
mystic 3

May 9th, 2017
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  1. [10:14:36] The people of this death like city always seemed to move through life no matter what they were facing. Some cities were more poverty stricken but I guess people were content. People will only overthrow the government if they live under one that is extremely bad but I guess you could say this is just a normality. Jaeger tilted his head while he sat by a tree camoflauged. He took out his book which he kept notes in and drew many different items.
  3. He liked to speculate on different materials for armor as well as draw plans for future events. He didn't know how he would get it to be, though he did know he should mainly focus on his strength before he continues onward with his big goal.
  5. Eventually his eyes met with so many people that his eyes stopped with a red headed girl with olive like eyes. Jaeger started to make a hmmm type of noise before starting to sketch her in his book. After finishing up for a bit he took off his unseen magic and walked up to her removing his hood then fixing his mask upon his face.
  7. " Hello, I'm Jaeger." He said nodding his head. " What's your name?" Usually his conversation started off weird and to the point where he would ask someone if they stayed in the area or what magic did they use.
  8. (Jaegar)
  9. [10:17:10] Quinn: sorry if it takes me a while to post, this is my first of the day and im still waking up @___@)
  10. [10:17:10] Jaegar: ( your fine
  11. [10:22:17] Quinn sat by the waterside, deep in focus. Her hands were submerged under the surface, and the water glowed with a deep blue. To someone who didn't know a lot about magic, they'd assume she were practicing water magic.
  13. However, dribbling from the tips of her fingers was the subtance causing the glow. Pure energy seeped from her digits, and the raw manifestation of her soul began to mingle among the the water. It swirled, like tiny spirits dancing beneath the brook.
  15. She was practicing meditation. The more Quinn focused and the more calm she was, the easier she was able to channel her raw energy. She could feel it pulsing through her body, powering her every movement...
  17. ...but she was new at this. The small display in the stream she dabbled in was probably the extent of her abilities.
  19. Her practice was cut short when an unfamiliar voice drew her head up. She was startled, staring up at Jaeger with sharp eyes. She hadn't heard him approach until he was nearly right in front of her. Had he appeared out of nowhere?
  21. "Uh - hello, Jaeger. I'm Quinn." She scrunched her brows together, looking up at the boy. "Enjoying the nice weather today?"
  22. (Quinn)
  23. [10:27:24] " Uhh yeah its pretty cool I guess." Jaeger said nodding his head before looking back to what she had been doing before. It looked sort of cool . From him reading in books he knew that energy was more so a magic that was that came from your raw power turning into a manifestation. One that showed sheer power through will and how much your sought desire developed.
  25. Jaeger soon after responded to her while putting his book on the inside of his cloak. " So I saw your cool magic, do you practice it often?" He said rasing his eyebrows upward before having a small smile.
  27. ".... I practice my magic as well too but I'm not all that good at it I'm better hitting and swinging than casting magic."
  28. (Jaegar)
  29. [10:29:58] He had noticed her magic? Quinn looked down at her hands. They were wet and covered in a cupric rust, Irkala's rust, but they had been practicing her magic only moments before.
  31. "It's the same for me. I'm better at hitting stuff than magic, but I've been trying to practice lately. I'm sort of new at it."
  33. She lifts her hands up, and a tiny blue aura begins to radiate from them. It only persists for a moment, before it fizzles out.
  35. "This is about all I can do."
  36. (Quinn)
  37. [10:35:56] Jaeger was one of stealth so he could see why she felt like he hadn't been around for a while when he was just blending in with the background. ..... Probably telling her he drew a picture of her wouldn't be in his interest as well.
  39. " Cool so you fight with a blade or fist... thats nice, and I'm not new to it but for some reason I just can't get the hang of it, so I pick up things that are easy for me. I have to fight really hard against everyone else and I'm not all to mad at it I just want to know that I can protect people if I am put in the position."
  41. He looks to see about what she can do and he starts to speak. " Well that isn't bad it's a start, we can train or do a spar if it would help?" He said shrugging his shoulder.
  42. (Jaegar)
  43. [10:40:12] A spar? Quinn wasn't very well-versed in this "magi" talk. She was sort of new to the whole thing, and all of the practice she had ever done was on her own. It felt awkward - she had too much pride to ask Jaegar what he meant.
  45. Whatever he did mean though, it probably involved standing up. She rose from her seat on the ground, and despite her age advantage over the boy, she didn't appear much more physically grown than him. She was tiny, and her spindly limbs misspoke for her physical prowess.
  47. "If you'd like to spar, or train, sure. I don't really work with other people a lot, so you'll have to show me the ropes." Yes, that was a good way to state it! It wasn't as awkward as she thought.
  49. However, the rust had left her weak and frail. Although she had lightning reflexes, she couldn't help but be doubtful in her abilities...
  51. "Whichever you wanna do, it's good with me."
  52. (Quinn)
  53. [10:45:20] Jaeger had trained his body to the limit to make sure it would keep up with his skill so even though he was a twevle year old kid he looked extremely fit and he was as tall as he could be, being twelve. Thats about 5'3. Jaeger mostly was unseen part of the time because of his cape and what not.
  55. As for Quinn she looked a bit confused while standing up I mean it took her some time to stand up or respond for that matter but he was sure that maybe she was just really skeptical about fighting him.
  57. The rust itself effected everyone and Jaeger had seemed weak and sickened by its establishment. He remember the days when he was young and he remembered when the rust came upon the country and effected him and his parents. They were still alive just more sick than Jaeger and he knew he had to do something to stop it.
  59. " Let's try sparring we should go outside to get some room but don't worry we will be right next to the castle walls I wont go that far."
  60. (Jaegar)
  61. [10:46:11] Jaegar: ( follow
  62. [10:53:00] "Alright."
  64. Quinn trails behind Jaeger, trusting him to know where they were going. When the city's walls cast a shadow down upon then, Quinn took her place several feet away from Jaeger.
  66. To be honest, she was nervous... compared to many of the magical children she had met, Quinn was a late bloomer. Janus had been her saving grace, and now, as she planted her feet in a balanced, fighting posture, she whispered a tiny prayer of gratitude to the Neries.
  68. She draws her dagger from the pockets inside her cloak. It's dull but suprisingly long for a dagger - nearly the size of a chef's knife. She seems to be prepared for close combat, her other hand raised and poised.
  70. No matter how cool Quinn thought she looked, though, it was kind of silly. She was naive and inexperienced, and every movement she made easily classified her as a neophyte.
  72. "Remember to use the dull part of your blade," she said, raising the flat edge of her dagger to use for blunt blows, "and tell me if I'm doing something wrong."
  74. Pure, raw mana began to flow from her hands, although it was weak. It fizzled into the air, like smoke rising from a firepit...
  76. "I'm ready."
  77. (Quinn)
  78. [10:53:52] Upon walking on the road he had noticed how she followed him and eventually they made it outside of the castle walls. Jaeger move over to the right of the castle when they left out. He made it to an open field.
  80. " Okay lets get started." He said clapping his hands and then he startedto vanish but he was able to seen just a bit. his blending in with his surroundings started to maybe throw her off. Jaeger started to speak again. " Alright I hope you are ready."
  82. He pulled his baton out of his cloak. It was something that he always used in many situations because it really wasn't a weapon meant for killing just one that was meant for subduing or incapacitating
  85. (Jaegar)
  86. [10:54:43] {combat} Quinn has been defeated by Jaegar! They're unable to continue fighting.
  87. [10:55:34] Quinn: i think that was my first verb since coming back to eternia o;)
  88. [10:55:34] Jaegar: ( Well welcome back
  89. [10:55:34] Jaegar: ( lol
  90. [10:55:34] Quinn: lmao thanks)
  91. [10:56:25] You learnt the spell Phantom Strike.
  92. [10:56:25] The silent boy in stature stood before the creature with unwavering eyes and a grimmance of disguist. The world was slowly but surely becoming a place where humans or any other subracefor that matter would be able to inhibit it. Not to state that their had ever been a place ofpeace within Valmasia but for the most partt hings had become more hectic since the several past years. The place where Dragons stay had become a wasteland thanks to the twisted people who coursed their occult magic as they please. All of the greatest heros all perishing and dying off Ashir's heros would've sadly had died a long long time ago. Making his way out of Nostvale he would've approached the two seeing that their was a male who had been approached by the yokai, he wanted to be a haven or the boy's protector being that no one was around to do so.
  94. Remembering him from the meadow before he'd recall a Dragon who wasn't at the moment at his side supporting him. Was he too a Drakanite? Or simply a Dragon tamer at such a young age. Neither of the options were known but what was known was that the yokai standing before him was that of a different breed. It seemed to have much more intelligence than the last yokai he'd encounter. A beaten red eye'd mega with exceptional strength, for an oddity or another it chose not to evolve and had been basking overwhelming strength of that of an elemental/Kaor. After being ambushed there was simply no way that he could've fended for himself as he didn't know that the yokai would attack him in such a manner.
  96. This time being aware and that'd he be much more stronger he sought to make sure he'd protect anyone and everyone that he possibly could. He'd approach with caution, eyes daunting over the young boy he'd continue to search for his familiar before placing his left hand upon the neck of his katana for if the yokai lashed or made any funny movements, he wouldn't hesitate to strike with unyeilding force.
  97. (Ashir Gold)
  98. [10:57:16] You learnt the spell Swift.
  99. [10:58:08] As the first battle began he through a veil of darkness over her eyes and she started swinging wildly. He noticed an opening and as he swung his staff it extended stunning her allow him to hit her upon the head and sweep her o the floor. Her energy shined quite brightly and she hit pretty hard. He could tell there was a difference from him fighting ciel rather than fighting her. He knew that he had a big disadvantage to people using magic but if it was on his ground he was good at fghting.
  101. Upon wonking her on the head he started to speak. " Are you ready to go again. Your pretty good, though when I blinded you, you were pretty hectic how to move. I usually practice while getting rid of senses it helps me in these situations."
  104. (Jaegar)
  105. [10:58:59] Jaegar: ( threw *
  106. [10:58:59] Jaegar: ( a veil jeez
  107. [11:01:32] Pincers clicked together, its antannae bearing head turning back and forth between the two. A little boy who who frightened and a boy who was ready to defend himself, despite the yokai having done nothing but greet them. To say the least, he preferred the former.
  109. Like a serpent, Kuschoelu slithered around slightly, but rather than be aided by scales, uncountable pairs of legs sitting beneath its mass guided him. Antannae batted through the air, its eyeless gaze settled on the two humans. "Those must relax. I eat not the flesh of man, small ones," it states.
  111. Suddenly, it pauses, no longer moving but remaining frozen, even its antannae which typically moved subconsciously. If the yokai was capable of it, it would be grinning now, as an offer sat at the tip of its tongue. "Tell me, young ones. Do you have wishes, desires? Kuschoelu wishes to know, wishes to aid."
  112. (Kuschoelu)
  113. [11:02:24] As soon as the battle started, Quinn was thrown into oblivion. Her sense of sight was ripped from her and she began to stumble around, completely and utterly disoriented. That wasn't something she had been expecting at all, and when the light began to flood back in, she was at quite a disadvantage.
  115. Mana pulsed through her body and strengthened her blows, and the rush of adrenaline left her with a giddy grin despite the obvious fact that she was losing. The bliss of battle intoxicated her, dulling the strong blows that Jaeger planted upon her...
  117. ...until a smack to the head sent her sprawling to the ground. Everything spun for a moment, but when her vision recovered, Quinn was up, sweaty and poised for a round two.
  119. "Yeah, I'm not done. Come on, let's go." Her words are breathy and labored, but she's glowing. For the first time in ages, the pain of her sickness was gone, and Quinn was happy.
  120. (Quinn)
  121. [11:04:06] {combat} Quinn has been defeated by Jaegar! They're unable to continue fighting.
  122. [11:13:29] Jaeger nodded his head starting to speak. " I am glad that you are not a person who is accustomed to quiting once you have been beaten." Jaeger said smiling after starting to blend in with his back grounds even more. He noticed that as they started off Quinn had charged him and and started to move quite swiftly but Jaeger made sure to block everything that she started throwing at him. His gloves made sure to take the blades attacks. After she let up he backed away and charged him again he let her run directly into his staff and of course the reflex of getting hit in the gut would be to hold your side and when she bent her head down he raised his knee up to hit her in the face sending her flying back but Jaeger let his whip come out and grab her into another attack that would send her flying into his foot.
  124. With that last combo she layed on the floor but of course she was still conscious. Jaeger had well control over his abilities. He walked over next to her and squated down. " You're not bad but you have speculate more, instead of focusing so hard on you swinging think about what I might do next. I view fights like a game of chest. Each piece is your ability and I try to see how I would combat that." Jaeger said nodding his head before squating back up and raising his hand for her to get up off of the ground.
  126. " Need a hand or do you have it yourself."
  127. (Jaegar)
  128. [11:16:03] Quinn groaned. Although the rush of excitement numbed some of the pain, she could still feel the echo of his strikes shaking her body. She rose slowly, waving away his offer to help.
  130. "You're more experienced than me. I'm going to be honest with you and tell you that this is the first fight I've ever had." Her empty hand rose to push her hair out of her face, and then she met Jaeger's stare.
  132. "Was that water magic you were using?"
  133. (Quinn)
  134. [11:21:10] As she started to stand up on her own Jaeger started to speak. " Well, I wouldn't say that, there is alot I havn't experienced it's just I plan out all the scenarios I can possibly put myself in. Whether death or a cause for me to win. Fighting magi, Fighting people with physical strenth like myself. I just plan out alot of thing even though I have never experienced that much. I do it alot because I know that one day I may encounter every single one of them with what I want to do when I get older."
  136. Jaeger said nodding his head a bit.
  138. " Well if this is the first fight you have had you are doing pretty well for fighting for the first time. You almost beat me."
  140. " And yeah it's water magic." He said nodding his head.
  141. (Jaegar)
  142. [11:23:44] Quinn listened to him carefully. He spoke about planning as if it were easy, as if each action in a fight happened in slow motion. When Quinn turned to battle, everything was fast paced - there was no thinking involved. It was all instinct, lightning fast and adrenaline fueled.
  144. Perhaps she needed to learn to calm down. She looked over at Jaeger with a determined stare, and then she spoke:
  146. "Teach me water magic."
  147. (Quinn)
  148. [11:28:00] Alot of people's minds worked differently. Jaeger was a kid who didn't really have that much of an instinct or natural born talent. Everything that he had done he had worked at it non stop until his hands started to bleed. As for him planning out things that was something that he started when he was young. He writes in his book every scenario ad what he needs to do. That is mainly why he so bent on finding out knowledge to help him develop new scenarios. He was an odd ball type of kid. Especially when he fought everything slowed down for him by a drastic way.
  150. " Teach you water magic, well I can show you what you need to do to so that you can cast it. I'm pretty sure that's the same thing but oh well."
  152. " Do you really want to learn it?" He said squinting his eyes a bit.
  153. (Jaegar)
  154. [11:28:51] Jaegar: ( * younger
  155. [11:29:42] Quinn: follow)
  156. [11:32:16] "Yes. Come on, let's go back inside the city so we can sit by the water in there."
  158. Without giving Jaeger a moment to react, she begins to stride back inside the city walls, dead set on her destination. Several minutes later, Quinn sits down among a bed of grass, and motions for Jaeger to sit next to her.
  160. "I can do magic, but only in it's most natural form. It's not modified - it's literally just my mana. So, teach me how you use your mana to manipulate water."
  162. She was determined, now. Quinn wasn't going to leave Jaeger alone until she had some type of grasp on water magic.
  163. (Quinn)
  164. [11:37:23] Jaeger watched how happy she had gotten and he just shrugged his shoulders and began walking back into the city with his clothing looking a bit rustled I guess you could say. Eventually he made it behind her arriving where she was about ten seconds later.
  166. " How do I use my mana to manipulate water?" He said starting to sit down.
  168. " Well first you have to understand every magic that a person may have stems from a personality someones has. I am an ocd bookworm type of kid who plans almost every moment of his life. This comes into play because the fact that I can make scenarios out of thin air and put them into perspective makes sense for the reason I can manipulate water out of thin air making it into any shape or form I want it to be."
  170. Jaeger said putting some water in his hand before turning it into a flower, spider, then a beautiful bird." You see?"
  171. (Jaegar)
  172. [11:40:48] Quinn quirked a brow.
  174. "Well - that's nice, but I meant like... the process behind it. See, when I summon magic, I focus on the innermost core of my being. I focus on myself - me. And then I imagine that, manifested into something tangible and real. When I focus on that imagination..."
  176. Her hand rose into the air, her palm facing upwards. A mist of blue began to spring forth from her fingers, bustling outwards into the air like smoke.
  178. "It becomes real."
  180. She tilted her head, looking back to Jaeger. She closed her fist and the mana fizzled out.
  182. "Do you understand what I mean? Explain to me the method you use to bring forth your magic."
  183. (Quinn)
  184. [11:44:12] " Oh well step by step it's like this whenever I start casting my water magic I already have a defined purpose for it being there. It's best that I know exactly what I want to do with it before I cast it rather than just holding some weird looking water ball. So for starters I have that purpose and my mana acts as an extension of myself especially with water magic. So like when I use a whip I concentrate on my mana and the imagination, defined purpose, as well as mana manipulation allows me to bring forth a whip like it is another staff or a volatile staff if need be."
  186. " Water is a magic you have to be clear minded to use, because you cant use sheer force to manipulate something perfectly to what you want it to be."
  189. (Jaegar)
  190. [11:47:37] "Gotcha."
  192. Quinn was completely lost. Perhaps Jaegar wasn't the ideal teacher after all... but she had learned something, at least. She internalized what he had said, writing it down in some mental notebook that she'd likely lose later. Either way, it was the thought that counted!
  194. "I think I'll have to try this out on my own time. It'll probably take some real quiet to make any progress, yeah? Thanks anyway, Jaegar."
  195. (Quinn)
  196. [11:48:28] Jaegar: ( brb rq
  197. [11:49:20] Quinn: tyt)
  198. [11:55:18] He nodded his head then started to speak. " Well that is no problem, I should be around here a bit I think. So whenever you see me if that's possible just ask me some more questions." Usually Jaeger had a weird way of thinking that no one else could understand but him which is why he didn't really teach people unless they had some of the similar magic or they were extremely advanced but if they are advanced it wouldn't make any sense for them to be talking to Jaeger.
  200. "I think I am probably going to go get something to eat.. until the next time we see each other." He said fixing his mask before starting to walk away."
  201. (Jaegar)
  202. [11:56:09] Quinn raised her hand in a wave goodbye.
  204. "Alright, then. See you around, Jaegar. It was nice to meet you... and thank you for the training. It helped a lot."
  206. And it really did! As Jaegar walked off, Quinn sat in silence, reflecting on what she had done wrong and how she could do better next time. She needed to spend some time alone.
  207. (Quinn)
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