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Jul 25th, 2016
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  1. ButterLord: Today's raw was just fanservice imo
  2. Aussie_Blade: But we don't lose either way with Seth vs Balor
  3. ButterLord: True, but the outcome is obvious
  4. Super Saiyan User: Lose if Balor.
  5. Super Saiyan User: Seth is the man.
  6. Super Saiyan User: Balor is not.
  7. ButterLord: Balor was looking pretty ripped today
  8. Super Saiyan User: Seth backstabbed his way to the top and proved himself.
  9. Super Saiyan User: Balor is some NXT rookie.
  10. ButterLord: True, Seth took a shortcut but he turned out pretty legit
  11. Super Saiyan User: Yeah, honestly when it was Shield I dismissed Seth Rollins as the 3rd bar.
  12. Aussie_Blade: what shortcut? he didn't cheat
  13. Super Saiyan User: But he's honestly the best out of all of them.
  14. Aussie_Blade: it is a damn storyline
  15. ButterLord: During the shield Seth was just there ya know
  16. Super Saiyan User: Yes. In the storyline, he cheated.
  17. Super Saiyan User: Ergo, his character cheated.
  18. ButterLord: Shortcut = MITB
  19. Super Saiyan User: Seth Rollins the person and Seth Rollins the wrestler are not the same thing.
  20. ButterLord: We ain't talking bout his real self
  21. Super Saiyan User: Though to be fair, he's cool either way.
  22. ButterLord: I like seth's laugh, no homo
  23. Super Saiyan User: That's totally homo.
  24. Icerick1: Except for that dick pic, but we can forgive that.
  25. ButterLord: Vince can lol
  26. Super Saiyan User: It's like saying "no offense" but it's offensive.
  27. Super Saiyan User: I haven't seen it but man, bless.
  28. johnek: Balor isn't "some" NXT rookie. Mojo Rawley, is "some" nxt rookie
  29. Super Saiyan User: Everyone from NXT coming on to Raw with a week's worth of main roster and main fan support is a rookie.
  30. ButterLord: The dude Braun faced tonight literally had like no chin XD
  31. Super Saiyan User: Whether you like them or not.
  32. gimmedatseabear: Brauns theme sounded p cool
  33. Tato2772: balor was the shit in new japan how is he a rookie
  34. Super Saiyan User: Samoa Joe, for that matter, is some NXT rookie.
  35. johnek: You have to be out of your mind if you think Balor is on the same level as all the other NXT callups.
  36. Super Saiyan User: Because it's his first time on WWE Raw/Smackdown TV.
  37. Super Saiyan User: I'm saying his exposure makes him a rookie.
  38. johnek: Samoa Joe "some" rookie, you're fucking mental.
  39. Super Saiyan User: Yup.
  40. ButterLord: Sure you can call him a rookie as in he's new there
  41. Super Saiyan User: That's what I'm doing.
  42. ButterLord: But if its skill, nah
  43. Super Saiyan User: And you guys are getting all defensive.
  44. Tato2772: its like aj styles
  45. Super Saiyan User: Lol.
  46. Tato2772: he isnt a rookie
  47. Super Saiyan User: Yeah, AJ Styles is a rookie.
  48. Super Saiyan User: But he's not now.
  49. Segmr~: why are you biting the bait
  50. Segmr~: lol
  51. Super Saiyan User: He's been there a couple months.
  52. johnek: The operative word is "some". Not all NXT callups are equal.
  53. Super Saiyan User: Yes they are.
  54. Segmr~: guys please dont feed the gremlins after midnigth
  55. ButterLord: cough Emma cough
  56. Super Saiyan User: Segmr, I am not trolling...
  57. johnek: So Finn Balor is Mojo Rawley's equal?
  58. ButterLord: raw to smackdown
  59. Super Saiyan User: In terms of screen time and presence to people who only watch Raw/Smackdown, yes johnek, he is.
  60. Super Saiyan User: He needs to build a new following.
  61. Super Saiyan User: All over again.
  62. Super Saiyan User: Earn the crowd's respect.
  63. Super Saiyan User: No different for AJ Styles. If he has a reputation it'll be easier, but you still have to start from the bottom up.
  64. ButterLord: I'm surprised how much less the crowd booed Roman
  65. Tato2772: just turn roman heel godamn
  66. johnek: Enough of the live crowd watches nxt so that the segments that don't watch it follow their lead and go CRAZY when the NXT fans go crazy for people who were beloved on NXT.
  67. Icerick1: Considering Mojo only got one segment and Balor got two matches, in terms of screen time Balor > Mojo still
  68. Icerick1: lol
  69. johnek: That's why Enzo and Cass climbed faster than other NXT teams
  70. ButterLord: Smackdown hasn't even been on lmao
  71. Super Saiyan User: Like I said jonek, if you have a big reputation it'll make it easier.
  72. Super Saiyan User: But your matches still start with jobbers etc. till you climb the exposure later.
  73. johnek: And therefore, you admit that not all NXT rookies are equal
  74. Super Saiyan User: No.
  75. Super Saiyan User: I never did.
  76. Super Saiyan User: I admitted they all start at the same starting point.
  77. Super Saiyan User: That's equality.
  78. johnek: "Like I said jonek, if you have a big reputation it'll make it easier."
  79. Super Saiyan User: Make it easier.
  80. Super Saiyan User: Yes.
  81. Super Saiyan User: But that says nothing about starting from the same finish line.
  82. Super Saiyan User: Nice trying to twist my words, brah.
  83. johnek: If they were equals, they would all have it equaly hard
  84. ButterLord: Enough of this bull bull, lets talk bout that dude Braun faced
  85. johnek: That was a copy and paste; no twisting
  86. Super Saiyan User: Or, they would start from the same starting point.
  87. Super Saiyan User: Yes, you took it out of context.
  88. johnek: No i did not
  89. ButterLord: Sunny Boi
  90. Super Saiyan User: LOL.
  91. Super Saiyan User: Okay then.
  92. feisb8 恶人: can't believe that finn wins
  93. Icerick1: How about that honorary New Day member
  94. Super Saiyan User: I won't feed your trolling ass. You're just looking to bicker.
  95. Icerick1: Sonny BOI
  96. %DjのDrake8: I'm pretty glad for Kebab
  97. %DjのDrake8: he finally got to be on raw
  98. Super Saiyan User: Sonny Boi wasn't even his real name. ;_;
  99. ButterLord: Sonny Boi in dah house!
  100. Segmr~: Super Saiyan User ok look no
  101. johnek: You are just too stubborn to admit when your wrong and you rage when you lose.
  102. %DjのDrake8: living his dream
  103. Super Saiyan User: Rage?
  104. Super Saiyan User: johnek, pm.
  105. Segmr~: i get trolls are an important part of the ecosystem
  106. johnek: no
  107. Super Saiyan User: Why not?
  108. Segmr~: but please dont negate it
  109. Super Saiyan User: You want to argue, argue.
  110. Segmr~: dont bait then copout
  111. Super Saiyan User: But don't use your bias ecosystem to do your work for you.
  112. Super Saiyan User: I'm not copping out.
  113. Tato2772: just ignore him guys
  114. Super Saiyan User: I'm literally attempting to not flood the chat.
  115. Segmr~: im offended by his poor attempt at bait
  116. Super Saiyan User: That's a thing that happens in PS chats.
  117. Aussie_Blade: ignore who? I've already blacklisted SSU
  118. ButterLord: Dang son
  119. Segmr~: that's not how blacklist works
  120. Segmr~: that's a different thing
  121. Super Saiyan User: I'm kinda salty you call me a troll because I disagree with what you say and then dismiss my opinions. But that's besides the point. I'm not wrong because you say I'm wrong. That's not how being wrong works, johnek.
  122. Aussie_Blade: blacklist on games is basically an ignore function
  123. Aussie_Blade: at least on MMO
  124. Aussie_Blade: s
  125. Segmr~: i'd say ignore technically works differently but since the button was added it is kinda like that
  126. Segmr~: cept without there being an actual list
  127. Super Saiyan User: Equality is everyone having the same chance. They start from the same neophyte stage and work their way up. It's no different for any of them. Watch when Balor loses and goes back to hitting up people jobbing for him.
  128. Segmr~: lol equality in wwe
  129. ButterLord: Tbh Equality done not exist in wwe
  130. johnek: THANK YOU
  131. Tato2772: nah man tyler breeze hasnt gotten the same treatment ko got or balor is getting
  132. ButterLord: cough emma cough
  133. Super Saiyan User: Tyler Breeze didn't get any reaction from the crowd even if he was the best wrestler in the world.
  134. Segmr~: emma is different
  135. Super Saiyan User: Simple as that.
  136. Segmr~: emma got fucked
  137. Super Saiyan User: I wonder if Emma did get fucked.
  138. Segmr~: well
  139. Segmr~: yeah
  140. johnek: Breeze was liked in NXT but not nearly to the level that Balor and KO were
  141. Tato2772: by vince
  142. Segmr~: her back is her back
  143. Super Saiyan User: Sure but johnek when they started people who don't watch the program have no clue. It's why the whole audience didn't raise their hand with Balor when he came out the second times to face Reigns.
  144. Super Saiyan User: People knew what to do by then, but he hasn't won them over.
  145. johnek: Still, I can't believe that Fabreeze is kinda working for him
  146. Super Saiyan User: It's not because they have no clue how to engage his pops. It's because they aren't sure if they like him or not.
  147. Segmr~: they dropped him in without any build
  148. johnek: All of the NXT fans almost all act like plants that get everyone else in the crowd into the new NXT callups. It gets them over much more quickly.
  149. Segmr~: because they forgot that vignnettes exist and why are they important
  150. Super Saiyan User: Segmr~, not disputing that.
  151. Super Saiyan User: All I'm saying is that he didn't pop like he would in NXT because he's starting over on a new show with a new broader audience.
  152. Super Saiyan User: "plants" or not.
  153. Segmr~: also
  154. Descepticons♥: dang
  155. ButterLord: Enough about equality!
  156. Descepticons♥: romans buried
  157. Super Saiyan User: NXT is mostly wrestling fanboys.
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