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Nov 25th, 2014
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  1. "You know, yeah, I think they already do. They're very simple structures of thought which are very, very handy for us. I don't think we'd be able to sort of have leisure time to sit and talk about films if computers weren't doing an awful lot of thinking for us. I mean, you think about what a pacemaker does, just simple mechanisms that aren't organic that keep us alive, that keep relatives in our lives who we adore, that keep children who are born early. There's a great deal of thinking done for us that we should be very happy about. We're not sort of sleepwalking into it either. These things are very carefully monitored and regulated and discussed and talked about. But artificial intelligence is something that comes from the human, and it gives us a better understanding of who we are, actually, ultimately. As long as we don't become too mechanical, as long as we're still fluid and able to as organisms appreciate and understand and change and adapt and progress with one another, then artificial intelligence can help, I think."
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