  479. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  480. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  481. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  482. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  483. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  484. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  485. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  486. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  487. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  488. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  489. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  490. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  491. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  492. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  493. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  494. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  495. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  496. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  497. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  498. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  499. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  500. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  501. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  502. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  503. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  504. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  505. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  506. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  507. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  508. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  509. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  510. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  511. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  512. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  513. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  514. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  515. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  516. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  517. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  518. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  519. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  520. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  521. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  522. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  523. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  524. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  525. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  526. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  527. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  528. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  529. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  530. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  531. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  532. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  533. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  534. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  535. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  536. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  537. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  538. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  539. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  540. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  541. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  542. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  543. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  544. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  545. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  546. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  547. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  548. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  549. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  550. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  551. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  552. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  553. [15:14:20]Guwuzgt died
  554. [15:14:21]Smith died
  555. Client connected (
  556. [15:14:21]Client Authed. Steam ID: 33320329
  557. Razorback connected.
  558. [15:14:26]AltarrPL died
  559. Client connecting (
  560. [15:14:37]Auto-team balance disabled
  561. [15:14:40]Alien died
  562. [15:14:40]Blubber died
  563. [15:14:43]Nairi died
  564. [15:14:50]Chat Team - Blubber: PHASE GATE TO BASE
  565. [15:14:53]Guwuzgt died
  566. [15:14:55]Endymionis died
  567. [15:15:07]Blessure died
  568. [15:15:09]Blubber died
  569. [15:15:12]Chat Team - Ohm: armory outside hangar please
  570. [15:15:36]Smith died
  571. [15:15:46]Guwuzgt died
  572. [15:15:48]Endymionis died
  573. [15:15:54]DiZzYy died
  574. [15:15:55]Grimsain died
  575. [15:15:56]Blubber died
  576. [15:15:59]Chat Team - Ohm: can we have an armory between hagar and hydro?
  577. [15:16:06]Chat Team - Endymionis: how hard is it to get a harvester up?
  578. [15:16:08]Smith died
  579. [15:16:13]DiZzYy died
  580. [15:16:14]Blessure died
  581. [15:16:17]Chat Team - Manon: where
  582. [15:16:18]Blubber died
  583. [15:16:20]AltarrPL died
  584. [15:16:24]Endymionis died
  585. [15:16:26]Smith died
  586. [15:16:27]Chat Team - Manon: go build it
  587. Client disconnected ( Quit
  588. [15:16:36]AltarrPL died
  589. [15:16:37]Auto-team balance enabled
  590. [15:16:38]MuonRay died
  591. [15:16:38]Blubber died
  592. [15:16:41]vanilla bear died
  593. [15:16:43]Chat Team - Manon: i no drop a haverster with no support
  594. Client connecting (
  595. [15:16:45]HitNrun died
  596. [15:16:47]Chat Team - Manon: need 30 sec for buuild it
  597. [15:16:51]Blessure died
  598. [15:16:53]Chat Team - Manon: no protect he down
  599. [15:16:54]wairus died
  600. [15:17:02]AltarrPL died
  601. [15:17:04]MuonRay died
  602. [15:17:06]vanilla bear died
  603. [15:17:07]Blubber died
  604. [15:17:08]Endymionis died
  605. [15:17:08]Smith died
  606. [15:17:10]Blessure died
  607. [15:17:11]Guwuzgt died
  608. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: game info ------------------
  609. [15:17:11]{players = {},gameTime = 839.50504302979,tournamentMode = "false",gameMode = "mod",serverIp = "",mapName = "ns2_kodiak",port = 27015,}
  610. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  611. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 12,nickname = "HitNrun",marineTime = 839.46925565694,commanderTime = 0,kills = 13,playTime = 839.46925565694,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 10735217,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 177,}
  612. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  613. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 6,nickname = "Endymionis",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 10,playTime = 838.50997916842,alienTime = 838.50997916842,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 12,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 7391431,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 125,}
  614. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  615. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 1,nickname = "EqE | Luburium",marineTime = 839.49474142864,commanderTime = 820.57180050015,kills = 0,playTime = 839.49474142864,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 0,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 16015872,isCommander = "true",isWinner = "true",score = 3,}
  616. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  617. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 5,nickname = "MuonRay",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 2,playTime = 839.24886100367,alienTime = 839.24886100367,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 10,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 29310295,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 45,}
  618. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  619. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 11,nickname = "Deddy",marineTime = 839.39463287033,commanderTime = 0,kills = 15,playTime = 839.39463287033,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 48280085,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 192,}
  620. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  621. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 4,nickname = "wairus",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 710.98974890634,alienTime = 710.98974890634,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 73770008,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 68,}
  622. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  623. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 22,nickname = "Sobbe",marineTime = 839.45309879817,commanderTime = 0,kills = 10,playTime = 839.45309879817,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 106927402,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 155,}
  624. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  625. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 6,nickname = "AngeL13EviL",marineTime = 664.22124116123,commanderTime = 0,kills = 10,playTime = 664.22124116123,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 0,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 96536202,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 85,}
  626. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  627. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 11,nickname = "DiZzYy",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 795.25294898823,alienTime = 795.25294898823,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 94612929,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 62,}
  628. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  629. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 0,nickname = "Manon",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 839.01572775096,kills = 1,playTime = 839.51964788884,alienTime = 839.51964788884,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 0,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 8186077,isCommander = "true",isWinner = "false",score = 7,}
  630. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  631. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 11,nickname = "MrSexyBoy",marineTime = 839.76298382785,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 839.76298382785,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 71321892,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 83,}
  632. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  633. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 14,nickname = "Grimsain",marineTime = 839.32631452009,commanderTime = 0,kills = 5,playTime = 839.32631452009,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 25475094,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 107,}
  634. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  635. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 9,nickname = "vanilla bear",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 2,playTime = 839.26380804554,alienTime = 839.26380804554,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 8203579,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 137,}
  636. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  637. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 4,nickname = "[UKT] inf",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 7,playTime = 339.55187496589,alienTime = 339.55187496589,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 67537299,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 50,}
  638. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  639. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 7,nickname = "Smith",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 7,playTime = 826.90639082622,alienTime = 826.90639082622,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 15,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 36783015,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 93,}
  640. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  641. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 2,nickname = "Blubber",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 3,playTime = 308.35689306632,alienTime = 308.35689306632,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 91386535,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 27,}
  642. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  643. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 2,nickname = "AltarrPL",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 729.11839654855,alienTime = 729.11839654855,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 9,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 112663594,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 35,}
  644. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  645. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 8,nickname = "Guwuzgt",marineTime = 746.88440834358,commanderTime = 0,kills = 3,playTime = 746.88440834358,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 9,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 82123610,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 78,}
  646. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  647. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 8,nickname = "Alien",marineTime = 839.4839774631,commanderTime = 0,kills = 11,playTime = 839.4839774631,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 2,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 39089208,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 152,}
  648. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  649. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 4,nickname = "Blessure",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 797.43456706591,alienTime = 797.43456706591,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 90933426,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 50,}
  650. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  651. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 7,nickname = "Jdr",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 526.39050232619,alienTime = 526.39050232619,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 2,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 118098178,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 49,}
  652. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  653. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 11,nickname = "Nairi",marineTime = 839.44743226655,commanderTime = 0,kills = 4,playTime = 839.44743226655,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 49535419,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 72,}
  654. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  655. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 10,nickname = "Cthululu",marineTime = 839.27976827696,commanderTime = 0,kills = 11,playTime = 839.27976827696,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 42740069,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 119,}
  656. [15:17:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  657. [15:17:11]{alienTeamSkill = 188.6,assists = 6,nickname = "Ohm",marineTime = 839.47415972874,commanderTime = 0,kills = 8,playTime = 839.47415972874,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 285.33333333333,deaths = 1,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 540724,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 139,}
  658. [15:17:11]wairus died
  659. Shine ns2stats config file updated.
  660. [15:17:13]Manon died
  661. [15:17:17]Chat Team - vanilla bear: poor game
  662. [15:17:19]ERROR: Client tried to request marine variant they do not have yet
  663. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -234.21, -106.30, 85.64!
  664. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -133.37, -106.95, 126.36!
  665. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -127.41, -103.76, 11.38!
  666. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -127.41, -103.76, 11.38!
  667. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -143.67, -103.10, -3.02!
  668. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -145.64, -102.93, -6.51!
  669. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -183.70, -103.41, 130.28!
  670. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -175.95, -100.65, 131.18!
  671. [15:17:19]Auto-team balance disabled
  672. [15:17:23]MuonRay[29310295] ran command sh_motd with no arguments.
  673. Client disconnected ( Quit
  674. [15:17:26]Manon[8186077] ran command sh_votemap with no arguments.
  675. [15:17:27]MuonRay[29310295] ran command sh_votemap with no arguments.
  676. [15:17:32]Ohm[540724] ran command sh_voterandom with no arguments.
  677. Client disconnected ( Quit
  678. [15:17:37]Started Vote: VoteResetGame
  679. Client disconnected ( Quit
  680. [15:17:44]Razorback[33320329] ran command sh_voterandom with no arguments.
  681. Client connected (
  682. [15:17:46]Client Authed. Steam ID: 96147659
  683. PunishR92 connected.
  684. Client disconnected ( Quit
  685. [15:17:48]vanilla bear[8203579] ran command sh_voterandom with no arguments.
  686. Client disconnected ( Quit
  687. [15:18:01]Auto-team balance enabled
  688. [15:18:02]Vote Complete: VoteResetGame. Successful? No
  689. [15:18:03]Auto-team balance disabled
  690. Client connecting (
  691. Client disconnected ( Quit
  692. [15:18:52]AngeL13EviL[96536202] ran command sh_voterandom with no arguments.
  693. Client connecting (
  694. [15:18:56]wairus died
  695. [15:18:58]Chat All - Endymionis: or go marine :P
  696. Client connecting (
  697. Client connecting (
  698. Client connecting (
  699. Client connecting (
  700. Client connected (
  701. [15:20:03]Client Authed. Steam ID: 3190629
  702. Belse connected.
  703. [15:20:07]Blubber died
  704. [15:20:08]AngeL13EviL died
  705. [15:20:15]Blessure died
  706. [15:20:18]AltarrPL died
  707. [15:20:18]vanilla bear died
  708. Client connected (
  709. [15:20:19]Client Authed. Steam ID: 16677556
  710. NM219 connected.
  711. [15:20:22]Chat Team - vanilla bear: surface
  712. Client disconnected ( Your game files do not match the server's. Try verifying your game cache in Steam, or maybe an update just came out.
  713. [15:20:34]Chat All - vanilla bear: damn skulk packs
  714. Client connected (
  715. [15:20:35]Client Authed. Steam ID: 119428364
  716. saku2531 connected.
  717. Client connecting (
  718. Client connected (
  719. [15:20:49]Client Authed. Steam ID: 54828328
  720. Exoriz connected.
  721. [15:20:55]MuonRay died
  722. [15:20:56]wairus died
  723. [15:21:04]Blubber died
  724. [15:21:13]PunishR92 died
  725. [15:21:14]Grimsain died
  726. Client disconnected ( Quit
  727. [15:21:42]Auto-team balance enabled
  728. Client connecting (
  729. Client connected (
  730. [15:21:55]Client Authed. Steam ID: 83825784
  731. Homomursu connected.
  732. [15:21:58]vanilla bear died
  733. [15:22:09]MuonRay died
  734. [15:22:18]AngeL13EviL died
  735. [15:22:24]saku2531 died
  736. [15:22:31]Auto-team balance disabled
  737. Client connected (
  738. [15:22:32]Client Authed. Steam ID: 79129218
  739. Dave342 connected.
  740. [15:22:52]Razorback died
  741. [15:22:53]MrSexyBoy died
  742. [15:23:00]PunishR92 died
  743. [15:23:09]Nairi died
  744. [15:23:15]AltarrPL died
  745. Client connected (
  746. [15:23:16]Client Authed. Steam ID: 60266752
  747. mannejonne connected.
  748. [15:23:22]Blessure died
  749. [15:23:27]Exoriz died
  750. [15:23:27]Razorback died
  751. [15:23:31]Chat Team - Dave342: lalalalalal
  752. [15:23:32]Chat All - wairus: moikka
  753. [15:23:34]Chat Team - Razorback: 2 rts...
  754. [15:23:36]Blubber died
  755. [15:23:47]Cthululu died
  756. [15:24:04]Smith died
  757. [15:24:10]saku2531 died
  758. [15:24:13]AltarrPL died
  759. [15:24:16]Nairi died
  760. [15:24:17]mannejonne died
  761. [15:24:20]Blessure died
  762. [15:24:26]vanilla bear died
  763. [15:24:27]saku2531 died
  764. [15:24:29]Chat Team - Dave342: triple killl
  765. [15:24:30]Cthululu died
  766. [15:24:31]Blubber died
  767. [15:24:32]AltarrPL died
  768. [15:24:34]NM219 died
  769. [15:24:37]AngeL13EviL died
  770. [15:24:52]mannejonne died
  771. [15:24:55]Belse died
  772. [15:24:56]Exoriz died
  773. [15:24:56]Blubber died
  774. Client connected (
  775. [15:24:56]Client Authed. Steam ID: 17486
  776. Epsilon connected.
  777. [15:25:11]Chat Team - Dave342: aww
  778. [15:25:19]Chat Team - Dave342: my 300 ping too hihgh
  779. [15:25:23]Chat All - wairus: heippa
  780. [15:25:29]Chat All - wairus: homo?
  781. [15:25:30]Blubber died
  782. [15:25:37]Razorback died
  783. [15:25:44]mannejonne died
  784. [15:25:48]AltarrPL died
  785. [15:25:51]Chat Team - Razorback: lets get biodome
  786. [15:25:51]Exoriz died
  787. [15:25:52]NM219 died
  788. [15:25:56]Nairi died
  789. [15:26:01]Epsilon died
  790. [15:26:04]vanilla bear died
  791. [15:26:05]MrSexyBoy died
  792. [15:26:05]Blubber died
  793. [15:26:08]mannejonne died
  794. [15:26:09]Cthululu died
  795. [15:26:17]wairus died
  796. [15:26:32]Blubber died
  797. [15:26:38]saku2531 died
  798. [15:26:42]Blessure died
  799. [15:26:42]Exoriz died
  800. [15:26:57]Blubber died
  801. [15:27:01]vanilla bear died
  802. [15:27:02]AltarrPL died
  803. Client disconnected ( Kicked
  804. [15:27:08]Epsilon died
  805. [15:27:20]Smith died
  806. [15:27:22]AltarrPL died
  807. [15:27:23]Blubber died
  808. [15:27:24]Exoriz died
  809. Client connecting (
  810. [15:27:28]AngeL13EviL died
  811. [15:27:28]wairus died
  812. [15:27:32]Razorback died
  813. [15:27:37]Chat Team - Blubber: theyre building up a whole base
  814. [15:27:49]Chat Team - Blubber: ar ibservation
  815. [15:27:54]Client MrSexyBoy[71321892] was AFK for over 1 minute and 30 seconds. Kicking...
  816. Client disconnected ( Kicked
  817. Client connecting (
  818. [15:27:59]Chat Team - Ohm: can a skult go water and thake their rt?
  819. [15:27:59]wairus died
  820. [15:28:04]Auto-team balance enabled
  821. [15:28:06]NM219 died
  822. [15:28:07]MuonRay died
  823. [15:28:07]AltarrPL died
  824. [15:28:10]Blessure died
  825. [15:28:11]Exoriz died
  826. [15:28:11]mannejonne died
  827. Client connected (
  828. [15:28:13]Client Authed. Steam ID: 17971890
  829. Lodu connected.
  830. [15:28:14]Nairi died
  831. [15:28:19]Chat Team - Smith: mines? grenades?
  832. [15:28:20]Chat Team - NM219: HIVE in surcafe
  833. [15:28:20]Auto-team balance disabled
  834. [15:28:29]Chat Team - NM219: face*
  835. [15:28:40]Blubber died
  836. [15:28:51]Nairi died
  837. [15:28:57]NM219 died
  838. [15:28:59]Chat Team - Blubber: were losing hangar
  839. [15:29:02]Epsilon died
  840. [15:29:02]Smith died
  841. [15:29:05]Lodu died
  842. [15:29:06]Blessure died
  843. [15:29:09]vanilla bear died
  844. [15:29:10]Exoriz died
  845. [15:29:10]Blubber died
  846. [15:29:17]NM219 died
  847. [15:29:19]Client Cthululu[42740069] was AFK for over 1 minute and 30 seconds. Kicking...
  848. Client disconnected ( Kicked
  849. [15:29:21]Lodu died
  850. [15:29:27]mannejonne died
  851. [15:29:29]saku2531 died
  852. [15:29:29]Auto-team balance enabled
  853. [15:29:38]AngeL13EviL died
  854. [15:29:41]Blubber died
  855. [15:29:49]NM219 died
  856. [15:29:51]Lodu died
  857. [15:29:53]Chat Team - AngeL13EviL: pg
  858. Error: Exceeded maximum number of snapshots
  859. [15:30:08]Auto-team balance disabled
  860. [15:30:09]Razorback died
  861. [15:30:12]AltarrPL died
  862. [15:30:15]Belse died
  863. Client connected (
  864. [15:30:16]Client Authed. Steam ID: 92329312
  865. Escobaari connected.
  866. [15:30:32]Chat Team - Razorback: lets concede
  867. [15:30:48]Epsilon died
  868. [15:30:58]AngeL13EviL died
  869. [15:31:27]Chat Team - Blubber: #
  870. [15:31:31]AngeL13EviL died
  871. [15:31:33]Epsilon died
  872. [15:31:41]PunishR92 died
  873. [15:31:44]AngeL13EviL died
  874. [15:31:50]Razorback died
  875. [15:31:57]vanilla bear died
  876. [15:31:58]AngeL13EviL died
  877. Client disconnected ( Quit
  878. [15:32:01]EqE | Luburium died
  879. [15:32:06]Razorback died
  880. [15:32:11]vanilla bear died
  881. Client connecting (
  882. [15:32:12]Escobaari died
  883. [15:32:15]Exoriz died
  884. [15:32:20]Lodu died
  885. [15:32:23]Blessure died
  886. [15:32:26]Nairi died
  887. [15:32:28]Chat Team - AngeL13EviL: rรฉveil les gars non
  888. [15:32:28]Chat Team - Razorback: please concede
  889. [15:32:29]AltarrPL died
  890. Client connected (
  891. [15:32:33]Client Authed. Steam ID: 3190629
  892. Belse connected.
  893. [15:32:34]Smith died
  894. Client connecting (
  895. [15:32:41]mannejonne died
  896. [15:32:57]Chat Team - Razorback: press x and down
  897. [15:33:00]saku2531 died
  898. [15:33:02]Escobaari died
  899. Client disconnected ( Quit
  900. Client connecting (
  901. [15:33:40]EqE | Luburium died
  902. [15:33:44]Smith died
  903. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  904. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  905. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  906. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  907. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  908. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  909. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  910. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  911. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  912. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  913. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  914. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  915. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  916. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  917. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  918. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  919. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  920. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  921. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  922. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  923. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  924. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  925. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  926. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  927. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  928. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  929. Network variable 'orderParam' of class 'Order' has value 0.000000 which is outside the range 0.000000 to 0.000000
  930. [15:33:50]Blessure died
  931. [15:33:51]Nairi died
  932. Client connected (
  933. [15:33:53]Client Authed. Steam ID: 71263579
  934. actionorb connected.
  935. [15:33:53]AltarrPL died
  936. [15:33:56]PunishR92 died
  937. [15:34:01]Ohm died
  938. [15:34:04]mannejonne died
  939. [15:34:04]Razorback died
  940. [15:34:11]vanilla bear died
  941. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: game info ------------------
  942. [15:34:11]{players = {},gameTime = 907.8037109375,tournamentMode = "false",gameMode = "mod",serverIp = "",mapName = "ns2_kodiak",port = 27015,}
  943. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  944. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 7,nickname = "Homomursu",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 699.87695425749,alienTime = 699.87695425749,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 0,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 83825784,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 91,}
  945. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  946. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 2,nickname = "Endymionis",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 907.63879678026,kills = 0,playTime = 907.63879678026,alienTime = 907.63879678026,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 0,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 7391431,isCommander = "true",isWinner = "true",score = 8,}
  947. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  948. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 10,nickname = "AltarrPL",marineTime = 907.69212436117,commanderTime = 0,kills = 2,playTime = 907.69212436117,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 11,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 112663594,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 48,}
  949. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  950. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 9,nickname = "MuonRay",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 907.71705718432,alienTime = 907.71705718432,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 3,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 29310295,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 103,}
  951. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  952. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 12,nickname = "wairus",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 5,playTime = 907.39061522484,alienTime = 907.39061522484,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 73770008,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 128,}
  953. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  954. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 11,nickname = "NM219",marineTime = 562.50211370829,commanderTime = 0,kills = 3,playTime = 799.57082249224,alienTime = 237.06870878395,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 6,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 16677556,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 132,}
  955. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  956. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 8,nickname = "Exoriz",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 26,playTime = 789.11382932588,alienTime = 789.11382932588,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 54828328,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 239,}
  957. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  958. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 6,nickname = "AngeL13EviL",marineTime = 838.47913925909,commanderTime = 0,kills = 7,playTime = 838.47913925909,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 9,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 96536202,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 125,}
  959. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  960. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 8,nickname = "Razorback",marineTime = 907.64217203856,commanderTime = 8.1798989214003,kills = 13,playTime = 907.64217203856,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 33320329,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 205,}
  961. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  962. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 11,nickname = "Blessure",marineTime = 907.19005952217,commanderTime = 0,kills = 2,playTime = 907.19005952217,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 90933426,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 48,}
  963. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  964. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 16,nickname = "Ohm",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 20,playTime = 907.89999963157,alienTime = 907.89999963157,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 1,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 540724,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 203,}
  965. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  966. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 10,nickname = "MrSexyBoy",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 529.48304946721,alienTime = 529.48304946721,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 2,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 71321892,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 45,}
  967. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  968. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 5,nickname = "Cthululu",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 0,playTime = 614.28996323049,alienTime = 614.28996323049,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 3,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 42740069,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 45,}
  969. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  970. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 17,nickname = "vanilla bear",marineTime = 907.86439125426,commanderTime = 0,kills = 3,playTime = 907.86439125426,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 9,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 8203579,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 114,}
  971. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  972. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 10,nickname = "Smith",marineTime = 907.74623484537,commanderTime = 0,kills = 4,playTime = 907.74623484537,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 36783015,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 87,}
  973. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  974. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 4,nickname = "Lodu",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 4,playTime = 350.60164031945,alienTime = 350.60164031945,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 17971890,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 57,}
  975. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  976. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 6,nickname = "Epsilon",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 7,playTime = 518.24515286088,alienTime = 518.24515286088,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 5,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 17486,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 84,}
  977. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  978. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 5,nickname = "mannejonne",marineTime = 627.53839959949,commanderTime = 0,kills = 1,playTime = 627.53839959949,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 8,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 60266752,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 40,}
  979. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  980. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 7,nickname = "saku2531",marineTime = 794.25877161883,commanderTime = 0,kills = 4,playTime = 794.25877161883,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 6,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 119428364,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 34,}
  981. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  982. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 4,nickname = "EqE | Luburium",marineTime = 907.84960992076,commanderTime = 769.69662507996,kills = 0,playTime = 907.84960992076,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 2,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 16015872,isCommander = "true",isWinner = "false",score = 38,}
  983. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  984. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 11,nickname = "Blubber",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 11,playTime = 906.51504531875,alienTime = 906.51504531875,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 13,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 91386535,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 130,}
  985. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  986. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 15,nickname = "PunishR92",marineTime = 0,commanderTime = 0,kills = 3,playTime = 907.74241466448,alienTime = 907.74241466448,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 4,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 96147659,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "true",score = 72,}
  987. [15:34:11]PlayerRanking: dumping player data ------------------
  988. [15:34:11]{alienTeamSkill = 277.63636363636,assists = 4,nickname = "Nairi",marineTime = 907.74660369102,commanderTime = 0,kills = 4,playTime = 907.74660369102,alienTime = 0,marineTeamSkill = 154.18181818182,deaths = 7,gatherGame = "false",steamId = 49535419,isCommander = "false",isWinner = "false",score = 46,}
  989. [15:34:12]Chat Team - Blubber: that was close
  990. Shine ns2stats config file updated.
  991. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -202.91, -109.11, 129.43!
  992. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -183.70, -103.41, 130.28!
  993. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -68.38, -107.68, 29.64!
  994. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -171.10, -100.81, 26.69!
  995. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -50.77, -106.58, 65.94!
  996. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -134.38, -108.05, 79.88!
  997. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -81.03, -110.26, 100.74!
  998. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -234.21, -106.30, 85.64!
  999. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -133.37, -106.95, 126.36!
  1000. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -127.41, -103.76, 11.38!
  1001. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -127.41, -103.76, 11.38!
  1002. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -143.67, -103.10, -3.02!
  1003. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -135.74, -103.63, -2.39!
  1004. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -183.70, -103.41, 130.28!
  1005. Error: Failed to add an obstacle at -175.95, -100.65, 131.18!
  1006. [15:34:22]Chat All - Razorback: almost perfect streak ohm
  1007. [15:34:26]Chat All - Ohm: :,(
  1008. [15:34:27]Homomursu[83825784] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
  1009. [15:34:29]Escobaari[92329312] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
  1010. Client disconnected ( Quit
  1011. [15:34:32]Razorback[33320329] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_summit
  1012. [15:34:32]Homomursu[83825784] ran command sh_showlivestats with no arguments.
  1013. [15:34:35]PunishR92[96147659] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
  1014. [15:34:37]Blubber[91386535] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_mineshaft
  1015. Client connecting (
  1016. [15:34:38]AltarrPL[112663594] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
  1017. [15:34:39]vanilla bear[8203579] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_mineshaft
  1018. [15:34:43]Smith[36783015] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_summit
  1019. [15:34:50]Ohm[540724] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_mineshaft
  1020. [15:34:51]Chat All - Belse: how do i vote? :)
  1021. [15:34:52]Exoriz[54828328] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_mineshaft
  1022. [15:34:56]Chat All - vanilla bear: biodome was the map before this
  1023. [15:34:59]EqE | Luburium[16015872] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
  1024. Client disconnected ( Quit
  1025. [15:35:01]Chat All - Smith: it says, press m
  1026. [15:35:02]Chat All - Razorback: read instructions
  1027. Client disconnected ( Quit
  1028. [15:35:05]Chat All - Smith: then press vote
  1029. [15:35:08]mannejonne[60266752] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_biodome
  1030. [15:35:08]Belse[3190629] ran command sh_vote with arguments: ns2_mineshaft
  1031. [15:35:13]Chat All - Belse: thx :)
  1032. [15:35:15]Chat Team - vanilla bear: noooo
  1033. Client disconnected ( Quit
  1034. Downloading mods
  1035. Finished downloading and installing mods
  1036. Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m706d242_1391697805/
  1037. Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m7b986f5_1392429705/
  1038. Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/m88fecb5_1391364983/
  1039. Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/md9fee4d_1392520064/
  1040. Mounting mod from c:/thirsty1/mods/maa8da06_1392134733/
  1041. Loading Shine config...
  1042. Loading extensions...
  1043. - Extension 'basecommands' loaded.
  1044. - Extension 'welcomemessages' loaded.
  1045. - Extension 'logging' loaded.
  1046. - Extension 'ns2stats' loaded.
  1047. - Extension 'afkkick' loaded.
  1048. - Extension 'unstuck' loaded.
  1049. - Extension 'adverts' loaded.
  1050. - Extension 'voterandom' loaded.
  1051. - Extension 'pingtracker' loaded.
  1052. - Extension 'ban' loaded.
  1053. - Extension 'mapvote' loaded.
  1054. - Extension 'motd' loaded.
  1055. - Extension 'votesurrender' loaded.
  1056. Completed loading Shine extensions.
  1057. Loading Shine users...
  1058. [15:35:18]Shine started up successfully.
  1059. [15:35:18]Loading config://ServerConfig.json
  1060. [15:35:18]Loading config://ServerAdmin.json
  1061. [15:35:18]Loading config://BannedPlayers.json
  1062. [15:35:18]Loading config://MapCycle.json
  1063. [15:35:18]Loading config://ConsistencyConfig.json
  1064. [15:35:18]Hashed 1 game_setup.xml files for consistency
  1065. [15:35:18]Hashed 888 *.lua files for consistency
  1066. [15:35:18]Hashed 37 *.hlsl files for consistency
  1067. [15:35:18]Hashed 30 *.shader files for consistency
  1068. [15:35:18]Hashed 18 *.screenfx files for consistency
  1069. [15:35:18]Hashed 136 *.surface_shader files for consistency
  1070. [15:35:18]Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
  1071. [15:35:18]Hashed 3 *.render_setup files for consistency
  1072. [15:35:18]Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
  1073. [15:35:18]Hashed 14 *.level files for consistency
  1074. [15:35:18]Hashed 5806 *.dds files for consistency
  1075. [15:35:18]Hashed 81 *.jpg files for consistency
  1076. [15:35:18]Hashed 43 *.png files for consistency
  1077. [15:35:18]Hashed 905 *.cinematic files for consistency
  1078. [15:35:18]Hashed 2249 *.material files for consistency
  1079. [15:35:19]Hashed 3906 *.model files for consistency
  1080. [15:35:19]Hashed 105 *.animation_graph files for consistency
  1081. [15:35:19]Hashed 201 *.polygons files for consistency
  1082. [15:35:19]Hashed 3 *.fev files for consistency
  1083. [15:35:19]Hashed 23 *.fsb files for consistency
  1084. [15:35:19]Skipped 378 ui/*.dds files for consistency
  1085. [15:35:19]Skipped 120 *_view*.dds files for consistency
  1086. [15:35:19]Skipped 54 *_view*.material files for consistency
  1087. [15:35:19]Skipped 123 *_view*.model files for consistency
  1088. [15:35:19]Skipped 17 models/marine/hands/* files for consistency
  1089. [15:35:19]Hashed 0 lua/entry/*.entry files for consistency
  1090. [15:35:19]Consistency checking took 1 seconds
  1091. [Server] Script Error #1: Error: Unknown script error
  1092. Call stack:
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