
Deadmeat Chronicles: Marshmallows in the Park

Oct 18th, 2012
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  1. >You are an average man just out for a relaxing day.
  2. >You love going to the park and watching the animals.
  3. >You have just left the grocery store and have bought a big bag of marshmallows.
  4. >It is a lovely cool sunny day, hardly a breeze at all.
  5. >You have walked several paths and trails, the fresh air smells great.
  6. >You walk down a side walk and see an empty bench.
  7. >You walk and sit in it.
  8. >You open your bag and toss a few marshmallows out in the grass.
  9. >You know they aren’t really ‘wild’ but the fluffy ponies have populated the area and it is kind of cute how they eat.
  10. >”Yay! Nice hoomin bwing nummies!”, “Fwuffy hungy!”, “Pwease mo mushy nummies pwease!”
  11. >They are on the marshmallows quick, some pushing and nipping trying to keep it to themselves.
  12. >”Whoa guys, no fighting. There is plenty to go around.”
  13. >You toss out a handful more.
  14. >You hear scurrying off to the side.
  15. >You look around, all you see is a trash can and a few bushes.
  16. >Must be some poor feral trying to build up enough nerve to come get food.
  17. >You toss out a few more of the soft treats.
  18. >He will come out eventually.
  19. >The fluffies are eating and smiling.
  20. >Their lips are smacking as they chew on the soft goodness you are providing.
  21. >They look so cute, it is relaxing just watching them.
  22. >You hear something to your side again.
  23. >You guess the feral has come out, yep there he- whoa!
  24. >He is a rough looking one, poor thing is covered in scars.
  25. >Looks like he has a maroon body and a light green mane.
  26. >That horn looks strange… man that ear is mangled.
  27. >He just bit up one of the marshmallows.
  28. >Well he is running off now.
  29. >Is he… he seems to be laughing like a villain.
  30. >Odd, well hope he enjoys the treat.
  31. >You toss a few more marshmallows out.
  32. >The fluffies have taken up playing.
  33. >They sure are fun to watch, you don’t know why people abandon them.
  34. >What is that over there?
  35. >Strange, someone has put a marshmallow in a bush, looks like it is stuck on a stick.
  36. >Guess someone put it there to confuse fluffies and make them get hurt trying to get it.
  37. >You can understand population control but sometimes people can be dicks.
  38. >Oh well, you have fluffies to watch.
  39. >Awwww, one is sitting back on its haunches eating one of your treats.
  40. >You might catch diabetes from looking at him.
  41. >What’s that over there?
  42. >Oh wow, that’s a squirrel.
  43. >This is why you come to the park, animals just make you happy.
  44. >It is hopping across the area, it seems to be sniffing the air.
  45. >You toss a marshmallow at it.
  46. >It runs away, but some fluffies chase it down and start eating it.
  47. >Oh well, you get ready to grab some more to throw.
  48. >Hey, it seems to notice the marshmallow in the bush.
  49. >Good, not some poor fluffy won’t get hurt trying to get it.
  50. >It seems to be getting closer sniffing the white sweet.
  51. >It is crawling up to it.
  52. >Awwww, it’s sniffing the marshmallow.
  53. >It’s getting closer… it I standing on its hind legs about to garb it.
  54. >It is so cute-
  55. >”WAHHHHHHH!!!”
  56. >The fuck!?
  57. >That maroon fluffy pony from earlier just jumped out of the bush and tried to stab the squirrel with its horn!
  58. >It somehow has placed the marshmallow on its horn.
  59. >He was almost fast enough to get the squirrel, looks like he is chasing it now.
  60. >Some other squirrels have come over, they are running around and jumping over the fluffy.
  61. >He is shouting angrily and stabbing at them.
  62. >Wow, he is pretty quick.
  63. >Oh, he is taking up a fluffy intimidation stance.
  64. >Yep, he’s puffing his cheeks.
  65. >Some of these unicorns can make sparks come from their horns.
  66. >Wonder if he can, but becareful little dude.
  67. >If you makes sparks then…
  68. >Yep, marshmallow just caught on fire.
  69. >He just noticed what he did.
  70. >Running around screaming, normal reaction from a fluffy who just found a fire on his head.
  71. >He’s smarter than most fluffies, he is dragging his horn on the ground getting the fire off.
  72. >Come to think of it, fluffies aren’t supposed to be smart or aggressive enough to attack anything.
  73. >Oh well, now the poor guy is looking at the ruined surgery treat on the ground.
  74. >Poor guy looks crushed, he is just staring at the melted remains of the marshmallow.
  75. >It kind of looks like he is going to tear up.
  76. >Poor fella, he must have been planning that for a while.
  77. >All his plans fell apart and he has no one but himself to blame.
  78. >He could have just eaten the marshmallow and enjoyed himself without trying to attack the innocent squirrels.
  79. >And now he has to face he has nothing for his troubles and a melted-
  80. >Whoa, a squirrel just ran by and grabbed the remains of the marshmallow.
  81. >Look at that sucker go, already up a tree and nibbling the goo.
  82. >Looks like other squirrels are coming around trying to get some.
  83. >Ahhh, you love looking at nature.
  84. >It is so fascinating.
  85. >Wonder what the fluffy is doing.
  86. >Oh wow, his little face is contorted.
  87. >You think his face is actually glowing red.
  89. >He just let out a howl of rage.
  90. >He is charging the tree.
  91. >He is now under the tree shaking his hoof at the squirrels.
  93. >He’s so mad he can’t even make words…
  94. >His body is shaking in fury, he must really hate squirrels.
  95. >You shake your head and dump the rest of your bag of marshmallows.
  96. >You have never seen anything like that before.
  97. >A fluffy confronting another animal with a plan.
  98. >You can’t wait to post it on face book.
  99. >You see so many interesting things at the park.
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