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Jan 15th, 2015
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  1. 01-15 18:24:38.314 D/AndroidRuntime(15192): Calling main entry
  2. 01-15 18:24:38.429 D/AndroidRuntime(15192): Shutting down VM
  3. 01-15 18:24:38.444 D/dalvikvm(15192): GC_CONCURRENT freed 103K, 81% free 492K/2560K, paused 0ms+5ms, total 15ms
  4. 01-15 18:24:39.049 I/InputAttributes( 1720): InputType.TYPE_NULL is specified
  5. 01-15 18:24:39.054 W/SettingsValues( 1720): Cannot load auto correction threshold setting. currentAutoCorrectionSetting: 0, autoCorrectionThresholdValues: [, 0.185, 0.067, 0]
  6. 01-15 18:24:39.074 V/TabletStatusBar( 1647): setLightsOn(true)
  7. 01-15 18:24:39.489 D/AndroidRuntime(15210):
  8. 01-15 18:24:39.489 D/AndroidRuntime(15210): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  9. 01-15 18:24:39.489 D/AndroidRuntime(15210): CheckJNI is OFF
  10. 01-15 18:24:39.504 D/dalvikvm(15210): Trying to load lib 0x0
  11. 01-15 18:24:39.509 D/dalvikvm(15210): Added shared lib 0x0
  12. 01-15 18:24:39.624 D/AndroidRuntime(15223):
  13. 01-15 18:24:39.624 D/AndroidRuntime(15223): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  14. 01-15 18:24:39.624 D/AndroidRuntime(15223): CheckJNI is OFF
  15. 01-15 18:24:39.669 D/dalvikvm(15223): Trying to load lib 0x0
  16. 01-15 18:24:39.674 D/dalvikvm(15223): Added shared lib 0x0
  17. 01-15 18:24:39.694 D/dalvikvm(15223): Trying to load lib 0x0
  18. 01-15 18:24:39.694 D/dalvikvm(15223): Added shared lib 0x0
  19. 01-15 18:24:39.909 I/BoardItems(15223): JNI_OnLoad
  20. 01-15 18:24:40.069 D/dalvikvm(15071): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1481K, 44% free 5234K/9183K, paused 99ms, total 99ms
  21. 01-15 18:24:40.169 D/ALSAModule( 1351): open called for devices 00000002 in mode 0...
  22. 01-15 18:24:40.179 I/ALSAModule( 1351): Initialized ALSA PLAYBACK device default
  23. 01-15 18:24:40.394 D/AndroidRuntime(15223): Calling main entry
  24. 01-15 18:24:40.424 D/dalvikvm(15210): Trying to load lib 0x0
  25. 01-15 18:24:40.424 D/dalvikvm(15210): Added shared lib 0x0
  26. 01-15 18:24:40.509 D/AndroidRuntime(15223): Shutting down VM
  27. 01-15 18:24:40.519 D/dalvikvm(15223): GC_CONCURRENT freed 103K, 81% free 492K/2560K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 7ms
  28. 01-15 18:24:40.524 I/AndroidRuntime(15223): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder_3' failed
  29. 01-15 18:24:40.909 I/BoardItems(15210): JNI_OnLoad
  30. 01-15 18:24:41.064 D/AndroidRuntime(15217):
  31. 01-15 18:24:41.064 D/AndroidRuntime(15217): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  32. 01-15 18:24:41.064 D/AndroidRuntime(15217): CheckJNI is OFF
  33. 01-15 18:24:41.084 D/dalvikvm(15217): Trying to load lib 0x0
  34. 01-15 18:24:41.104 D/dalvikvm(15217): Added shared lib 0x0
  35. 01-15 18:24:41.114 D/dalvikvm(15217): Trying to load lib 0x0
  36. 01-15 18:24:41.114 D/dalvikvm(15217): Added shared lib 0x0
  37. 01-15 18:24:41.394 I/BoardItems(15217): JNI_OnLoad
  38. 01-15 18:24:41.399 D/AndroidRuntime(15210): Calling main entry
  39. 01-15 18:24:41.504 D/AndroidRuntime(15210): Shutting down VM
  40. 01-15 18:24:41.529 D/dalvikvm(15210): GC_CONCURRENT freed 103K, 81% free 492K/2560K, paused 0ms+6ms, total 10ms
  41. 01-15 18:24:41.694 D/AndroidRuntime(15217): Calling main entry
  42. 01-15 18:24:41.834 D/AndroidRuntime(15217): Shutting down VM
  43. 01-15 18:24:41.839 I/AndroidRuntime(15217): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder_3' failed
  44. 01-15 18:24:41.894 D/dalvikvm(15217): GC_CONCURRENT freed 103K, 81% free 492K/2560K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 59ms
  45. 01-15 18:24:41.944 D/dalvikvm( 1647): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1345K, 71% free 3939K/13535K, paused 14ms+15ms, total 93ms
  46. 01-15 18:24:43.633 I/ActivityManager( 1569): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10304000 cmp=com.limelight/.PcView bnds=[272,504][368,600] u=0} from pid 1647
  47. 01-15 18:24:44.065 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Reading UID from disk
  48. 01-15 18:24:44.075 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): UID is now: 5c00ac4ce40926bf
  49. 01-15 18:24:44.230 I/ActivityManager( 1569): Displayed com.limelight/.PcView: +308ms
  50. 01-15 18:24:44.300 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Machine looks local; trying local IP first
  51. 01-15 18:24:44.515 D/dalvikvm(15037): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2022K, 56% free 3438K/7647K, paused 2ms+14ms, total 38ms
  52. 01-15 18:24:44.515 D/dalvikvm(15037): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 24ms
  53. 01-15 18:24:44.642 D/dalvikvm( 2814): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1738K, 72% free 1566K/5535K, paused 16ms+21ms, total 62ms
  54. 01-15 18:24:44.722 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): mDNS: Machine appeared: CASA-PC
  55. 01-15 18:24:44.743 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): mDNS: Machine resolved: CASA-PC
  56. 01-15 18:24:44.763 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Machine looks local; trying local IP first
  57. 01-15 18:24:46.003 I/ActivityManager( 1569): START {cmp=com.limelight/.AppView (has extras) u=0} from pid 15037
  58. 01-15 18:24:46.328 I/ActivityManager( 1569): Displayed com.limelight/.AppView: +280ms
  59. 01-15 18:24:47.845 I/ActivityManager( 1569): START {cmp=com.limelight/.Game (has extras) u=0} from pid 15037
  60. 01-15 18:24:47.900 E/Sensors ( 1569): int dmard06_poll__activate(sensors_poll_device_t*, int, int):enable=1
  61. 01-15 18:24:47.905 E/Sensors ( 1569): value=200000 ,gsensor=200000, bytes=6
  62. 01-15 18:24:47.905 E/Sensors ( 1569): value=66667 ,gsensor=66667, bytes=5
  63. 01-15 18:24:48.070 D/dalvikvm(15037): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1602K, 53% free 3612K/7647K, paused 14ms+5ms, total 79ms
  64. 01-15 18:24:48.110 D/dalvikvm( 1569): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2100K, 41% free 10242K/17119K, paused 8ms+16ms, total 241ms
  65. 01-15 18:24:48.200 I/ActivityManager( 1569): Displayed com.limelight/.Game: +298ms
  66. 01-15 18:24:51.368 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Launched new game session
  67. 01-15 18:24:53.527 I/dalvikvm(15037): threadid=12: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/
  68. 01-15 18:24:53.527 D/MtpDeviceJNI(15037): register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
  69. 01-15 18:24:53.527 I/dalvikvm(15037): threadid=12: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/
  70. 01-15 18:24:53.532 I/dalvikvm(15037): threadid=12: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/
  71. 01-15 18:24:53.537 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  72. 01-15 18:24:53.542 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  73. 01-15 18:24:53.547 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  74. 01-15 18:24:53.547 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  75. 01-15 18:24:53.552 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  76. 01-15 18:24:53.552 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  77. 01-15 18:24:53.552 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  78. 01-15 18:24:53.552 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  79. 01-15 18:24:53.557 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  80. 01-15 18:24:53.557 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  81. 01-15 18:24:53.562 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  82. 01-15 18:24:53.562 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  83. 01-15 18:24:53.562 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Examining decoder capabilities of InfotmVideoDecoder
  84. 01-15 18:24:53.562 I/OMXClient(15037): Using client-side OMX mux.
  85. 01-15 18:24:53.562 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Decoder InfotmVideoDecoder does NOT support high profile
  86. 01-15 18:24:53.567 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Examining decoder capabilities of OMX.Infotm.Video.Decoder
  87. 01-15 18:24:53.567 I/OMXClient(15037): Using client-side OMX mux.
  88. 01-15 18:24:53.577 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Decoder OMX.Infotm.Video.Decoder does NOT support high profile
  89. 01-15 18:24:53.577 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  90. 01-15 18:24:53.582 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  91. 01-15 18:24:53.582 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  92. 01-15 18:24:53.582 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  93. 01-15 18:24:53.582 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  94. 01-15 18:24:53.582 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  95. 01-15 18:24:53.587 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  96. 01-15 18:24:53.587 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  97. 01-15 18:24:53.587 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  98. 01-15 18:24:53.592 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  99. 01-15 18:24:53.597 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  100. 01-15 18:24:53.597 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  101. 01-15 18:24:53.597 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): Skipping blacklisted decoder:
  102. 01-15 18:24:53.597 I/com.limelight.LimeLog(15037): First decoder choice is InfotmVideoDecoder
  103. 01-15 18:24:53.597 I/OMXClient(15037): Using client-side OMX mux.
  104. 01-15 18:24:53.602 E/ACodec (15037): Unable to instantiate decoder 'InfotmVideoDecoder'.
  105. 01-15 18:24:53.602 E/MediaCodec(15037): Codec reported an error. (omx error 0x80001003, internalError -2147483648)
  106. 01-15 18:24:53.602 F/libc (15037): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000008 (code=1), thread 15276 (Thread-1452)
  107. 01-15 18:24:53.712 I/DEBUG ( 1346): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  108. 01-15 18:24:53.712 I/DEBUG ( 1346): Build fingerprint: 'Infotmic/A760/A760:4.1.1/JRO03H/user.crownh808.20130315.154827:user/release-keys'
  109. 01-15 18:24:53.712 I/DEBUG ( 1346): pid: 15037, tid: 15276, name: Thread-1452 >>> com.limelight <<<
  110. 01-15 18:24:53.712 I/DEBUG ( 1346): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000008
  111. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): r0 00000000 r1 5d5b0c50 r2 40118bef r3 5c5a28b1
  112. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): r4 5bb77740 r5 5c5bd200 r6 00000000 r7 ffffffed
  113. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): r8 5bc3b6f0 r9 d8e00001 sl 5bbf5a28 fp 5d5b0c94
  114. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): ip 5c5bdb40 sp 5d5b0c00 lr 5c5a2861 pc 5dabf026 cpsr 000e0030
  115. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d0 0000000000000000 d1 0000000000000000
  116. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d2 0000000000000000 d3 0000000000000000
  117. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d4 0000000000000000 d5 0000000000000000
  118. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d6 0000000000000000 d7 0000000000000000
  119. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d8 0000000000000000 d9 00000000000002ec
  120. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
  121. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
  122. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
  123. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d16 0000000000000000 d17 0000000000000000
  124. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d18 0000000000000000 d19 0000000000000000
  125. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d20 0000000000000000 d21 0000000000000000
  126. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d22 0000000000000000 d23 0000000000000000
  127. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
  128. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d26 0000000000000000 d27 0000000000000005
  129. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d28 0000000000000005 d29 0000000000000000
  130. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): d30 0000000000000005 d31 0000000000000000
  131. 01-15 18:24:53.817 I/DEBUG ( 1346): scr 80000011
  132. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  133. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): backtrace:
  134. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #00 pc 0006e026 /system/lib/ (android::MediaCodec::release()+1)
  135. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #01 pc 0000e85d /system/lib/ (android::JMediaCodec::~JMediaCodec()+16)
  136. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #02 pc 0000e8b5 /system/lib/ (android::JMediaCodec::~JMediaCodec()+4)
  137. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #03 pc 0000ee89 /system/lib/ (android::RefBase::decStrong(void const*) const+40)
  138. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #04 pc 0000e00b /system/lib/ (android::sp<android::JMediaCodec>::~sp()+10)
  139. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #05 pc 0000f007 /system/lib/
  140. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #06 pc 0001df30 /system/lib/ (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
  141. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #07 pc 0004d623 /system/lib/ (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+394)
  142. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #08 pc 000273e0 /system/lib/
  143. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #09 pc 0002bf48 /system/lib/ (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180)
  144. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #10 pc 0005fd91 /system/lib/ (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+272)
  145. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #11 pc 0005fdbb /system/lib/ (dvmCallMethod(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, JValue*, ...)+20)
  146. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #12 pc 00054973 /system/lib/
  147. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #13 pc 00012dd0 /system/lib/ (__thread_entry+48)
  148. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #14 pc 00012528 /system/lib/ (pthread_create+172)
  149. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  150. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): stack:
  151. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bc0 5bbf5a18
  152. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bc4 4081194b /system/lib/ (dvmThrowChainedException(ClassObject*, char const*, Object*)+658)
  153. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bc8 42072b40 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
  154. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bcc 41b3e870 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
  155. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bd0 4225c548 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
  156. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bd4 591915f0
  157. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bd8 5d5b0c04
  158. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bdc 5c5b66c1 /system/lib/
  159. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0be0 4400000d /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
  160. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0be4 5c5b66c1 /system/lib/
  161. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0be8 5d5b0c04
  162. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bec 5c5b66c1 /system/lib/
  163. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bf0 09700005
  164. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bf4 40816449 /system/lib/
  165. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bf8 df0027ad
  166. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bfc 00000000
  167. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #00 5d5b0c00 00000000
  168. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c04 5d5b0c50
  169. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c08 40118bef /system/lib/ (android::CallStack::~CallStack())
  170. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c0c 5bb77740
  171. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c10 5c5bd200 /system/lib/
  172. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c14 5c5a2861 /system/lib/ (android::JMediaCodec::~JMediaCodec()+20)
  173. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #01 5d5b0c18 5bb77740
  174. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c1c 5bb77740
  175. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c20 5d5b0c50
  176. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c24 5c5a28b9 /system/lib/ (android::JMediaCodec::~JMediaCodec()+8)
  177. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): #02 5d5b0c28 5bc3b708
  178. 01-15 18:24:53.822 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c2c 40119e8b /system/lib/ (android::RefBase::decStrong(void const*) const+42)
  179. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  180. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): memory near r1:
  181. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c30 5d5b0c50 5d5b0c50 09700005 5c5a200f P.[]P.[]..p.. Z\
  182. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c40 591915f0 5c5a300b 00000000 00000000 ...Y.0Z\........
  183. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c50 5bb77740 4081f5b5 5bbf5a18 572c6128 @w.[...@.Z.[(a,W
  184. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c60 5bbf5a18 00000000 5bc36df4 5d5b0c7c .Z.[.....m.[|.[]
  185. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c70 5bc36de8 407eaf34 00000000 40815fa3 .m.[4.~@....._.@
  186. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  187. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): memory near r2:
  188. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 40118bcc 2300bfe3 47706003 4604b510 6003680b ...#.`pG...F.h.`
  189. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 40118bdc 220cb12b 435a3004 f7fe3104 4620ebb4 +..".0ZC.1.... F
  190. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 40118bec 4770bd10 6803b508 4293680a b163d10b ..pG...h.h.B..c.
  191. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 40118bfc 31043004 435a220c ebaaf7fe 0001f1d0 .0.1."ZC........
  192. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 40118c0c 2000bf38 2000bd08 2001bd08 b508bd08 8.. ... ... ....
  193. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  194. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): memory near r3:
  195. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5a2890 f7fe0114 6920eb9a f104b118 f7fe0110 ...... i........
  196. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5a28a0 4620eb94 eba8f7fe bd704620 0001a9a0 .. F.... Fp.....
  197. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5a28b0 4604b510 ffcaf7ff f7fe4620 4620eba4 ...F.... F.... F
  198. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5a28c0 0000bd10 41f0e92d 68084604 4615460e ....-..A.F.h.F.F
  199. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5a28d0 f8d04698 46083190 4a114611 6812447a .F...1.F.F.JzD.h
  200. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  201. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): memory near r4:
  202. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bb77720 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
  203. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bb77730 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000002b ............+...
  204. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bb77740 5c5bd200 5bc3b708 1d20024a 1d200003 ..[\...[J. ... .
  205. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bb77750 00000000 5bc46968 00000000 5bc48d20 ....hi.[.... ..[
  206. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bb77760 00000028 00000053 0000004e 00000000 (...S...N.......
  207. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  208. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): memory near r5:
  209. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5bd1e0 00000000 00000000 5c5a2513 5c5a2517 .........%Z\.%Z\
  210. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5bd1f0 5c5a24f1 5c5a251d 00000000 00000000 .$Z\.%Z\........
  211. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5bd200 5c5a284d 5c5a28b1 40118bef 40118bef M(Z\.(Z\...@...@
  212. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5bd210 40119d4b 40118bef 00000000 00000000 K..@...@........
  213. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5bd220 5c5a393d 5c5a395d 5c5a37c5 5c5a37c5 =9Z\]9Z\.7Z\.7Z\
  214. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  215. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): memory near r8:
  216. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bc3b6d0 00000001 0000001b 41e01128 40070524 ........(..A$..@
  217. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bc3b6e0 6964656d 654d2e61 43616964 0000001b media.MediaC....
  218. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bc3b6f0 57204d68 00000090 00000000 00000000 hM W............
  219. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bc3b700 00000001 0000001b 00000000 00000001 ................
  220. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bc3b710 5bb77740 00000000 4007056c 0000001b @w.[....l..@....
  221. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  222. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): memory near sl:
  223. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bbf5a08 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000453 ............S...
  224. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bbf5a18 4165f8d6 5bc36de4 572c5f30 58d32000 ..eA.m.[0_,W. .X
  225. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bbf5a28 42166c88 591915f0 5d5b0da8 00000000 .l.B...Y..[]....
  226. 01-15 18:24:53.827 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bbf5a38 5d5b0ddc 0000000c 00000000 407eb0c0 ..[]..........~@
  227. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5bbf5a48 00000000 00000000 40b4e970 5bc33300 ........p..@.3.[
  228. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  229. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): memory near fp:
  230. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c74 407eaf34 00000000 40815fa3 5bc36de4 4.~@....._.@.m.[
  231. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c84 00000001 42163db8 58846550 00000009 .....=.BPe.X....
  232. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c94 4081a627 5bc36de4 5884654c 5c5a2f61 '..@.m.[Le.Xa/Z\
  233. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0ca4 5bbf5a28 00000000 00000000 00000000 (Z.[............
  234. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0cb4 40077a4c 5bbf5a18 4165f8d6 5bc36dd0 Lz.@.Z.[..eA.m.[
  235. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  236. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): memory near ip:
  237. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5bdb20 40119f8d 400a48f9 40118bef 40118bef ...@.H.@...@...@
  238. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5bdb30 40119d4b 40118bef 4011cacd 4011c9f5 K..@...@...@...@
  239. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5bdb40 5dabf025 404bb65d 5dabf345 5dabf0ad %..]].K@E..]...]
  240. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5bdb50 5dabf069 5dabea09 5dabef65 5dabee65 i..]...]e..]e..]
  241. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5bdb60 5dabedc9 5dabec5d 5dabebf5 5dabeb9d ...]]..]...]...]
  242. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  243. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): memory near sp:
  244. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0be0 4400000d 5c5b66c1 5d5b0c04 5c5b66c1 ...D.f[\..[].f[\
  245. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0bf0 09700005 40816449 df0027ad 00000000 ..p.Id.@.'......
  246. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c00 00000000 5d5b0c50 40118bef 5bb77740 ....P.[]...@@w.[
  247. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c10 5c5bd200 5c5a2861 5bb77740 5bb77740 ..[\a(Z\@w.[@w.[
  248. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5d5b0c20 5d5b0c50 5c5a28b9 5bc3b708 40119e8b P.[].(Z\...[...@
  249. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  250. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): code around pc:
  251. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5dabf004 bf0083fe 71756549 0006a2d0 00061656 ....Ieuq....V...
  252. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5dabf014 0006a3e8 0005efa2 0005cf72 0006a62e ........r.......
  253. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5dabf024 6885b537 60c3f44f eefaf7dd 462a490c 7..hO..`.....I*F
  254. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5dabf034 f7dd4604 4621ef44 4668ac02 f951f7e5 .F..D.!F..hF..Q.
  255. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5dabf044 46682300 3d04f844 f7ff4621 4605fad1 .#hFD..=!F.....F
  256. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346):
  257. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): code around lr:
  258. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5a2840 00013aa6 00013a93 00013a7e 4604b570 .:...:..~:..p..F
  259. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5a2850 26004d16 3508447d 69806005 ec20f7fe .M.&}D.5.`.i.. .
  260. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5a2860 ebc4f7fe 46056801 238cf8d1 479068e1 .....h.F...#.h.G
  261. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5a2870 682860e6 6d8368a1 47984628 60a669a0 .`(h.h.m(F.G.i.`
  262. 01-15 18:24:53.832 I/DEBUG ( 1346): 5c5a2880 f104b118 f7fe0118 6960eba0 f104b118 ..........`i....
  263. 01-15 18:24:53.902 D/dalvikvm(15071): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1772K, 46% free 5035K/9311K, paused 47ms, total 56ms
  264. 01-15 18:24:54.022 D/dalvikvm(15071): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 303K, 46% free 5056K/9311K, paused 32ms, total 36ms
  265. 01-15 18:24:54.037 I/BootReceiver( 1569): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_06 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
  266. 01-15 18:24:54.097 W/InputDispatcher( 1569): channel '4249a5b8 com.limelight/com.limelight.PcView (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
  267. 01-15 18:24:54.097 E/InputDispatcher( 1569): channel '4249a5b8 com.limelight/com.limelight.PcView (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
  268. 01-15 18:24:54.097 W/InputDispatcher( 1569): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '4249a5b8 com.limelight/com.limelight.PcView (server)'
  269. 01-15 18:24:54.097 I/WindowManager( 1569): WINDOW DIED Window{4249a5b8 com.limelight/com.limelight.PcView paused=false}
  270. 01-15 18:24:54.102 I/ActivityManager( 1569): Process com.limelight (pid 15037) has died.
  271. 01-15 18:24:54.102 W/ActivityManager( 1569): Force removing ActivityRecord{426a69a8 com.limelight/.Game}: app died, no saved state
  272. 01-15 18:24:54.107 D/Zygote ( 1349): Process 15037 terminated by signal (11)
  273. 01-15 18:24:54.107 W/InputDispatcher( 1569): channel '4227be88 com.limelight/com.limelight.AppView (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
  274. 01-15 18:24:54.107 E/InputDispatcher( 1569): channel '4227be88 com.limelight/com.limelight.AppView (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
  275. 01-15 18:24:54.107 W/InputDispatcher( 1569): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '4227be88 com.limelight/com.limelight.AppView (server)'
  276. 01-15 18:24:54.107 I/WindowManager( 1569): WINDOW DIED Window{4227be88 com.limelight/com.limelight.AppView paused=false}
  277. 01-15 18:24:54.117 W/InputDispatcher( 1569): channel '4221c140 Establishing Connection (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
  278. 01-15 18:24:54.117 E/InputDispatcher( 1569): channel '4221c140 Establishing Connection (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
  279. 01-15 18:24:54.127 W/WindowManager( 1569): Failed looking up window
  280. 01-15 18:24:54.127 W/WindowManager( 1569): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@4245aa30 does not exist
  281. 01-15 18:24:54.127 W/WindowManager( 1569): at
  282. 01-15 18:24:54.127 W/WindowManager( 1569): at
  283. 01-15 18:24:54.127 W/WindowManager( 1569): at$DeathRecipient.binderDied(
  284. 01-15 18:24:54.127 W/WindowManager( 1569): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(
  285. 01-15 18:24:54.127 W/WindowManager( 1569): at Method)
  286. 01-15 18:24:54.127 I/WindowState( 1569): WIN DEATH: null
  287. 01-15 18:24:54.127 I/WindowState( 1569): WIN DEATH: Window{41e43e08 com.limelight/com.limelight.Game paused=false}
  288. 01-15 18:24:54.127 W/WindowManager( 1569): Force-removing child win Window{4220f8d8 SurfaceView paused=false} from container Window{41e43e08 com.limelight/com.limelight.Game paused=false}
  289. 01-15 18:24:54.137 W/InputDispatcher( 1569): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '4221c140 Establishing Connection (server)'
  290. 01-15 18:24:54.137 I/WindowState( 1569): WIN DEATH: Window{4221c140 Establishing Connection paused=false}
  291. 01-15 18:24:54.142 W/WindowManager( 1569): Failed looking up window
  292. 01-15 18:24:54.142 W/WindowManager( 1569): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@426f3e38 does not exist
  293. 01-15 18:24:54.142 W/WindowManager( 1569): at
  294. 01-15 18:24:54.142 W/WindowManager( 1569): at
  295. 01-15 18:24:54.142 W/WindowManager( 1569): at$DeathRecipient.binderDied(
  296. 01-15 18:24:54.142 W/WindowManager( 1569): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(
  297. 01-15 18:24:54.142 W/WindowManager( 1569): at Method)
  298. 01-15 18:24:54.142 I/WindowState( 1569): WIN DEATH: null
  299. 01-15 18:24:54.147 I/WindowManager( 1569): WINDOW DIED Window{4221c140 Establishing Connection paused=false}
  300. 01-15 18:24:54.152 E/InputDispatcher( 1569): Received spurious receive callback for unknown input channel. fd=241, events=0x9
  301. 01-15 18:24:54.192 I/ActivityManager( 1569): Start proc com.limelight for activity com.limelight/.AppView: pid=15282 uid=10066 gids={3003, 1028}
  302. 01-15 18:24:54.232 E/Sensors ( 1569): int dmard06_poll__activate(sensors_poll_device_t*, int, int):enable=0
  303. 01-15 18:24:54.232 E/Sensors ( 1569): value=66667 ,gsensor=66667, bytes=5
  304. 01-15 18:24:54.412 D/dalvikvm( 1569): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2579K, 42% free 10025K/17119K, paused 4ms+20ms, total 177ms
  305. 01-15 18:24:54.472 E/Trace (15282): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
  306. 01-15 18:24:54.532 E/PhonePolicy(15282): Could not preload class for phone policy:$ContextMenuCallback
  307. 01-15 18:24:54.642 D/TextLayoutCache(15282): Using debug level = 0 - Debug Enabled = 0
  308. 01-15 18:24:54.662 D/dalvikvm(15282): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 121K, 80% free 698K/3484K, paused 6ms, total 6ms
  309. 01-15 18:24:54.862 D/libEGL (15282): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  310. 01-15 18:24:54.862 D/dalvikvm(15282): GC_CONCURRENT freed 93K, 50% free 2385K/4703K, paused 15ms+1ms, total 27ms
  311. 01-15 18:24:54.867 D/libEGL (15282): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  312. 01-15 18:24:54.872 D/libEGL (15282): loaded /system/lib/egl/
  313. 01-15 18:24:54.887 D/OpenGLRenderer(15282): Enabling debug mode 0
  314. 01-15 18:24:55.037 I/ActivityManager( 1569): Displayed com.limelight/.AppView: +864ms
  315. 01-15 18:24:55.427 D/dalvikvm(15282): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1150K, 52% free 3067K/6367K, paused 12ms+17ms, total 73ms
  316. 01-15 18:24:55.742 W/InputMethodManagerService( 1569): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 15037 uid 10066
  317. 01-15 18:24:56.945 D/ALSAModule( 1351): open called for devices 00000002 in mode 0...
  318. 01-15 18:24:56.956 I/ALSAModule( 1351): Initialized ALSA PLAYBACK device default
  319. 01-15 18:24:57.997 W/InputMethodManagerService( 1569): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@422e6450 attribute=null
  320. 01-15 18:25:00.293 D/dalvikvm( 1647): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1696K, 70% free 4085K/13535K, paused 19ms+3ms, total 93ms
  321. 01-15 18:25:00.663 V/TabletStatusBar( 1647): setLightsOn(true)
  322. 01-15 18:25:01.866 D/dalvikvm( 2030): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1131K, 53% free 3872K/8095K, paused 132ms, total 134ms
  323. 01-15 18:25:02.051 W/GAV4 ( 2030): Thread[Thread-113,5,main]: Exception sending hit: HttpHostConnectException
  324. 01-15 18:25:02.051 W/GAV4 ( 2030): Thread[Thread-113,5,main]: Connection to refused
  325. 01-15 18:25:02.056 W/GAV4 ( 2030): Thread[Thread-113,5,main]: Empty hitIds passed to deleteHits.
  326. 01-15 18:25:03.752 D/meteoclimatic.meteoclimatic(14853): Numero de appWidgetIds=1
  327. 01-15 18:25:03.767 D/meteoclimatic.meteoclimatic(14853): Transparencias 1
  328. 01-15 18:25:03.767 D/meteoclimatic.updateAppWidget(14853): INICIANDO PROCESO para el Id Widget=8
  329. 01-15 18:25:03.767 D/meteoclimatic.updateAppWidget(14853): Código de estación=ESAND0400000004120B
  330. 01-15 18:25:03.772 D/meteoclimatic.updateAppWidget(14853): Iniciando actualización :18:25 - Estación: Almería - La Cañada (Almería)
  331. 01-15 18:25:03.777 D/meteoclimatic.descargar_fichero(14853): Conexión Wifi Activa
  332. 01-15 18:25:03.777 D/meteoclimatic.descargar_fichero(14853): Conexión Wifi Activa
  333. 01-15 18:25:03.817 D/AndroidRuntime(15318):
  334. 01-15 18:25:03.817 D/AndroidRuntime(15318): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
  335. 01-15 18:25:03.817 D/AndroidRuntime(15318): CheckJNI is OFF
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