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- -- Client for Mote - The Turtle Remote
- --
- -- 2014 Matti Vapa
- -- Feel free to modify and redistribute
- -- this program. Attribution is appreciated,
- -- but not required.
- -- I take no responsibility on any
- -- problems this program might cause
- -- to anyone ever. Not that it will.
- -- version 2.0
- -- updated to asynchronous connection to the
- -- server for better responsivenes
- if not http then
- print("HTTP required!")
- return
- end
- print("Checking fuel...")
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() == 0 then
- print("Refuel me!")
- return
- end
- print("Ok!")
- -- Query this address for commands.
- url = ""
- -- Map the commands returned by the server to functions.
- -- These are all of the commands available at the time of
- -- writing. If you want more functions, you could use
- -- for example "menu" to change between sets of functions.
- -- Also note that this works with computers too, so you
- -- could use this to control your base doors and machines
- -- or anything. The session stays live as long as there
- -- was at least one command or query during the last hour
- -- (might change if there's need for it).
- cmds = {}
- cmds.arrowUp = turtle.forward
- cmds.arrowDown = turtle.back
- cmds.arrowLeft = turtle.turnLeft
- cmds.arrowRight = turtle.turnRight
- cmds.button1 = turtle.up
- cmds.button2 = turtle.dig
- cmds.button3 =
- cmds.button4 = turtle.down
- = turtle.attack
- sID = {...}
- if #sID < 1 then
- print("Usage: mote <session ID>")
- print("Parameter session ID is the random numbers and letters")
- print("following /mote/ in the controller URL.")
- end
- sID = sID[1]
- -- We need to send this data to get the commands from server.
- data = "sessionId="..sID
- print("Listening for commands...")
- -- Initialize the command value
- cmd = "null"
- -- We use this function to asynchronously wait for the command from the server.
- -- The server will keep the connection open until there is a command to
- -- send or it has been open for 60 seconds.
- function waitForCmd()
- -- http.request will raise an "http_success" or "http_failure"
- -- event after completion. We'll wait for that and act accordingly.
- http.request(url,data)
- e, u, r = os.pullEvent()
- while e ~= "http_success" and e ~= "http_failure" do
- e, u, r = os.pullEvent()
- end
- if e == "http_failure" then
- error("Could not connect to server.")
- elseif r.getResponseCode() ~= 200 then
- print("Something went wrong!")
- print("Server response code: "..tostring(r.getResponseCode()))
- print("Reason: "..r.readAll())
- error("Bad request. Check your session ID.")
- else
- cmd = r.readAll()
- end
- end
- -- Main loop. If we receive a proper command, we simultaneously execute it
- -- and request the next one. This way the program is more responsive compared
- -- to continuously polling the server.
- while true do
- if cmds[cmd] then
- parallel.waitForAll(cmds[cmd],waitForCmd)
- else
- waitForCmd()
- end
- end
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