

Jan 7th, 2020
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  1. Note that some of these requests are nsfw, and may contain spoilers
  3. general stuff I like/general prompts
  4. -kidfic/pregnancy fic
  5. -winter fluff
  6. -first kisses
  7. -first time
  8. -engagement fic/wedding fics
  9. -fake dating or secret dating
  10. -apparently I am really feeling the 'oh no he/she/they are hot' fics of one person (of any gender) into another person so much they can barely function around them.
  12. dnw: tedious depressing love triangles
  13. noncon
  14. unhappy endings
  15. cis!mpreg
  17. Kamui/Leon:
  18. -Kamui having a gay/bi/mlm awakening around Leon and he just doesn't know what to do with himself, he's so utterly smitten with Leon. He keeps making a complete fool and jackass of himself. No preference whether Kamui is bi/pan/gay etc, but definitely see him as mlm.
  19. -winter fluff with huddling for warmth
  20. -first time
  22. Clair/Gray/Tobin:
  23. I've always wanted a threesome to exist for them but never had the inspiration to finish it myself. All I ask is that Gray/Clair is in a point where she's less at the point of rejecting Gray anymore than say some tsundere banter. Oh, and I'd rather have the participants be bi than gay in this respect with everyone into each other as opposed to 'I'm only reluctantly tolerating this because I love ___. Actually I'm totally disgusted by ___."
  24. Berkut/Rinea:
  25. -pre-bad end winter fluff
  26. -just fuck everything where Berkut didn't go into that tailspin, was able to shake Duma's control, Rinea lived and they lived happily ever after.
  27. -kidfic. No, really. Doting father Berkut teaching his kid how to use a sword. If you are absolutely allergic to children, they adopt a cat and he fusses over that. Or both, if you're down with that.
  29. DNW: MaeBoey or Alm/Celica broken up or paired with other people.
  30. Unhappy endings
  31. kinks involving bodily waste.
  32. noncon.
  34. Ema/Nahyuta, Rayfa & Nahyuta
  36. -Ema/Nahyuta
  37. -winter fluff
  38. -learning about each other's cultures
  39. -first kisses
  40. -stolen kisses at a crime scene
  41. -Secret Relationship trope where Ema is not so great at keeping their relationship secret
  42. -junk food date
  43. -Someone has a "WTF Ema, you're dating a MONK?" conversation with her. No pref who, just the general hilarity of Nahyuta/Ema--intrepid sassy scientist girl who fell in love with a globetrotting monk who is secretly a prince.
  45. -Rayfa and Nahyuta:
  46. -Introducing Rayfa (and Queen Amara) to Ema
  47. -introducing Rayfa to junk food...Rafya loves it as much as Nahyuta
  48. -Nahyuta telling Rayfa about what it was like to live with their father, Rayfa telling Nahyuta about what it was like to live with their father
  49. if none of these prompts inspire you, I've been leaving random writing promptlet things on tumblr since Thanksgiving so feel free to use any of those.
  52. DNW/other notes
  53. I like the married couples in this series (which I include Phoenix/Edgeworth in spirit at least) don't want to see them broken up. If they aren't your cup of tea just please don't mention them in fic? Thanks.
  54. I'm fine with either Non-binary!Nahyuta or gender nonconforming!Nahyuta and have written both. What I dislike fighting over what some vaguely translated lines buried in a blog post mean. Both views are great, please no bashing of either view.
  55. I don't ship Ema or Nahyuta with anybody else (and most ships with them are out and out NOTPS) and would rather not see them broken up or see past ships with them. Mentions of past OC boyfriends or girlfriends is fine.
  56. I personally headcanon Nahyuta as bi/pan. It isn't intrinsic to the fill but uh, please no gay!Nahyuta for obvious reasons.
  57. No noncon, body waste kinks or unhappy endings, please.
  59. Ike/Soren, Heather/Nephneee
  61. Ike/Soren
  62. -First time (post POR)
  63. -first kiss POR or RD or post RD, whenever, don't care.
  64. -first (official) date
  65. -winter fluff, huddling under Ike's cape
  66. Heather/Nephenee
  67. -Neph's pining away with some pretty little angst--with a happy ending when Heather sets Neph straight. (Er, considering them, make that gay?)
  68. -reuniting post game
  69. -winter fluff
  72. I've been writing Heather/Nephenee prompts here for ages if it helps: feel free to use any of these as well for inspiration.
  73. DNW/extra notes: IkeSoren broken up or paired with other people.
  75. Heather/dudes in any sense other than "I once tried dating a dude, didn't like it."
  76. I personally see Nephenee as lesbian due to the fact that she never had a male love interest but canonly reacted to Heather flirting with her. Also, That being said, any kind of wlw!Neph is fine. If you see her as bi or pan or sapphic that's cool too.
  77. No noncon, body waste kinks or unhappy endings, please.
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