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Jul 22nd, 2016
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  1. Roc(A fallen knightingale/A bigger harpy)
  2. Striker Torso: C/S/K 6, 3 tons
  3. Striker Head: C/S/K 3, 1.5 ton
  4. Striker L. Wing: C/S/K 3, 1.5 ton
  5. Striker R. Wing: C/S/K 3, 1.5 ton
  6. Striker L. Arm: C/S/K 4, 1.5 ton
  7. Striker R. Arm: C/S/K 4, 1.5 ton
  8. Striker L Leg: C/S/K 4, 1.5 ton
  9. Striker R Leg: C/S/K 4, 1.5 ton
  10. Frame= 31 cp, 13.5 ton
  11. Striker Armor(3cp, 3 SP, 1.5 tons) all servos(24 CP, 12 tons)
  12. Main Sensors (Head): 4 CP, 1 Space, 2 Kills, 1 ton
  13. Options: Head Enviropod (2 CP, 2 Spaces), Storage Module (1 CP, 1 Space), Micromanipulators (1 CP, 1 Space), Liftwire (0.3 CP), Spotlights (0.2 CP)
  14. (8.5 CP and 1 tons)
  15. (total base frame: 63.5 CP, 26.5 tons)
  16. Armaments: The Roc's larger size and space allows for the mech to not only equip the standard harpy gear(with arm mounted shields no less), but even mount the one handed bluegill weaponry into it's arms. An additional option is mounting basic beam sabers(energy Melee, 4k(1 kill of structure), WA+1, 4 CP, EMW, 0.5 tons) into the arms. For simplicity, 16 CP and 8 tons worth of gear is the heaviest allowance for the Roc.
  17. (79.5 CP, 34.5 tons)
  18. Thrusters and Mobility
  19. 3 in each wing, 2 in each leg for 10 total. +2 MA from wings while in flight.
  20. Multipliers
  21. Jet Mode: Allows the Roc to take the form of a mechafighter (costs 0.3 multiplied by the base CP of the mech). This doubles the flight MA, prevents the use of handheld weapons (if Rocs had hands), and inflicts -2 MV. It takes one Action to transform.
  22. Vernier Thrusters: Reduces the MV penalty by 1 at the cost of a 0.1 modifier and 5 verniers placed on the body(1 on each leg, 3 on the torso)
  23. Cool Overcharged Reactor: For a 0.15 multiplier, increased MV and MA by one.
  24. Cost before Modifiers; 89.5 cp. After: 139.5 CP
  25. MV and MA: -1 Mv, 10 MA(7 on thrusters alone, +1 from overcharged reactor, +2 from wings in flight)
  26. -----------------
  27. Project Knightingale, the final machine of the Chessboard project to be tested, was a special case compared to the Rook and Cardinal. A harrasser unit designed for Ace pilots, it's relatively high speed and maneuvrability thanks to it's vernier system and improved engines(taking some key notes from the failed Pawn II project) would allow for incredible feats of dexterity and agility, even while in jet form. Theory dictates that if the machine used a lighter set of weapons and added additional thrusters to the legs and torso, the Knightingale would be able to fly faster than the cardinal while still in humanoid form and move in such a way that there was no waste of movement through the HMIS.
  28. Sadly, the knightingale project was met with constant bad luck. With Avalonian pressure rising and the scarcity of aces, the name of the machine and the decision to use more protective machines for their ace pilots put the design in dire straights. The final nail in it's casket was during a trial combat to show it's potential to protect its aces. During the live fire excercise, a stray shot struck the powerplant of a Knightingale and caused a catastrophic overload, destroying the machine, 2 of it's wingmen, and several on sight personel. Before the team of designers had a chance to explain, critics had already denounced the project. Some saying that to get it to such levels, they used a hot powerplant and thus endangered the pilot and everyone around it. Shamed and disgraced, the Knightingale line was fully scrapped and plans for the Multi Crisis Response Queen Whydah and Wireless Commander Kingfisher were halted, clipping the wings of the Chessboard Project.
  29. Still, while the project was ground to a halt and scrapped, the Harpy shared many simularities to it's distant cousin. With an upscaled body and redesigned parts, the Roc could easily roll off the assembly line and seek the glory it's big brother never got.
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