
16 Amethyst [F. Teen Dragon Wardancer] MLPFEMTORPG

Jan 15th, 2014
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  1. Name: Amethyst
  2. Gender: Female
  3. Race: Teen Dragon
  4. Class: Wardancer (Bard/Tracker)
  5. Talent: Powerful Wings (+2 Whirlwind)
  6. Hit/Wounds: 5/5
  7. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  9. Skills:
  10. (Free Racial) Chromatic Scales: instant automatic; 3 times per combat ; At character creation choose an element type, such as fire, ice or lightning; when you use this ability the negative effects of the chosen element do not affect you. Successful attacks still deal damage as normal but the elemental effect you choose has no effect on you (i.e not helpless for a turn when hit by lightning) This also allows you attempt feats most other races can’t. (e.g. swimming in lava with fireproof scales) CHOSEN: Ice
  11. (Racial) Dragon Flight: With or without wings, you are able to fly and hover while carrying heavy loads. Dragons can remain airborne indefinitely.
  12. (Free Multiclass) Whirlwind: Recharge 4, Ranged (not Weapon due to Unorthodox); Keep rolling until you fail. Every success hits all nearby foes
  13. (Cross-Class) Unorthodox: Switch the tag of one of your skills to Spell, Weapon, Ranged or remove the tag entirely (USED IN WHIRLWIND: Switched Weapon to Ranged)
  14. (Class) Hawkeye: instant; see far into the distance, find small details in a scene, see in dim light or nighttime, or examine an enemy to gain a +1 bonus against it for your attack this turn
  15. (Class) Cheap Shot: recharge 1, weapon; outside of combat, this skill is automatic and renders the target helpless. In combat, 9+ renders the target helpless.
  17. Inventory:
  18. Crossbow: Ranged weapon
  19. Quiver of Bolts
  20. Belt holding: Jerky, Wineskin, Small Mattock, Gems of No Real Value (for consumption)
  21. Silver Circlet Embezzled with an Amethyst
  23. Traits:
  25. Amethyst is a female dragon. She has glittering, dark purple scales and has ice blue eyes. Amethyst hails from the ancient Crystalline Clan. As being part of one the four main clans of dragons in Equestria, she was raised in the lands of dragons, taught proper hoard keeping and draconic politics. Naturally, this was met with boredom by Amethyst, who didn't care for things like diplomatic slave trades or the forced marriages that went on. Thus, she left her clan on an adventure, seeking to see if she could create a different kind of clan when she grows up, hoping to make a bit more lenient clan more based around strength then diplomacy. She is decently famous due to her family, even if she doesn't relate to them that well.
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