
rough zurin notes

Dec 8th, 2017
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  1. was working on a side outline/explanation bit for Zurin
  2. had eight paragraphs
  3. computer died, lost erry bit of it
  4. fuk
  5. been typing out what I can get out from memory, or the theme/ideas I had from memory
  6. Zurin as a prince of the battlemage aristocracy, a nibenno nordic from Cheydin, the little brother to a competent aristocrat
  7. if he had more ambition to rule he would easily be capable of overthrowing him, his wit deft and his ritual skill powerful, as is his mind for subterfuge and the dancing game of Nibenese politics(edited)
  8. but he has other ambitions, one rooted from a divine purpose
  9. once when in spiritual communion with whatever would make itself known, sitting on cool stone floor surrounded by Nepenthean incense imbued with the oils of deep-niben frogs, a vision came to him of eight plus one, of a coming emperor to seat the ruby throne
  10. and when his vision ended he found something lost and treasured in his lap, Chim El-Adabal
  11. so he left for Nibennium, and served wealthy patricians as tutors to their sons, waiting the arrival of the true lord of his nation
  12. a calling that would be answered by a man named Tiber Septim, to whom the Ruby practically sang for, till Zurin had clasped it around his neck and dragonfires ignited
  13. except that's not right
  14. Renald was a chevalier knight, a noble soul on horseback with a divine questing purpose that had taken him southeast from his home, superficially in the service of Illiac lords alongside their footsoldiers and pikemen and spellswords, to keep their tenuous grasp on cyroiilic highlands. But what he was really there for was something far more prophetic, to find a righteous neck upon which Cyrod's red ruby will rest
  15. he did not know how it ended up with his family, only that it had been their secret treasure for generations; perhaps in the war of alliances an ancestor took it from its home for safekeeping, from the tyrants and yearning false lords who would defile its sacred nature if it meant clasping it around their neck for just a moment
  16. however it was whisked away from Cyrod, it had stayed in his family's keep for generations, the red ruby of Ales and Reman, the pursuit of Emeric and many lords both noble and foul before and after him, all of whose stories bear cosmic tragedy: despite their nobility or just natures, not one bore divine dragon's blood.
  17. But in recent months it had sang to Renald, and captivated he could hear it tell him that its time was now, not in words but in meaning, and so he rode out with the stone for Cyrodiil
  18. which is how he found himself in the foothills near sancre tor, among the servents of petty kings, clutching the blood red ruby of Ales and Belhardt and Amily and Ester and Reman and his glorious son who held the same name
  19. praying to their names and to Oriel for guidance
  20. his prayers are answered in the form of a piercing spear and a thundering shout
  21. the striding boots of Cuhlec, king of the northern most estate
  22. guided by the glorious hand of Oriel's dragon-shape and the better half of Sheor's intentions both
  23. and so Renald, at the conquered sancre tor, falls to his knees and swears fealty to Cuhlec, joining him on his march to the imperial city, at his side alongside his advisors, the colovian general, and the ghost of ash.
  25. Brynjar - 08/28/2017
  26. feels weird tbh, how did Zurin end up becoming Tiber's confidant then?
  29. Zinitrad - 08/28/2017
  30. Like Wulfharth, Zurin only knew something had changed
  31. Zurin became the confidant of Tiber because he's a.)
  32. duty bound in loyalty to Tiber as bearer of the potential of Stormcrown
  33. b.) a fellow bearer of many names (even if he would never know the full extent by which Tiber had stolen them)
  34. August 29, 2017
  37. Zinitrad - 08/29/2017
  38. also further stuff
  39. Zurin is a different protonym from Renald
  40. but they're both identities invented and being worn by the same duty-bound snake
  41. same snake of minor tsaesci nobility, duty bound to an oath to find and serve the one to repair and exceed the empire of Reman, an emperor worthy of being bestowed the amulet of kings
  42. first coming to Cuhlecain as Renald
  43. on the death of Cuhlecain coming to Tiber as Zurin
  44. and upon betrayal at Walks Brass and the birth of Talos as we know him, rendered irrelevant in such a regard, Talos finding the amulet himself at Sancre Tor
  45. even though in reality, Talosian Cuhlecain came across the bearer of the amulet Renald at Sancre Tor
  46. they're seperate 'ideas' of a being
  47. to the world as mortal men experience it, they are seperate beings
  48. but they are the same tsaesci individual
  49. protonymic is an identity, the thing that associates and connects with aspects of the world and holds a genuine history, a destiny, a truth of an entity etc; neonymic is a reflection built out of the protonymic that can be shifted by the world, a known name and face and personality(edited)
  50. Zurin and Renald are two different but 'synonymous' protonymics- they both are petty nobles with a divine duty to the Ruby Throne
  51. But
  52. Tsaesci don't use nymics in the same way men do, in the same way most things do
  53. their nymics are less a single name and more a body of potential names
  54. their identities are malleable
  55. they can shed their protonymics like snakeskin for another that is synonymous
  56. later Tiber will use this malleable identity to perform nymic surgery, implanting ysmarine aspects into Zurin's tsaesci soul to make a fascimile shezzarine to power the mantella
  57. It's been a long time since the entity behind Renald and Zurin wore an openly Tsaesci protonym
  58. maybe even back when he lived in Akavir, a petty noble snake and among the order pursuing the idea of one born from sacred serpents, holy kin to and consumer of the befouled serpent that is the drake
  59. maybe his name was Rayalarn, or Tseieri, or Dorras, or Nafsidue, or something else- it's so long ago and disconnected from the role he would play in the world it's irrelevent
  60. but he was among his order when they left for starry heart, having searched and consumed the names of those who could have been born with such an identity in their homeland and found nothing
  61. and he was among his order when they met Reman at the pale pass, and fell to the ground in prostration as they found the man with great serpent's soul
  62. reman was what they had searched for, but he would not in the end satisfy what they had desired. But they were sworn to him, and they had faith that from him, or something of him, would spring the sacred thing they sought
  63. they served his descendants
  64. or closer, those who were descendant to his serpent soul, in the case of Reman II
  65. until serpent soul was nowhere to be found among those with Reman blood, from whence they took over
  66. until tamriel grew tired of the influence of snakes, and eventually overthrew them, killing most, sparing only those who were the very best at shedding their skins
  67. so their order went underground, and abandoned fully the wearing of their snake names for names of men
  68. He likely wasn't first Renald
  69. Renald is a name he only took later
  70. there were times in this era they grew desperate, often even that they'd come to a promising emperor, a noble name with fire in their soul, men like varen and others, presenting them amulet in desperation only to watch as it all crumbled, withdrawing with their stone once more to wear new names
  71. many more were hunted, many more abandoned their duties
  72. soon very few were left, the one who would be Renald among them
  73. It wouldn't be until the amulet sang to him once more that his purpose would be rekindled and that he would take up another name
  74. and so as Renald of the Rock, noble chevalier, he waited at Alessia's Tor, begging the serpent-souled spirits of the past of this land he had grown to love that he would find the new serpent, and that he would be the one to fulfill what they sought so long ago
  75. he found it in Cuhlec
  76. he found it in Stormcrown
  77. at least, until Cuhlec was no longer such, and he had never found it in him
  78. at which point he found Stormcrown in Tiber
  79. and as he had once appeared to Cuhlec as Renald, now he appeared to Tiber as Zurin
  80. though he was in terrified agony as it occurred, and a significant part of him would resist in furious loathing after being shed of its soul, his participation and 'sacrifice' at Tiber's hands were among the steps that would bring true Stormcrown to Tamriel's shores, fulfilling the greatest prophecy of his people
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