
QgsVectorLayer class (PyQGIS)

Aug 20th, 2014
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  1. Python 2.7.4 (default, Apr 6 2013, 19:54:46) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on zeito
  2. ## Type help(iface) for more info and list of methods.
  3. help(QgsVectorLayer)
  4. Help on class QgsVectorLayer in module qgis.core:
  6. class QgsVectorLayer(QgsMapLayer)
  7. | QgsVectorLayer(QString path=QString.null, QString baseName=QString.null, QString providerLib=QString.null, bool loadDefaultStyleFlag=True)
  8. |
  9. | Method resolution order:
  10. | QgsVectorLayer
  11. | QgsMapLayer
  12. | PyQt4.QtCore.QObject
  13. | sip.wrapper
  14. | sip.simplewrapper
  15. | __builtin__.object
  16. |
  17. | Methods defined here:
  18. |
  19. | actions(...)
  20. | QgsVectorLayer.actions() -> QgsAttributeAction
  21. |
  22. | addAttribute(...)
  23. | QgsVectorLayer.addAttribute(QgsField) -> bool
  24. |
  25. | addAttributeAlias(...)
  26. | QgsVectorLayer.addAttributeAlias(int, QString)
  27. |
  28. | addAttributeEditorWidget(...)
  29. | QgsVectorLayer.addAttributeEditorWidget(QgsAttributeEditorElement)
  30. |
  31. | addFeature(...)
  32. | QgsVectorLayer.addFeature(QgsFeature, bool alsoUpdateExtent=True) -> bool
  33. |
  34. | addFeatures(...)
  35. | QgsVectorLayer.addFeatures(list-of-QgsFeature, bool makeSelected=True) -> bool
  36. |
  37. | addJoin(...)
  38. | QgsVectorLayer.addJoin(QgsVectorJoinInfo)
  39. |
  40. | addPart(...)
  41. | QgsVectorLayer.addPart(list-of-QgsPoint) -> int
  42. |
  43. | addRing(...)
  44. | QgsVectorLayer.addRing(list-of-QgsPoint) -> int
  45. |
  46. | addTopologicalPoints(...)
  47. | QgsVectorLayer.addTopologicalPoints(QgsGeometry) -> int
  48. | QgsVectorLayer.addTopologicalPoints(QgsPoint) -> int
  49. |
  50. | allFeatureIds(...)
  51. | QgsVectorLayer.allFeatureIds() -> unknown-type
  52. |
  53. | annotationForm(...)
  54. | QgsVectorLayer.annotationForm() -> QString
  55. |
  56. | appendError(...)
  57. |
  58. | applyNamedStyle(...)
  59. | QgsVectorLayer.applyNamedStyle(QString, QString) -> bool
  60. |
  61. | attributeAdded = <unbound signal attributeAdded>
  62. | attributeAlias(...)
  63. | QgsVectorLayer.attributeAlias(int) -> QString
  64. |
  65. | attributeAliases(...)
  66. | QgsVectorLayer.attributeAliases() -> dict-of-QString-QString
  67. |
  68. | attributeDeleted = <unbound signal attributeDeleted>
  69. | attributeDisplayName(...)
  70. | QgsVectorLayer.attributeDisplayName(int) -> QString
  71. |
  72. | attributeEditorElementFromDomElement(...)
  73. | QgsVectorLayer.attributeEditorElementFromDomElement(QDomElement, QObject) -> QgsAttributeEditorElement
  74. |
  75. | attributeEditorElements(...)
  76. | QgsVectorLayer.attributeEditorElements() -> list-of-QgsAttributeEditorElement
  77. |
  78. | attributeValueChanged = <unbound signal attributeValueChanged>
  79. | beforeCommitChanges = <unbound signal beforeCommitChanges>
  80. | beforeRollBack = <unbound signal beforeRollBack>
  81. | beginEditCommand(...)
  82. | QgsVectorLayer.beginEditCommand(QString)
  83. |
  84. | boundingBoxOfSelected(...)
  85. | QgsVectorLayer.boundingBoxOfSelected() -> QgsRectangle
  86. |
  87. | capabilitiesString(...)
  88. | QgsVectorLayer.capabilitiesString() -> QString
  89. |
  90. | changeAttributeValue(...)
  91. | QgsVectorLayer.changeAttributeValue(int, int, QVariant, bool) -> bool
  92. | QgsVectorLayer.changeAttributeValue(int, int, QVariant, QVariant oldValue=QVariant()) -> bool
  93. |
  94. | changeGeometry(...)
  95. | QgsVectorLayer.changeGeometry(int, QgsGeometry) -> bool
  96. |
  97. | checkJoinLayerRemove(...)
  98. | QgsVectorLayer.checkJoinLayerRemove(QString)
  99. |
  100. | childEvent(...)
  101. |
  102. | clearAttributeEditorWidgets(...)
  103. | QgsVectorLayer.clearAttributeEditorWidgets()
  104. |
  105. | commitChanges(...)
  106. | QgsVectorLayer.commitChanges() -> bool
  107. |
  108. | commitErrors(...)
  109. | QgsVectorLayer.commitErrors() -> QStringList
  110. |
  111. | committedAttributeValuesChanges = <unbound signal committedAttributeValuesChanges>
  112. | committedAttributesAdded = <unbound signal committedAttributesAdded>
  113. | committedAttributesDeleted = <unbound signal committedAttributesDeleted>
  114. | committedFeaturesAdded = <unbound signal committedFeaturesAdded>
  115. | committedFeaturesRemoved = <unbound signal committedFeaturesRemoved>
  116. | committedGeometriesChanges = <unbound signal committedGeometriesChanges>
  117. | connectNotify(...)
  118. |
  119. | countSymbolFeatures(...)
  120. | QgsVectorLayer.countSymbolFeatures(bool showProgress=True) -> bool
  121. |
  122. | createJoinCaches(...)
  123. | QgsVectorLayer.createJoinCaches()
  124. |
  125. | customEvent(...)
  126. |
  127. | dataComment(...)
  128. | QgsVectorLayer.dataComment() -> QString
  129. |
  130. | dataProvider(...)
  131. | QgsVectorLayer.dataProvider() -> QgsVectorDataProvider
  132. |
  133. | dateFormat(...)
  134. | QgsVectorLayer.dateFormat(int) -> QString
  135. |
  136. | deleteAttribute(...)
  137. | QgsVectorLayer.deleteAttribute(int) -> bool
  138. |
  139. | deleteAttributes(...)
  140. | QgsVectorLayer.deleteAttributes(list-of-int) -> bool
  141. |
  142. | deleteFeature(...)
  143. | QgsVectorLayer.deleteFeature(int) -> bool
  144. |
  145. | deleteSelectedFeatures(...)
  146. | QgsVectorLayer.deleteSelectedFeatures() -> bool
  147. |
  148. | deleteVertex(...)
  149. | QgsVectorLayer.deleteVertex(int, int) -> bool
  150. |
  151. | deselect(...)
  152. | QgsVectorLayer.deselect(int)
  153. | QgsVectorLayer.deselect(unknown-type)
  154. |
  155. | destroyEditCommand(...)
  156. | QgsVectorLayer.destroyEditCommand()
  157. |
  158. | diagramLayerSettings(...)
  159. | QgsVectorLayer.diagramLayerSettings() -> QgsDiagramLayerSettings
  160. |
  161. | diagramRenderer(...)
  162. | QgsVectorLayer.diagramRenderer() -> QgsDiagramRendererV2
  163. |
  164. | disconnectNotify(...)
  165. |
  166. | displayExpression(...)
  167. | QgsVectorLayer.displayExpression() -> QString
  168. |
  169. | displayField(...)
  170. | QgsVectorLayer.displayField() -> QString
  171. |
  172. | draw(...)
  173. | QgsVectorLayer.draw(QgsRenderContext) -> bool
  174. |
  175. | drawLabels(...)
  176. | QgsVectorLayer.drawLabels(QgsRenderContext)
  177. |
  178. | drawRendererV2(...)
  179. | QgsVectorLayer.drawRendererV2(QgsFeatureIterator, QgsRenderContext, bool)
  180. |
  181. | drawRendererV2Levels(...)
  182. | QgsVectorLayer.drawRendererV2Levels(QgsFeatureIterator, QgsRenderContext, bool)
  183. |
  184. | drawVertexMarker(...)
  185. | QgsVectorLayer.drawVertexMarker(float, float, QPainter, QgsVectorLayer.VertexMarkerType, int)
  186. |
  187. | editBuffer(...)
  188. | QgsVectorLayer.editBuffer() -> QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer
  189. |
  190. | editForm(...)
  191. | QgsVectorLayer.editForm() -> QString
  192. |
  193. | editFormInit(...)
  194. | QgsVectorLayer.editFormInit() -> QString
  195. |
  196. | editType(...)
  197. | QgsVectorLayer.editType(int) -> QgsVectorLayer.EditType
  198. |
  199. | editingStarted = <unbound signal editingStarted>
  200. | editingStopped = <unbound signal editingStopped>
  201. | editorLayout(...)
  202. | QgsVectorLayer.editorLayout() -> QgsVectorLayer.EditorLayout
  203. |
  204. | editorWidgetV2(...)
  205. | QgsVectorLayer.editorWidgetV2(int) -> QString
  206. |
  207. | editorWidgetV2Config(...)
  208. | QgsVectorLayer.editorWidgetV2Config(int) -> dict-of-QString-QVariant
  209. |
  210. | enableLabels(...)
  211. | QgsVectorLayer.enableLabels(bool)
  212. |
  213. | endEditCommand(...)
  214. | QgsVectorLayer.endEditCommand()
  215. |
  216. | excludeAttributesWFS(...)
  217. | QgsVectorLayer.excludeAttributesWFS() -> list-of-QString
  218. |
  219. | excludeAttributesWMS(...)
  220. | QgsVectorLayer.excludeAttributesWMS() -> list-of-QString
  221. |
  222. | extent(...)
  223. | QgsVectorLayer.extent() -> QgsRectangle
  224. |
  225. | featureAdded = <unbound signal featureAdded>
  226. | featureBlendMode(...)
  227. | QgsVectorLayer.featureBlendMode() -> QPainter.CompositionMode
  228. |
  229. | featureBlendModeChanged = <unbound signal featureBlendModeChanged>
  230. | featureCount(...)
  231. | QgsVectorLayer.featureCount() -> int
  232. | QgsVectorLayer.featureCount(QgsSymbolV2) -> int
  233. |
  234. | featureDeleted = <unbound signal featureDeleted>
  235. | featureFormSuppress(...)
  236. | QgsVectorLayer.featureFormSuppress() -> QgsVectorLayer.FeatureFormSuppress
  237. |
  238. | fieldEditable(...)
  239. | QgsVectorLayer.fieldEditable(int) -> bool
  240. |
  241. | fieldNameIndex(...)
  242. | QgsVectorLayer.fieldNameIndex(QString) -> int
  243. |
  244. | geometryChanged = <unbound signal geometryChanged>
  245. | geometryType(...)
  246. | QgsVectorLayer.geometryType() -> QGis.GeometryType
  247. |
  248. | getFeatures(...)
  249. | QgsVectorLayer.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest request=QgsFeatureRequest()) -> QgsFeatureIterator
  250. |
  251. | getStyleFromDatabase(...)
  252. | QgsVectorLayer.getStyleFromDatabase(QString, QString) -> QString
  253. |
  254. | hasGeometryType(...)
  255. | QgsVectorLayer.hasGeometryType() -> bool
  256. |
  257. | hasLabelsEnabled(...)
  258. | QgsVectorLayer.hasLabelsEnabled() -> bool
  259. |
  260. | insertSegmentVerticesForSnap(...)
  261. | QgsVectorLayer.insertSegmentVerticesForSnap(list-of-QgsSnappingResult) -> int
  262. |
  263. | insertVertex(...)
  264. | QgsVectorLayer.insertVertex(float, float, int, int) -> bool
  265. |
  266. | invalidateSymbolCountedFlag(...)
  267. | QgsVectorLayer.invalidateSymbolCountedFlag()
  268. |
  269. | invertSelection(...)
  270. | QgsVectorLayer.invertSelection()
  271. |
  272. | invertSelectionInRectangle(...)
  273. | QgsVectorLayer.invertSelectionInRectangle(QgsRectangle)
  274. |
  275. | isEditable(...)
  276. | QgsVectorLayer.isEditable() -> bool
  277. |
  278. | isModified(...)
  279. | QgsVectorLayer.isModified() -> bool
  280. |
  281. | isReadOnly(...)
  282. | QgsVectorLayer.isReadOnly() -> bool
  283. |
  284. | label(...)
  285. | QgsVectorLayer.label() -> QgsLabel
  286. |
  287. | labelOnTop(...)
  288. | QgsVectorLayer.labelOnTop(int) -> bool
  289. |
  290. | labelingFontNotFound = <unbound signal labelingFontNotFound>
  291. | layerDeleted = <unbound signal layerDeleted>
  292. | layerModified = <unbound signal layerModified>
  293. | layerTransparency(...)
  294. | QgsVectorLayer.layerTransparency() -> int
  295. |
  296. | layerTransparencyChanged = <unbound signal layerTransparencyChanged>
  297. | listStylesInDatabase(...)
  298. | QgsVectorLayer.listStylesInDatabase(QStringList, QStringList, QStringList, QString) -> int
  299. |
  300. | loadNamedStyle(...)
  301. | QgsVectorLayer.loadNamedStyle(QString, bool) -> (QString, bool)
  302. | QgsVectorLayer.loadNamedStyle(QString) -> (QString, bool)
  303. |
  304. | maximumValue(...)
  305. | QgsVectorLayer.maximumValue(int) -> QVariant
  306. |
  307. | metadata(...)
  308. | QgsVectorLayer.metadata() -> QString
  309. |
  310. | minimumValue(...)
  311. | QgsVectorLayer.minimumValue(int) -> QVariant
  312. |
  313. | modifySelection(...)
  314. | QgsVectorLayer.modifySelection(unknown-type, unknown-type)
  315. |
  316. | moveVertex(...)
  317. | QgsVectorLayer.moveVertex(float, float, int, int) -> bool
  318. |
  319. | onCacheImageDelete(...)
  320. | QgsVectorLayer.onCacheImageDelete()
  321. |
  322. | pendingAllAttributesList(...)
  323. | QgsVectorLayer.pendingAllAttributesList() -> list-of-int
  324. |
  325. | pendingFeatureCount(...)
  326. | QgsVectorLayer.pendingFeatureCount() -> int
  327. |
  328. | pendingFields(...)
  329. | QgsVectorLayer.pendingFields() -> QgsFields
  330. |
  331. | pendingPkAttributesList(...)
  332. | QgsVectorLayer.pendingPkAttributesList() -> list-of-int
  333. |
  334. | providerType(...)
  335. | QgsVectorLayer.providerType() -> QString
  336. |
  337. | range(...)
  338. | QgsVectorLayer.range(int) -> QgsVectorLayer.RangeData
  339. |
  340. | readCustomProperties(...)
  341. |
  342. | readSld(...)
  343. | QgsVectorLayer.readSld(QDomNode, QString) -> bool
  344. |
  345. | readSymbology(...)
  346. | QgsVectorLayer.readSymbology(QDomNode, QString) -> bool
  347. |
  348. | readXml(...)
  349. | QgsVectorLayer.readXml(QDomNode) -> bool
  350. |
  351. | receivers(...)
  352. |
  353. | referencingRelations(...)
  354. | QgsVectorLayer.referencingRelations(int) -> list-of-QgsRelation
  355. |
  356. | reload(...)
  357. | QgsVectorLayer.reload()
  358. |
  359. | removeJoin(...)
  360. | QgsVectorLayer.removeJoin(QString)
  361. |
  362. | removePolygonIntersections(...)
  363. | QgsVectorLayer.removePolygonIntersections(QgsGeometry, unknown-type ignoreFeatures=QgsFeatureIds()) -> int
  364. |
  365. | removeSelection(...)
  366. | QgsVectorLayer.removeSelection()
  367. |
  368. | rendererChanged = <unbound signal rendererChanged>
  369. | rendererV2(...)
  370. | QgsVectorLayer.rendererV2() -> QgsFeatureRendererV2
  371. |
  372. | rollBack(...)
  373. | QgsVectorLayer.rollBack(bool deleteBuffer=True) -> bool
  374. |
  375. | saveLayerToProject = <unbound signal saveLayerToProject>
  376. | saveStyleToDatabase(...)
  377. | QgsVectorLayer.saveStyleToDatabase(QString, QString, bool, QString, QString)
  378. |
  379. | select(...)
  380. |, bool)
  381. |
  382. |
  383. |
  384. | selectAll(...)
  385. | QgsVectorLayer.selectAll()
  386. |
  387. | selectedFeatureCount(...)
  388. | QgsVectorLayer.selectedFeatureCount() -> int
  389. |
  390. | selectedFeatures(...)
  391. | QgsVectorLayer.selectedFeatures() -> list-of-QgsFeature
  392. |
  393. | selectedFeaturesIds(...)
  394. | QgsVectorLayer.selectedFeaturesIds() -> unknown-type
  395. |
  396. | selectionChanged = <unbound signal selectionChanged>
  397. | sender(...)
  398. |
  399. | setAnnotationForm(...)
  400. | QgsVectorLayer.setAnnotationForm(QString)
  401. |
  402. | setCheckedState(...)
  403. | QgsVectorLayer.setCheckedState(int, QString, QString)
  404. |
  405. | setCoordinateSystem(...)
  406. | QgsVectorLayer.setCoordinateSystem()
  407. |
  408. | setDiagramLayerSettings(...)
  409. | QgsVectorLayer.setDiagramLayerSettings(QgsDiagramLayerSettings)
  410. |
  411. | setDiagramRenderer(...)
  412. | QgsVectorLayer.setDiagramRenderer(QgsDiagramRendererV2)
  413. |
  414. | setDisplayExpression(...)
  415. | QgsVectorLayer.setDisplayExpression(QString)
  416. |
  417. | setDisplayField(...)
  418. | QgsVectorLayer.setDisplayField(QString fldName="")
  419. |
  420. | setEditForm(...)
  421. | QgsVectorLayer.setEditForm(QString)
  422. |
  423. | setEditFormInit(...)
  424. | QgsVectorLayer.setEditFormInit(QString)
  425. |
  426. | setEditType(...)
  427. | QgsVectorLayer.setEditType(int, QgsVectorLayer.EditType)
  428. |
  429. | setEditorLayout(...)
  430. | QgsVectorLayer.setEditorLayout(QgsVectorLayer.EditorLayout)
  431. |
  432. | setEditorWidgetV2(...)
  433. | QgsVectorLayer.setEditorWidgetV2(int, QString)
  434. |
  435. | setEditorWidgetV2Config(...)
  436. | QgsVectorLayer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(int, dict-of-QString-QVariant)
  437. |
  438. | setError(...)
  439. |
  440. | setExcludeAttributesWFS(...)
  441. | QgsVectorLayer.setExcludeAttributesWFS(list-of-QString)
  442. |
  443. | setExcludeAttributesWMS(...)
  444. | QgsVectorLayer.setExcludeAttributesWMS(list-of-QString)
  445. |
  446. | setExtent(...)
  447. | QgsVectorLayer.setExtent(QgsRectangle)
  448. |
  449. | setFeatureBlendMode(...)
  450. | QgsVectorLayer.setFeatureBlendMode(QPainter.CompositionMode)
  451. |
  452. | setFeatureFormSuppress(...)
  453. | QgsVectorLayer.setFeatureFormSuppress(QgsVectorLayer.FeatureFormSuppress)
  454. |
  455. | setFieldEditable(...)
  456. | QgsVectorLayer.setFieldEditable(int, bool)
  457. |
  458. | setLabelOnTop(...)
  459. | QgsVectorLayer.setLabelOnTop(int, bool)
  460. |
  461. | setLayerTransparency(...)
  462. | QgsVectorLayer.setLayerTransparency(int)
  463. |
  464. | setProviderEncoding(...)
  465. | QgsVectorLayer.setProviderEncoding(QString)
  466. |
  467. | setReadOnly(...)
  468. | QgsVectorLayer.setReadOnly(bool readonly=True) -> bool
  469. |
  470. | setRendererV2(...)
  471. | QgsVectorLayer.setRendererV2(QgsFeatureRendererV2)
  472. |
  473. | setSelectedFeatures(...)
  474. | QgsVectorLayer.setSelectedFeatures(unknown-type)
  475. |
  476. | setSimplifyMethod(...)
  477. | QgsVectorLayer.setSimplifyMethod(QgsVectorSimplifyMethod)
  478. |
  479. | setSubsetString(...)
  480. | QgsVectorLayer.setSubsetString(QString) -> bool
  481. |
  482. | setValid(...)
  483. |
  484. | simplifyDrawingCanbeApplied(...)
  485. | QgsVectorLayer.simplifyDrawingCanbeApplied(QgsRenderContext, QgsVectorSimplifyMethod.SimplifyHint) -> bool
  486. |
  487. | simplifyMethod(...)
  488. | QgsVectorLayer.simplifyMethod() -> QgsVectorSimplifyMethod
  489. |
  490. | snapPoint(...)
  491. | QgsVectorLayer.snapPoint(QgsPoint, float) -> bool
  492. |
  493. | snapWithContext(...)
  494. | QgsVectorLayer.snapWithContext(QgsPoint, float, QgsSnapper.SnappingType) -> (int, unknown-type)
  495. |
  496. | splitFeatures(...)
  497. | QgsVectorLayer.splitFeatures(list-of-QgsPoint, bool topologicalEditing=False) -> int
  498. |
  499. | splitParts(...)
  500. | QgsVectorLayer.splitParts(list-of-QgsPoint, bool topologicalEditing=False) -> int
  501. |
  502. | startEditing(...)
  503. | QgsVectorLayer.startEditing() -> bool
  504. |
  505. | storageType(...)
  506. | QgsVectorLayer.storageType() -> QString
  507. |
  508. | subsetString(...)
  509. | QgsVectorLayer.subsetString() -> QString
  510. |
  511. | timerEvent(...)
  512. |
  513. | translateFeature(...)
  514. | QgsVectorLayer.translateFeature(int, float, float) -> int
  515. |
  516. | triggerRepaint(...)
  517. | QgsVectorLayer.triggerRepaint()
  518. |
  519. | uniqueValues(...)
  520. | QgsVectorLayer.uniqueValues(int, int limit=-1) -> list-of-QVariant
  521. |
  522. | updateExtents(...)
  523. | QgsVectorLayer.updateExtents()
  524. |
  525. | updateFeature(...)
  526. | QgsVectorLayer.updateFeature(QgsFeature) -> bool
  527. |
  528. | updateFields(...)
  529. | QgsVectorLayer.updateFields()
  530. |
  531. | updatedFields = <unbound signal updatedFields>
  532. | valueMap(...)
  533. | QgsVectorLayer.valueMap(int) -> dict-of-QString-QVariant
  534. |
  535. | valueRelation(...)
  536. | QgsVectorLayer.valueRelation(int) -> QgsVectorLayer.ValueRelationData
  537. |
  538. | vectorJoins(...)
  539. | QgsVectorLayer.vectorJoins() -> list-of-QgsVectorJoinInfo
  540. |
  541. | widgetSize(...)
  542. | QgsVectorLayer.widgetSize(int) -> QSize
  543. |
  544. | wkbType(...)
  545. | QgsVectorLayer.wkbType() -> QGis.WkbType
  546. |
  547. | writeCustomProperties(...)
  548. |
  549. | writeSld(...)
  550. | QgsVectorLayer.writeSld(QDomNode, QDomDocument, QString) -> bool
  551. |
  552. | writeSymbology(...)
  553. | QgsVectorLayer.writeSymbology(QDomNode, QDomDocument, QString) -> bool
  554. |
  555. | writeXml(...)
  556. | QgsVectorLayer.writeXml(QDomNode, QDomDocument) -> bool
  557. |
  558. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  559. | Data and other attributes defined here:
  560. |
  561. | Calendar = 13
  562. |
  563. | CheckBox = 7
  564. |
  565. | Classification = 4
  566. |
  567. | Color = 19
  568. |
  569. | Cross = 1
  570. |
  571. | DialRange = 14
  572. |
  573. | EditRange = 5
  574. |
  575. | EditType = <class 'qgis.core.EditType'>
  576. |
  577. |
  578. | EditorLayout = <class 'qgis.core.EditorLayout'>
  579. |
  580. |
  581. | EditorWidgetV2 = 20
  582. |
  583. | Enumeration = 9
  584. |
  585. | FeatureFormSuppress = <class 'qgis.core.FeatureFormSuppress'>
  586. |
  587. |
  588. | FileName = 8
  589. |
  590. | GeneratedLayout = 0
  591. |
  592. | GroupData = <class 'qgis.core.GroupData'>
  593. | QgsVectorLayer.GroupData()
  594. | QgsVectorLayer.GroupData(QString, list-of-QString)
  595. | QgsVectorLayer.GroupData(QgsVectorLayer.GroupData)
  596. |
  597. | Hidden = 11
  598. |
  599. | Immutable = 10
  600. |
  601. | LineEdit = 0
  602. |
  603. | NoMarker = 2
  604. |
  605. | Photo = 17
  606. |
  607. | RangeData = <class 'qgis.core.RangeData'>
  608. | QgsVectorLayer.RangeData()
  609. | QgsVectorLayer.RangeData(QVariant, QVariant, QVariant)
  610. | QgsVectorLayer.RangeData(QgsVectorLayer.RangeData)
  611. |
  612. | SemiTransparentCircle = 0
  613. |
  614. | SliderRange = 6
  615. |
  616. | SuppressDefault = 0
  617. |
  618. | SuppressOff = 2
  619. |
  620. | SuppressOn = 1
  621. |
  622. | TabData = <class 'qgis.core.TabData'>
  623. | QgsVectorLayer.TabData()
  624. | QgsVectorLayer.TabData(QString, list-of-QString, list-of-QgsVectorLayer.GroupData)
  625. | QgsVectorLayer.TabData(QgsVectorLayer.TabData)
  626. |
  627. | TabLayout = 1
  628. |
  629. | TextEdit = 12
  630. |
  631. | UiFileLayout = 2
  632. |
  633. | UniqueValues = 1
  634. |
  635. | UniqueValuesEditable = 2
  636. |
  637. | UuidGenerator = 16
  638. |
  639. | ValueMap = 3
  640. |
  641. | ValueRelation = 15
  642. |
  643. | ValueRelationData = <class 'qgis.core.ValueRelationData'>
  644. | QgsVectorLayer.ValueRelationData()
  645. | QgsVectorLayer.ValueRelationData(QString, QString, QString, bool, bool, bool allowMulti=False, QString filterExpression=QString.null)
  646. | QgsVectorLayer.ValueRelationData(QgsVectorLayer.ValueRelationData)
  647. |
  648. | VertexMarkerType = <class 'qgis.core.VertexMarkerType'>
  649. |
  650. |
  651. | WebView = 18
  652. |
  653. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  654. | Methods inherited from QgsMapLayer:
  655. |
  656. | abstract(...)
  657. | QgsMapLayer.abstract() -> QString
  658. |
  659. | attribution(...)
  660. | QgsMapLayer.attribution() -> QString
  661. |
  662. | attributionUrl(...)
  663. | QgsMapLayer.attributionUrl() -> QString
  664. |
  665. | blendMode(...)
  666. | QgsMapLayer.blendMode() -> QPainter.CompositionMode
  667. |
  668. | blendModeChanged = <unbound signal blendModeChanged>
  669. | cacheImage(...)
  670. | QgsMapLayer.cacheImage() -> QImage
  671. |
  672. | capitaliseLayerName(...)
  673. | QgsMapLayer.capitaliseLayerName(QString) -> QString
  674. |
  675. | clearCacheImage(...)
  676. | QgsMapLayer.clearCacheImage()
  677. |
  678. | crs(...)
  679. | -> QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem
  680. |
  681. | customProperty(...)
  682. | QgsMapLayer.customProperty(QString, QVariant defaultValue=QVariant()) -> QVariant
  683. |
  684. | dataChanged = <unbound signal dataChanged>
  685. | dataUrl(...)
  686. | QgsMapLayer.dataUrl() -> QString
  687. |
  688. | dataUrlFormat(...)
  689. | QgsMapLayer.dataUrlFormat() -> QString
  690. |
  691. | drawingProgress = <unbound signal drawingProgress>
  692. | error(...)
  693. | QgsMapLayer.error() -> QgsError
  694. |
  695. | exportNamedStyle(...)
  696. | QgsMapLayer.exportNamedStyle(QDomDocument, QString)
  697. |
  698. | exportSldStyle(...)
  699. | QgsMapLayer.exportSldStyle(QDomDocument, QString)
  700. |
  701. | hasScaleBasedVisibility(...)
  702. | QgsMapLayer.hasScaleBasedVisibility() -> bool
  703. |
  704. | id(...)
  705. | -> QString
  706. |
  707. | invalidTransformInput(...)
  708. | QgsMapLayer.invalidTransformInput()
  709. |
  710. | isValid(...)
  711. | QgsMapLayer.isValid() -> bool
  712. |
  713. | keywordList(...)
  714. | QgsMapLayer.keywordList() -> QString
  715. |
  716. | lastError(...)
  717. | QgsMapLayer.lastError() -> QString
  718. |
  719. | lastErrorTitle(...)
  720. | QgsMapLayer.lastErrorTitle() -> QString
  721. |
  722. | layerCrsChanged = <unbound signal layerCrsChanged>
  723. | layerNameChanged = <unbound signal layerNameChanged>
  724. | loadDefaultStyle(...)
  725. | QgsMapLayer.loadDefaultStyle() -> (QString, bool)
  726. |
  727. | loadNamedStyleFromDb(...)
  728. | QgsMapLayer.loadNamedStyleFromDb(QString, QString) -> (bool, QString)
  729. |
  730. | loadSldStyle(...)
  731. | QgsMapLayer.loadSldStyle(QString) -> (QString, bool)
  732. |
  733. | maximumScale(...)
  734. | QgsMapLayer.maximumScale() -> float
  735. |
  736. | metadataUrl(...)
  737. | QgsMapLayer.metadataUrl() -> QString
  738. |
  739. | metadataUrlFormat(...)
  740. | QgsMapLayer.metadataUrlFormat() -> QString
  741. |
  742. | metadataUrlType(...)
  743. | QgsMapLayer.metadataUrlType() -> QString
  744. |
  745. | minimumScale(...)
  746. | QgsMapLayer.minimumScale() -> float
  747. |
  748. | name(...)
  749. | -> QString
  750. |
  751. | originalName(...)
  752. | QgsMapLayer.originalName() -> QString
  753. |
  754. | publicSource(...)
  755. | QgsMapLayer.publicSource() -> QString
  756. |
  757. | readLayerXML(...)
  758. | QgsMapLayer.readLayerXML(QDomElement) -> bool
  759. |
  760. | recalculateExtents = <unbound signal recalculateExtents>
  761. | removeCustomProperty(...)
  762. | QgsMapLayer.removeCustomProperty(QString)
  763. |
  764. | repaintRequested = <unbound signal repaintRequested>
  765. | saveDefaultStyle(...)
  766. | QgsMapLayer.saveDefaultStyle() -> (QString, bool)
  767. |
  768. | saveNamedStyle(...)
  769. | QgsMapLayer.saveNamedStyle(QString) -> (QString, bool)
  770. |
  771. | saveSldStyle(...)
  772. | QgsMapLayer.saveSldStyle(QString) -> (QString, bool)
  773. |
  774. | screenUpdateRequested = <unbound signal screenUpdateRequested>
  775. | setAbstract(...)
  776. | QgsMapLayer.setAbstract(QString)
  777. |
  778. | setAttribution(...)
  779. | QgsMapLayer.setAttribution(QString)
  780. |
  781. | setAttributionUrl(...)
  782. | QgsMapLayer.setAttributionUrl(QString)
  783. |
  784. | setBlendMode(...)
  785. | QgsMapLayer.setBlendMode(QPainter.CompositionMode)
  786. |
  787. | setCacheImage(...)
  788. | QgsMapLayer.setCacheImage(QImage)
  789. |
  790. | setCrs(...)
  791. | QgsMapLayer.setCrs(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem, bool emitSignal=True)
  792. |
  793. | setCustomProperty(...)
  794. | QgsMapLayer.setCustomProperty(QString, QVariant)
  795. |
  796. | setDataUrl(...)
  797. | QgsMapLayer.setDataUrl(QString)
  798. |
  799. | setDataUrlFormat(...)
  800. | QgsMapLayer.setDataUrlFormat(QString)
  801. |
  802. | setKeywordList(...)
  803. | QgsMapLayer.setKeywordList(QString)
  804. |
  805. | setLayerName(...)
  806. | QgsMapLayer.setLayerName(QString)
  807. |
  808. | setLayerOrder(...)
  809. | QgsMapLayer.setLayerOrder(QStringList)
  810. |
  811. | setMaximumScale(...)
  812. | QgsMapLayer.setMaximumScale(float)
  813. |
  814. | setMetadataUrl(...)
  815. | QgsMapLayer.setMetadataUrl(QString)
  816. |
  817. | setMetadataUrlFormat(...)
  818. | QgsMapLayer.setMetadataUrlFormat(QString)
  819. |
  820. | setMetadataUrlType(...)
  821. | QgsMapLayer.setMetadataUrlType(QString)
  822. |
  823. | setMinimumScale(...)
  824. | QgsMapLayer.setMinimumScale(float)
  825. |
  826. | setSubLayerVisibility(...)
  827. | QgsMapLayer.setSubLayerVisibility(QString, bool)
  828. |
  829. | setTitle(...)
  830. | QgsMapLayer.setTitle(QString)
  831. |
  832. | source(...)
  833. | QgsMapLayer.source() -> QString
  834. |
  835. | statusChanged = <unbound signal statusChanged>
  836. | styleURI(...)
  837. | QgsMapLayer.styleURI() -> QString
  838. |
  839. | subLayers(...)
  840. | QgsMapLayer.subLayers() -> QStringList
  841. |
  842. | timestamp(...)
  843. | QgsMapLayer.timestamp() -> QDateTime
  844. |
  845. | title(...)
  846. | QgsMapLayer.title() -> QString
  847. |
  848. | toggleScaleBasedVisibility(...)
  849. | QgsMapLayer.toggleScaleBasedVisibility(bool)
  850. |
  851. | type(...)
  852. | QgsMapLayer.type() -> QgsMapLayer.LayerType
  853. |
  854. | undoStack(...)
  855. | QgsMapLayer.undoStack() -> QUndoStack
  856. |
  857. | writeLayerXML(...)
  858. | QgsMapLayer.writeLayerXML(QDomElement, QDomDocument) -> bool
  859. |
  860. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  861. | Data and other attributes inherited from QgsMapLayer:
  862. |
  863. | LayerType = <class 'qgis.core.LayerType'>
  864. |
  865. |
  866. | PluginLayer = 2
  867. |
  868. | RasterLayer = 1
  869. |
  870. | VectorLayer = 0
  871. |
  872. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  873. | Methods inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject:
  874. |
  875. | __getattr__(...)
  876. | QObject.__getattr__(str) -> object
  877. |
  878. | blockSignals(...)
  879. | QObject.blockSignals(bool) -> bool
  880. |
  881. | children(...)
  882. | QObject.children() -> list-of-QObject
  883. |
  884. | connect(...)
  885. | QObject.connect(QObject, SIGNAL(), QObject, SLOT(), Qt.ConnectionType=Qt.AutoConnection) -> bool
  886. | QObject.connect(QObject, SIGNAL(), callable, Qt.ConnectionType=Qt.AutoConnection) -> bool
  887. | QObject.connect(QObject, SIGNAL(), SLOT(), Qt.ConnectionType=Qt.AutoConnection) -> bool
  888. |
  889. | deleteLater(...)
  890. | QObject.deleteLater()
  891. |
  892. | destroyed = <unbound signal destroyed>
  893. | disconnect(...)
  894. | QObject.disconnect(QObject, SIGNAL(), QObject, SLOT()) -> bool
  895. | QObject.disconnect(QObject, SIGNAL(), callable) -> bool
  896. |
  897. | dumpObjectInfo(...)
  898. | QObject.dumpObjectInfo()
  899. |
  900. | dumpObjectTree(...)
  901. | QObject.dumpObjectTree()
  902. |
  903. | dynamicPropertyNames(...)
  904. | QObject.dynamicPropertyNames() -> list-of-QByteArray
  905. |
  906. | emit(...)
  907. | QObject.emit(SIGNAL(), ...)
  908. |
  909. | event(...)
  910. | QObject.event(QEvent) -> bool
  911. |
  912. | eventFilter(...)
  913. | QObject.eventFilter(QObject, QEvent) -> bool
  914. |
  915. | findChild(...)
  916. | QObject.findChild(type, QString name=QString()) -> QObject
  917. |
  918. | findChildren(...)
  919. | QObject.findChildren(type, QString name=QString()) -> list-of-QObject
  920. | QObject.findChildren(type, QRegExp) -> list-of-QObject
  921. |
  922. | inherits(...)
  923. | QObject.inherits(str) -> bool
  924. |
  925. | installEventFilter(...)
  926. | QObject.installEventFilter(QObject)
  927. |
  928. | isWidgetType(...)
  929. | QObject.isWidgetType() -> bool
  930. |
  931. | killTimer(...)
  932. | QObject.killTimer(int)
  933. |
  934. | metaObject(...)
  935. | QObject.metaObject() -> QMetaObject
  936. |
  937. | moveToThread(...)
  938. | QObject.moveToThread(QThread)
  939. |
  940. | objectName(...)
  941. | QObject.objectName() -> QString
  942. |
  943. | parent(...)
  944. | QObject.parent() -> QObject
  945. |
  946. | property(...)
  947. | -> QVariant
  948. |
  949. | pyqtConfigure(...)
  950. | QObject.pyqtConfigure(...)
  951. |
  952. | Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal.
  953. | For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an
  954. | appropriate type.
  955. | For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a
  956. | callable.
  957. |
  958. | removeEventFilter(...)
  959. | QObject.removeEventFilter(QObject)
  960. |
  961. | setObjectName(...)
  962. | QObject.setObjectName(QString)
  963. |
  964. | setParent(...)
  965. | QObject.setParent(QObject)
  966. |
  967. | setProperty(...)
  968. | QObject.setProperty(str, QVariant) -> bool
  969. |
  970. | signalsBlocked(...)
  971. | QObject.signalsBlocked() -> bool
  972. |
  973. | startTimer(...)
  974. | QObject.startTimer(int) -> int
  975. |
  976. | thread(...)
  977. | QObject.thread() -> QThread
  978. |
  979. | tr(...)
  980. |, str disambiguation=None, int n=-1) -> QString
  981. |
  982. | trUtf8(...)
  983. | QObject.trUtf8(str, str disambiguation=None, int n=-1) -> QString
  984. |
  985. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  986. | Data descriptors inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject:
  987. |
  988. | __weakref__
  989. | list of weak references to the object (if defined)
  990. |
  991. | staticMetaObject
  992. |
  993. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  994. | Methods inherited from sip.simplewrapper:
  995. |
  996. | __init__(...)
  997. | x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
  998. |
  999. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1000. | Data descriptors inherited from sip.simplewrapper:
  1001. |
  1002. | __dict__
  1003. |
  1004. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1005. | Data and other attributes inherited from sip.simplewrapper:
  1006. |
  1007. | __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of sip.wrappertype object>
  1008. | T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
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