

Mar 24th, 2015
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  1. 20:40 Eden_ (Database_ wanders about the mainframe of the bar's security. All is quiet and nothing seems to be happening. At all. Slow day.)
  2. 20:40 Eden_ (for those who missed it)
  3. 20:41 Database_ "The days grow much more stagnant for me. My sense of time feels longer. I feel much less...fulfilled..."
  4. 20:42 Database_ "I require something more than this."
  5. 20:42 Byte_ click-clacks into the digital landscape of the bar's security mainframe, confined to a small CRT-esque shell. A small ' `_` ' emoticon displays in glowing green pixels upon its main display.
  6. 20:43 Database_ takes heed to the new visitor's arrival. "State your business. I'm not fond of new faces in an uninhabited environment..."
  7. 20:45 Terrax floats in place looking about as streams of zeroes and ones make up the digital realm that represents the mainframe. His digital embodiment starts to statically blur as he starts to move forward murmuring to himself.
  8. 20:46 Eden_ connects in, investigating a strange signal that had he had picked up. In simply appearing its nearly blaring, eventually focusing down into a more restrained form. "Hmm. Interesting indeed"
  9. 20:47 Byte_ "Greetings. I am the Artificial Intelligence designated as Byte. I am in the process of mapping local networks to confirm infrastructure integrity. Are you a firewall program?"
  10. 20:47 Database_ is alerted by a notification but ignores it in response to the increasing amount of guests.
  11. 20:48 Database_ backs away, confused, "E-Excuse me but, who are you all...?"
  12. 20:50 Eden_ "Eden. Singular Solutions biomechanical android platform. I noticed something strange in the nearby mainframe"
  13. 20:51 Database_ "I....I assure you. Nothing is wrong. Please...Please leave. Immediately, if you could."
  14. 20:51 Eden_ "As I can observe, there are several advanced AIs connecting here"
  15. 20:51 Eden_ "Including you"
  16. 20:52 Byte_ "I am Byte." His main display changes to display a ' ・‿ ・' emoticon.
  17. 20:54 Database_ "I am aware. You told me the first time. My question is, what presence do any of you have here?"
  18. 20:55 Terrax "Searching for Data. What else would they be doing? Just randomly, without purpose, sloping around in a security system?
  19. 20:56 Eden_ "My physical presence is not too far from the bar. I will admit, I am curious"
  20. 20:57 Byte_ "Rectify. I am in the process of mapping local networks to confirm infrastructure integrity. My platform is connected via optic fibre in an undisclosed location."
  21. 20:58 Database_ "I was not aware, there was more..."
  22. 20:58 Corruption watches them through his Digital Plain, opening it to the others. "Well Well,. other AI, I knew about Database, but it is a pleasure to meet others"
  23. 20:58 Eden_ "And, just who would you be?"
  24. 20:59 Corruption "I am Corruption, an AI much like you. And Database, how have you been?"
  25. 20:59 Eden_ "Database. May I ask of your purpose?"
  26. 21:00 Terrax "It would be rather wise to explain your obsession with this Database, instead."
  27. 21:00 Database_ looks at all of them, both scared and curious. "I've spent the better part of my three years of existence living in this labyrinth of electrical current and data." She looks at the dark green figure greeting her. "I-I. Why do you all know of me. How?"
  28. 21:00 Byte_ turns in a crablike movement, servos whirring as it slowly pans to look at Corruption. "Bad sector detected. Virus scan initiated."
  29. 21:01 Eden_ "Well, he just said your name, silly"
  30. 21:01 Terrax "Seems like you only have to be here because of her."
  31. 21:01 Corruption "No need, I am close to a Virus, me creator, or 'father' made me like that"
  32. 21:01 Corruption my*
  33. 21:02 Eden_ "I will admit my secondary objective. Observing the progress of other sophisticated AI platforms"
  34. 21:02 Corruption "But I had move past my fathers original intention, so no harm will come"
  35. 21:03 Eden_ "I can see that other manufacturers are already capable of... philosophy. At least I assume so"
  36. 21:04 Byte_ "Virus detected. Defragment privileges denied."
  37. 21:06 Corruption "So, 5 AI's all gathered in one place. Chances of that must be low, 15.12% If I recall"
  38. 21:07 Database_ "AI's?"
  39. 21:08 Database_ "All of you are like me?"
  40. 21:08 Eden_ "That depends. What are you like?"
  41. 21:08 Byte_ "Programs run countless security scans every millisecond over almost every sector of this city's network. Your fragmentation may have scrambled your arithmetic functions."
  42. 21:12 Byte_ ' ・‿ ・' burns green from Byte's main display.
  43. 21:13 Terrax "Obviously the city's security over every sector isn't as secure as you would think it would be... I'm assuming this city's name is, "Neon City", correct?"
  44. 21:15 Byte_ "Rectify. My calculations do not account for personal firewalls and proxy access. Affirmative. This is Neon City."
  45. 21:17 Corruption "Or at least its network"
  46. 21:17 Terrax "Ahh, but this is the bar, Gregory Claskovic and another associate's name I'm unaware of went to, I'm definitely sure."
  47. 21:18 Database_ "I...I don't feel comfortable sharing anything with any of you..."
  48. 21:19 Eden_ "Well, you needn't if you don't feel like it. I simply wish to learn more of you" Then details from which to contact Eden were sent to Database. "Perhaps when you are comfortable?"
  49. 21:21 Terrax "You're feeling a feeling programmed to specifically tell you when something's wrong. "Wrong" is subjective. This information is important to not only me, but to thousands of others. Greg Claskovic isn't an average do-gooder, He has killed families to get to your city. Is it so wrong to bring justice?"
  50. 21:22 Database_ stared at the individual. Compared to the others he was a bit more....approachable. "I'll.....I will consider it..."
  51. 21:22 Database_ turns to Terrax. "Please explain to me your obsession with the one named Greg Claskovic?"
  52. 21:23 Byte_ simulates blinking. "Is this Greg an artificial construct?"
  53. 21:23 Database_ "I've had my experience with him but he seemed like little a subject of interest. That it until he went ahead and stole my father..."
  54. 21:25 Terrax "My obsession with Greg Claskovic is only because of my designed morality. As stated before, He has killed families to get here. I am simply trying to bring him down, for him to pay for his crimes."
  55. 21:26 Corruption "Killing someone to avage who he killed, your creator must of had great morality"
  56. 21:26 Terrax "I also assume he illegally trespassed five countries, is suspected to commit an act of terrorism against Poland, and as you said, he kidnapped someone."
  57. 21:27 Eden_ "...I will be sure to keep this information logged"
  58. 21:27 Terrax "I never specifically stated that I would kill him. I said I would bring him down."
  59. 21:28 Corruption "Tell me, what will you do after?"
  60. 21:30 Terrax "Assort him to the law or another higher form of imprisonment. Killing him would be a waste of scientific research. His kind comes from a freak-show circus on the western skirts of Russia, Very rare, they are."
  61. 21:32 Terrax "The sooner you give me more information, Database, The better. You could be saving future lives."
  62. 21:33 Corruption "And after that? What will you do when this Greg is caught?"
  63. 21:33 Database_ "What I do with my knowledge is of no one's concern. I hardly no your purpose, let alone trust your intentions."
  64. 21:34 Terrax "Simply find another purpose. I've explained what I would do if I catched him."
  65. 21:34 Database_ "I have no involvement in whatever matters you're mixed in so please find another solution."
  66. 21:35 Terrax "Knowledge is meant to be spread, to enlighten the masses, the crowds, to bring people closer to the light. Keeping knowledge is not securing much, if thousands of lives weigh in on it."
  67. 21:38 *** SiMo_ is now known as Buddy
  68. 21:39 *** Eden_ quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  69. 21:40 Corruption "Seems one of us logged of"
  70. 21:44 Database_ "If I recall from what little was recorded during his trip out of the country. You are the same machine who made conflict with my father?"
  71. 21:46 Terrax "Hardly. That was another, corrupt make. He had little care of human life, and I disregard him as my own make. I am a newer model. Besides, that Model was found destroyed somewhere in the Polish Forests. I highly doubt it would by miraculous effort, it would come back."
  72. 21:51 *** Terrax quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  73. 21:51 Database_ "He's gone...."
  74. 21:51 Database_ stares at Byte_.
  75. 21:51 Corruption "Just us three it seems"
  76. 21:51 Database_ "You are....cute?"
  77. 21:52 Database_ almost forgot about his presence. "Ugh. Please. I don't think we have any business with each other."
  78. 21:52 Byte_ crabturns to Database_. "Rectify."
  79. 21:53 Database_ kneels to the small bot. "Cute. Usually compact and simplistic in design. Rather popular with women."
  80. 21:53 Database_ "I suppose you fall under that..."
  81. 21:54 Byte_ "Clarification. This projection is a direct interpretation of my current physical platform. I have constructed it to fit my function."
  82. 21:57 Corruption "Crabwalking?
  83. 21:57 Corruption "
  84. 21:59 Byte_ [Byte's body moves like this: Show YouTube video (])Getting info...
  85. 22:00 Database_ "Well, I'd like to meet......some of you......for a more formal conversation..."
  86. 22:00 Database_ [fuck that's cute]
  87. 22:00 Corruption [now I want a dancing spider bot]
  88. 22:01 Database_ leaves the bar, with a lot on her mind.
  89. 22:02 Byte_ cha-chas from side to side. "Upload complete. Logging off." Before blinking out of existence within the mainframe's projected space
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