
Dr. Church observes the Fall of Cleveland

Jul 27th, 2012
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  1. > You are Dr. Ross Church.
  2. > And you can’t believe what you’re reading.
  3. > Spaghetti Land is being overrun by ferals.
  4. > It has gotten so bad that they’ve closed the park down completely.
  5. > You were taking a break from your work at your new lab- a much smaller, less well-funded one, at the University.
  6. > You needed some caffeine in you. The babbling of the ferals in your lab was getting to you, and you forgot your morning coffee.
  7. > You picked up the paper, and right there on the second page in big huge letters it said “Spaghetti Land overrun, park closed until further notice”
  8. > You heard of Spaghetti Land before, of course.
  9. > You thought it kind of cute- an amusement park made for fluffies. How sweet.
  10. > You remember that you idly wondered if ferals would show up.
  11. > This made you grimace when you pondered on it abit more afterwards- while you yourself actively try to not kill fluffies, and indeed be ethical, you know that many people, including scientists, are not.
  12. > You could almost picture it in your mind: a group of fluffies being brutally but quietly dispatched by security people.
  13. > Happens all too often.
  14. > Which is why you’ve endeavored to find a way to keep the feral population down, in the most ethical way you can.
  15. > Especially after that incident with Professor Ennis.
  16. > The visage of a fluffy with a cross-shaped rash on its face still shows up in your dreams from time to time.
  17. > You can’t believe you almost fell for that psycho’s bollocks, but at the time you were fresh out of ideas.
  18. > You take some time to browse on one of the University’s computers, and you’ve able to find a few pictures and a small video which apparently was taken via newschopper.
  19. > The pictures are a little gruesome, but not really bad- one fluffy is shown crushed by a bumpercar, another is dead in a puddle of soda.
  20. > But the video is chilling
  21. > A giant mass of fluffies swarm over the park. Everywhere. It’s like looking at a swarm of ants or one of those zombie apocalypse movies, albeit, much more colorful.
  22. > Shit and dead fluffies are everywhere.
  23. > You decided to go home early. Said you didn’t feel well.
  24. > Which wasn’t a lie.
  25. > You’re currently sitting at your computer, getting yourself up to date on everything Spaghetti Land related.
  26. > You never expected THAT many ferals to show up. It seems like every herd who heard of the park via radio or television took it upon themselves to make a pilgrimage to the place.
  27. > You think about it some more, and you begin to question Spaghetti Land’s true purpose. Was this whole thing a trap for ferals?
  28. > It’s a possibility, but it seems a long shot- Cleveland simply doesn’t have the money to do something like that, last time you checked.
  29. > It could’ve been a legitimate attempt to boost Cleveland’s economy.
  30. > In any case, a complete disaster is brewing.
  31. > Or worse, disaster has already struck.
  32. > Eitherway, you will be monitoring this situation quite closely.
  33. > It’s time to take a short break from finding an ethical way to keep the feral population down.
  34. > You’ll return to your work soon afterwards.
  35. > But you have a feeling that after whatever happens in Cleveland happens, reporters will be banging down your door.
  36. > Which would be alright, you guess. Maybe it would help ‘cleanse’ your reputation, which was spotless until Ennis dirtied it.
  37. > You sit there for a moment, trying to sort out your thoughts.
  38. > Your mind races.
  39. > You take a deep breath, and pray that your mind was playing tricks on you, that one day a few months ago, when you went to visit your sister.
  40. > A fluffy with a cross-like rash on its face.
  41. > You hope none survived.
  42. > And you hope none found their way to Spaghetti Land.
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