
The Procedure One Must Follow In Order

Nov 1st, 2014
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  1. The Procedure One Must Follow In Order To Reduce Weight To lose your target weight, you must have a calorie deficit diet the amount of calorie deficit is calculated by a <a href=""></a> nutritionist after examining your overall health condition. Follow the diet prescribed by your dietician, religiously. Then, as per your trainer's instructions exercise regularly for at least two hours daily. It should include cardio exercises such as situps, walking, jogging on the treadmill, skipping, swimming, climbing up the stairs and the likes. You need a balanced combination of all of them or some of them. Yoga too is an ideal way to lose a great deal of weight and maintain healthy skin. A slow and systematic method of weight loss often saves one from developing flabby skin. You must also take care of what you eat and drink. Drink at least liters of fresh lemon water daily. You can try out things such as carrot and beetroot smoothies and other green smoothies that act as energy boosters and help maintain healthy weight. As far as your diet goes, eat mostly salads without dressing, avoid oily and fast food and try to consume only boiled vegetables.
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