
Anon Vs. Adoption 4

Aug 10th, 2016
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  1. >Be Strict Rules
  2. >That could have gone better, what on Celestia's green Equestria was up with that filly?
  3. >She had entered your office without warning argued about safety policies and demanded to be set free
  4. >She had also insulted you, your orphanage and your title
  5. >This filly was gonna be trouble
  6. >Better get rid of her as soon as possible
  7. >Get her adopted you mean
  8. >How to go about it though?
  9. >Anonymous was unlikely to willingly cooperate
  10. >Also worrisome was how unlike a filly she was, who wanted a filly that acted like... well how she acted
  11. >Maybe you could ship her to some other orphanage?
  12. >Your secretary speaks through the intercom
  13. >”Summer Dawn here to see you”
  14. “Look who decided to actually do her job for once, send her in”
  15. >”I was only gone for 5 minutes!”
  16. “I'll speak about that to you later you sorry excuse for a secretary, just send Summer in Luna damn you!”
  17. >5 minutes every half hour
  18. >either she was addicted to salt or something or she had the bladder the size of a golf ball
  19. >Could go either way really, maybe both?
  20. >Summer opens the door to your office slowly, peeking her head in
  21. >”You wanted to speak to me mistress?” She says nervously
  22. “You had 1 job today Summer. 1 job”
  23. >”Actually I-”
  24. “Don't talk back to me! I'm not in the mood! Let me finish before you start making your petty excuses”
  25. >”..Yes mistress”
  26. “Now then where was I? Oh yes, chewing you out for being incompetent. Anon is clearly going to be a problem filly, she clearly needs rules and structure. Both of which you failed to provide her. Your job is to give the fillies that walk in here guidance and care and all you've done with Anon is put her in a room and ask her some questions! She didn't have know her schedule or have any idea of the rules here and that is unacceptable”
  27. >”It was her first day here!”
  28. “Your first priority should always be to the new fillies, you should have been with her and explained about how we do things here”
  29. >”I felt that her being with her peers as soon as possible was the most important thing at the time”
  30. “Why in Celestia's mane would you think that?”
  31. >”Because she doesn't know how to act like a filly at all. What kind of filly does that? I believed that getting her to socialize with other fillies would do her some good”
  32. “Socialization is indeed important at such an impressionable age. However discipline and order are always first and foremost understand?
  33. >”Yes ma'am”
  34. “Now I know you always have the fillies best interests in mind, but you must properly understand what those interests ARE. I want you to keep a close eye on Anon, she is clearly going to be a problem. Anything you can't get finished because of this you can send to Kind Heart, she hardly has to do anything except place the occasional bandage on a
  35. scraped knee. Understood?”
  36. >”Understood mistress”
  37. “You may leave”
  38. >”Yes mistress”
  39. >Luna, you never got tired of being called that
  41. >Be Quick Serve about and hour and a half ago I guess time is hard to gauge in greentexts
  42. >Why wouldn't Anon be your friend?
  43. >Why wouldn't anypony be your friend?
  44. >You were super nice and cute and stuff!
  45. >So what if you weren't super smart and yelled all the time
  46. >Summer even called you 'endearing' once!
  47. >Whatever that means
  48. >You better practice tennis since you have to
  49. >If you don't play tennis at least once a day you wouldn't be doing what your cutie mark told you to do and you couldn't do THAT
  50. >You looked all over for the right things to play with
  51. >You quickly found you favorite racket because you always hide it in the bushes
  52. >Not that anypony but you even plays tennis here
  53. >You quickly punch yourself for feeling sad
  54. >Anon was smart and she said it was what you did when you were sad so now you did it to
  55. >Maybe hitting yourself will make you smarter
  56. >It just seems to hurt though
  57. >You look around the playground for a tennis ball
  58. >After looking for forever you manage to find one underneath a bench by the kickball court
  59. >How did it even get here?
  60. >No matter there was tennis to play
  61. >You serve the ball, flawlessly as ever
  62. >Into the empty half of the court
  63. >The ball doesn't get hit back so you go after it
  64. >You find it and serve it back to the other side
  65. >It doesn't get returned because nopony is there
  66. >Nopony is ever there
  67. >You punch yourself in the face
  68. >You are crying now, holding back sobs
  69. >But you still have to play
  70. >You HAVE to, it's your destiny
  71. >You get into a rhythm of hitting the ball, then yourself, and then going after the ball and repeating
  72. >After a while hitting yourself starts to feel kinda different
  73. >It still hurt, especially because you always hit yourself on the side of your face. But it felt like something else too
  74. >You didn't know how to describe it
  75. >Maybe you should stop...
  76. >”Hello there! Do you speak equestrian?”
  77. >Huh?
  78. >Now standing in front of you was a pair of grownup ponies, the yellow stallion on the left looking at you while the mare on the right giving a pitying expression
  79. “, yes?”
  80. >”Oh good, the last filly we talked to didn't speak a word of equish! My name is Lemon Sherbet that's my wife Cream Dream”
  81. > Cream Dream walks up to inspect your bruise
  82. >”Are you okay? How did you get such a nasty owie?”
  83. “No one ever wants to play with me and I got sad”
  84. >The grownups look at each-other with a look you can't quite understand
  85. >”How about we play with you? Do you know where the other rackets are?”
  86. >Some ponies ACTUALLY wanted to play with you? This was the best thing ever! If you do good maybe you'll even get adopted and have your own mommy and daddy!”
  87. “Yeah! The rackets are over by the kickball court follow me!
  88. >You run off to the kickball court to show them where the rackets are
  89. >While you are running you tilt your head and see Cream Dream and Lemon Sherbet follow you with smiles on there faces
  91. >Be Anon, still stuck in your room
  92. >You've been reading through Strict Rules Rule-book non-stop(except when Summer brought you dinner) all night
  93. >What have you learned?
  94. >Strict Rules lives up to her name and there don't appear to be any exploitable loopholes to get you out of here
  95. >Shit
  96. >Well at least you know how this place works now
  97. >Basically like a prison with more schoolwork and playtime
  98. >It made sense really, Strict Rules wanted obedience and respect, so she made a place where she could get it from a bunch of helpless orphan fillies who couldn't escape
  99. >Seriously how was all this legal? She never did give you any definitive answers
  100. >Well now what?
  101. >You were locked in a room with nothing to do and you weren't tired
  102. >With nothing better to do, you walk into the only other room available to you. The bathroom
  103. >It really is quite small, you can hardly turn around in here
  104. >You hop onto and sit on the toilet with the lid down
  105. >It's actually more comfortable than the bed
  106. >Directly across from you is a mirror, which shows a small green filly
  107. >Which is you now
  108. >You never did stop and examine the body you were stuck in
  109. >You were actually pretty cute with the messy mane and constant grumpy look
  110. >Dammit how was anybody going to take you seriously like this?
  111. “Fuck!”
  112. >Even your voice was adorable, hearing yourself speak profanity sounded so weird and somehow wrong
  113. >Not even going to think about the involuntary gender change
  114. >Nope not going to think about it
  115. >Nope
  116. >Stop thinking about it!
  117. >You get up and turn around
  118. >What are you doing?!
  119. >You feel your tail move to the side, exposing your rear to the mirror
  120. >Nigger what are you doing?!
  121. >You turn to take a look
  122. >Yup, that's a tiny horse vagina
  123. >Yours, to be precise
  124. >Weird
  125. >Emboldened by your lack of panic attack, you attempt to touch your new filly bits
  126. >Your front hoof slips as you move and you accidentally punch your vagina while falling off the toilet
  127. >Not to self, clamshots really fucking hurt
  128. >As does falling off a toilet
  129. “Ow”
  130. >fuck this shit you're just going to go try to sleep now
  132. >Be Strict Rules
  133. >You were really happy that you installed secret cameras behind the one way mirrors in all the bathrooms
  134. >Not only did it show off all of the fillies cute assets, it also had a hilarious ending with the cutest little 'ow' as the last second
  135. >You were going to save that clip to a memory crystal for later recreational purposes
  136. >Maybe even sell it after you've had all your fun
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