
Lost Anon Oneshot

Sep 16th, 2012
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  1. >You woke up with a splitting headache
  2. “Ugh what the fuck did I do last night?”
  3. >You rubbed your eyes and stretched
  4. >The sky was beautiful and the weather felt nice yet something felt wrong
  5. “Why does it feel as if…I should be angry and worried?”
  6. >You got up and wobbled looking around you
  7. >Trees and butterflies surround you in an open grassy area
  8. “Where the hell am I?”
  9. >You walked over to a tree and leaned on it
  10. >Someone was singing and it sounded like a young woman
  11. >You head over slowly tree by tree adjusting
  12. >You finally found her…or it. Some small horse that was yellow and frolicking with animals
  13. >This wasn’t right, you could tell right away. This shouldn’t be happening for some reason
  14. >The horse stopped singing and looked at you
  15. >It said something…it wasn’t your language but it sounded familiar
  16. “I’m sorry I can’t understand you…I don’t speak that language”
  17. >She or it looked at you shocked and confused
  18. 1/x
  20. >It started to talk to the other animals, it seemed worried
  21. >You walked over to the small horse and instantly it backed away scared
  22. >You stopped and looked at it
  23. “Friend…”
  24. >You pointed to it and then to yourself
  25. “…friend. I don’t want to hurt you…friend. Friiiieeeennnd”
  26. >She stopped shying away and began to walk
  27. >She stopped and nudge to heard as if signaling to follow her
  28. >You figured it was best to follow her even if your body was screaming to you to not go
  29. >Everything felt more wrong and wrong, as if you weren’t meant to be here. Something definitely was not right
  30. >She led you far into a town with more small horses; each one seemed worried about you
  31. >Finally she stopped in front of a giant tree and knocked on it
  32. >The door open revealing something that made you jump back, a dragon. Now your gut was thrashing around
  33. >The yellow horse now started to talk with the small dragon
  34. >It nudged its head towards the tree…wait trees are not supposed to have doors
  35. 2/x
  37. >There is something wrong…really wrong
  38. >You ducked in and saw that it was some library. The smell of books and the sight of them seemed to calm your senses
  39. >Another voice spoke up, a purple horse came down…and it had a horn
  40. >Now your brain started to hurt, screaming against the sight of this pony
  42. >Your shout of realization scared them
  43. “Sorry, oh wait you can’t understand me”
  44. >”Actually now we can, we started to understand when you yelled ponies”
  45. >The purple one’s horn stopped glowing
  46. “Wow…good…so you’re ponies?”
  47. >”That is correct and what are you?”
  48. “I’m human…wait…ponies are not suppose to talk…”
  49. >”Well we can talk, so where are you from? You look similar to a Minotaur except thinner with less fur. I never ever heard of a human”
  50. “Well you know humans, we run Earth and such…wait…this is…wrong. All of this ugh my head hurts”
  51. >You began to rub your temple and close your eyes
  52. >”Earth? Is it a country? Planet? Realm? What is it?”
  53. “It’s a planet idiot”
  54. 3/x
  56. >”Idiot? Well no need to be rude, it’s not my fault you are confused”
  57. >Confused…yes you are confused
  58. “Sorry...just ugh…my body feels like this is all wrong”
  59. >”Really? Interesting…oh where is my manners. My name is Twilight Sparkle, what is your name?”
  60. >Your headache stopped…and your mind did as well. Then bam a kick of realization happened again
  61. “I…I can’t remember my name…I can’t remember anything at all”
  62. >”What? Oh no you must have gotten amnesia”
  63. >Yellow voice: “Amnesia! Oh no you poor thing”
  64. >The purple unicorn’s horn glowed again and she walked around you
  65. >”Yeah…you are definitely not from around here. Clothing is strange and…the material of your thick vest is strange”
  66. >You looked down and noticed what you were wearing, bloody white dress shirt, thick black vest, and dress black pants and shoes. But the vest…something about it was slipping your mind
  67. “I-I have blood on me? Why is there blood on my shirt?”
  68. >”Seems…it’s your blood…and others as well”
  69. 4/x
  71. >She backed away scared now
  72. >”S-Spike…quick send a letter to the Princess. There may be a dangerous creature with us but so far it seems friendly, send something like that. Now please”
  73. >The dragon quickly went to writing on paper
  74. “Now no need to be scared, I’m friendly”
  75. >Before the unicorn or Pegasus could say anything, the front door slammed open
  76. >???: “I heard that there was a strange new pony in town!”
  77. >Instantly reflex kicked in, you hand unclipped something and you had your hands holding…nothing and it was aimed at this pink pony’s head
  78. >Pink: “Oh! You’re fast! But I’m faster teheehee”
  79. “Wait…I’m suppose to have something in my hand…”
  80. >Pink: “Oh? Do you mean this?”
  81. >She took something black out of hair, you grabbed it and clipped it back in
  83. >Pink: “Like I said I’m faster *giggle* and what is it? Is it a toy?”
  84. “It’s a gun, a small canon that can kill”
  85. >Now you remember something else…but why would you have a gun?
  86. 5/x
  88. >Twilight: “If it’s dangerous why would you have it?”
  89. “It’s not dangerous…why do I have it?”
  90. >Your head began to hurt again
  91. >Pinkie: “How can you forget as to why you would have something?”
  92. >Yellow: “Pinkie, he has amnesia”
  93. >Pinkie: “Oh! I love that game”
  94. >Twilight: “…it’s just Pinkie being Pinkie. So why do you have that dangerous weapon?”
  95. “I can’t remember…but it’s meant for protecting…and I protected someone…ugh my head hurts”
  96. >???: “Maybe you should rest”
  97. >Twilight: “Oh Princess Celestia! We didn’t hear you arrive”
  98. >In front of you stood a tall, very clean horse, big long horn and wings wearing such beautiful jewelry. This horse is very important
  99. “Hello Princess, my name is…well I can’t remember it right now but let’s go with…Anonymous”
  100. >Princess: “Anonymous, seems fitting. Now, let’s get down to business. Twilight what do you know?”
  101. >Twilight: “He is a human, he is not from around here, he has his own blood and…others on him, and that he can’t remember anything”
  102. >Princess: “Okay, Anonymous…tell me what is dangerous about you?”
  103. 6/x
  105. >You place your hand over your Five Seven…yes that is what it’s called. It’s a standard pistol called a Five Seven
  106. “My gun, it’s a last minute way of protecting someone important. Whatever reason I had it on me, it must have been someone important enough that I would kill anyone endangering them”
  107. >Her guards that you now noticed got closer to you
  108. >Princess: “So do you think you were a guard?”
  109. “Possibly…why else would I have this gun and a bloody t-shirt”
  110. >Princess: “Are you dangerous to my little ponies?”
  111. “No…they seem so weak that maybe I would fight a unicorn if my life or someone else was endangered”
  112. >Princess: “Would you give this gun to me?”
  113. >A gun…in the hooves or a horse…the idea of it is ridiculous. But these aren’t any normal horses
  114. “No”
  115. >Princess: “…Okay. Tell me what your plans are right now?”
  116. >Your stomach grumbled
  117. “Eat, use the restroom, and find out what to do…I have no other clue miss. I’m just a lost human ina colorful world of horses”
  118. 7/x
  120. >The Princess lowered her head, she may be thinking. Is she merciful or ruthless you wonder
  121. >Princess: “Now we can’t have you wandering around with a gun…and you don’t want to give it away…Tell me Anonymous, how does guard duty sound?”
  122. >You. Guarding a horse. You need a lot of vodka to comprehend this
  123. “If I did it before then I can do it again. BUT I want wear dress clothing. I won’t be wearing that heavy gold armor. I need a tailor to make me a week and half of dress shirts and pants. Can you do that?”
  124. >Princess: “I have a certain pony in mind that would love to. You will be my personal guard Anonymous…a dangerous creature as yourself needs to be kept an eye on”
  125. >Oh this wasn’t just guard duty, as you protect her, she watches you
  126. >Twilight: “Excuse me Princess, but I have one more question for uh Anonymous”
  127. >Princess: “Go ahead Twilight”
  128. >Twilight: “What was that language you were speaking earlier?”
  129. “Russian, now I wonder how you ponies speak English”
  130. >Wait…yes that was it was…English. Now you are remembering some things
  131. “Wait…we’re talking to each other…how?”
  132. >”Magic”
  133. >Magic, talking ponies, guarding a horse, alien planet, and dragons
  134. >You faint
  135. 8/x
  137. >Months past and you remember small things. You try to blend and assimilate into pony society which has worked very little
  138. >Guard: “Sir, the six guests have arrived”
  139. “Okay, let them in”
  140. >You stand again next to Princess Celestia, hands behind your back and you straight and alert
  141. >The six girls walked in, they bowed and had their conversation with the Princess
  142. >Suddenly a guard opened the doors
  143. >Guard: “He’s back! The God of Chaos! He’s free! Discord is free!”
  144. >Princess Celestia ordered the girls to stop him once again with the ‘power of friendship’
  145. >They ran off leaving you alone with the Princess
  146. >You decided it was best to have your pistol ready
  147. >Celestia: “Anonymous do you really think a gun will be necessary?”
  148. “Yes, if this is someone powerful attacking Equestria’s royalty…then well I gotta take action”
  149. >Celestia: “You can put it away now, I believe in Twilight Sparkle and her friends”
  150. >As soon as she said that, some weird ass floating monster thing came in
  151. 9/x
  153. >???: “Celestia…it is good to see you again”
  154. >Celestia: “Discord! What have you done to the Elements?”
  155. >Two guards rushed at him, he snapped his fingers, and the guards became cookies in a puff of smoke
  156. >Your jaw dropped
  157. >He flew over to them and ate them
  158. >Discord: “Mmmhm it seems all guards have the same flavor. The Elements however, each had to their own different taste”
  159. >He ate them, he fucking ate them
  160. >You made sure the safety was off and took aim
  161. >Princess: “Anonymous, don’t do it yet. Let’s give him a choice”
  162. >Discord: “A choice? Bahahaha as if you two could stop me. This strange creature doesn’t even have magic in him”
  163. >He got closer to you
  164. >Three loud bangs echoed in the throne room
  165. >The Princess was shocked and so was the God
  166. 10/x
  168. >He looked down and saw his gold blood flowing out of three holes in his body
  169. >Discord: “H-How…”
  170. >He fell to the floor clutching his wounds
  171. >Discord: “Wha-What are you?”
  172. >You walked over to him as he looked up at you
  173. >For a second he looked like you on the floor
  174. >You raised your pistol
  175. “I’m only a human”
  176. >Bang
  177. >You saw his face, the man who killed you. Fucking Vladimir Makarov, you saw him as your reflection in the dead God’s eyes
  178. >Now you remember, you remember who you are finally
  179. >Princess: “You killed him…he had a choice. Death wasn’t necessary”
  180. “I think it was, he ate ponies Princess. I couldn’t have failed again”
  181. >Princess: “What do you mean?”
  182. 11/x
  184. “Princess…my name is Andrei Harkov. I was an agent protecting a president. Think of it as a king, I failed. We were hijacked; we were brought down and fought our way to find him. But in the end…Makarov got him. Now I don’t know whether or not my world is still at war or if it’s gone. I just hope we won or we found peace”
  185. >Princess: “Y-you remember?”
  186. >The dead body started to disappear in steam; it disappeared and left behind some cookies. The cookies then became unconscious ponies
  187. >They were alive and well
  188. >The Princess went to them and wrapped her wings around some of them
  189. >Objective Complete
  190. >Princess: “So Andrei…what are you going to do now?”
  191. >You thought for a second
  192. “I could find the man who kidnapped the President and kill him. Return the favor since he killed me”
  193. >Princess: “Andrei! That isn’t a good thing; it won’t make you any better”
  194. “I don’t care…but it doesn’t matter. I’m stuck here…unless…”
  195. >You put the barrel to your temple
  196. 12/x
  198. >Princess: “NO! DON’T DO IT!”
  199. >This could work or you could end up dead
  200. >You may end up back at Earth or what’s left of it. But then again you could die
  201. >Princess: “Anonymous please”
  202. >You felt static wrap around it. And she called you by the wrong name
  204. >Her horn stopped glowing
  205. “Listen…I got killed and ended up here, maybe if I kill myself…I could go back home”
  206. >Princess: “What if it fails, what if you die”
  207. “I-I don’t know…”
  208. >Your finger hovered over the trigger
  209. >Anything could happen
  210. >Princess: “I just don’t want anyp0ny else to die today. Please put the gun down”
  211. >Do you squeeze it? Is Makarov even alive? Is it even worth it, to leave this peaceful land?
  212. “I just don’t know”
  214. The End
  216. 13/13
  219. I play Call of Duty
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